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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. My take on this topic is that some Siggies are getting quite large and I would prefer if the members would modify their sig blocks to a smaller, friendlier format.
  2. Sounds like someone has your password.Change it immediately as a safeguard, and if it happens again, report this problem to the Hotmail people.
  3. The Playoffs is a whole new season, Buff...Look at Edmonton vs Detroit. (insert Oilers Plug Here ) Based on Regular season stats, there is no way the Oilers should've taken that series in 6 games. I was fortunate to be living in Edmonton during the 80's and this team reminds me of the early Oilers. Youth, speed, totally unpredictable how the game is going to end. 4 goals in the Third period to win the last game of the series. Awesome. I'm pulling for the Sabres, too. ( in the East, only )
  4. Sorry Tyssen, I disagree. I've seen the damage it can do.
  5. Just visited and it looks good.Different Theme. so i assume you did a re-install. Also, I did a w3c.org check and the SMF Forum validates as xhtml 1.0 Transitional with 0 errors. That is pretty good. IPB doesn't validate.
  6. jlhaslip

    Can't Open Pdf

    There was a topic on the forum a while back about speeding up the Acrobat Reader process by moving some files and or plug-ins (don't exactly recall what). Did you by chance move those files? Might have to move them back to where they belong. I don't exactly remember which Forum it ws in, but try a search for the topic..
  7. Never worked with that particular Forum before, but I would be tempted to un-install it and then re-install the Forum. Might just be a bad install. Looks like you missed a file on the install. If you modded the template, did you move any files or fail to add any? Check to see if you mis-spelled any filenames? Particularly the one that is throwing the error: Load.php?
  8. That would be a long-term solution to a short-term problem.Hang in there, Cody. It gets better with time. Soon enough you will be able to make some of your own decisions and that's when you will be better off. Of course, you will have to abide by the outcome, but that is a part of the deal.Drugs are for Losers.
  9. <?php$data = array(); // declare an array$source = 'string here'; // string to break down into array elementsfor ($i=0; ($i<=strlen($source)-1); $i++) { $data[] = $source{$i}; echo $i . ' - ' . $source{$i} . '<br />'; // echo array elements and their key value }var_dump($data); // dump the array to the browser to confirm values?>Like this? The echo and the var_dump are in the script only to confirm that the string is converted into an array. Delete as required.
  10. Now I've seen it all. This guy pleads guilty to assisting in the death of over 3,000 people and gets Life Imprisonment. Something is wrong here, folks. That is just my opinion. Wonder how long he will last in the Prison? Probably won't be in the General Popuation there. Then again, maybe he will. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. Got a link for that? When I looked, it was $9.99 per year. Yahoo! Small Business, right?
  12. jlhaslip


    It is advertised at 99.9% which is probably accurate over a long period of time. Having said that, there was been a period or two over the last six months that it seemed to be not quite as high as 99.9%, but with server swaps, Forum upgrades, modifications to the scripts and including some new features like the gfxtrap.com , there were a few bumps in the road. Hopefully the Site is over that 'growth' period and things seem to be extremely stable now. As for Hosted accounts, I have never once had a complaint from a viewer that the site was down. My phpbb Forum has been down only twice in six months and usually for only an hour or so. Happens rather infrequently. Over all, good uptime in my experiences here at the trap.
  13. Canadian - currently living in the Rocky Mountains. Might want to try our Winters.
  14. Don't see why not. But how are you going to update or access the mysql? I don't think you can "Hotlink" to the Databases from another host.
  15. Both good answers there, Michael and Albus. And there are many, many more scripts available in the fantastico than what you have mentioned. and, yes, all free for the installing. There might be a connection between the no-post count topics and the searchability of those topics by the Bots that index the site. I am only guessing here, but I don't think that Opaque neccesarily wants the Bots to index a bunch of middle-school students' problems, so that may be a reason. Of course, use grown-ups have our share of content there as well, but anyway, I think the no-post count for certain topics is a method to possibly minimize the content in those topics so the Forum is searched and reported on other issues, like php coding, and other more techy stuff. Graphics, for instance is a big drawing card for the Xisto forums, for instance, so trying to focus on gfx types is accomodated by using the gfxtrap.com url. etc. See what I mean?
  16. Instead of members PM'g you, watch the sig request topic and if there is a request made for a siggy, feel free to create one for the requesting member. There is no requirement for those who make the sig to be a gfxcrew member. Lots of different people will supply sigs and then we get to see their results, too.Check out the gfx tutorials here on the Xisto. Lots to learn.Like your siggy, too.
  17. Hotlink protection will only stop others from accessing the file from another server or another Domain. The way Hotlinking works is to stop others from using the file from your account on your server to style their page on their site. Or from using your Bandwidth to display an image from your account on their page.As Inspiron pointed out, the css file must be accessible to be sent along with the html, so Hotlink protection will not be good in this instance. And I believe that if you move the css file above the public_html folder, it would not be served with the pages, either, leaving the encryption method as the correct alternative.On the other hand, what's the big deal about letting others see you css? Are there State secrets stored in there? Matters of National Security? Letting people see the css file is not a big deal.
  18. Computinghost.com ( an Xisto company) offers domains for $7.99 per year if you want a dot info, or $9.99 per year for a dot com. That is about as cheap as you will find right now. Yahoo! Small Business used to have a cheaper Plan, but it is no longer available. Purchasing it through Xisto - Web Hosting also supports this Forum, as it is the same ownership, too. https://xisto.com/.
  19. Use $openedfile = fopen($thefile, "a+"); NO, send the email is seperate function, but you could write the information to a file at the same time, then you have a copy in case the email fails to send or gets lost. See above. Check the link posted above that goes to the php.net page. All the possible choices are listed there. Use one that will 'append' to the file. either "a" or "a+" will work. Yes, add newline and or return-line characters to the message body or use comma seperated values format with a unique character string as a seperator. As many as the File Manager will allow you to have for your system on the server. On a LInux based Apache server like the one here at the Trap, LOTS.
  20. What Operating System are you running? OS10? good stuff. I'm on a G3 and have both OS 9.3 and OS 10 available on it. This one has a small RaM, though. Have to let it cooldown once in a while and the Browsers available for it are not "full featured", because they aren't supported anymore, but if you are on OS 10, you should be alright for a while.
  21. The Mozilla Suite includes the Composer which is a free download. Composer can be used as both a text editor and and wysiwig editor. Besides, you get a good Browser out of it, too. https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/ For tutorials and html info, try http://www.w3schools.com/.
  22. Hey, SM, doesn't the School offer a Book list for their courses? I would get their list and scour the local used Book stores. Be careful, though, Textbook publishers are notorious for changing the "Edition Number" so the Used books are out of date and you need to watch that.I was gonna send you a contribution towards the Book Fund, but I can't get the Beer case into the scanner... sorry.
  23. Also, the Hosting account here at the trap gets everything logged in the Web Stats that you need anyway. The Web Stats will tell you the info you need to know about the Operating Systems that are visiting, the pages which are visited, where the visiturs are from and lost more information. (How many 404 errors you pull...) (How many times the Bots visit, and which ones) (How much Bandwidth and storage you use per month)Check it out via the Cpanel.
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