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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Welcome to Xisto.com, but what I find weird is that name looks so familiar and I can't place my finger on it. Anyways welcome to site and here is your gift basket of fruits and vegtables and a welcome card. You can find out everything you need to know about Xisto right here. Interesting enough we got a good graphics forum for you to post your artwork and what not and also be able to get some great web hosting for you to enjoy . So welcome to the site and enjoy your stay.
  2. funny that no one really caught on with the gifs or they did but didn't say anything so I will; It should all image formats and not just gifs so to many images make the web page take a bit longer to download. Now with number 7 people still code to 800x600 because some people especially that guy in Antarctica, still use that resolution. So basically if are building a design you can't flip flop between liquid and fix because that will just look messy in any resolution outside the one your programmed it in.Also to add on to flash section, search engines do not recognize full flash sites, so if you plan for your site to be index and be used by everyone, have enough html code within your structure for it to be spidered.
  3. If you know what .NET Framework is then eclipse is just like that, a series of tool to build web applications or software to be used on your network or use for websites. This is just a open source version of that and so you can build your applications in java code. Everything that is listed in item one is what you can get in the eclipse package from their site http://www.eclipse.org/. XAMPP is a software used to set up a server to computer so you can test your applications without the need to be connected to the internet and of course GIMP and photoshop is obvious. Eclipse Info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eclipse_(software)
  4. Well this morning actually is when I notice that yahoo decided to add in their yahoo messenger within their email. Interestingly enough the set up looks almost familiar, like I have see it before...hmmm... oh thats right gmail/gtalk have something just like it . Or close to it since it is not a direct copy of the gmail/gtalk set up, it makes me wonder if Hotmail and msn messenger teams are working on something as well to help them try and gain ground on google products and idea's they have been popping up in the last few years.So if you got a yahoo account check it out and what not and see what it is like.
  5. Well although spamming is not a federal crime, doing everything else to set it up is, Which includes computer hacking, wire transer fraud, bank fraud, Identity Fraud and quite a few other frauds that I can't think of. I remember an article I read a while back a sister and a brother were spamming or one of them was and get sent to 10 years to jail because of the stuff he or she did to set it up. YEAH I found that article Here
  6. Interesting enough Imageready has been incorporated into CS3 just go to window and click animation and there is your image ready animation, it's a bit tricky to use at first but you can go into classic mode for a bit easier animation process. Also making a post asking people to send your Serial numbers is against the rules as well.
  7. Federal court handed out a 35 count indictment to 27 year old Robert Alan Soloway, who is consider one of the top 10 spammers the world as seen. Previously Soloway got sued by Microsoft for $7 Million dollars and then a ISP in Oklahoma nailed him yet again for $10 million. The way Soloway did this was through a network of zombie computers to sent out Millions of spam for people to advertise through him. Although the prison time is yet uncertain he is expected to spend decades for this little venture of his. What I find amusing though is that they say that people well see a decrease in spam, because of this guy going to jail $10 dollars someone will just take his place and either do the same or do it better. SOURCE Here
  8. If it's a ram issue that you have then I recommend downloading and run RAM DEF XT http://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/ram_def.html, this little program helps clean up a lot of use memory and your computer works perfectly after running it a few times on either a dialy or weekly basis depending how much you use the computer. You also might want to look for a program that cleans and defrags your registry to clean up errors and software you never use anymore. Another awesome program is this http://forums.xisto.com/topic/47717-glary-utilities-review/, although now you have to purchase it but worth the money http://www.glarysoft.com/, if you run all the sub programs using this expect your computer to run a bit better as well.
  9. I never really wanted to get into this debate because nothing gets done but with this post of mine I am done with the topic and this is gear to those who think stats make up what's happening in the real world.You want to know why I am on the defensive on gun control nonsense and my stance on the reality of it all. Live with the guilt that you got a person killed because of where you come from and who you are and then on top of that also deal with the guilt of one your friends getting blown up or shot to death and not be able to do anything about it and then hearing about it days later that they died and then watch those close around you suffer just as much because of that loss. Then also dealing with the guilt of picking up a black bag and realizing that used to be someone's father, son, brother, sister, mother and so on and so forth who lives 8000 miles away.Until you live it you don't know the reality of what it means to suffer when someone close to you is dead because they were following orders and trying to do their job. Of course people on trap wonder why I am on trap all the time because it is one the few places where I can go to escape from the realities of the world that plague me.
  10. And that is my point you will never know what it is like to be on the receiving end of getting shot and not suffer what those who have been shot for no reason whatsoever except that they were just there. Again your thinking in ideal situations that someone is going to point a gun in front of you instead of in your back or at a distance. No one is that dumb to do that anymore because they already know that your either packing or might be packing so they will get you at your most weakest and that is when you are unaware that they are even pointing a gun at you and most of the time they usually have partners waiting till after the shots have been made Think what you want on my writing skills but my points are valid because they are based on reality and not make believe that you revolve your world in which a gun protects people.
  11. Watermonkey throw all the statistics you want but your latest post just showed how correct I am about the "random factor", because now your saying all these stats that the smart people are saying are all guesses based on a few events. Your only fooling yourself if you believe crimes are getting lowered because of concealed weapons, it doesn't take much for a desperate person who is trying to survive to get a gun or who own a gu and start pulling the trigger, again I point you to all the school shootings. Of course you still believe criminals to be dumb when they decide to go on a robbery or killing spree some do plan these knowing that if they do get caught they will go down in a hail of bullets. Then you fail to realize that a criminal doesn't even know a person is carrying a weapon and so your basing your facts on a perfect situation that doesn't exsist. Also this wonderful word "vigilantism" just makes my statement even more truer because then people think if they shoot a bad guy that they are doing the world the favor, but in reality they are committing the same crime and that is murdering someone. Even if you claim self defense when your getting attack it is still considered murder no matter how you slice it and thus a loop hole has been created in the justice system. That can be said about people committing suicide if a person A obtains person B's gun and then shoots themself; a very good lawyer could say that Person B was responsible for person A's death, again though it would have to be an ideal situation for that to happen. I laugh at this particular quote $2 says that is based on stats that people know how to use a gun and odds are most people don't know to how to properly use a gun in situation were they are being attacked. Of course that last sentence even reinforces the fact that once a person becomes scared, they will forget what to do and thus give the attacker the advantage and begin to victimize that person. But like I said become a victim first and you will realize that those stats that are so dear to you are just guess work and theories based on ideal situations that don't exsist in the real world.
  12. RSS Feed would be insufficient due to the fact that when a new post is made on that tutorial it will be brought to the top of the list and of course moving the previous ones down. So with that happening you won't be able to see any of the older tutorials unless you close every tutorial topic that has been made to prevent people from posting. With Keywords you would have to add all the keywords into Topic title, description and all over tutorial for search engines to even pick it up, because RSS doesn't have a keyword element in it's coding structure that I am aware of. Of course I tried looking up keyword RSS feed generators and the only that comes up doesn't work on specific keywords I used for the Xisto forums http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Building a tutorial index on a RSS feed is a lot more complicated then it looks because you limited to what xml elements you can use for a RSS feeder to pick up and then display them and so your best bet is to create a tutorial system like pixel2life, and then build a RSS feed component around that. I have seen a few IPB mods for setting up a tutorial system on the board you could swing that way as well, of course you would have to downgrade to IPB 2.1 to use them. Of course you could use the customization page mod and set up a tutorial index that way, but again the problem is setting up the keywords to be pick up by the search engine to be index properly
  13. You are correct that former hosted members still use the forum and are just posting because they want to because how great it has become in the last 3 years. With reference to my 3 sips of water I was referring to the fact that not all post require 8 pages of text for a simple question. It varies from poster to poster but someone could earn exactly 3 credits on 3 posts. So if they only had 2-3 days of hosting and had to leave somewhere for a couple of weeks then they have to go through a long process of getting themselves out of the negative. Either way limited the number a posts a person can make credits on will only cause problems and headaches for those looking for serious hosting.
  14. My 99% maybe wrong but that is factual that a person carrying a weapon has a higher risk of becoming a victim of that very weapon they conceal regardless what stats say otherwise. "More Guns, Less Crime" that is such a false statement that even cops and gang members will laugh at that one together. That has never been proven that more guns bring down crime and whoever says is pulling stuff out of their own orifice because reality says otherwise. You don't need a advance degree in reality to understand that more guns cause more problems and that is common knowledge. Also don't forget those stats are based on real victims who most likely lost their own life because they thought carrying a gun would protect them and instead they became a number from some math nerd getting paid $100,000 to write it down.When it comes down to it, if you second guess yourself when aiming that gun at someone don't expect the same treatment, you would know that better watermonkey since you been in the military, they drilled that into our minds in boot camp. That applies to the streets as well especially in states like California, New York, Florida, Massachusetts were gun crimes happen hte most frequently. It applies even more when people have itchy trigger fingers and are either living in poverty and are desperate or those who are in gangs. Stats are concrete, however, they leave one factor out and thats the "random factor" all crimes are not the same and yet provide two results life and death with death being the more common one because the criminal does not want to be caught and so they make sure the victim can't remember who it was that attack them.All people who own guns know how to take life but not protect life and that's the reality we live in and there is no excuse in the world that says a gun will protect someone because they don't. A person might get lucky once waving a gun around and the criminal will run off but next time that criminal could come back and this time with their own gun and either way a person will get shot and possibly die. That how wars get started as well either gang wars or World Wars because someone pulled the trigger on a guy over something stupid or trivial like walking down the street.Become a victim first before using stats to make your claim about carrying a gun and you will see the difference really quick that guns are a tool for murder and not protection. I rather see guns became illegal to use and destroyed, then crime will be reduce a lot more because then a person won't be stupid enough to rob a bank with knife or try and kidnap a person. Of course we don't live in a perfect world because everyday you hear reports of children getting gun down on the side walk just because he or she was in the way of that person's target.Not all criminals are drunk, high or stupid some people do know what they are doing when they point a gun at someone they attend to kill, those are just common statistical excuses and profiling. Prime example are school shootings, ever since Columbine and Virginia Tech, those three people knew exactly what they were doing when they pulled the trigger on those kids. Again stats are useless against reality and never give the whole picture of whats really going on. I bet the gun nuts wouldn't tell those parents who lost their children. "that their child would be alive today if they carried a gun to protect themselves." Because if someone ever told that to me if I lost someone rest assured their family would feel the same pain that I would.I will reiterate this again become a victim first and you will see the lies that NRA and gun owners spew out in their little club meetings about guns protecting people because they don't. Regardless if you carry a gun to protect yourself from others, don't blame the person who shot you with your own gun because you were dumb enough to bring it out, when you could have found a better method of controlling the situation that didn't cost you your life.
  15. you have to create a new exception for that version although it should have been done automatically when you connected for the first time. Of course interesting enough I am having the same problem with yahoo messenger when I installed on a desktop and yes I tried doing what I just mention. So most likely I am missing a step somewhere so if someone can fill in that missing step even I will appreciate it even more .
  16. I just remembered that I was going to post on this topic that has become a full blown debate on protection. I say this now and only repeat it once unless you know how to effectively use a weapon that odds are the attacker/stalker will use it against you and that is the main issue on this since post #6 about using weapons to defend your self. Also I like to mention that fact regardless if a person does have a gun it will take longer for that person to decide to pull it out and point than it is for a person to run up behind you and grab your arms to immobilize you, so again most people who are trying to prevent themselves from being a victim 99% end up becoming a victim. From Misa's post about women being more safe with guns again that is all about luck and the stalker being smart about the situation most of the time women are not so lucky if they do have a gun and half the time it gets used on them because of the adrenaline rush that is going on during that whole situation.That is why unarmed combat and self defense is better because most of the time those freaks don't know unless they start stalking you from those classes your taking . On top of that it would be smart to have more then one person to be around you especially in dangerous area's and so "the guy" won't think twice about it and yes it is embarrassing to ask someone to walk with you if your just going to the store but it's safer and smarter. Mac funny enough some people are immune to that and of course for that to be effective again you need to be in close range and be able to be mobile, but like I mention if you lose the ability to use your arms it's don't make much point anyways.I believe someone mention taking a photo of the stalker, I would say that would be borderline problematic because it would only escalate the situation and make the stalker more aware that you know they are following you. Again though if your slick about it and do get that photo you have to remember that you need several photos in order to bring a case against the guy for the local police to do something about it. Since one photo doesn't say much. SO instead of bringing violence into the situation like many in the above post are thinking go with in small groups and also try this as well go a different route and change it daily so your stalker can't find a way to get a good position to jump you, if you constantly change the way you go home the stalker will have to think about it more and in a perfect world just give up.I would use weapons as a last resort because of what I mention above that they can be used against you if you do not know how to use them especially in a tense situation as that and trying to control all that adrenaline that is rushing into your body. Misa your forgetting though that these stats are based on situations were victim got the upper hand and most of the time they don't so fact are useless in cases of stalking since each situation is different no matter what scientific data says. But someone did make a point about not making yourself a victim and that is true, but again you don't know when you will be a victim because most of the time it happens just like that or someone decided they were bored and do some planning and go shoot someone.Since velma is aware that someone is following her she has the upper hand of getting him busted and changing the situation into her favor and not give the guy a chance to harm you in anyway.
  17. It would be a good idea to break the list down on who supports what because some brushes are not compatible with all versions of Photoshop I had that issue when I first started out when I switch from PS7 to CS2.
  18. Oh yeah I would disagree 100% with you on that and the for this very simple reason, you limit the number of posts to 3 a day on credits earned and Xisto would lose every single member in the matter of days. If they do that everyone would have earn 10 credits a post and unless your making tutorials that is near right impossible to do and thus instead of that quality your looking for will be turned into spam. It's not as easy anymore to post here in the forums as it was year and half ago, of course I seen some of the best post since that time as well and so it is the matter of looking for the right topics to post about thats why I usually try and spread myself out. So if you were to limit a person post count to three a day that would be like limiting people to 3 sips of water a week or something like that. Although quality posts is what we are striving for not all topics require a person to post a 10 page word document on a simple quest or problem.
  19. Trust me on this Invision Free Skinning wouldn't do much boosting here since most of the major skins sites have cornered that market and they are gfx heavy forums as well. Of course to cover the thinking about this is copyright issue's as well, since you would have to be the original poster of that skin and not just copy and paste it or mods and admin will have to deal with people ripping skins from other people. It's plausible but unrealistic to create those subforums as I have seen a few hundred IPBfree skin sites most of them you can find on invisionfree board so again you can just go to the directory and look there.@buff Invisionfree skins are a lot different then IP skins due to the fact that Invision Free skins are based on IPB 1.3 and not 2.2.x so the coding structure is about 6-8 version different then it is now.
  20. so I assume the tutorial section credit cap has been change because I know I pulled off a few 14-16 credit posts in those sections before or was that changed as well over time? Of course if you been here awhile you can usually tell what's a copy and paste and what is legit post by a forum member. However, for a perso to type up a 10 credit post on a simple question like is the sky blue? must have a lot of time on their hands to do that.
  21. Although I doubt this will work have your tried a system restore and see if you can recover that way? If not I would say you are totally screwed because any other method will not work that I can think of, But I would do more to this guy besides yelling at him, I would make his life miserable but spreading bad press about him, heck I would see if you could get the guy fired since He didn't do his job correctly. Although I suspect that there had to be reason, but I don't know if you need to reinstall your Os if you replae the mother board in order for it to kick when you boo a computer.
  22. Well if you all remember a few months back I made a topic about the skype worm here, well it seems to have busted out two clones one for ICQ and for MSN. the new variation showed up sometime at the beginning of the week for these two networks and if memory serves me correctly and it usually does, these two messenger networks are huge. Now in order for this worm to be activated a user must click on a link and once they do that the worm will start sending messages to your contact list and get others to click on that link as well. Although security experts rate this as a low risk worm, over the course of the year they have seen hundreds of variations to the worm and having a hard time keeping up with it. But what is really interesting is that network jumping worms have happen before but as this quote mentions about the surprise he saw in doing so. So if you see a funky message on either MSN or ICQ with a link don't click it and you will be fine. SOURCE HERE
  23. Mermiad if you look at the board "Test this...(No Post Count)" he can spam with in reason of trying something out that is why it is a test board.
  24. I would say I many disasters in the kitchen, grease fire, mix in the wrong ingredients or the food didn't get fully cooked, but I would have to say the the best disaster I had was when I took a cooking class in high school and for a part of final project we had to make onion rings. To say the least we forgot a step and they didn't look like onion rings . Another one of my favorites was a great fire, it was late at night maybe 11-12 pm and of course I was hungry, so I threw some brauts into the oven and well you know what happens when grease and heat mix? Least to say I basically forgot never to drown a grease fire in water, although it did put out the fire after a few minutes, using water to put out a grease fire is a no no because it could easily spread out and make it worse. So those are a couple of my stories of disaster with food and or cooking.
  25. Best Advice I got kick him in the family jewels then he won't be able to use them ever , I would advise carrying something like a baseball bat since they easily avoidable and could be used against you, pepper spray and or 50,000 volt teaser will do just fine. Best move is to bring a friend along with you like a group of 3 people or more, of course if you bring a guy friend along dude should get the hint and go get his loneliness else where. Thats why I hate men even though I am one, all they do is screw it up for other guys who are sincere and all that to other women but since all that trust is broken because of some past relationship or tragic event. That some women won't give the new guy a chance because they believe we are trying to get into their pants by faking or some crazy thing like.Yeah Yeah it's the final objective but usually there is a small group of men want that true relationship instead of the one night stand at a party or some junk. But since we can't read each others minds how can anyone tell if that is true or not, but you got play the game of risk and sometimes people do lose but you must be able to move on and stuff.
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