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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. No you can't get addicted to drinks with 1.2% it would be like getting addicting to caffeine free Red Bull, but after have quite a few of them and you could get drunk, but I am not aware of any drinks with that low, but of course I don't drink so that could be why. However, people do get addicted to the flavor of drinks because of it's taste because some people will always drink the same thing and seldom drink anything else.
  2. The answer would be if members where able to edit topic titles then it would be possible for members to edit someone else's topic title; however, the edit button has been set to that users account so it could be remotely possible to do the same thing. Of course if you try and keep your topic title specific there would be no reason for someone to edit their topic title.Sometimes though I make a rough draft of the topic title then after I make my initial post I change it when I need to make it more specific.
  3. Well now that we got are 15 member group completed It is time that they get there sigs so lets get down to business shall we sylenzednuke aka Evil Nuker BordaForx aka Evil Doctor I get the other sigs up during the week which is 3 I believe so enjoy these ones
  4. It is your site and your galley you can upload all the pictures you want, just make sure they follow the TOS of the hosting such as no adult pictures, no pictures of hate and ever ism you can think of that could get Xisto hosting in trouble for. Of course make sure if the pictures are copyrighted you give the original source so you won't get in trouble for making money off the copyrighted material.
  5. It uses the rand function which is basically what makes some random, however I did find a script that could be useful mind you I made some alterations so it will work for seven numbers. <?phpprint rand() . "<br>";print rand(1000000, 9999999);?> Basically it will produce a random 7 digit number, mind you this was set up to produce a number between 1 million and 9.9 million. I believe there is another set up that will produce individual numbers instead of one large group.
  6. Hey alex have you tried downloading the new safari beta 3 at all? The reason I say that is because when I downloaded safari on my computer (pc) the ajax shoutbox worked fine and I was able to shout with no problems. Here's the link http://www.apple.com/safari/
  7. I had the same assessment when I made hte post on trap, I don't see know reason to have safari on windows due to the fact the PC's have 3 other top of the line browsers to choose from. Developer wise yeah it will be useful to have when design website and junk. The only think I liked so far is the RSS drop down, if the other browsers are smart they would stea...I am mean borrow the idea to use it as well.
  8. Well I put this cooling system to the test I let the fans run with my computer unplugged and let it run for an hour, and I didn't find any big battery loss. However, I do believe USB doesn't take that much power to begin with; anyways I couldn't give you specifics as to how much they take, but worth investigating.
  9. Back in the old days people use to do it; even today some people still try to get away with it. However, as haslip mention you get caught your basically banned for life especially with google ad sense. I have seem many sites discussing about what people did to cheat the SEO system; which include using a small font, blend the text with background color, overload meta keywords with stuff that has nothing to do with the site. Search engines like google can sniff out the truth they somehow always find something if they believe the site to be suspicious.
  10. Well I finally got my cooling system; I bought the one that I displayed in my previous post and for the most part it is staying relatively cool, mind you that my laptop computer dwarfs this by 2 inches. However, it takes a lot longer for this to heat up then it normally does, right now I got it hovering around 96-98 degree's going on for about 20 minutes now, which is a good thing because usually it is around 105-110 by now; so in other words my laptop temperature has drop a good 11-13 degree's. A bit uncomfortable sitting on my lap but I got a board under it and then a nice cozy cushion to soften the blow. It relatively cools most of my computer especially near the RAM and barely reaches the built in fans on my laptop; so for the most part it covers the 17" spec it claims it does. So the cooling system is worth the $23 investment I got it for since it takes longer for my computer to heat up then it normally does.
  11. well there are several sites that you can go to learn CSS http://www.w3schools.com/ http://www.pixel2life.com/ http://www.alvit.de/handbook/ but a quick shortcut this how your image style would look like CSS Version #mainContainer { background-image: url("img/content_main.png"); background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 100%; height: 100%; } You would apply that to every image you have that you don't want to repeat and then in order to display it in your html file would do something like this: <div id="mainContainer"></div> also to make sure it works you will have link your style sheet in between your <head> tags which w3school.com covers. Now to do it the other way your your image code will look something like this <img src="yourimagehere.jpg" style="background-repeat: no-repeat;"> either method works, but using the CSS method is more efficient and your your html file will be more organized.
  12. actually this is quite simple really just apply the following code to your images in CSS or style in your code and you are done background-repeat:no-repeat;
  13. I will admit that when I saw this on yahoo, I asked a question to myself as to why make a browser that is primarily used for Mac computers and import a windows version. Yeah I see one reason that would be for designing a website that would be seen by a mac computer but thats the only thing I really came up with, because of the fact you got 3 top of line browsers already on the market that are battling it out for dominance. Although IE is still in the lead firefox is catching up with Opera in a third place and now with safari will take the 4th place; but I guess time will tell when and if Safari can reach the top and I know a lot of people at Microsoft just went into damage control to see what they now have to in order to stay at the top of the browser wars.But the one thing I do like is the RSS Feed drop down, I think that is hte best idea someone could have come up with so you don't have to open all these extra tabs and go back and forth between web pages. Of course the one thing I dislike about the browser is the way it looks but I guess people will start producing skins to alter the look to it. I have to look at safari a bit more to get a better opinion about it before uninstall it from my computer and move on.
  14. The first challenge is up and I submitted it, you should set up degree's of difficulty because you have to remember some of us have been here a long, long time, and so most of know this forum inside and out. So I thought I through out that suggestion to help it make the challenges more interesting.
  15. you could say computers have ruined our social lives , of course I rarely use my computer for entertainment except if I want to watch a movie, other then that I use the computer for work, school and some social occasions. I rarely use it for gaming purposes because thats why I got my playstation for .Do I ever like posers and morons that I find when I surf when they design websites for stupid stuff or when I surf around forums and find people sayign stupid things just to get attention and stuff. Waits that's me NOOO!!!!
  16. The way I see it as a gamer since the day I was born I would bas your game choices on what you like, not what system it is on, I know quite a few people that have bought every system that has come out on the market and go back and forth between systems and play their favorite games. It will be quite a long time till we see a price drop for the PS3 because of the hardware that was put into the system, but it's not hte system that makes the games, it's those who develope the games that of course make the game. There are quite a few games I wouldn't mind playing on the Xbox but I am not as young as I use to be when all I did was play video games and go to high school, so I have stuck with the system I have know the longest which is the playstation. I still have my PS1 and PS2 mind you they now been collecting dust for years(ps1) and of course months (ps2).Of course then you have the Wii who would have thought such a simple system would be the most popular, of course now people are getting Wiitis from all that shaking and movement they must input into it's controllers. My niece loves the fact she can do more then just pressing buttons. But hopefully she will grow out of unlike my brother and I who be doing it for more years to come till our hands fall off .
  17. What improper way is that? I have been using Dreamweaver going a couple years now, I would say after trying out many html editors over the last 11 years Dreamweaver is by far the closes editor to follow the current standard and validation. I have ran many websites through the Dreamweaver's validation program to help other's clean up the coding errors they come across as they design their sites. I would have to 99% of the time the validation is accurate when keeping the original design, however, there is the 1% that break the design but that is usually because the website is design by tables and not closing the tags properly. I am stil waiting for them to implement CSS validation into the program and then Dreamweaver will be the most complete html editoring tool in the designing world. I will admit though that in order to get a good grasp of Dreamweaver you need to have a strong background in html and CSS in order to use this editor properly, I rarely use the browser because it is usually wrong, well for the most part but again you need to use proper coding in order for your the editor's built in browser to display properly. for the most part you are correct that using a text is somewhat professional. again though your coding needs to be flawless of course text editors I ussually used for quick fixes and nothing more these days in the professional world of designing. Some profession designers still go the old school way due to the fact that in the early days of designing every html editor that came out 90% of them were junk, but when html standards became a big thing roughly in 2000-01 a lot of people started many editors by scratch again in order ti improve on the coding and just using the bare bones of current HTML standards and then left out the junk code. There are a few current html editors that still produce junk code but what can you do except clean it up.
  18. HAPPY 3rd birthday XP

  19. The computer looks fine but again your going to be paying over $1000 for it because most likely you were going to down size the operating system to XP instead of Vista Basic, which mind you is a bad OS version to begin with and so you would be paying $949 to either go with XP Media Center or vista Home Premium. But I would say shop around a bit more before making a solid purchase, check out gateway computers, compaq computers, HP computers, and sony computers. I would still look at http://www.newegg.com/ because they seem to have hte better deals with a the same hook up.
  20. AAHH MAN HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRAP!!! YEAH!!! well I guess the forums are not down because of everyone posting at once ahahaha I can't wait for next year's birthday it should be 4 times as fun as it was this year.
  21. OpaQue copied my original post so no one would get the idea that admin promised free credits without them being the original poster. So I bring to you my wonder 3 years history of being a Xisto member;I am from the class of 2004 in which while fighting a war I stumbled upon this little site only to check it out and post a couple of things and then come back almost 6 months later to become a full active member. I been here since the posting requirement to get free hosting and then when the credit system kicked off to a great and awesome start, to this day which is the best programming idea any free hosting company could think of.
  22. Saint_Michael


    To think I said hello to everyone who posted a intro in the last couple of week , anyways welcome to Xisto the best hang out in all the world. We have great members, mods and admin, we have thousands of topics which have thousands of answers to every possible answer you can think of. Also don't forget to check out the Xisto Read Me as it will tell you everything you need to know about posting in the forums and then applying for hosting from the greatest host on this internet planet. So here is your welcome basket of assorted software and vegetables for you to enjoy during your stay here on the forums. Of course don't forget to mention the website to your friends who are trying to find free web hosting without the hassle of having forced ad's or pop up on your website.
  23. Well if you a professional back cracker then you would know how much pressure you would have to put on a person without breaking something, but I would say worse case scenario would be the arthritis Smack mention. But I usually crack my back and neck sometimes and I would make the occasional trip to the Chrio to get a full body crack and man does that feel good after she is done with it. My body feels like jello after a 30 minute session and that I feel like I am at peace with the world .
  24. Some people are having problems loading the site opaque provided and so this is another one with the exact GMT so if you want to use this link to watch the clock go right a head. Also I am keeping regular time updates in the shoutbox as well so those who have figured out what time they need to be on the shoutbox will let you know. http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_UTC.aspx
  25. Sounds a interesting idea, but to me it just sounds like a combination of blog, myspace, and wiki software and like Smack mention in his above post, Identity theft and cyber stalking is such a big deal these days not to many people would want to do put up there personal lives for everyone to read and know about.. Also with the fact your introducing wiki software into this, that would mean your bio would be editable and thus people will have the chance to delete everything or post up some bad stuff, especially when its people who loath you or treating you like junk. Interesting idea but again why go through the effort when you can just combine a blog and mypace profile together and display it on a web page.
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