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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. I think Plenoptic's siggy best represents the "Gaming through the Ages" with the presentation of the various Game Controllers and the different Games he has chosen to display. Perhaps not the best of the "graphics", but the best development of the chosen theme, so I'm voting according to the concept.
  2. Just chilling out for the weekend, tinkering around the yard and stuff.Probably BBQ for Supper. Fireworks were Saturday night here. Pretty good display for a small town. About twenty minutes worth.
  3. Nice introduction.Good luck with all of that stuff. Hope you enjoy your stay here at the Xisto.Members are friendly and helpful, so don't be shy about requesting any assistance.See you around.
  4. Go to the cpanel, select (click on ) the Fantastico module, then select the script from the drop-down list and a submenu will appear on the right-hand side of the page. One choice is to install the script. Others might be to go to the scripts's home page or support forum. Select the option to install. Most Fantastico scripts are fairly automatic. Most of them only need a name for the script Admin signon and some of them need to know the folder to store the script into. Call it Mambo or whatever you want. Hope this helps. Wander around in the Fantastico and check out all the scripts available. You won't break anything...
  5. And another reason to NOT use this method is to avoid someone "highjacking" the session.A malicious user (read: Idiot with nothing better to do), if they somehow acquire the sessionid, could pretend to be the user and do some damage to your site. At least maybe for the user id involved.
  6. I prefer the second (lighter) one, but they are both very good.
  7. No problem, that's what this Forum is all about. People helping people and sharing some knowledge around. Now you need to assist others on the Forum and the circle will be complete. Easy, eh?
  8. try w3cschools.com for information about php includes. Or php.net might be a better source..Then maybe you could have two Headers. One "include" with the Forum Button and one without. Then you "include" the correct Header on each page you build, although it might be simpler to just have the Button on every page. IMHO.
  9. Nice, I like the simplicity.Keep working at the menu links and getting some content happening.
  10. Try adding this to your css file: ul li a:visited { color: 000#; background: #f0f; }ul li a:hover { color: 000#; background: #f00; }Place these definitions after the [ ul li a ]. The order is important. Links, then visited, then hover and active rules in that order or they don't behave properly. LVHA.
  11. If you liked this one, read Animal Farm by Orwell. And then Brave New World. And then Watership Down.
  12. I wouldn't worry about it if the logos are Local and clean of ownership, meaning that the company has clear ownership of the Logo.Won't be a problem until someone steals it from them. And the Company would only pursue the theft if they were losing income due to the theft.
  13. Try cleaning it first.Dirt and stuff in there can be a problem with any keyboard.
  14. To see a decent "basic" forum, google on "phorum" (no quotes). http://www.phorum.org/ A nice basic design and moddable, too.
  15. Going to Court probably won't lower the fine or anything. If one of the options is to pay the fine in advance of the Court Date, then do it. Take the de-merit points and drive slower from now on. If you force yourself to drive slower now while you are young, it becomes a habit. Save the fast driving for the Freeways.Maybe if you pay enough in fines then you will learn to drive the posted limit.Also, tell your folks asap. Even though this is the Father's Day weekend, the ticket won't devastate them. If they have seen you drive, they are probably expecting the ticket to happen so tell them soon.
  16. Older? There are several 50+ members here already. Good to have you here.Lots to learn by reading the topics and looking forward to seeing your progress with your site.
  17. Nice layout and I like the colours. Subdued.Only thing I would change is to move the Menu "above the Fold". I have an 800 x 640 monitor and must scroll down to find the navigation. It is reccomended to have the nav links "above the fold", so the user doesn't need to scroll down.
  18. Husker, if you are on the small bandwidth plan, you will have to upgrade to the regular plan at a cost of 30 credits to add more Bandwidth.Boozker,There are only two plans available at the Xisto. com. In order to get more Bandwidth, you will need to buy a plan at Xisto - Web Hosting.com, a sister company. Or use a file upoad site for the video files to save your bandwidth???
  19. I don't think MS-DOS went that high. I remember using MS-DOS 3.1 just around the time the Windows OS was launched. I then left the job I had then, so never used anything newer than 3.1 that I recall.
  20. I get to the cpanel just fine. And my sites are up and running good.Confirm your password for the cpanel access. Are you gettining any error message that might help diagnose this particular problem? Are you behind a firewall which might be blocking Xisto?
  21. You will need some sort of server-side script to do the rotating banner thing. Html alone won't do it.There are lots of rotating scripts available at the php sites on the web, like hotscripts.com.
  22. The www folder is more correctly defined as an "alias" of the public_html folder. They are the same folder. If you add or delete something to one of them, it also has the same effect on the other.
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