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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Interesting that you bring that up rvalkass, I do have more protection on my laptop then I have ever have on any system, of course some people are not gullible enough to click those funky emails and stuff a lot more. But what gets me though is that when I read articles talking about how these security research firms are visiting 400,500 tagged sites, they don't even list them on any site or add a website feature within the anti-virus program to prevent people from going to these plagued sites or at least let us know not to go them as well.Of course with that being said, I plan to have a whole bunch of software on a thumb drives so before I connect my new computer to the net, I have it better protected then I usually do. Of course if no one is aware of this Microsoft does there patches every Tuesday once a month, I caught this when I was reporting on the Ani exploit awhile back. Which tells me two things Microsoft while patch it's Operating systems in groups of exploits rather individually and two they make sure what ever patches they do come out don't lead into anything else.Yeah you oculd say I am somewhat defending Microsoft on that little part, but money says linux distro's do the same thing so they don't get caught by surprise with some major flaw in it's programming.
  2. Are you making sure to put your files in the public_html folder, because in order for others to view your site you need to upload everything in that folder. You can't just click on file manager and upload them there as no one won't see them; I can still see the Xisto welcome page which means you haven't done so yet. So make sure you go to your file manager click on the folder icon for public_html and upload everything there.Edit: got hte first part right, did have thr files in the right folder, working on browser issues and will update once fixed.
  3. Well as I mentioned earlier in the shoutbox that I was going to catch two movies and the timing was perfect thanks to the the lackluster movie called Fantastic Four which started at 6:40 PM and ended at 8:10; Ocean's 13 started at 9:00 and so I had plenty of time to go home let nature call and still hit the second movie theater (the two movies played at two different places) on time. Well now to start off my review and remember in order to see this movie you needed to see the other two for it to make any sense. Also on a side note I would like to mention that I got hooked on the Ocean Movies when I saw it on HBO (I think) at my aunts house, when I was on vacation and I never seen the first two movies in the theaters either which I somewhat regret although I was in Iraq for the second movie.Now for the review, although this is not really a spoiler in the sense if you looked at the cast list, Julia Roberts and Cathrine Zeta-Jones are not in this movie, which is kind of sad because both are great actors and I think they would have done a good job. Although my mother mention that Julia had another baby while this film was either being made or after it was finish, still they could have fit a Ocean's baby in the movie somewhere. To start off this movie was great in every way regardless what those critics say or those so called movie experts, the dialog was great, acting was great, music was great, story was awesome, and the flow of the movie was perfect. It is a shame with all that star power in this trilogy it didn't make more money...Well I guess I was wrong after doing some research of the Box office intake;Ocean's 11 = $183,417,150Ocean's 12 = $125,544,280Ocean's 13 = so far it has made $70,429,741Well ok so far it a taking a good sum of money but check out how much the first two movies have made world wide and trust me it is scary:Ocean's 11 = $450,717,150Ocean's 12 = $362,744,280Nothing for 13 yet but most likely you will see it once the movie has finished its run, but back on the start power; To me though we got some of the best actors money could buy and most get paid in the $20 Million dollar figure for most of there movies, but like I always say most people don't know a good movie when they see it. Nonetheless, this is a great movie in fact the whole trilogy was great, I watch Ocean's 11 on dvd so many times I have worn it out and have to get another one lol. Although I was barely aware of this but these movies are based off a 1960's classic movie and I believe it was Called Ocean's 11; but what makes this movie great that the original writer/director (not to sure on the directing) redid it and I believe he is proud of what today's actors have done for a classic movie.I gave this movie a 10/10 because it is a perfect in every way some people don't like it because it maybe to wordy, but thats what makes this movie great, worth the money and when it comes out on DVD worth it as well. Although I don't mention any spoilers in my movie reviews, I will mention only this one , and also you have to be about my age or older but you might recognize that actor if not just remember the name then google it.Well that is my review I hope everyone goes and see this movie because it is good and should become a classic in no time.
  4. Well I finally seen this movie after it's second week out ( I think ), I will put it like this my review is going to be rather short because it was just like the first one. Once the movie got going it was over, it needed more background story especially on the Silver Surfer and who he was working for. Of course if you ever read the comics and the first cartoon that came out for the Fantastic Four you will realize who it is that the Silver Surfer is working for. The only saving grave for this movie really was that there was more action then the first one, however, I smell a third movie don't ask me how I just do and it will just 3 times as bad.The way I figure that if they added another 30-45 minutes worth of background and some filler, then I would consider both movies ot be good, lets not forget that Stan Lee likes to make appearances in his movies and this time he sticks with his real name, so its not really a spoiler I am giving out since it is obvious info about most the marvel movies he has produce. If your a marvel movies fan then go ahead and see it, but not at the regular ticket price just not worth the $7.25 ( I paid that) when there are better movies out.For me though I think these are the two movies I won't get on DVD until they are like $10, although I have every marvel movie that has come out (still need to get Ghost Rider). Maybe I get a used copy or something or when they do a double pack maybe then I will get it, cause then I save myself few dollars.Overall I give this movie 6.5/10 for the most part it was ok but needs a lot more work in all area's.
  5. Well if you think about the browser wars Opera is in 3rd place while firefox is 2nd and gaining while Internet explorer is top dog, I know there are a few other good browsers that are on the market, which of course use the IE engine to make them work, of course one million downloads in 2 days is not bad which would keep safari at 4th place for awhile. But like I mentioned before in a couple of other topics, whats hte point of having safari besides using it for developing applications and websites when you have 3 other browsers that have a better foothold then it does?
  6. Well now this should be for some good reading before bed I just caught this article and I have to say AHAHAHA. Microsoft gave it's 6 month report about how well vista did in the first 6 months of going on the market. So far Vista has had 4 patches to fix some high and medium end vulnerabilities that came out, although a few weeks ago I remember an article saying one guy found 10 exploits himself, but no patch has been made for it yet. Of course when they compared vista to Windows XP they mention that Windows XP had some bad exploit, which include IE browser exploits. Of course the big shocker windows XP had 36 vulnerabilities in which 23 were High end vulnerabilities and the rest were either small or medium, but like Microsoft they pointed out that Vista had a better 6 months then XP did, but least we forget over the long run XP had some pretty nasty ones come out especially the ANI exploit that I posted back in may I believe. But now for the fun part and that is Microsoft hate for Open Source Operating system Linux and all it's open sourceness (thats not a word but still sounds cool); Although they compared Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 against vista the numbers don't lie, well maybe but Red Hat 4 had 129 bugs, 40 rated as High end vulnerabilities. After the first 6 months they had fixed 281 bugs in which 86 were High end vulnerabilities. So as I am typing this I am talking to our resident Linux user truefusion and he was like OMG and other good choice words, but he will explain that in his post . But like I mentioned early after the first six months of XP, it was open season on the OS and so the question I will say is how bad Vista will be over the coming years, don't forget Windows XP has been running for almost 6 years now and so just give it time and some good stuff will be found. Source Here
  7. You just have to google check internet speed but here is a link that will tell you everything you need to know; like where your speed is compared to others and what not. http://www.speedtest.net/ http://myspeed.visualware.com/ CNET BW Test these are just a few of the sites you can find, there is also a firefox plug in that can test for you as well, but can't think of the name for it though. However, to get an accurate picture you need to have stuff like messenger clients close and nothing being downloaded or uploaded, because it will show you a false reading and it that won't help.
  8. It could be a ISP thing, usually when you can't see you own website your ISP could be block, should check with Xisto - Support and see if your IP number got blocked at all.
  9. Let not forget the hack job someone did on that site as well , I remember briefly seeing that on there website a month or so ago. I do remember that raid, but I think they did another raid on them earlier this year, saw an article on yahoo about it, but it could have been someone else so who knows. Boy that was some fine reading on there legal site and there responses are quite funny too, although they do know that most of the stuff there is illegal to begin with. What I find interesting though that the US does control the internet infrastructure and instead of going through out that legal mumbo jumbo, just pull the plug and call it a day.
  10. Well its been awhile since I last posted here (I think), but since I have a new service provider thanks to comcast take over of adelphia I got a much faster connection this time YEAH!!! Boy is it fast I got to spike my download speed at 5616 kbps, upload is a bit on the slow side which is hovering between 300-600 kbps. I could spend some extra money and bump it up to 8 MBps for even more speed wooo.
  11. This is even later post and I see you have a new avatar of of your favorite American Idol contestant, well either way glad he didn't win haha . If I remember correctly you were very rough around the edges when you first showed up on the forums but have gotten better since your time here. Well I guess I see you in the shoutbox and the forums then later later then.
  12. Saint_Michael


    Welcome to the forums Enrique, we always need more linux users in the forum just to show Microsoft whats up and junk (although I am a windows user). Well I won't go through my usually speech because the previous posts already cover it and so enjoy your stay here on Xisto and see you around the forums.
  13. Saint_Michael


    Welcome to the site and like Imtay mention read the Xisto read for everything you need to know about what to do here in the forums. So enjoy your time here on the forums and when you apply for your hosting enjoy that as well and always see you in the forums!!!
  14. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay make sure you check up on the Xisto Read Me as it will answer all your questions that could possibly have about what to do here on the forums and how to get your hosting account. So enjoy your stay and welcome to the forums and enjoy the hosting once you get it.
  15. There are a series of micro laptops that are on the market, can't think who might have them but they usually are smaller and weigh even less. I wouldn't say all laptop are bulky, unless you get a wide screen or one of those computers that have those cases that if drop one they don't break on contact. I believe they are called toughbooks and if I remember correctly they would primaroly be used in factors or in the military because of how thick the casing is for those notebooks.
  16. Truefusion is correct, penno195 has to cancel the account and reapply and no you can't copy a hosted members files to another one since those files are account specific and could make hosted account even more messed up such as it is. Contact support@xisto.com and give them the url to your site cpanel info and tell them you deleted all the files and need to cancel your account and restart it again.
  17. Only Admin can transfer credits to non hosted members, if a hosted member wants to award them to a non hosted member he or she would simply pass a message along to the admin and they could adjust accordingly.
  18. You first have to delete the index file in your public_html and that is were you also load up all your documents in order for people to see. All new users get the welcome index file after their accounts get activated.
  19. Loading isn't usually slow, but it happens from time to time though. As for your MySQL question it is a quick and easy process; Step #1: Log into your cpane (easy enough) Step #2: Click on MySQL databases Step #3: You will see a text box with the word MySQL Database fill in the text with the name of the databases, you usually want to name it after the software your using; like polls, forums, topsites. Step #4: Click create database and you are done Step #5: Now scroll down till you see Existing MySQL Users and then create a account, which is used to give the person access ot the database for installation purposes and to help keep it secured Step #6: Finally go to Grant permissions on a MySQL database to a MySQL user, in which you select the database your are using and of course granting access to that user. Since you will be the primary user you want to set the permissions to all. With all that done you can use this database for your connection to php scripts that require database to store information for you.
  20. Man 15 minutes my other one's took longer then that, glad I didn't say 100 credits were up for grabs. Nol has figured it out and yes truefusion circle the whole sig ; he had the general location just not the right spot, but credits are sent, but I keep the topic open and see if those who have bad eyes can find it .
  21. With me being a vet in the military I know a lot about this and there is more to it then asking if your gay or not; It's about the frame of mind that this is Man's Military meaning no women or women like characteristics i.e being gay. With that in mind it's all about hate, harassment; so when it comes down to when the military goes to war, someone with enough hate might pull a friendly fire and say something else. You be surprised how many people have pulled off being gay in the military, some spend there whole career's not letting anyone know, but the problem lies in the fact not every soldier lives outside the military bases and so those who live on the base after be extra careful and not get caught. Of course when the war on terrorism started and escalated such as it has some people claim to be gay so they can get out, some are successful others are not.The military follows a strong code that fuses religion, morals and rules; although being gay is slowly becoming acceptable, the problems are a lot worse in the military especially when someone finds out and you have to explain to your commanding officer why your getting harassed an all that wonderful stuff. Don't ask don't tell was put in placed so the army doesn't have to deal with it until it becomes a problem and when it does it becomes even worse especially the embarrassment on both sides. This policy is more complicated then it looks and its been 2 years since I been out and so I could be missing a few points about why it is what it is.
  22. The last time I did this was about 2 years ago and I had designed some pretty good ones, that a few people could find my name. So here are the Rules -Must be Hosted -If you believe you found the location of my name, pm me with a circle around the location of my name -First person to find it of course get 20 credits just like that I have a feeling though it won't take long to solve it, but thats alright enjoy the challenge.
  23. for future reference when you create a Mysql and are required to configure your php script you insert that database info. So if you get errors like MySQL not connected, that error is referring to the file above and that you need to connect the db with the php script.
  24. Well here is my latest Vector wallpaper, for the most part everything is position just about right but still good either way. Had to download more brushes for this one and also this is a 1024x768 resolution as well enjoy.
  25. If you read the Xisto read me you would know that the longer the posts the more credits you will get, shorts posts like these are considered spam and do not contribute to the forum. Also some forums are set up to give less credits while some are set up to give more; the max being 10 credits per post.
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