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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. It is great now because of about 40 years of hard work from literally millions of programmers across the world to make sureit would function correctly. To think the internet was design by military for it's defense computer in case of World War III. However, the internet does has it's short comings; millions of people have join the criminal underground from the simple script kiddie to professional hackers who can ipe out whole business operations with a simple few clicks of a buttons and some code.I do agree that you something every day by just searching a website of course the fun part is trying to figure out if the website that's displaying that info is legit or not. The internet is great but not landing on the moon great, maybe it could achieve that status if we sent our first internet signal to the moon and then back to earth.
  2. Well CS3 gives you a small update on the tool bars which I like, they also put the image ready sodtware inside CS3 as well, because I had to design a sniation, it got a bit tricky but I was able to figure out. Theirs no real big difference in terms of what the two can do but if you have dreamweaver CS3 it somewhat makes your live easier in templates. However he did have this one glitch in which you tried to type text you get this error, and that error was in reference to if you have a lot of fonts. Another thing I really notice is that it's not a big resource Hog like CS2 was and finally it's online manual is great.
  3. Most of the code snippets are usually used for community driven sites but they do give some general idea on how php works. Don't forget if your starting out php for the first time that when saving php files that you need to have the .php extension on your files or they will not work. Display Browser info This piece of code displays a user's browser info on how they are seeing the website <?php echo $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; ?> Actual Display- Display IP Address The next piece of code is easy to figure out, all it does is display the users current IP address and that is including using a fake IP number as well which is done by using another proxy or using a proxy site <?php echo $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; ?> Display Last Modify With this piece of code, if you remeber back in the javascript craze that there was a piece of code that would display the last tiem the page has been updated, well the same concept but in PHP <?//where the main page you want to display for modification$last_modified = filemtime("thepageyouwant.php");//print it all outprint("Page Last Edited");print(date("m/j/y h:i", $last_modified));?> Display ISP host/IP number With this piece of code it will display the ISP service you are using along with your IP number. <?php$hostname = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);echo $hostname;?> Actual Display- Display Load Time this piece of code shows a user how long it took a page to load, usually anything passed the decimal point is a bad thing, but usually hte coding is good enough that it get pretty low <?php $load = microtime();print (number_format($load,2));?> Update Copyright Date I find this a interesting php script, which saves you about 30 seconds of updating all your pages when a new year comes, so with this little script all you do is put in your domain name and or any other info within that echo statement. <?php$year = date("Y"); //defines the yearecho("Š $year yoursite.com"); //the echoing?> Thats a few I have come across and actually bookmark from the many sites I have come across, the best part you don't have to make a major alterations to these code in order for them to work. Of course for those who have being coding in php for awhile then you will be able to adapt these in your php scripts.
  4. I agree on what haslip that nothing is 100% maybe 25% secured , anyways on that one template that I finally got to, it looks interesting but I don't see in practical use for it especially since everyone is goinf for the profession white background style with some color these days. Of course I don't look around for blog sites and check them out and see what they have for templates, since I am not a blogger of any sorts.
  5. Heck I would go for it, drop down all the charges you can on him and see how he likes not being able to touch a computer for quite a long time. Got to love script kiddies and by the looks of it he left his name on the pwnage screen . So go ahead and ruin his chances of using a computer ever again . Also if he hacked the site from school that means he is royally screwed since he will get double the punishment from both the score and which ever authorities you decide to talk to. Well hopefully you have a backup of your site and all that good stuff so you don't have to start from scratch again.
  6. I am in shock and awe that I got in two arcade reviews in one week and two think I was going spread them out and stuff for people to read and bring in their thoughts of these old school games. So lets head down to memory lane to another great old school game from the Marvel era, Captain America and the Avengers based off of comic book heroes and villians made famous during the 40s-60s. There not much to go with on this game because if you read any of my previous reviews, this game more or less for the same structure of course adding it's own flavor. Such as the hitting special effects of "THWAK!," "WHAM!," "KABOOM!," "KRAK!," in cookie wording. So lets get started by saying those famous words AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!! Captain America & The Avengers Some screen shots Game Maker: Data East Year: 1991 Levels: 5 with sub levels in each stage Price: 50 cents Sound: 9.5 (the music was awesome but that laugh got annoying after awhile, the character audio was clear so that was good point) Graphics: 9 (although the graphics were clear and colorful they lacked detail, especially compared to the games that came out before it) Mini Games: none Difficulty: 9 ( I give this a nice high rating since your life bar is limited unless you pump in enough quarters to max out, of course that wouldn't matter when it came time to the bosses as they had their unique abilities.) Game play: As usual with most beat em up games you get a standard attack, running attack, jumping attack and of course the two button combo special attack. Of course you get to pick items to throw at the bad guys like benches, rocks, cans and other goodies. Plot: Well the story goes the Red Skull decides to take over the world with a giant laser cannon and of course with the help of several villains and giant robot machines. So as Captain America or one of the other Avengers your mission if you choose to accept is to save the world and defeat the Red Skull. First Impressions Of course as usual with my memory when it came to figuring out how much I spent playing this game is pretty week, so I would go with the $30-$40 range as to how much I dropped into the machine. As usual I would tell you how far I got into this game including it's port but strangely enough I can't give a straight answer as I feel that I actually gone all the way in port and maybe the last stage in the arcade game with help of course. Either way this was a good game especially the flying and swimming stages as you could use your special attack without pressing two buttons. I know my brother and I would play this game on the genesis and play till we had no more continues, but like I said I can't really recall if we ever completed the game or not, but I believe we did. Of course the one thing I do remember is that the audio was horrible on the port you could barely hear what they are saying, however, the arcade was crystal clear. I almost forget you got help from other members of the avenger team with either life increase, flying machine's, diving gear and protection, although the protection was more useful then anything else as you could wipe out more bad guys and what not. 16 years later Well I got this game to play and this time I can confirm that I actually beat this game and I would say it took about $70 worth of quarters on two players (didn't have the 4 player version) to finish this game. My finger's were even hurting after playing this game, but I believe I played a few others when I started this game. Still enjoyable but replay value is kind of sub par since you have only 4 characters to use and so once you run through all 4 of them no point in really playing it again. Overall Ranking9 (good game to play for some sweet text effects and the annoying laugh "HAAHAHA" or something like that, but replay value is limited, yeah you could see how long you can last but it gets boring after awhile.) If you find this laying around in a arcade or find a port or it's MAME go ahead see see how far you can get and enjoy the sweet ending. So now for a catchy slogan..... "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2009 SM Old School Legend.
  7. Well it seems google search engine will get a big update when people begin using the search engine. When a person checks the results of what they entered, they now have the option to check if video's exsist but instead the video will be within the search query. So basically instead of clicking all over the place everything will be intertwined within each other, they also plan to include a gmail link up on top of the search results. Which means new people can sign up for a gmail account that is now open to the public. They also provided a link to new idea's google is testing on their search engine, one them called time line search, in which a user can see a timeline of a person and what they did between their birth and death. So it seems google will stay on top as the best search engine in the world as yahoo and microsoft try to spend millions to get to the level of google. SOURCE Here Here Here
  8. Well I use my computer for pretty much everything, coding, school, email, surfing, reading, watching dvd's, play games just to name a few things that I do with my computer. Of course I been using it a lot for posting here on trap (what a promo .
  9. Well I didn't look at every single word I just looked at stuff that I noticed right away .
  10. Well of course Stallone is getting ready to make a new rambo movie since 1988 when the trilogy was completed, but yeah I would say the time line would fit for the rocky movie. Of course look at armold when Terminator 3 came out you could tell that he lost some of his muscle mass, but look at the age of these two though, it gets a lot harder to stay in fit as you get older especially if your buffed out like those two did back in the 80s and you lose that mass over time.
  11. YEAH!!! I won!! I think I put my face in the background somewhere . I have to say that there were some good designs in this contest for vujsa's site, I like to thanks those who voted for me and stuff .
  12. Maybe thats why Microsoft is going after the open source community because of those ties with unix it could be that they had some of their applications become open source and and years later they want their money back . Funny feeling though they combine the xenix code with the dos and thus windows was born
  13. The answer would be there is no cheap way to boost your signal, without getting a bigger wifi antenna and get it set up to your computer. Here is a site that deals with exactly that: http://www.radiolabs.com/products/wireless/wireless.html They look pretty cheap from some of the prices I saw and that would be the most effective way to boost your signal. Also in your wifi admin panel make sure your wireless channel is set at ti's highest heading for me it was Channel 11 at 2.462 GHz, so hopefully these two idea's help you out as well as yo utry to boost your signal.
  14. It's not legit if you closely enough you can figure it out that it's just a fake site. Here are the reasons why;-Layout is wrong from the past and current looks-if you go to the support page is is obvious that it is a joke page-copyright is outdatedThose are just a few I could list moe but you get the idea from the three I just presented to you.
  15. Well to give you all small update the first thing that Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End has to do is bring in at least $149 million dollars to beat out spider-man 3 on opening weekend. Now If POTC brings in more then that that it will be a possibility. Of course POTC did beat out spider man two on opening weekend so I don't think it will be hard, now what would be interesting after they run their 2-3 months will they extend it like they did with POTC 2.
  16. Yeah It's local a thing, of course if the Headquarters isn't fixing hte problem then it could become federal. If you all remember a few months ago about hte rat infestation in the McDonald's, of course lets not forget the occasional finger or finger nail in the chili and wendy's either. I don't mind eating at fast food places because I am a snack craver and I go there from time to time, but when I hear stuff like that I sometimes check my food just in case. Of course if you were smart I would report that place to the department of health and get them inspected and make sure the are up to standards.
  17. Hmmm the mechanics don't seem right on this, in order to stay warm the USB cable would have to generate 80 degree heat constantly and of course draw that power from a computer. I don't think USB circuitry can handle this, reason I say that is because a couple of times I had usb drives get super heated when plugged in., so I am trying to figure out how they bypass the constant heat on the wires and circuts and not burn out.But other then that en genius idea on trying to keep your coffee warm .
  18. That not my math teacher I am referring to, I was referring to the teacher in those links has follow the same procedure as stated by your previous post. Now just remember what I was referring to in my last post since .9999~ is not a whole number and not solid so a minor correction on that. Well think about it though .9999~ is a fraction right? and if that 9 keeps repeating itself in just basic math then it will never equal 1. But I think it was mention somewhere you have to be high up there in math; like trig calculus and even physics. So I would say my state is true that depending on the situation that .9999~ is being used it will never be a true whole number, but it could be especially when you go into margin of error +/-. Taking this stats class last semester, .9999~ would become a whole number so to have none of those factions appear in statistics reports and thus the margin of error would go into effect. But hopefullly I can bump into this math teacher at college and ask him about it and see what he comes up with. I think he's been a math teacher since about 30 years so I would say he could give a good solid answer on this. This isn't the matrix lets try and stay in the physical plane . It reminds me of a Star Trek episode where they mention a dodecahedron, which I believe is like 26 sides shape or something like that, but of course now we would be going into physics about containing energy and what not.
  19. Might have been one of those random glitches that happens in the forum, occasionally people report that the hide tag glitches and thus the sig block shows everything. I remember back in 2005 people were having problems were their accounts when it came to pm's and even moderator reports and that they never got them. But I check out my friends list and everything was there, so it's nothing to worry about unless it starts becoming a habit and what not.
  20. Man that is huge news and to think I was goign to try my hand into partition and install a version of linux on a computer I guess I have to wait. But what really got this really going was these two paragraphs: But the Big question is if it happens, how many companies and people will get bankrupt out of this and how would that affect our economy as well? Since many web hosting companies use both windows and apache for it's primary servers. OF course it's bad enough Microsoft is like the the number 1 tech business and it's founder the richest person in the world, they want control of all the software thats out there as well and knowing Microsoft they are going to go way back in the 1990's when linux first came out and nail everyone and that could be in the billions if this does go through. Of course this huge case could take years or even decades as they go through everyone of those patent and see if Microsoft holds those tights, but Microsoft could be pulling a scare tatic and make everyone settle out of court and thus closing small companies down and what not. This should be a very interestin case and the whole tech world will be watching this as it unfolds.
  21. Well I would start with this site that talk about gzip and and what not. http://www.gnu.org/software/gzip/ Also I would check out the manual since it will take some practice to work this correctly. http://www.gnu.org/software/gzip/manual/gzip.html. But from doing some searching you need to have an extensive knowledge of databases and of course linux system. Of course maybe we have a member on the forum that has installed gzip manually. But from the looks of it this is at a admin level that must be installed and if memory serves me correctly it is installed with the current php that is running. So if you want to enable gizp through your site then this tutorial might help you out. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  22. Well for those who have been reading my reviews and what not about those old school arcade games, I would fathom a guess that most of you were waiting to see when and if I was going to review the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade games. Well Guess what it turtle time as I review both great classics in one review; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time. I will admit like the other 80 billion kids during my day of awesome 80's and early 90's cartoons I was hooked on these guys. I watched the TV series I played one of if not the hardest video game ever (NES TMNT). I was hooked enough that I bought the bought the cheesy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live concert video. Strangely enough that VCR cassette is still here in the house(not in my room). Of course I seen all 3 movies and even seen a few episode of the live action tv show as well. I seen a couple of episodes of the new stuff never really got into it as I am a little older and a little wiser. No I never saw the new movie either, was tempted to see it but I think you owuld have to know about the new tv series in order to figure out what going in that movie. Anyways not to stray to much off course it's a REVIEW TIME!! *Que Music* Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles..Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles..Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles..Turtles in a half shell..TURTLE POWER!! First up Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Some screen shots Game Maker: Konami Year: 1989 Levels: 7 Price: 50 cents Sound: 10 (The sound to this game was awesome especially the dialogue that was used for the character, very clear and the music was good as well) Graphics: 10 (The graphics were clean, cartoony detailed. Animation sequences were smooth as well) Mini Games: none Difficulty: 5 before the bosses and a nice spike of 9 on the bosses (My reason for this rating is that most of the time your fighting foot soldiers of various colors and small fries, usually your life bar goes down over time. However, during the boss fights they have a bit more kick to them and take longer to finish off, expect to go through many quarters during a single boss level). Now mind you that was solo play at 4 players I would bump it up to 7 because your dealing with a lot more small fries and if you don't pay attention you get SHELL SHOCK, but the boss rating is still the same. Gameplay: Your simple button mashing interface with jump and turtle specific weapon, with your assortment of traps, exploding cans and pizza boxes. Which includes hundreds of foot soldiers, mousers, Roadkill Rodneys and with a boss at the end of each stage except for the highway stage. Plot: Well there two objectives basically save April and then beat on Shredder and his minions, that about it really. Yeah kinds of disappointing, but the replay value is like 10x better. First Impressions To my recollection I only played this a few times, I stuck with the port, of course I never really got that far I believe the farthest I gotten on quarters was level 3 (sewers) and I always might my demise there. I might have have dropped at least $5 a game worth of quarters, so I would say maybe $30 I spent total . Of course I spent most of my time with port on the Nintendo so that would be the reason why I spent so little. However for a game beyond it's time the game play was awesome, since you have constant enemies on both sides after you so you never had a pause anywhere to rest your fingers from jamming them into the console like that. 18 years laterWell I got the game and still was challenging, I believed about pumped in about $50-60 in quarters to finish this game with all four turtles, of course instead of playing smart to see how long I could last against the bosses I just went full force. But I was glad to finish another great arcade classic, especially since they showed shredder's ugly pixelated face ahahaha. Overall Ranking This game gets a solid 10 just because of it's replay value, sound, graphics and game play. Although there was not a solid story to this that didn't really matter to me to much and most gamers to begin with, so worth the game play in arcades that still holds this game. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Some screen shots Game Maker: Konami Year: 1991 Levels: 9 Price: 50 cents Sound: 10 (The sound to this game was awesome especially the dialogue that was used for the character, very clear and the music was good as well) Graphics: 10 (The graphics were clean, cartoony detailed. Animation sequences were smooth as well) Mini Games: none Difficulty: 5 before the bosses and a nice spike of 9 on the bosses (My reason for this rating is that most of the time your fighting foot soldiers of various colors and small fries, usually your life bar goes down over time. However, during the boss fights they have a bit more kick to them and take longer to finish off, expect to go through many quarters during a single boss level). Now mind you that was solo play at 4 players I would bump it up to 7 because your dealing with a lot more small fries and if you don't pay attention you get SHELL SHOCK, but the boss rating is still the same. Gameplay: Your simple button mashing interface with jump and turtle specific weapon, with your assortment of traps, exploding cans and pizza boxes. Which includes hundreds of foot soldiers, mousers, Roadkill Rodneys and with a boss at the end of each stage except for the highway stage. This time though they added more into the special attacks, they included included running attacks and a special pizza box with which I believe to be a 5 sec 360 degree attack that hits anything in that turtles path. Plot: Well this time have a better plot then the previous game, because this time Shredder and Krang, stole the Statue of Liberty, but to set the turtles up and time warp them into the past and into the future and it's the turtles goal to get back to the present and finish Shredder and Krang once again. SHELLTASTIC!!! First Impressions Games was 10x as much fun as the original and just as difficult, I believe the farthest I got on quarters was the 4th stage, but most of the time I caught by the techno-turtle at stage 3 most of the time. I would say I was in the $50-60 range in the amount of times I played that. I sometimes soloed or tag teamed with other players and enjoyed it every time. 15 years later Well low and behold I got a hold of this title pumped in at least $100 in quarters to finish the game, but of course I think I pumped in at least another $30-40 after running out so quickly. This game was still fun to play even now, with lots of replay value and of course beating on hundreds of foot soldiers for fun. Again if you can find this bad boy laying around bring about $100 and about half that in quarters. Overall Ranking 10 easy, the second game improved greatly what the first was lacking in terms of what you could do as a shell kicking, foot stomping (how about that for a pun), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. All in all these games were perfect and only help the arcade franchise grow in the late 80's and early 90's, of course like most thims, time makes a fool of us all and the turtles arcade franchise would end there. So now for a catchy slogan..... "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info-- --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2009 SM Old School Legend.
  23. I like to point out that I lost all faith in the circle now with all this math and it's existence nonsense . So to help mess with people's mind's even more check out this wonderful info about the circle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circle Of course through my researching this wonderful thought there are several other sites that would agree .9999~ = 1 here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ But like I said you all ruin the beauty of the circle now I to rely on a triangle and a square to get me through life . but to stay on topic just a bit after reading these posts and those 3 websites I would have to agree especially with this part The math teacher followed the same line of thinking, in which I conclude that .99999~ = 1 is both a true and false statement. Meaning that if you round up you will get 1; however, since the number is always repeating itself then it is not a true solid number (can't think of the word for it but you math geeks know what I am referring to). You call this a enigma in itself and odds are you would have to apply occam's razor to make the most sense out of this enigma.
  24. Well if you think about it this way, why do you think free forums set up there support with-in their own forum? Simple because then if the people have the same problem, members, mods and admin can point them in the right direction. Instead of going through the the very long process of 500 emails trying to figure what went wrong. Now mind you IPB has such a good customer support is due to the the fact that a million different things can go wrong especially when it comes to setting up mod's for that forum and so if they want a returning customer they have to give the best possible support. Of course with te popularity of forum software quite a few people are at the expert level because they been using them for the longest, and so you have to find the right place and then post your question. Of course I have seen quite a few sites that help customize your forums and all that stuff, which I would say is wasting more money, because if you spend a few weeks seeing how everything works, then you get a better experience then have someone else do it for you and not tell you how it works and all that stuff.I would agree that you don't need to drop $200 for a piece of software when you got free versions out there and all you want is simplicity itself. Which is just a place for people to communicate and talk about stuff and that it, of course some websites get ridiculous and like upload all the worse mods because they think it's cool and what not. More ot less if you want to try and get for forum software you basically have to force the creator to do it because if they just create something and expect you to figure out your own problem then it's not worth using, especially if its buggy.IMO I would say these forums have the best support in terms of finding quick answers to common problems:IPBSMFphpbb
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