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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. 1985 would be the biggest year of any game designer; however, it would take a Russian Scientist by the name of Alexey Pajitnov to spark one of the biggest franchise in gaming history. In terms of copyright problems to hundreds of spin-offs from the original game this 22 year franchise even rivals the great Mario Bro's in terms of popularity and of course it's clone. I only mere 4 year old back then and never really looked at a video game except for the Atari system, but off course that would change when my parents dropped $100 for a Nintendo system and the rest is history. I had watch a program on the History channel about video games a few years ago so I vaguely remember why tetris became a copyright problem, so I went to wikipedia (yeah I know bad place to go), but with what they had about the problem I would say they were close to what the tv program mention. So let get down with our old school selves by turning up those speakers and play one of the best gaming beats in history. **** Tetris-Arcade Some screen shots Game Maker: Alexey Pajitnov Year: 1985 Levels: unknown ( I have never reach the ending even when I played it on my computer and so I would assume that this stop at level 99) Price: 25-50 (I only played this a few times on a arcade machine, mostly at pizza hut where I would play until the pizza came out or ran out of quarters, I would believe this was a quarter back then but not to sure anymore). Sound: 10 (what made this game so awesome was its sweet background music because it made the game more fun to play). Graphics: 6 (Simple graphics and animation but that wasn't the point of the game because it was all about completing the puzzle and then number of lines). Mini Games: none Difficulty: 1-10 then +1 for each additional level pass 10 (to put it bluntly the difficulty changes by every level and so the game is pretty easy at first but once you start getting into the higher levels and a lot faster to make it more difficult to play the game). Gameplay: Simple turn puzzle piece and put the shape into a open area to create line from 1-4 lines deep. Plot: COMPLETE THE PUZZLE!!! First Impressions What can I say tetris kick my butt all over the place once I got to the higher levels I think my best ever and my god! the replay and addictiveness of this game is like beyond Dance Dance Revolution. So once the crazed kicked in sequels of every kind showed up with more challenges and faster speeds then ever before. I don't what else to say about this game only those who had played the original arcade truly know this game and I am one of them. Today's gamer should appreciate the fact that this game knows how to screw with one's mind when trying not to hit the top. 22 years later: Ditto with above comments, I stopped playing at level 15 I believe because just near impossible to make lines quick enough in large groups at least, but still worth the replay value. Overall Ranking I give this game a Bone Chilling 11/10 and double Ditto from my earlier comments about this game, if you want a truly old school arcade experience then play this game and enjoy one of the best puzzle games of the old school arcade era. So now for a catchy slogan..... "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2009 SM Old School Legend.
  2. If that's the case Nol I would go with a Dell system fairly cheap but still pack as much punch as the more expensive types, I barely use my Dell for gaming, although I might want to get a bigger hard drive in the future maybe (currently using a 60GB HD). Gateways are ok but not for the price I paid about 1800 for a q0 gig hard drive and it was crappy so I got my self a compaq (which I need to fix up) which was a little better then the gateway. But once I got my Dell XPS I was hooked and of course my parents have a Dell inspiron 4600 which is going on for about 5 years now, its has it's problems but it is still kicking though.
  3. Well I have the Dell XPS and I say it is a good system to have and with the right customizations even better or as good as a Alienware computer. Both have power and speed by Dell is a bit more cheaper at stock value then Alienware and by the time you finish tweaking how you want your computer you still will be paying less on the Dell then the Alienware. You have to Remember alienware computers are built for gaming and not for everyday use, while Dell is built for everyday use but can become a great gaming computer depending how much you customize it. I have my Dell XPS for almost a year now and if I remember correctly I got it in August and the only thing I had to replace was the CD-ROM drive.If you looking for power and speed it could go either way, speed same thing but the price is what will make the difference.
  4. Interesting tutorial with a great outcome however I think that blending would have look better with some good smudging around the render for a more blended effect. Also the sig size should be a bit bigger due to the size and shape of hte render and where I am getting at is you could show spider-mans right arm in the sig to give it some depth. Coloring could be better but the point about a tutorials is to pic up some techniques and then modify and adjust where needed.
  5. You have to remember Communisim is built on the fact that the government controls everything, including the vegetables your grow in your garden that you sell in a local shop. However, there is more to it then that especially on the political side, because most communist governments have adopted single party rule. Meaning that no other political party can be formed or run for office; China and Vietnam are the only countries that I am away of that use that wonderful rule. Of course their area few communist groups such as the one in the Philippines that conduct terrorists attacks as well and so another factor is added to the fact as to why people hated Communism. But the biggest facotr as to why people hate Communism is the lack of human rights and freedom's a person has under communist rule; look at what google did when they brought their search engine to China, they set it up so China could block access to anything related to Tiananmen and anything that would bad mouth the Chinese government. Also look at North Korea everyone knows how screw ed up their economy is but no one will saying because they will either be put in jail or disappear, while government officials get rich off the suffering and so that shows the corruption factor to Communism.So their is much to hate or dislike about it of course those who can make it go away are to scared to say anything because of what could happen to them.
  6. I can tell you as a laptop user of 7 years that yo uwill be spending more then a $1000 for a gaming computer since the motherboard, processor, 1-2 Gigs of RAM, GFX card and sound card are going to cost some money because they need to be very up to date. like bhavesh mention check out the local computer sites to see what you want some recommendations I can put up for are from the well knowing gaming computers http://alienware.com/main.aspx Dell XPS Those are the two closes pre-built computers will cost about $1,000 without taxes,however, since your playing some fairly old games you could run off a Pentium 4, D processor or AMD processors that are 2-3 years old. But I don't have one more link to provide you, I been using this site for building my computer so you could find a fairly good computer with the right specs for even less then $1000. Newegg
  7. FYI the original post came from me, so as not to get in trouble for making a claim that everyone would be getting credits OpaQue reposted it under his name . As you can tell his story is off just by 3 months and conflicts with the Xisto story. So I be reposting my story once again at 8 o clock once again along with my birthday cake, btw who is the person thats signed under the Xisto Anniversary user name?
  8. when you get that message usually what I do is restart my computer and then delete the folder this usually solves the window process that is controlling the folder. Of course I am interested to know if anyone has an idea as to why a empty folder would still do that even though everything is deleted and the actual program is not running anymore or what be a RAM issue. I might have to bring this up this question in my hardware class and see what others think about it.
  9. Step 1: Go to control PanelStep 2: Click on Sounds Speech and Audio DevicesStep 3: Click on Chane Sound SchemeStep 4: Where it says Program Events Scroll Down until you see Windows ExplorerStep 5: Select none and then click okORStep 1: Open up Internet ExplorerStep 2: Click on tools then Internet optionsStep 3: Click on the advance tabStep 4: Scroll Down till you see MultimediaStep 5: Uncheck the box to play sounds on web pagesStep 6: Press ok and you are set.
  10. Wow where to begin well to answer your first question if you have Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium UPGRADE no you can't which leads into into my second answer would yes you would need Windows XP or Windows 2000, or Vista Home Basic on your computer first then Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium UPGRADE to upgrade to vista. But for me though I was never really fond of software with that title so I usually stuck with the complete version and never did an upgrade. Anyways to answer your Third question technically your can install Window's XP again on the same computer but since your using a different hard drive you would need to buy another copy of Windows XP because of that stupid license per device rule Microsoft has. Man to think I was going to install vista on my laptop after I installed it on my pre built computer, well I guess I won't which I think is best in the long run for me anyways.
  11. No that is stupid you don't need to show proof that you own a computer in order to buy software, I am interested to know where this is written in the XP box or manual you bought form the store.
  12. If it helps this product comes with an On and off switch, and I looked over the specs and it doesn't mention anything, but I would assume that detail would be found in the actual package. I am to assume that your referring to how much juice it will suck out from the battery if you don't have a AC adaptor plug in? @MB I would assume you know about PC cooling systems, if so its same concept but for a laptop. As with you friend in order for the AC to work the computer needs to be directly in it's air path for it to stay cool, just running a AC won't help as much if not next to the AC.
  13. Well the two weeks that the voting was happen a surge of posting happened on so every attempt to bump the topic got instantly pushed down, of course we can't constantly keep bumping the topic since it will be considered spam. We would need to find a good way to advertise the SOTW in the foryms without spamming it. Also a small reminder this is the entry topic save your sig comments for when the voting begins.
  14. Correction the cop that was the one who released Paris Hilton, supposably she busted out in Hives over the stress of being in jail and among other things. So the police officer decided to do that and when the lawyers and judge heard this, that cop got suspended and the judge order her back to jail, and so instead of serving the 23 days she was going to get Paris Hilton now has to serve her full sentence of 45 days. Of course if you saw the clips of her being taken away yesterday it was a mob scene.
  15. YO YO YO gameratheart long time no see, gotta love library computers , been awhile since you did some posting so hopefully your not to rusty , either way welcome back and enjoy Xisto once again.
  16. @Buff that is a steal of course that is a tad bit expensive and from what I been reading these things do break easily especially the fans. @true fusion I usually do, sometimes I unplug my laptop and sit it right next the AC for a few minutes for it to drop down in the high 70's low 80's before I go back to what I do. @Watermonkey I bust a can out a couple times of month, but my laptop don't get that dusty due to the fact I have poor ventilation when I have it on my lap or on a pillion for comfort. I might haveto change my ventilation patterns around, interestingly enough I called up dell to see if I could adjust the fans myself, but no luck on that. @Jimmy thats what I more or less been looking at for a few hours of searching, I did most of it at newegg.com and you be surprised how many different cooling systems they have. Of course with my laptop being a Dell XPS it's pretty big and most of the cooling systems were small; however, I did find this one: with 198 reviews with 60% of them rated excellent I would say this would be the perfect one. FULL PRODUCT INFO
  17. Interesting script but $5 says that this is a not a secured script and if anyone saw this saw script running on a site they could use it to plant a wonder SQL injection into your site, or use for a location to sql inject another site. Then while they get away scott free the person hosting the site this script is on will get in trouble for it.
  18. Well in order to display posts from a forum you can do it in two ways one is the ipb mod for displaying topics http://mods.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/7285 or you set up a RSS feed and then use a javascript such as this one http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and display the posts like this http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.
  19. Yes you can change that click on Options and then click on Switch to Standard and that will remove that. But what that Posts in this topic is in reference to is all the posts that were made by other users and so if you click on that link it will open a new window and then show that individual post. You could say that this is a more organize way to do it, but I would agree that the old way is a lot better to look at what others have posted.
  20. First off welcome to the site and since you already got some posting in, but as always your never to old ot learn something new so check out the Xisto Read Me for any possible questions you might have. We do have a gfx section for you to post stuff that you had made and have people comment on them. So again welcome to trap and enjoy your stay here for however long it maybe.
  21. Most of your questions can be answered here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/46612-free-domain-name-free-domain-for-life/ about getting a domain and hosting, but you can you get both hosting and a domain at the same time when applying, just follow the instructions on how to get your domain and hosting and you will set. Yes you can have it separately then you can get your domain at a later time, however, since your saving up for hosting and domain you would have to get both at the same time because any credits you have left over when you hosting is approve is lost. Then you have to rebuild those lost credits again. You hosting lasts as long as you have credits, 1 hosting credit equals 1 day, usually people build for 20-30 and then just come back when they need more. Of course you can build up as many as you want some people have hundreds or even thousands of credits. But usually those kinds of numbers are based on the amount of posting you do during your stay here on trap. Now that I answered your questions enjoy your time and if you have any problems or even more questions don't be afraid to post or use the shoutbox to ask. Just make sure no one else has posted the same question by using the search box for the forum.
  22. Welcome to the site E-Fly just a small reminder you can edit your own posts to fix or add anything in them as you see fit. The Xisto ReadMe covers this so make sure to check it out for any questions you might have about the forums and the hosting.
  23. Welcome to the site and let me guess text battles are just like rap battles I presume? Either welcome to the forums and I notice you have done some posting but make sure to check out the Xisto read which you can find HERE.
  24. Another late introduction by yours truly, since your hosted and no what to do in order to enjoy the hosting on here all I have to say is welcome and enjoy your time here on Xisto.***Hands a welcome basket with fruits and veggies***
  25. Welcome to the site etycto and already hosted here good job, which means you know what the forum expect from you as a hosted member and what not, but for a small reminder click on the Xisto Read me To enjoy your hosting even more. So welcome to the forum, and the best darn hosting on the net and see you in the forums.
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