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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Have you looked at conText as an editor? Works for me.
  2. That'll give everyone something to do on their days off from work/school/eating turkey.
  3. Hey, coolduck, it's been a slice. Sorry to see you leaving, but glad you have those priorities straight. The Wife and Child are certainly more important that the Forum here. Go do what is most important. Come and visit on occaision...
  4. I went over and put together a real quick sample and here is the url: https://sites.google.com/site/jimhaslip/home Pretty cool little piece of work. The page creator, I mean, not the page I built. Simply shows how Google is a front runner and has soooo many good things to offer web users. Keep watching them to see where the Web will take you next...
  5. There will be an adapter that will let you hook it up, Mich. No problem.DsL is definately the way to go. WAAAYYYYYY faster and you'll love it after having Dial-up.
  6. Account has been deemed as a "keeper", like yourself.Hurray back, anytime. Look forward to hearing from you as you progress through your Program. And Good Luck, of course.
  7. to start with, google on 'sliding doors css on:hover' or see if this helps you: http://alistapart.com/article/slidingdoors
  8. Well, these same questions were being asked in the 60's and got us through two Oil Embargos and the Oil Companies found some new methods and techniques for recovery of marginal Oil Deposits, ie: Tar Sands development, but Oil is a short-term solution. Better hope that the Scientists and Engineers put their thinking caps on to bail us out of this one.Hydro-electric seems possible. Hydrogen powered vehicles are on the way, too. Don't count on LPG because it'll be gone when the Oil is run out. Those two come from similar sources. The trouble is that no matter where we get the Energy from, remembering that Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only converted, there is an impact on the Environment. Hydro-electric requires Dams and resevoirs which affect local and Global ecologies. Do we know the real effects of removing and using the Hydrogen from the atmosphere? Actually, might turn out to have Nuclear fusion engines in our hovercraft-like vehicles??? I'll stick around to find out. Won't the Terrorists like that as a method of suicide Bombing places?An even more pressing issue is how do we stop the effects of the environmental damage we have already created? Global Warming is expected to melt the Polar Ice Caps by 2040. No more Polar Bears. They live on the Ice flows. And Air Pollution MUST be halted or the process will accelerate even quicker than that.
  9. As a Moderator on this Board, it is one of my duties to investigate claims such as the one you have made against the member originating this Topic.Having clicked the link you provided, I fail to recognize the similarity in the Theme you display and the Theme on the above listed link by our member.Kindly reply by PM with an argument supporting your claim within 24 hours or your posting will be removed as unfounded, and a suitable Warning will be issued against you for the unfounded claim. If you take the time to review our Rules, we do not allow flaming on this Forum. Your claim, if found to be false, would be deemed as an unneccesary, and uncalled for, Flaming of a fellow member.Regards,jlhaslipModerator.Submitted by PM. Email listed as Private and not available for submission. Notice from saint-michael: All concerned parties have been pm by me about this so any further discussion as mentioned above will be done by pm.
  10. More information on Fading in the IE Browser can be found here .
  11. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah In Light of recent media attention, I'm posting the following: Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non addictive, gender neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or the secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. In addition, please also accept my best wishes for a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2007, but not without the due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make this country great (not to imply that this country is necessarily greater than any other country or area of choice), and without regard to race, creed, colour, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual orientation of the wishers. This is limited to the customary and usual good tidings for a period of one year, or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first. "Holiday" is not intended, nor shall it be considered, limited to the usual Judeo-Christian celebrations or observances, or to such activities of any of any organized or ad hoc religious community, group, individual or belief (or lack thereof). Note: By accepting this greeting you are accepting these terms. This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal, and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher at any time, for any reason or for no reason at all. This greeting is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. This greeting implies no promise by the wisher actually to implement any of the wishes for the wisher her/himself or others, or responsibility for the consequences which may arise from the implementation or non implementation of it. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND BEST WISHES FOR 2006/07 This greeting is void where prohibited by law
  12. home.html is also used on some servers as the index.html we are familiar with.
  13. Okay, more info.Friend bought this machine USED c/w win2000. Tried to partition the HDD and load winXP. Failed, or what ever.Then he tried winXP after re-formatting and things are where they were explained.Using BH's BIOS approach, I have since been able to get a win98se startup disk to re-format the HDD and it won't recognise the win98se Install CD.Error Message : Invalid System disk, Replace the disk, and then press any key.I know the disk is good, because it is the Install disk I use on my own Laptop. and I have set the BIOS to start on the CD-ROM...so, what's next?
  14. A friend has a Toshia Satellite 2530CDS Laptop which he re-formatted the Hard-drive and tried to load Windows XP Pro onto. (It previously had Win 2000) And now the thing won't start-up to a disc or even trying to load windows 98se from a CD fails. The CD does go round and round, but it doesn't do anything. The display "lights up", and occasionally a Splash page appears, but pressing F3 or F8 or any other key combination doesn't get into Safe Mode, even. Almost like it has lost its BIOS, I guess.What to do??? I have a Windows 98SE disk and key to use from another dead machine, so can anyone tell me what I need to do to get it loaded? Is there a procedure which might work? Ideally, I wish to load the win98se system. Are Drivers going to be a problem here?
  15. Absolutely. Sign-on to your account cpanel and checkout the pre-installed scripts like Mambo and Joomla. They are Content Management Systems which take alot of the work out of building a site. There are some distinct advantages to using them, like allowing others to update information if you allow them access and permissions.
  16. HA! HA! Too Funny.Jumping like that off a huge ledge. I'm surprised the sound wasn't louder at the end...
  17. Th quote I like that is on-topic here is : "Life is what happens to you while you have made other plans..."Not sure When or where I heard this one, but it was a long time ago.
  18. Nice job.I wish this had've been in place when I was first learning. I like the approach you have taken. Nice and easy introduction, but a whole lot of information and power in just those first few pages.I look forward to seeing more pages added soon.Biggest thing about the site is to have either a spell-checker and/or an editor of some sort look at the content prior to publishing. There are a few spelling or typo things I would change. Nothing major though.8.5 / 10 at least. (deduct 1 for the typos/spelling)
  19. Have you tried putting a margin-left on the div or block of code that you want indented?I would float:left the div with the links and then margin:left the div with the content a similar amount as the width of the float.Post back if you need a code snippet.
  20. Use the report button to report Posts/Topics which you feel are not suitable and a Mod will handle them according to our guidelines. Member post count alone may not be adequate for determining Spam. Content, lack of referrals, Terms of Service violations, etc are more influential in the determination.
  21. The Sun has a Gravitational force which is greater than Earth's, so the closer you get to the Sun, the stronger its Gravitational Force becomes. If I remember correctly, the gravitational attraction between two objects is a function of their mass and the distance between the objects. If the Space Station which the Anti-matter is generated from is closer to the Sun than we are, the effect of gravity would react stronger as you approach the Sun, yes?
  22. Detportal,Check out the new phpbb3 beta version. It rocks.
  23. must be a problem with the logic in the coding.Could you post a link to the page and the code, please?
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