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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well I guess I should say welcome to the site and enjoy your stay and to make sure I beat a dead horse make sure to check rules and the Xisto readme for some important and good information to enjoy your stay here on Xisto. So here is your gift basket of spam and malware programs for you to use .
  2. Welcome to Xisto and enjoy your stay, make sure to read the rules and other important info to enjoy your stay even more; which you can read right here. So here is your gift basket of microchips and computer software and enjoy your stay here on Xisto.com.
  3. Saint_Michael


    Well now, welcome to the website and as my previous posters have mention make sure to check the rules and the read me files for some great info on how to post without getting into trouble and what not. So here is your gift basket with assorted fruits and vegetables and a emoticon from me....<----thats me.
  4. Well to put it bluntly with the organs you basically have to be dead or dying, because you have one of each except for the lungs and kidney and if your still living that won't help as much as the other person. With blood thats a bit trickier do to the fact that most blood cannot be accepted due to millions of reasons and most of them fall in the lines of some sort of disease that makes the blood bad and so that is the only legit excuse people will have. Of course the got the normal excuses such as I don't want or I am to busy ands stuff. For me though I don't trust blood banks because you don't know how clean they are and I wouldn't like the fact that I somehow caught a rare disease because of some dirty needle. I will admit not all blood banks are like that but I can't trust a needle that I don't see for myself or if the building they are in is worse the the outside is.
  5. Well I am not using ROR but I know of a site that has a good yet small set of tutorials for ROR so you can check it out here. Ruby shouldn't be that brand new maybe what 2 years and some change for it?
  6. I believe I seen this posted somewhere before but not to sure about it, but anyways all this script does is move a image around somewhere. But this only works in IE and not in firefox; in firefox all it does is misalign the text and thats it.
  7. I would have to agree with street on something that is common knowledge to most everyone, however, you get the occasional noobie computer user and so it still has it's purposes for those using a computer for the first time.
  8. Very good sig, the busy part could be smooth over with some smooth grunge brushing and of course the text needs to be fixed as well.
  9. Like haslip mention the code is clean which is always good, but me being a gfx person the images you got are just not working, the border leave a halo around the edges and the jagginess of them doesn't fit well either. The background should blend in smoothly and not stand out so much. Best route to go is fill in the rest of the background to replace the black background you have, your coding is good the actual display needs some work.
  10. Very interesting, so that how they set up installation program for your software, but I do believe there are some programs that help with this process as well, but still very interesting on how to do it. Good Job!!
  11. Interesting concept although a bit costly as well, because what most people don't know about especially those who don't use the transfer system is that a 3% credit tax is set up on transfer, so it will cost you a bit more to transfer credits to those who win them. This also applies to those who donate credits as well through the transfer system and so you will have to build up credits to not only cover the costs to those who get them but also the transfer rates as well. As for the challenges NO HACKING because you don't know what kid of problems you will be creating with those kind of challenges on the server and the admins already have enough problems with spammers and other server related problems that they don't need to fix this. I would assume you have a game plan for the award system especially if you have more then 1 person winning the quizzes and other challenges because you won't be able to cover all the winners especially through donations. Of course you could purchase credits but that will get a bit expensive as more and more people enter and win.I wouldn't worry about a design for right now, but how to deal with credits and how to award them.
  12. First of all I got to say awesome grunge templates you have, very good depth and brushing and would be awesome for gaming sites. One problem I do see is that they won't be able to expand with the content and you are stuck with using iframes to display it with everything.
  13. You got some good stuff there especially the first one, the colors work well with each other especially with the c4d renders you used. The second seems to lack in some areas; like hte background for instance you got the c4d blending in with the soft grunge and the render doesn't seem to fit well with the color.
  14. Welcome to Xisto and enjoy your stay, make sure to check up on the rules and what not and how to properly get your hosting with no problems.
  15. Well I finally Updated the site based on the results of the poll and of course made some minor changes to the navigation menu. The big update is the about page, I decided to go with a index of links based on the polls I set up since the actual navigation menu is set in stone and any changes made to it would break the design.So here are some quick links for you to enjoy, but don't forget to visit the rest of the site, also I do have a forum set up but at this time I am still trying to figure out where I want to go with it.NO LONGER VALID LINKS
  16. Well it seems Microsoft have been in the news a lot lately, first with vista being introduce, ani file hack, it's war on open source and of course the big secret meeting between them and yahoo. Well today they just dropped $6 billion dollars in cash for a online ad agency, which is the most money Microsoft has ever spent to date when purchasing a company. Of course their reason for this purchase is of course to boost MSN search engine use and of course get their slice of the online advertisement pie. After google scored a deal with double click last month. SOURCE HERE
  17. Well it seems google is going into the ISP business now, today they announce "Google Apps Partner Edition" for ISP and Web portals. Which basically are applications like email service and all that other great stuff in which ISP's and portals don't have to concentrate so much on their own servers with the same services. Of course they don't mention how much this package will cost ISP and web portal owners but most likely, the package that you can purchase for $50 will either be abotu the same or more, but that is my guess though. Yahoo mentions it in a couple of articles but to get the full story you will have ot check out googles blogs for more info (which is the third link). SOURCES Here Here Here
  18. All I have to say this is hte smartest thing anyone has done about this war so far, I been keeping tads on this since it was first announce late last year. Of course you can say the media did the right thing by just mentioning the fact a member of the royal family was going to Iraq especially as a tank commander in the front lines. Who knows what could have happen if Harry would have been taken hostage? Of course when your a royal, famous, rich and wealthy and with the right connections you don't have to worry about such things, however, I would say Harry was sincere about not being able to go war and fight amongst his fellow soldiers.
  19. with the conn.php file oyu need to fill in the DB I give you an example: DB name: forum_forum User name: forum password: 12345 Ok now with that MySQL info you just fill in the file as so. $host = 'localhost';$user = 'forum';$pass = '12345';$db = 'forum_forum';mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass) or die ("Database is unavailable. Please try again later.");mysql_select_db($db) or die ("Database is unavailable. Please try again later."); Now what this file does is connect your MySQL database to your php scripts and thus be able to store information from a users registration such as name and password a person uses. Now with most log in scripts you have to keep them very secure especially your DB or a hacker could compromise the system and be able to steal or delete your files, if I remember correctly on log in scripts most of them will be 0666 or 0755 as for a somewhat more stable secured script. Also I would recommend you check out pixel2life.com as they have several login system scripts that are well detailed such as the ones on here and some go into a lot of detail how to set up and secure them.
  20. I would have gone with AV Studio but that site is taken already Maybe A. Villa Studio's would work well it short and it includes parts of your first and last name and it's catchy too .
  21. I wouldn't be cheering about it really because once again politics rears its ugly head over this laptop. First he decided to bump up the price to $175 because of the hardware and software that would be installed but also the fact Microsoft decided to put it's greedy little hands in the project to help bump up that price tag as well. And like OMG on this, how stupid can you be to put a hand crank generator on a computer, do we all live in the early 1900 or something? I would think a lower powered battery would work well with these computers, of course I will admit that this would only be beneficial to those without electricity and what not, but think about this you be spending mos of your time "Hand cranking" a computer in order to use it.Using pen source software yo run the computer was great idea to make it very cheap computer to buy and still be powerful enough, making a deal with Microsoft to install a operating system on that computer stupid idea because of the price increase and the fact Microsoft can charge whats his name a lot more money to use their stuff. Of course as of yet no one has ponied up the cash to get this going yet since they need 3 million orders to get this going, which shouldn't be that hard to get since there's like over 6 billion people on the planets and 70% +/-5-10% who are poor or live in undeveloped nations.To me this is a great idea and I would like to see this go, however, I think more should have gone into the thinking process with this computer to clear out the bugs of what is going to be in it. They claim the price will drop eventually but I don't see that happening especially once updates and patches start strolling in, thanks to the Microsoft graft that will be coming in with this computer.
  22. Well the critcis are sure wrong about 3 thats all I have to say about that. I Dunno unles they plan to bring king pin and carnage into the mix and make then very dark I don't think it will be possible. I totally agree with srujanlive the rumors being to spread once Spider man 4 came out that toby wasn't coming back, sami rami not directing it will just lead into very bad places. Personally I think someone better could do mary jane as to who I dunno just not Dunst so I am not worried about that. Of course being being a spider-man fan most of the villians in spider man are sub par in the comics and cartoon, only the goblins, king pin, venom, carnage were the best out of all that group. So I have feeling it SM 4, 5 ,6 are going to very bad of course if Spider Man 4 flops then you won't worry about seeing 5 and 6 from appearing on the screen.
  23. Wait so this not Note Pad ++ then? because if I remember correctly note pad ++ more or less did the same thing or is this a more improved version of note pad ++? For me though I like to stay with simple stuff with notepad because of it's simplicity and not all the bells and whistles it took from a html editor. From taking a look at some of the screen shots I wouldn't be calling it notepad anymore maybe more like a simple html text editor like you would see back in the days when everyone was spitting out html editors left and right.SMALL NOTETHIS IS THE OFFICIAL 300,000 POST OF Xisto.
  24. Well the best way to go is usually have something along the lines of ________ design's since your a designer and devloper, usually your first name or last name or a combination of both would work well since you don't want a name like "Uber Death Design" to scare off the kids. But it would easier to figure out if you already have a site up or a preview of you site, since it will determine the best way to give your site a name.
  25. I would have to concur that having this cup cull of liquid would be a bit problematic especially if you got it connected to a laptop computer. I wouldn't think it's that hard to think of some crazy thing to connect a USB port to. Of course I don't think a USB could support a air conditioner since you would need huge amounts of power that a single computer doesn't have. Hmmm... maybe a USB CAR , speaking of which it would a interest Idea to have usb in your car so as to charge your computer up while driving, of course their would have to be alot of tweaking sine you don't that usb port to melt and your computer to blow up .
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