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Everything posted by brandice

  1. here's another thing, you do also have to take her parents into consideration, as they might also be different 'in real life' snd realize this isn't what they want for their child. I'm sorry to put a sort of pessimistic spin on the whole thing but that was one thing that I never thought to take into consideration before my big meeting with a stranger (that I talked to for a year and a half, everyday) from the internet, "what could go wrong and what am I going to do about it?"
  2. I am so sheltered from pop culture (I avoid top 40 radio at all costs) that I have never heard the crazy frog song. I have a feeling that is lucky, right?Things don't get played on the radio unless they have a hook that'll get stuck in your head, whether they are good or not. Whenever I do certain things I get certain songs triggered into my head. 80% of the time the song in my head is something that I don't like. For three years I had Janet Jackson's "Nasty Boys" stuck in my head whenever I washed my hair. I wish I knew why.
  3. I was just thinking, why are we all thinking he was a nerd or picky? Maybe he's just finally settling down after many years of being a swingin' ladies man. teehee.
  4. 5 days and having phone sex AND she's got a boyfriend... I really don't get this as being a "relationship" at all. Step back and think about this realistically, she's just in it for fun, you really shouldn't stress over this.
  5. The thing that you have to remember is not to expect too much. (I'm not talking about sex here, but don't try that either, you don't want to get in trouble.) I don't know what sorts of things you've talked about on the phone, but you can't go into this thinking that everything is going to be just as great as it is on the phone or over the internet. You can't go in and expect to be totally comfortable. It's a bit like starting over, in a way. There's a tremendous amount of things that you don't know about each other. So I suggest that you go in with a positive attitude but go slow and know that there's a chance that things won't go as smoothly as you've imagined. But don't get discouraged. Good luck and don't try anything funny, she's a minor.
  6. I've seen Bill Nye recently on news channels explaining things. We've all gotten older since Bill Nye the Science Guy was on.I didn't think that show was stupid at all. And I was already "grown up" when it was on. LOL. I watched it with my little sister and the kids that I babysat at the time. It was very educational but in a way that was entertaining. We used to watch that and Kratt's Creatures- which was way better than Zooboomafoo or whatever it's called, but that's a different subject.
  7. On here, my name is my real name, so I guess my mom is the origin of it. The main screen name that I am known as at other places came from not wanting to be a band's song name or something. I went with something that was about three degrees away, but still related in my head. I had to sign up at yahoo recently to start fantasy baseball and I wanted something new. So I went for a joke in my head at the moment. I had just fallen down the stairs because I thought there was a centipede on the step but it turns out it was just a "scarythread."
  8. other reasons for people presurring other people to drink is that they don't want to be the only one, they want someone to make a bigger fool out of themselves, they don't want to be the only one in trouble- they could say the other person peer pressured them into it. I am different than a lot of people, I guess. I didn't start drinking until this past year. Age 32! Up until then I was seriously anti-drinking, at least for myself, but I never told anyone my feelings on the subject. People never pressured me to drink in all of that time because early on when my friends would ask me I would just say, "No thanks, I don't like alcohol." There were a lot of times when it looked like people might be having fun but I remembered my feelings and felt better about myself for not doing it.BTW, I only drink once in a while now and I still think nearly all alcohol is pretty yucky.
  9. I thought there was an "unusable" time with numbers here, too. But I guess there isn't. To answer an earlier question, the people's last name sometimes get's pronounce "buggy" and other times the callers will say "boogie." A couple of time ladies have tried to make it sound fancy and French. I got a more disturbing call the next day. Maybe some guy dialing random numbers and hoping to get a girl to answer. Yuck. But there is the theory going around that bill collector guy decided to call back in his off-time with his normal "not work" voice. I don't need to get into any more detail but that sort of thing is really, really creepy.
  10. I just answered the phone and it was for the last people who had this number. It's been over a year now and people are still calling for them. The one upside to this is that the people have a hilarious last name. But that's getting old.The first problem with this guy who just called was that he was screaming. He was so loud that my ear is still ringing. The second problem was that he wanted to keep talking to me after he found out it was a wrong number. I know telemarketers sometimes do that, but I have this problem where any strange guy who calls wants to keep talking to me. This guy was trying to collect some money, there's no reason to talk to me about it. It's so weird, and creepy to me that guys have to start asking me personal questions over the phone. I've stopped answering them. If I had a nickel for every time someone has asked me how old I was over the phone I would be so rich. I can't help it if I sound really, really young. This comes from people that call here or people that I have to call for any sort of business in my life. If you knew how often that question was followed up by, "so... do you have a boyfriend?" it would make you sick. I just want to sign up for a class or order a pizza. What do they think is going to happen, really? Am I going to start talking dirty? Am I going to want to meet them? Just go back to work crazy phone call guys. sheesh.
  11. At this point, I don't even know if I want to try to guess! I have all sorts of theories about how everything will play out and why things have happened but with stuff like this it's always a surprise. I can't imagine how big this last book is going to have to be to answer all of the questions from part 6 and for Harry to figure out all of the Horcruxes. I just thought of something, what if the big ending battle happens before Harry figures everything out, everyone dies and we never know what any of it means? haha.
  12. I'd say that I am three or four of those. I'm not greedy or full of hate or pride. I'm trying to find some good in this
  13. I agree with this stance. I agree that many of the immigrants are doing jobs that would otherwise go unfilled. Seriously, think about this. It's horrible but there aren't a lot of people rushing out to pick fruit or do day labor type jobs. Making them work towards being citizens will change the structure of things, for sure. And what the republicans who are trying to build a fence and turn people away who have been here for years and years do not realize in all of this is that (I learned this on a news program the other night) these immigrants generally lean toward the right in politcal issues! More people to vote republican (yikes) but now that this is happening, I think that things are going to change. This situation works out bad for republicans any way that it goes.
  14. Should everyone start using unnecessary apostrophes? If you go on about certain people's spelling and grammar, when it's actually correct for the place that they are from, you should expect people to do a little bit of nitpicking of your language skills. About the Z's- That's how we spell things in America. There are several other things that we spell differently than the rest of the world. The thing that most people will bring up is out lack of putting the letter U in 'favorite' and 'color'. I like to think of it as a time saver. But that's the way we spell things.
  15. oh, how I hate this stuff as well! A couple of days ago we started getting pop up tabs within the firefox browser. Everyone has always said how safe firefox was and how nothing like this could ever happen but the ad people have finally figured it out. :| It's constant, the worst thing that's ever been on any of my computers. And I can't find any sites where anyone has acknowledged that this is possible.
  16. I see that, as a girl over 18, I am in the minority. I am quite certain that it will stay that way. It'll be hard to get an accurate count though, since a lot of people don't tell this sort of thing. On my board, there's a box you can check while registering to say if you are a boy or a girl. When you look at my stats page it say the male to female ratio is 1.8:1 but I figured out that it's actually 4:1 and most people didn't check the box. Weird.
  17. I finally saw this movie a couple of weeks ago. (and I call myself a fan?) I was really amazed at how they could cut two thirds of the book out and still come up with a movie that made sense. It was like the writers and whoever had a little bet with themselves to see how much they could strip away. The movie was really good, but I always prefer the books.
  18. I had the paperclip on my old computer. I hated typing out drafts of letters to my (then) boyfriend while the little clip would look over and smirk at what I was writing, like he was going to tell the next person who used the computer what I was up to. did that sound paranoid? haha.
  19. In the case of my little sister's boyfriend, it is true. That young man is so sensitive that anytime my sister starts to say anything that sound serious his "eyes start to water" Crying does clean out your eyes, but why is it that you can be sad and cry all day long but as soon as you get an eyelash in your eye you cannot produce a tear even if you think of the worst things possible?
  20. It appears to me, from the little article, it doesn't look like he isn't going to do the next movies, he just doesn't want to be stuck doing the same thing and having everyone think he's Ron Weasley forever. right?Still, they have three more movies to go and the kids aren't getting any younger and they are growing like weeds. They've got to start cranking out the next three films if they don't want everyone to be grown up and married by the time it's over.
  21. I've fallen on the stairs quite a few times since I've lived in this house. Mostly from trying to walk up quietly so I don't disturb anyone. Usually the worst damage happens to my shoulders from when I try to grab the railing to stop myself from gowing all the way down. The last time I was walking up the stairs and I started to fall back so I just jammed my forearm onto the rail very hard to sort of act as a break. I still got a bruise but I didn't dislocate anything.
  22. I remember that I would always take naps when I was a teenager. I just couldn't get enough sleep. Some people say it's because you are growing, but I ended up pretty short.I have a horrible sleeping pattern now. I try to get into bed at around 10 but I find that I can't fall asleep until after midnight. Then I wake up at 4:30 in the morning.
  23. This was from quite a while ago, I hope everything is going well for you. I lost some weight a few years ago and all I did was exercise and cut out a few things from my diet that I knew weren't helping me- soda, cheese, and candy.Exercising is really the best thing if you are just trying to tone up (I think that's probably what you are talking about... you said you were a size 7!! ) Just adding a little extra movement to your daily routine helps out a lot. For example, I do leg lifts while I brush my teeth. It seems silly, but think about it- If you brush your teeth after every meal, or even just the twice a day that they are recommending on commercials now, it really adds up. You get 6-15 minutes worth of extra movement everyday. I also do other little things like try to walk up and down the stairs as much as possible. Or if I need to use the bathroom I always walk to the one that is farthest away from where I am. Silly little things, but they do add up.
  24. When I started online Yahoo was pretty much the only place I'd go to search for anything, I remember I had a couple of addresses there, I had the MyYahoo page all customized and I started a yahoo group for a band that I was really into. I chatted with people all of the time there, but somehow I got distracted, lost track of all of the people and forgot my email addresses.Since then, the only times I would go to yahoo would be to search on one of their regional sites to see news from around the world and stuff.I had to re-sign up there recently to join a fantasy baseball league and I think I might get lured back into Yahooland once again.
  25. Adding custom BBCodes to your Simple Machines Forum is really very... simple. First, you will need to download three mods from the package manager. Faster Parsecode, ModSettings Textarea, and of course Custom BB Code. Once you have those mods set up you will need to go into your admin section and click on your "Edit Features and Options" link. In the Basic Forum Features section you will now find a "Custom BB Code tags" box. This box is where you will put your custom codes. You can add as many as you like, one per line. Let's break down the bits of a simple tag that will allow users to link to a google image search. This is what you would put in the text box: googleimg <a href="http://images.google.com/images?q=$1" target="_blank">$1</a> The first part is the name of your tag. In this case, users will need to type [googleimg]http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png monkey[/googleimg]http://forums.xisto.com/ to see a link to pictures of cowboy monkeys. Next, there is a space and then the html code. The '$1' is the "wildcard" and will be replaced in the final outcome with whatever the user types between the tags. You can also add css into the mix. Here is a very tacky example: hmmmm <span style="text-align: center; background-color: #FA3E00; color: #386AFF; border: dotted 2px #f2f2f2; font-size: 18px;">$1</span> In this case, anything within the [hmmmm] tags will be in large blue letters with an orange background a dotted border.
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