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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. I wrote a version of a templating system which you can link to through my siggy.Post any questions you might have and I will attempt to answer them for you.
  2. Using the search feature here at the Xisto Forums should show several scripts of various degrees of complexity. Depending on your needs, you should be able to find what you want in either the Tutorial section or maybe the PHP section of Programming.Failing that, try Google.Html is not a 'dynamic' tool. You will need to use a scripting language like php and / or a database (myssl) in order to implement a full Log-in side to your site.Good Luck with it. Post any problems and someone should be able to assist you.
  3. When you have an image defined in your Html, and use an "alt=" attribute with it, the older browsers display the text in the alt= when the image is not available. Newer browsers use the "title=" attribute and ignore the "alt=" because the alt= was never intended to be used as substitute text. In Cascading Style Sheets, the correct method is to use the title=. Internet Explorer, and browsers using their engine, still uses the "alt=", so if you wish to be Browser friendly to both new and old Browsers, use both the alt= and the title= at the same time. I am not certain if the alt= will pass as acceptable coding using the w3c validator, though, so if you are want to be w3c valid html or xhtml, you might want to check their standards for compatible use of the alt=.
  4. Beeseven, look at the date of the Original Post. The font tag was common and quite popular in past versions of html coding. I don't reccomend its use, though. Learn CSS and manipulate the output with classes and id's instead.And Frames belong to the same era as Font tags. Use Div's and css to control your pages.
  5. Welcome back to civilization.Where the mosquitoes bad? How was the food? Tell us more...
  6. I don't use Xisto - Web Hosting, but the servers are run from the same facility as the Xisto servers (and also Xisto), so if you are satisfied with the servers at Xisto, then the Xisto - Web Hosting services will be similar except different plans (space, bandwidth, etc.)And no Forum posting required.
  7. find a common denominator and use that to get yourself ntroduced to her and then go for it.
  8. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Opaque. And Derek's family and friends.
  9. Welcome to the Xisto Forums.As you can see by the responses posted above my reply, it is important that you read and obey the rules for posting. The Mods and Admins hate Spam, so be sure to avoid spamming.The rules are there so that everyone can have an enjoyable Forum for posting and learning. Enjoy your visits.
  10. Good Work!I am not crazy about the colours or the Iframe Layout, but nice job.And since I am not a "Kitten", I probably won't visit much, but the site has appeal to others, I am sure. Nice touch to link to the Xisto Homepage.
  11. Another advantage to CSS is that instead of, for example : changing a colour on each and every page of your site, by altering a single file ( the css file ) you can change lots of stuff on ALL the pages of the site with one edit.
  12. Use php or another scripting language to develop a "log-in" for your site. Typically, a Database is also required to maintain a record of the members and so forth. There will be some scripts here at the Xisto Forum in the Tutorial Section which will assist you or ask questions over on the php coding section.Someone may already have what you need or at least point you to the correct spot.You might also try http://www.hotscripts.com/ for a log-in script.
  13. Looks like something a Xisto member would be proud to display.Thanks Mic, for making this cool "user bar".
  14. The lines seem to add some depth to the siggy. That's how I voted.
  15. I think maybe I will read this thread tomorrow or the day after ... lol
  16. Good Luck with this Project, BH.Is there any way we (the Xisto membership) could assist with this Fundraiser?
  17. If he "cheated" on you with your cousin, Kick his Butt to the curb.You don't need that.
  18. Our thoughts and Prayers are with you and Derek at this time of crisis.
  19. Well, don't delete or change permissions on any of those files or folders. They are "SystemFiles" used by the Server to control access to your account and do a bunch of system maintenance stuff. All of them are needed by the Apache server (or Cpanel) which is the system used to regulate the Hosting here at Xisto (and many other sites).Without seeing the actual script you are using to list your sitemap it is difficult for me to sort through the listing and eliminate them from the output of your sitemap, however, one way to stop them from displaying on the sitemap would be to move the site and the sitemap script into a folder 'below' public_html and have your .htaccess file point to the folder instead of the public_html folder.Does this help?
  20. I would think that the numeric portion is the Chest size and the S-short would have less length to the body and arms while the R-regular would be sized according to "normal" body and arm length..
  21. Modify the script to have these folders / files ignored for display purposes.Since the bulk of them begin with an under_score, use that as a selection criteria for the ignoring part of the script and then specify the other ones by name.
  22. You two go/went to the same High School?
  23. Most Browsers have a view source function installed to inspect the HTML output for a web site. php and asp (server side scripting languages) only serve up information as html to Browsers. I am not aware of any method to view the source of php via web URL's.
  24. If you can adjust the page using CSS, simply add some margin-top or margin-bottom to the div's involved.Sorry, I hand-code my pages, I don't use any software to develop sites, so I don't know how to have Dreamweaver do it, but the CSS file should be there someplace or maybe it is in the Head section of the page?
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