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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. I have a far better and quicker solution then the MSconfig option, download and installl Soluto, restart your computer and let the program run. Once it tells you how long it takes for your computer to boot up, open up the program and it will lists all the processes that are run during boot. I would go through the list carefully but it should be fairly easy to see which processes you will pause and which ones to delay. Best way to use this is see what is being recommend for each program and by the time your done going through the process you should see a faster boot.
  2. Nope it doesn't exist and I have a feeling why too and that being there are literally trillions of links on the internet and to create a file like that would take way to long. There are no programs or software that I am aware of that auto generates links that you can be bookmarked and so you would have to do it the old fashion way and that is of manually adding the link to your browser.
  3. Finally, got the MLE beta installed again. Such a pain

  4. I wonder sometimes, regardless of what I am doing or what I see and hear I try to find perspective on it or rather I try to find out if I can attach it to me in anyway. Granted, not everything works out the way but there is always some little thing that finds it way into your subconscious. Of course, it is in my dreams that it becomes something bigger when I least suspect it. They say your dreams are trying to tell you something or rather give you a vague image that you have to figure out. Sometimes I wish I could stop dreaming altogether because I feel my life would be a lot easier, problem is though you just can?t turn off your brain and so you have to deal with it. Such as dealing with life?s problems, there is no way around them and regardless if you found a shortcut, you still have to deal with it. It makes me wonder what life was like when man first became aware, what were we thinking at the time. I highly doubt we were thinking about making bombs, killing people, or even enslaving them, but rather they were trying to survive the harsh reality. Sadly, though those things that I mention became part of that survival.I remember a great book called the Giver, in this book society was completely controlled, everyone was assign jobs when they became of age, parents were given children from birthing mothers. However, later in the book, a boy would discover the truth and it was a harsh truth because none of the people felt emotions. You could say they were like the Vulcan?s from Star Trek, they existed but were so far repressed that they only could be described. Of course, the other harsh reality was that anyone who was sick or old, they were put to death by lethal injection, but it was call something else I believe it was along the lines of the celebration of that person?s life. Which means the concept of reality depends on one?s perspective and since we are all unique in our own ways, our perspectives are never the same. This means our realities are never the same either; however, there are those in societies who have this skill of the forked tongue in which they find ways to make all those different individuals think the same. There are many instances of where this happens at any given moment in any given day, but the most popular versions are government, religion, law and science.It is in those three groups in which there myriad of branches in each group and in those branches there are even more. Of course, the interesting part to all this is that they all intertwined based on that person?s agenda and sadly everyone has one of those because it is there that they determine their reality and where he or she goes within that reality.
  5. I had completely forgot about that website to test out HTML 5 compatibility and so after running the tests on all the browsers, even IE7 and 8 Here are the results. Clearly Chrome dominates in the HTML 5 support and from the works of it, Microsoft has a lot a work to do and I mean a lot of work to do. However, I will say they have improved a lot since IE8 in terms of support but one would think they be in the high 100s. Granted HTML5 is a work in progress and odds are by the time it is fully accepted in 2025 (UG), IE 15 will be out and I will have gone blind. Of course, I am a bit surprise with Firefox 4, I thought it would be a bit higher then that but compared to 3 it is better. Well IE6 was the best browser for its time, but when IE7 and IE8 came out, well lets just say everyone started switching, hopefully with IE9 people will start to flock back. As for the acid test score, they never passed it, they showed off that it was in the 90s and I do believe it was 90/100 when they first showed some screens. If you look at all the browsers, there is nothing original in them, it is mostly tweaks in the engine that separate the browsers.
  6. I reran the tests and your correct, I guess when I ran them the acid test was being broken on me,
  7. Well, Internet explorer 9 beta is out and I have to say looks wise I am impressed. Microsoft went the route of Chrome and gave it a minimalist browser look and that is a big plus. Also from a quick overview, it would seem they added their own Developer tools as well, shocking, but other then that it looks a lot better and it would seem HTML5 support is there as I have a couple of HTML5 based websites on my computer and I have to say I am impressed with it as well. Now for the fun part, the acid tests, I made sure all the browsers were current and here are my results. I have to say I am borderline shocked and impressed with IE9 results and if memory serves me correctly IE8 failed horribly at an abysmal 22 out of a 100. So this is huge for Microsoft to score that high, especially in beta. Hopefully they this number as well and try to see if they can bring up to 100 and start bringing back some of its glory it has lost since IE7 and IE8.
  8. I definitely have to agree with that and what gets me the most is the fact even though you know you typed it out right. Your still wrong and so sometimes I think some of them are actually broken or the person who set it up did not do it properly.
  9. Wow, I am so glad I Googled this headline, almost had me there for a second.
  10. Our universe, what could be said about something that is known and unknown. We are the only cognitive species in the known universe who have achieved intelligence far greater than was originally planned for us. By the laws of physics, time, space, distance and what the heck dimensions that our universe is over thirteen billion years old and by the time it turns fourteen, several million generations of humans will have come and gone just like that. Our time is precious because just ninety-three million miles away is a bomb so big it dwarfs the world?s nuclear arsenal a million-fold, maybe more. Our Earth has at least ten billion years to live, after that, it is no more and that is fact. However, a thought has occurred to me or rather a particular movie character comes to mind. Agent Smith from the movie The Matrix says we are a destructive species and that is true. However, at one point at time the universe had some sort of peace or rather our Earth was at peace, life in a way has the most sophisticated balancing system that is known to us. However, as a human species we have destroyed that balance and as many would like to think it is irrecoverable, no matter what changes are made to fix it the damage has been done and that is the sad reality that we have made for ourselves.I expect nothing out of this or to be honest I don?t know what to expect due to the fact my life is so small that compared to the universe it is meaningless. I once believed in a God or rather the Christian based God, but since then I stopped believing and why I did that, simple, the creator does not exist, if a God did exist this planet would have been destroyed the moment man began killing each other off. To put it bluntly we humans are the God?s and the reason is that have wrath no other species can dish out. Granted the other species of our little blue planet have their own defense mechanisms to hurt us and even kills us. However, our adaptable and killing nature has made it possible that we are the closes thing to Gods then those we have created in ancient times.On the other hand, something must have happened to bring us to where we are at this moment in time. Our brightest minds say that there are several possibilities to its origins. We have the Big Bang Theory, the most universally accepted theory on our planet. Correction, scientifically it is the most accepted theory. Religiously, God created the heavens and the Earth in six days and resting on the seventh. Another theory is that the universe has always been here that of course would debunk the age of our universe just like that. Another is that this is just one of many Big bangs and that this universe replaces the old one and eventually this one will be replaced as well. Of course, there are many more ideas of our beginning but I don?t care to research them nor do I care to back them up. As for our end, there are literally millions of way for us to die it is both expected, our sun blowing up or natural death, or unexpected, being murdered, Gamma Ray burst, even aliens, God?s wrath.We have fears, mine, is death, strange of course, have I accepted it, obviously but I don?t have to like it. I have also accepted the fact life is never easy, correction what I perceive as life is never easy. Why? Well if you gotten to this point in my little story and can answer that question yourself then you?re on your way to a life of bliss. Well, not really but at least you know perception is everything and that is the reason why the state of the universe is the way it is, our human perception is so unique that nothing has can top it. Sure other animals and insects can think at some level, but their lives are much simpler than ours. Over ten thousand years again early man began to think and why did it happen? If I knew the answer well then I just unlocked the answer to why we are here and I will have also answered the origins questions as well.On the other hand, this is mindless rabble, and those who do read think I am just a moron who has no idea what I am talking about. So be it, does not bother me one bit and you know why because everyone on this planet are stupid. Our leaders are stupid, their followers are stupid, those lost, homeless, rich, famous, good and even evil are stupid people. We are neither right or wrong we are neither fast or slow, we are who we are meant to be, but our unique gift to adapt is what makes either overcome our normalcy or succumb to it and accept ourselves based on what society has dictated who we should be. Well society is wrong so much that we had to create myth and legends, science fiction to gives dreams and hopes that we will never achieve. People say we use only ten percent of our brain, but what if were to unlock the one hundred percent and achieve the ultimate consciousness, would that person be the smartest being in the universe? Could that person be like Charles Xavier one of Marvel?s Comics most powerful psychic and do stuff that we only read in those comics? Or could that person be the most dangerous being in the universe? As likely as our ability to go back in time or being able to go Warp 10 or figure out that the butler did it, but let?s be honest, if we have created a telescope that could go back twelve billions into the past then what hell is wrong with us. If you can give me a no BS answer and convince me as such then I will shake your hand and wear a pink tutu for you.
  11. Back in the day footers were the cannon fodder of website design, but in recent years footer design has become something of an enigma. I have seen quite a few websites where designers go beyond a boring old footer either through graphic design or the code itself. You see this mostly in blog websites but check this link out from smashingmagazine.com on how designers work with their footers.
  12. One of my favorite shows during prime and as well I watch since the beginning, though I never had a chance to watch the pilot episode. Though I will say this, last season got very interesting although I am bit surprise the way they didn't continue it the way I thought they would. Though I would suspect they will continue it next season since the summer season is almost over.
  13. DHTML is pretty obsolete now and you should stick to AJAX based scripts like jQuery or Mootools as it will make your life a bit simpler. On top of that, it could be a browser compatibility issue that could be causing the images now to work properly.
  14. Though this is late and most likely you figured it out, in regards t oyour link I would suggest that your do the full url and see if that works. As for your Quick Time movie, you need to adjust the height and width of the player and that will fix your problem.
  15. At one time I was a Pepsi drinker and of course enjoyed various Pepsi products, mostly Mountain Dew. Now, I am a coke addict may it be cans or bottles I go for coke when I am need of a cola surge. Of course, I still enjoy the Pepsi product just not Pepsi itself, though I rarely drink it if I am looking for a little sugar.
  16. I use the Tea House them as I like how it changes over the course of a 24 hour period with the Fox going about its business until it goes to bed and then the ghosts come out to play.
  17. Yeah, I started playing it yesterday and like 3 hours later was still going at it. I definately enjoyed the strategy that comes to playing this game, of course, I enjoy the fun graphics and animation that is in this game. Of course, I was taken aback by the Michael Jackson zombie and surprise no one has complained about it. Granted I didn't look up anything as such but kind of bad to enclude someone that died last year.Still the game is fun and looking to kill some time, try this game out.
  18. I have some recommended reading for wanting to get your hands dirty with HTML 5. Pro HTML 5 Programming:L Powerful APIs for Richer Internet Application Development by Apress and HTML 5: Designing Rich Internet Applications by Focal Press. Take a look at these two books and you will have a good idea what HTML 5 is going to be used for in next generation web designing.
  19. You could read it in the browser or download it, but reading the PDF can be tricky at times since it might or might work.
  20. That is the funny thing about HTML 5, depending on who you talk to XHTML is version 5 in terms of progression, but because of what X does that isn't the case. Though I got a few books on HTML 5 and seen some websites and I have to say it fixes up alot of the problems HTML 4 had and of course fixes all the problems XHTML had with complient browsers. Of course, you would have to blame Microsoft for that one with IE7 and IE8, of course now that they got their act together more or less IE9 will be with everyone else and actually be using the same standards as everyone else.Though it begs the question on how has it made life simpler, I was looking at how they updated the way forms could be coded and I have to say I have mixed feelings about it. Granted when it comes to CSS, PHP, JavaScript, it makes coding specific parts a lot easier. Such as using input type="email"> or input type="tel"> code then using <input type="text">, since you then have to add an ID into the code in order for your scripts to recognize it. As for how HTML 5 handles video, I think that was one of the major reasons, because validator had problems with this line of code and no matter how standardize you got the code, there was always something that made invalid if you ran it through W3C validator.Of course, when it comes down to it with CSS3 already running, designing websites has become either easier or a lot more complicated depending on how you view it. However, in combination of HTML 5 it does make life a bit easier since a lot of the tags got removed and the fact HTML 5 sections off the website, web designers will have an easier time coding their website if they are using their stuff from Photoshop or Illustrator.
  21. I was somewhat of a fan of the game, it had a great story with some interesting customization to it. Of course, the second playthrough is where you tend to get bored with the game, due to the fact that once you completed the origin stories the overall story barely changed. Granted things changed depended on the race you choose for your run through, but once you got the gold glitch working and last I knew it still works, you got the best equipment and made the game a whole lot easier.Of course, the DLC that came out later with the game does add more to it, but because of how short that DLC was it wasn't worth the money. Well, at least for me it wasn't worth the money. Still it is a fun RPG with great dynamics and with DA 2 coming out soon it should be interesting what the sequel will be like.
  22. Most the tips mention hear are pretty good in extending your battery life but I think the most important one that you should rely on is either pull your battery out when your plug into your AC adaptor or have the adaptor unpluged until your battery is near dead. As for having your battery lasting longer while the computer is running is a different story, since age gradually reduces the battery life and of course it also depends what your doing on that computer as well that determines battery life.So less stuff running on your computer will help, but if you got a lot of intensive stuff running like play games or have a lot programs running then your batter will drop faster. So its just a matter of balancing the workload to make the batter last longer.
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