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Everything posted by wild20

  1. Those USB drives are wild. I like the thumb one But can you imagine biting into the shrimp drive?! Man, a lawsuit waiting to happen. That small one, the idisk, is also awesome. But only 128MB I wonder if they could fit more in there. So yeah, those are awesome. Thanks for sharing!
  2. That is it! You are amazing, a gem, incredible. Do you realize what you have done! You have gotten a Bible working for me. Finally, if you don't mind, I will be crediting five credits to your account for your time and help, I really appreciate it. I can now move on with my other stuff on the Ministry. Hey thanks again, this is SO awesome!
  3. Hey thanks true2earn. Okay, here is what I got. Everything is uploaded into my other hosting, religiousinfo.trap17.com/bible I edited the config file so it looks like this: //This stuff probably needs changed. ALL OF THESE VALUES SHOULD END IN A '/', EXCEPT IN VERY RARE CIRCUMSTANCES.$config["URI_prefix"] = "http://religiousinfo.trap17.com/bible/"; //Where the script lives on the web.$config["script_suffix"] = "bible.php/"; //The name of the main script. (It may seem strange that this should end in a '/', but that is indeed the case.)$config["local_prefix"] = "/home/terms200/public_html/bible/"; //Where the script lives on the disk.$config["bible_midfix"] = "bible/"; //The directory that the bible data is in. ($config["local_prefix"] . $config["bible_midfix"])$config["themes_midfix"] = "themes/"; //The directory that the bible data is in. ($config["local_prefix"] . $config["bible_midfix"]) And it didn't work Could you put on your config file here so I can look at it true2earn? Also, in order for it to work, do I need to put in the themes in? Anyway. I uploaded into my database 1 Choronicles, and first Chorinthians. So click on one of those, and you will see what it does. I really need some help. So go to religiousinfo.trap17.com/bible/bible.php and you can see it for yourself. remember though, I only uploaded first Choronicles, and first Chorinthians. I also noticed that it is suppose to bring you to yourdomain.com/bible/bible.php/1ch/1 How do I do that, I noticed that there is a frame around yours and I don't have any design installed, so I need to. Because all I have in the bible directory right now is the bible.php, config.php, 1ch, and 1co. That is it. Take that into consideration too. Hey thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it!
  4. And here is the rest: //Let's do our page thing. if($subpage >= $config["search_results_per_page"]) { $page++; $subpage = 1; if($page == $config["page"]) $display = TRUE; //Allowed to display. else $display = FALSE; } else $subpage++; if($display === TRUE && $previous_book != $versedata[0]) //This is a new book. { if(isset($previous_book)) if($display === TRUE) { $output_buffer = $output_buffer . ("</ul></li>"); $started_book_list = FALSE; } for($tint = 0;isset($bible_books[$tint]);$tint++) { if(strcasecmp($versedata[0], $bible_books[$tint]["short"]) == 0) //This is a ref to the short name. $tstring = $bible_books[$tint]["long"]; } if(!isset($tstring)) echo("<p><b>Error! \$tstring unset!</b></p>\n"); if($display === TRUE) { $output_buffer = $output_buffer . ("<li>" . $tstring . "<ul>"); $started_book_list = TRUE; } $previous_book = $versedata[0]; } if($display === TRUE) $output_buffer = $output_buffer . ("<li><sup><a href=\"" . $config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . $versedata[0] . "/" . $versedata[1] . "/" . $versedata[2] . "\">" . $versedata[1] . ":" . $versedata[2] . "</a></sup> "); } if($display === TRUE) $output_buffer = $output_buffer . (htmlentities($buffer)); $evaluate_verse_next = FALSE; //Assume that we're not going to evaluate the verse next time. if(!(strpos($buffer, "\n") === FALSE)) //If there is a newline, then the verse is over. { $evaluate_verse_next = TRUE; if($display === TRUE) $output_buffer = $output_buffer . ("</li>\n"); } } } if(isset($started_book_list) && $started_book_list === TRUE) { $output_buffer = $output_buffer . ("</ul></li>"); $started_book_list = FALSE; } //Make sure we've closed the tags. if($page != 0) { echo("<div align=\"center\">\n"); echo("<p>Page " . $config["page"] . " of " . $page . "</p>\n"); /////PREVIOUS echo("<table border=\"0\" width=\"50%\"><tr>\n"); echo("<td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\">\n"); echo("<form ACTION=\"" . $config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . "\" METHOD=\"get\">\n"); echo("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"operation\" value=\"Search\">\n"); if($bookok === TRUE) echo("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"book\" value=\"" . $config["book"] . "\">\n"); echo("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"search\" value=\"" . $config["search"] . "\">\n"); echo("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"" . ($config["page"] - 1) . "\">\n"); if(($config["page"] - 1) < 1 || $config["page"] > $page || $config["page"] < 1) echo("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"<< Previous Page\" disabled>\n"); else echo("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"<< Previous Page\">\n"); echo("</form>\n"); echo("</td>\n"); /////SEEK echo("<td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">\n"); echo("<form ACTION=\"" . $config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . "\" METHOD=\"get\">\n"); echo("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"operation\" value=\"Search\">\n"); if($bookok === TRUE) echo("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"book\" value=\"" . $config["book"] . "\">\n"); echo("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"search\" value=\"" . $config["search"] . "\">\n"); echo("Page: <input type=\"text\" name=\"page\" value=\"" . $config["page"] . "\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"10\">\n"); echo("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Go\">\n"); echo("</form>\n"); /////NEXT echo("<td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\">\n"); echo("<form ACTION=\"" . $config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . "\" METHOD=\"get\">\n"); echo("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"operation\" value=\"Search\">\n"); if($bookok === TRUE) echo("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"book\" value=\"" . $config["book"] . "\">\n"); echo("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"search\" value=\"" . $config["search"] . "\">\n"); echo("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"" . ($config["page"] + 1) . "\">\n"); if(($config["page"] + 1) > $page || $config["page"] > $page || $config["page"] < 1) echo("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Next Page >>\" disabled>\n"); else echo("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Next Page >>\">\n"); echo("</form>\n"); echo("</td>\n"); echo("</tr></table>\n"); echo("</div>\n"); } if(isset($output_buffer)) echo("<ul>\n" . $output_buffer . "</ul>\n"); else if($page == 0) echo("<p>Sorry, no search results.</p>\n"); else if($config["page"] > $page || $config["page"] < 1) echo("<p>Sorry, nothing in the requested page.</p>\n"); else echo("<p>Phew, there's nothing to display, and I'm not sure why. (This is a bug.)\n"); } } }else //Not displaying the title page, or searching. (Display actual scripture.) { echo("<div align=\"center\"><h2>" . $bible_books[$bookindex]["long"]); if(isset($config["chapter"]) && !isset($config["verse"])) echo(", Chapter " . $config["chapter"]); else if(isset($config["chapter"]) && isset($config["verse"])) echo(" " . $config["chapter"] . ":" . $config["verse"]); if(isset($config["verse"]) && isset($config["verse_end"])) echo("-" . $config["verse_end"]); echo("</h2></div>\n"); $evaluate_verse_next = TRUE; $previous_chapter_exists = FALSE; $next_chapter_exists = FALSE; $previous_verse_exists = FALSE; $next_verse_exists = FALSE; $ever_displayed = FALSE; if(isset($config["verse"]) && isset($config["verse_end"])) $range_error = TRUE; else $range_error = FALSE; $last_chapter = 0; $range_hit_start = FALSE; $range_hit_end = FALSE; if(!isset($config["chapter"]) && !isset($config["verse"])) { echo("<div align=\"center\"><h3>Please select a chapter.</h3><table border=\"0\"><tr align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">\n"); $wrap = 0; } while(!feof($bookfile)) { $buffer = fgets($bookfile, 128); if($evaluate_verse_next === TRUE && strcmp(rtrim($buffer), "") == 0);//echo("<h3>Killed a buffer!</h3>\n"); else //Buffer isn't killed. { if($evaluate_verse_next === TRUE) //Last thing we did was find the end of a verse. { for($tint = 0;isset($buffer[$tint]) == TRUE && $buffer[$tint] != ":";$tint++) {; } $current_chapter = substr($buffer, 0, $tint); $tint2 = $tint + 1; for($tint = 0;isset($buffer[$tint + $tint2]) == TRUE && $buffer[$tint + $tint2] != " ";$tint++) {; } $current_verse = substr($buffer, $tint2, $tint); $display = FALSE; //Assume that we're not to display the data. if(isset($config["chapter"]) && $current_chapter < $config["chapter"]) $previous_chapter_exists = TRUE; if(isset($config["chapter"]) && $current_chapter > $config["chapter"]) $next_chapter_exists = TRUE; if(isset($config["chapter"]) && isset($config["verse"]) && $current_chapter === $config["chapter"] && $current_verse < $config["verse"]) $previous_verse_exists = TRUE; if(isset($config["chapter"]) && isset($config["verse"]) && !isset($config["verse_end"]) && $current_chapter === $config["chapter"] && $current_verse > $config["verse"]) $next_verse_exists = TRUE; if(isset($config["chapter"]) && isset($config["verse"]) && isset($config["verse_end"]) && $current_chapter === $config["chapter"] && $current_verse > $config["verse_end"]) $next_verse_exists = TRUE; if(isset($config["chapter"]) && isset($config["verse"]) && $current_chapter === $config["chapter"] && $current_verse === $config["verse"]) $display = TRUE; else if(isset($config["chapter"]) && isset($config["verse"]) && isset($config["verse_end"]) && $current_chapter === $config["chapter"] && $current_verse >= $config["verse"] && $current_verse <= $config["verse_end"]) $display = TRUE; if(isset($config["chapter"]) && !isset($config["verse"]) && $current_chapter === $config["chapter"]) $display = TRUE; if(isset($config["chapter"]) && $current_chapter === $config["chapter"] && isset($config["verse"]) && isset($config["verse_end"]) && $current_verse === $config["verse"]) $range_hit_start = TRUE; if(isset($config["chapter"]) && $current_chapter === $config["chapter"] && isset($config["verse"]) && isset($config["verse_end"]) && $current_verse === $config["verse_end"]) $range_hit_end = TRUE; if(!isset($config["chapter"]) && !isset($config["verse"])) { if($last_chapter < $current_chapter) { if($wrap >= $config["element_wrap"]) { $wrap = 0; echo("</tr><tr align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">"); } echo("<td><form ACTION=\"" . $config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . $bible_books[$bookindex]["short"] . "/" . $current_chapter . "/\" METHOD=\"post\"><input TYPE=\"submit\" VALUE=\"Chapter " . $current_chapter . "\"></form></td>\n"); $last_chapter = $current_chapter; $wrap++; } } if($display === TRUE) { if($ever_displayed === FALSE) //Never displayed before. { if(!isset($config["operation"]) || !(strcmp($config["operation"], "print") == 0)) echo("<div align=\"center\"><p><table width=\"60%\" border=\"3\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\">\n"); else echo("<div align=\"left\"><p>\n"); } $ever_displayed = TRUE; echo("<sup><a href=\"" . $config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . $config["book"] . "/" . $current_chapter . "/" . $current_verse . "\">" . $current_chapter . ":" . $current_verse . "</a></sup> "); } } if($display === TRUE) //We are supposed to be printing the data here. { if($evaluate_verse_next === TRUE) echo(htmlentities(substr($buffer, strlen($current_chapter) + strlen($current_verse) + 2), ENT_COMPAT)); //This line actually dumps the data. else echo(htmlentities($buffer, ENT_COMPAT)); //This line actually dumps the data. } $evaluate_verse_next = FALSE; //Assume that we're not going to evaluate the verse next time. if(!(strpos($buffer, "\n") === FALSE)) //If there is a newline, then the verse is over. { $evaluate_verse_next = TRUE; if($display === TRUE) echo("<br>\n"); } } } if($range_hit_start === TRUE && $range_hit_end === TRUE) $range_error = FALSE; if($ever_displayed === TRUE) { if(!isset($config["operation"]) || !(strcmp($config["operation"], "print") == 0)) { echo("</td></tr></table></div>\n"); echo("<div align=\"right\"><p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . $config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . $config["book"] . "/" . $config["chapter"] . "/" . $config["verse"]); if(isset($config["verse"]) && isset($config["verse_end"])) echo("-" . $config["verse_end"]); echo("?operation=print\">Printable Mode</a></p></div>\n"); } else { echo("</p></div>\n"); } } if(isset($config["chapter"]) && isset($config["verse"]) && (!isset($config["operation"]) || !(strcmp($config["operation"], "print") == 0))) { echo("<div align=\"center\"><form ACTION=\"" . $config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . $config["book"] . "/" . $config["chapter"] . "/\" METHOD=\"post\">\n"); echo("<input TYPE=\"submit\" VALUE=\"Zoom Out\"></form></div>\n"); } if(!isset($config["chapter"]) && !isset($config["verse"])) { echo("</tr></table></div>\n"); } else if($ever_displayed === FALSE || $range_error === TRUE) { //Make sure we're sufficiently sorry. echo("<div align=\"center\"><h3>Sorry. One or more of the requested passages does not exist. " . $bible_books[$bookindex]["long"]); if(isset($config["chapter"]) && !isset($config["verse"])) echo(", Chapter " . $config["chapter"]); else if(isset($config["chapter"]) && isset($config["verse"])) echo(" " . $config["chapter"] . ":" . $config["verse"]); if(isset($config["verse"]) && isset($config["verse_end"])) echo("-" . $config["verse_end"]); echo("</h3></div>\n"); $previous_chapter_exists = FALSE; $next_chapter_exists = FALSE; $previous_verse_exists = FALSE; $next_verse_exists = FALSE; } if(isset($config["verse_end"])) $next_verse_start = $config["verse_end"]; else if(isset($config["verse"])) $next_verse_start = $config["verse"]; else $next_verse_start = 0; fclose($bookfile); }if(!isset($config["operation"]) || !(strcmp($config["operation"], "print") == 0)) { ?> <div align="center"> <table border="0" width="50%"> <tr align="center" valign="middle"> <td align="left"><form ACTION="<? echo($config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . $config["book"] . "/" . ($config["chapter"] - 1) . "/" . $config["verse"]); ?>" METHOD="post"><input TYPE="submit" VALUE="<< Previous Chapter" <? if(isset($config["verse"]) || !isset($previous_chapter_exists) || $previous_chapter_exists != TRUE) echo("DISABLED"); ?> /></form></td> <td align="left"><form ACTION="<? echo($config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . $config["book"] . "/" . $config["chapter"] . "/" . ($config["verse"] - 1)); ?>" METHOD="post"><input TYPE="submit" VALUE="<< Previous Verse" <? if(!isset($config["verse"]) || !isset($previous_verse_exists) || $previous_verse_exists != TRUE) echo("DISABLED"); ?> /></form></td> <td align="right"><form ACTION="<? echo($config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . $config["book"] . "/" . $config["chapter"] . "/" . ($next_verse_start + 1)); ?>" METHOD="post"><input TYPE="submit" VALUE="Next Verse >>" <? if(!isset($config["verse"]) || !isset($next_verse_exists) || $next_verse_exists != TRUE) echo("DISABLED"); ?> /></form></td> <td align="right"><form ACTION="<? echo($config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . $config["book"] . "/" . ($config["chapter"] + 1) . "/" . $config["verse"]); ?>" METHOD="post"><input TYPE="submit" VALUE="Next Chapter >>" <? if(isset($config["verse"]) || !isset($next_chapter_exists) || $next_chapter_exists != TRUE) echo("DISABLED"); ?> /></form></td> </tr></table> <p>Seek to any passage: <form ACTION="<? echo($config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"]); ?>" METHOD="post"> Book: <select NAME="book"> <!-- <option VALUE="" SELECTED>All Books (for searching)</option> --> <? for($tint = 0;isset($bible_books[$tint]);$tint++) { if($bookok === TRUE && $tint === $bookindex) echo("<option VALUE=\"" . $bible_books[$tint]["short"] . "\" SELECTED>" . $bible_books[$tint]["long"] . "</option>\n"); else echo("<option VALUE=\"" . $bible_books[$tint]["short"] . "\">" . $bible_books[$tint]["long"] . "</option>\n"); } ?> </select> Chapter: <? if(isset($config["chapter"])) echo("<input TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"chapter\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"10\" value=\"" . $config["chapter"] . "\">"); else echo("<input TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"chapter\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"10\">"); ?> Verse: <? if(isset($config["verse"]) && !isset($config["verse_end"])) echo("<input TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"verse\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"10\" value=\"" . $config["verse"] . "\">"); else if(isset($config["verse"]) && isset($config["verse_end"])) echo("<input TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"verse\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"10\" value=\"" . $config["verse"] . "-" . $config["verse_end"] . "\">"); else echo("<input TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"verse\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"10\">"); ?> <input type="hidden" name="operation" value="Go"> <input type="submit" value="Go"> </form> <? if($config["disable_searching"] != TRUE) { ?> <p>Search the text: <form ACTION="<? echo($config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"]); ?>" METHOD="get"> Search in: <select NAME="book"> <option VALUE="">All Books</option> <? for($tint = 0;isset($bible_books[$tint]);$tint++) { if($bookok === TRUE && $tint === $bookindex) echo("<option VALUE=\"" . $bible_books[$tint]["short"] . "\" SELECTED>" . $bible_books[$tint]["long"] . "</option>\n"); else echo("<option VALUE=\"" . $bible_books[$tint]["short"] . "\">" . $bible_books[$tint]["long"] . "</option>\n"); } ?> </select> Terms: <input type="text" name="search" value="<? if(isset($config["search"])) echo($config["search"]); ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="operation" value="Search"> <input type="submit" value="Search"> </form> <? } ?> </div> <? }?> <hr><div align="center"><p>This is Alex Markley's <a href="http://bible.cyberMalex.com/">PHP<i>Script</i>ure</a> v<? echo($config["version"]["major"] . "." . $config["version"]["minor"] . "." . $config["version"]["subminor"]); ?>, displaying a copy of the <a href="http://WorldEnglishBible.org/">World English Bible.</a></p><p>This copy of the <a href="http://WorldEnglishBible.org/">World English Bible</a> is a draft version.Updates are available at <a href="http://eBible.org">http://eBible.org</a>.</p><p><small>"World English Bible" and WorldEnglishBible.org are trademarks of Rainbow Missions, Inc. The World English Bible is not copyrighted. The domain name eBible.org is a trademark of <a href="http://WorldEnglishBible.org/mpj/">Michael Paul Johnson</a>.</small></p></div><?if($config["headerless"] === FALSE && (!isset($config["operation"]) || !(strcmp($config["operation"], "print") == 0))) { ?> <div align="left"> <p> <a <? if($theme_unset != TRUE) { ?>style="background:<? echo($config["color"]["body"]["background"]); ?>;color:<? echo($config["color"]["body"]["foreground"]); ?>;" <? } ?> href="http://validator.w3.org/check/referer"><img style="border:0;width:88px;height:31px" src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; alt="Valid HTML 4.01!" height="31" width="88"></a> <? if($theme_unset != TRUE) { ?><a style="background:<? echo($config["color"]["body"]["background"]); ?>;color:<? echo($config["color"]["body"]["foreground"]); ?>;" href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer"><img style="border:0;width:88px;height:31px" src="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/images/vcss" alt="Valid CSS!"></a> <? } ?> </p> </div> <? }?><?if($config["headerless"] === FALSE) { ?> </body> </html> <? }?> So what is suppose to happen is that the php pulls the requested text out and displays it, but when I click, lets say, 1 Choronicles, it tried to display http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ And I don't know why, so I am at a total lost, and I know there is a lot of code, but if someone could help me, that would be great. There is enough files there to put this on your own directory and mess with it too if you need to. Please help! Thanks!
  5. Okay, so I got a php script for my site called php Bible. So I get it and go to install it, and then the problems start. You see it uses php, dud, to search and view scripture. So here are the instructions: So I do this, you get a whole bunch of files for each chapter in the Bible. see this code below to explain more. Look at the files at the bottom and it shows what each book of the bible is named: <?/* * config.php - The configuration for a simple web program written by Alex Markley to display chunks of the Holy Bible. *//*This file is part of PHPScripture (Formally Alex's PHPBible).PHPScripture is Copyright ďż˝ 2003, Alex MarkleyPHPScripture is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or(at your option) any later version.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensealong with this program; if not, write to the Free SoftwareFoundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA*///Headerless?$config["headerless"] = FALSE; //Can be TRUE or FALSE. (Probably FALSE.)//Theme? (Only takes effect if headerless is false.) (It is the name of a folder within the themes folder.)$config["theme"] = "plain"; //No theme at all.//$config["theme"] = "eternity"; //Green and forresty.//$config["theme"] = "forest_bed"; //Green and forresty.//$config["theme"] = "aquatic_geometry"; //Blue, watery, etc.//Searching Stuff (Searching requires a sane version of GREP, and a sane shell to both be installed.)$config["good_shell"] = "/bin/sh"; //Full path to borne or bash or something similar.$config["grep_command"] = "egrep"; //Search command.$config["disable_searching"] = FALSE; //Can be TRUE or FALSE. (Probably FALSE.)//This stuff probably needs changed. ALL OF THESE VALUES SHOULD END IN A '/', EXCEPT IN VERY RARE CIRCUMSTANCES.$config["URI_prefix"] = "http://my.domain.org/path/to/script/"; //Where the script lives on the web.$config["script_suffix"] = "bible.php/"; //The name of the main script. (It may seem strange that this should end in a '/', but that is indeed the case.)$config["local_prefix"] = "/path/to/config/and/things/"; //Where the script lives on the disk.$config["bible_midfix"] = "bible/"; //The directory that the bible data is in. ($config["local_prefix"] . $config["bible_midfix"])$config["themes_midfix"] = "themes/"; //The directory that the bible data is in. ($config["local_prefix"] . $config["bible_midfix"])//This stuff doesn't need changed, but it's useful.$config["title"] = "Holy Bible"; //Title of the page.$config["element_wrap"] = 5; //Wrap every 5 things.$config["search_results_per_page"] = 20; // 20 search results to a page//Don't change the things below this line.$config["version"]["major"] = 1;$config["version"]["minor"] = 2;$config["version"]["subminor"] = 3;$bible_books[0]["long"] = "Genesis"; $bible_books[0]["short"] = "Ge";$bible_books[1]["long"] = "Exodus"; $bible_books[1]["short"] = "Ex";$bible_books[2]["long"] = "Leviticus"; $bible_books[2]["short"] = "Le";$bible_books[3]["long"] = "Numbers"; $bible_books[3]["short"] = "Nu";$bible_books[4]["long"] = "Deuteronomy"; $bible_books[4]["short"] = "De";$bible_books[5]["long"] = "Joshua"; $bible_books[5]["short"] = "Jos";$bible_books[6]["long"] = "Judges"; $bible_books[6]["short"] = "Jud";$bible_books[7]["long"] = "Ruth"; $bible_books[7]["short"] = "Ru";$bible_books[8]["long"] = "1 Samuel"; $bible_books[8]["short"] = "1Sa";$bible_books[9]["long"] = "2 Samuel"; $bible_books[9]["short"] = "2Sa";$bible_books[10]["long"] = "1 Kings"; $bible_books[10]["short"] = "1Ki";$bible_books[11]["long"] = "2 Kings"; $bible_books[11]["short"] = "2Ki";$bible_books[12]["long"] = "1 Chronicles"; $bible_books[12]["short"] = "1Ch";$bible_books[13]["long"] = "2 Chronicles"; $bible_books[13]["short"] = "2Ch";$bible_books[14]["long"] = "Ezra"; $bible_books[14]["short"] = "Ezr";$bible_books[15]["long"] = "Nehemiah"; $bible_books[15]["short"] = "Ne";$bible_books[16]["long"] = "Esther"; $bible_books[16]["short"] = "Es";$bible_books[17]["long"] = "Job"; $bible_books[17]["short"] = "Job";$bible_books[18]["long"] = "Psalms"; $bible_books[18]["short"] = "Ps";$bible_books[19]["long"] = "Proverbs"; $bible_books[19]["short"] = "Pr";$bible_books[20]["long"] = "Ecclesiastes"; $bible_books[20]["short"] = "Ec";$bible_books[21]["long"] = "Song of Songs"; $bible_books[21]["short"] = "So";$bible_books[22]["long"] = "Isaiah"; $bible_books[22]["short"] = "Isa";$bible_books[23]["long"] = "Jeremiah"; $bible_books[23]["short"] = "Jer";$bible_books[24]["long"] = "Lamentations"; $bible_books[24]["short"] = "La";$bible_books[25]["long"] = "Ezekial"; $bible_books[25]["short"] = "Eze";$bible_books[26]["long"] = "Daniel"; $bible_books[26]["short"] = "Da";$bible_books[27]["long"] = "Hosea"; $bible_books[27]["short"] = "Ho";$bible_books[28]["long"] = "Joel"; $bible_books[28]["short"] = "Joe";$bible_books[29]["long"] = "Amos"; $bible_books[29]["short"] = "Am";$bible_books[30]["long"] = "Obadiah"; $bible_books[30]["short"] = "Ob";$bible_books[31]["long"] = "Jonah"; $bible_books[31]["short"] = "Jon";$bible_books[32]["long"] = "Micah"; $bible_books[32]["short"] = "Mic";$bible_books[33]["long"] = "Nahum"; $bible_books[33]["short"] = "Na";$bible_books[34]["long"] = "Habakkuk"; $bible_books[34]["short"] = "Hab";$bible_books[35]["long"] = "Zephaniah"; $bible_books[35]["short"] = "Zep";$bible_books[36]["long"] = "Haggai"; $bible_books[36]["short"] = "Hag";$bible_books[37]["long"] = "Zechariah"; $bible_books[37]["short"] = "Zec";$bible_books[38]["long"] = "Malachi"; $bible_books[38]["short"] = "Mal";$bible_books[39]["long"] = "Matthew"; $bible_books[39]["short"] = "Mt";$bible_books[40]["long"] = "Mark"; $bible_books[40]["short"] = "Mr";$bible_books[41]["long"] = "Luke"; $bible_books[41]["short"] = "Lu";$bible_books[42]["long"] = "John"; $bible_books[42]["short"] = "Joh";$bible_books[43]["long"] = "Acts"; $bible_books[43]["short"] = "Ac";$bible_books[44]["long"] = "Romans"; $bible_books[44]["short"] = "Ro";$bible_books[45]["long"] = "1 Corinthians"; $bible_books[45]["short"] = "1Co";$bible_books[46]["long"] = "2 Corinthians"; $bible_books[46]["short"] = "2Co";$bible_books[47]["long"] = "Galatians"; $bible_books[47]["short"] = "Ga";$bible_books[48]["long"] = "Ephesians"; $bible_books[48]["short"] = "Eph";$bible_books[49]["long"] = "Philippians"; $bible_books[49]["short"] = "Php";$bible_books[50]["long"] = "Colossians"; $bible_books[50]["short"] = "Col";$bible_books[51]["long"] = "1 Thessalonians"; $bible_books[51]["short"] = "1Th";$bible_books[52]["long"] = "2 Thessalonians"; $bible_books[52]["short"] = "2Th";$bible_books[53]["long"] = "1 Timothy"; $bible_books[53]["short"] = "1Ti";$bible_books[54]["long"] = "2 Timothy"; $bible_books[54]["short"] = "2Ti";$bible_books[55]["long"] = "Titus"; $bible_books[55]["short"] = "*BLEEP*";$bible_books[56]["long"] = "Philemon"; $bible_books[56]["short"] = "Phm";$bible_books[57]["long"] = "Hebrews"; $bible_books[57]["short"] = "Heb";$bible_books[58]["long"] = "James"; $bible_books[58]["short"] = "Jas";$bible_books[59]["long"] = "1 Peter"; $bible_books[59]["short"] = "1Pe";$bible_books[60]["long"] = "2 Peter"; $bible_books[60]["short"] = "2Pe";$bible_books[61]["long"] = "1 John"; $bible_books[61]["short"] = "1Jo";$bible_books[62]["long"] = "2 John"; $bible_books[62]["short"] = "2Jo";$bible_books[63]["long"] = "3 John"; $bible_books[63]["short"] = "3Jo";$bible_books[64]["long"] = "Jude"; $bible_books[64]["short"] = "Jude";$bible_books[65]["long"] = "Revelation"; $bible_books[65]["short"] = "Re";?> What you just saw was the config.php files. All files are uploaded into the directory http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. The main file is called index.php, but used to be called bible.php. So I do this, and then it says to edit the config, see the above code it shows instructions near the top, and the urls to edit. So I go to test it out, and guess what? It doesn't work. I worked on it for two whole hours, and it still doesn't work. I need to know how to edit those files, if the index.php file, config.php file, and all the other files are located only in http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. For the book, I am also including the bible.php code, which I changed to index.php. In case you are wondering, I did change in both these files that the bible.php, is now index.php. <?/* * bible.php - A simple web program written by Alex Markley to display chunks of the Holy Bible. *//*This file is part of PHPScripture (Formally Alex's PHPBible).PHPScripture is Copyright ďż˝ 2003, Alex MarkleyPHPScripture is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or(at your option) any later version.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensealong with this program; if not, write to the Free SoftwareFoundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA*/include("config.php");function is_valid_number($something) { if(preg_match("/^([0-9]+)$/", $something)) return(TRUE); else return(FALSE); }//We try to _GET the infos.if(isset($_GET["book"])) $config["book"] = $_GET["book"];if(isset($_GET["chapter"])) $config["chapter"] = $_GET["chapter"];if(isset($_GET["verse"])) $config["verse"] = $_GET["verse"];if(isset($_GET["operation"])) $config["operation"] = $_GET["operation"];if(isset($_GET["search"])) $config["search"] = $_GET["search"];if(isset($_GET["page"])) $config["page"] = $_GET["page"];if(isset($_POST["book"])) $config["book"] = $_POST["book"];if(isset($_POST["chapter"])) $config["chapter"] = $_POST["chapter"];if(isset($_POST["verse"])) $config["verse"] = $_POST["verse"];if(isset($_POST["operation"])) $config["operation"] = $_POST["operation"];if(isset($_POST["search"])) $config["search"] = $_POST["search"];if(isset($_POST["page"])) $config["page"] = $_POST["page"];if(isset($config["book"]) && strcmp($config["book"], "") == 0) unset($config["book"]);if(isset($config["chapter"]) && strcmp($config["chapter"], "") == 0) unset($config["chapter"]);if(isset($config["verse"]) && strcmp($config["verse"], "") == 0) unset($config["verse"]);if(isset($config["operation"]) && strcmp($config["operation"], "") == 0) unset($config["operation"]);if(isset($config["search"]) && strcmp($config["search"], "") == 0) unset($config["search"]);if(isset($config["page"]) && strcmp($config["page"], "") == 0) unset($config["page"]);if($config["disable_searching"] === TRUE) { if(isset($config["operation"]) && strcmp($config["operation"], "Search") == 0) unset($config["operation"]); unset($config["search"]); unset($config["page"]); }//Now we assemble a correct URL to redirect to.if(isset($config["book"])) { if(isset($config["book"])) { $stringbits[0] = ($config["book"]); if(isset($config["chapter"])) { $stringbits[1] = ("/" . $config["chapter"]); if(isset($config["verse"])) { $stringbits[2] = ("/" . $config["verse"]); } } } //Now assemble GET vars. unset($stringbits[3]); //Make sure is unset. if(isset($config["operation"]) && strcasecmp($config["operation"], "Go") != 0) //There is a special exception for operation "Go", because it's default anyway. { if(isset($stringbits[3])) $stringbits[3] = ($stringbits[3] . "&"); else $stringbits[3] = ($stringbits[3] . "?"); $stringbits[3] = ($stringbits[3] . "operation=" . $config["operation"]); } if(isset($config["search"])) { if(isset($stringbits[3])) $stringbits[3] = ($stringbits[3] . "&"); else $stringbits[3] = ($stringbits[3] . "?"); $stringbits[3] = ($stringbits[3] . "search=" . $config["search"]); } if(isset($config["page"])) { if(isset($stringbits[3])) $stringbits[3] = ($stringbits[3] . "&"); else $stringbits[3] = ($stringbits[3] . "?"); $stringbits[3] = ($stringbits[3] . "page=" . $config["page"]); } header("Location: " . $config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . $stringbits[0] . $stringbits[1] . $stringbits[2] . $stringbits[3]); exit(); }if(isset($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"])) //The info from the path takes precedence. { $array = explode("/", $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"], 5); for($tint = 1;isset($array[$tint]);$tint++) { if($tint === 1) $config["book"] = $array[$tint]; else if($tint === 2) $config["chapter"] = $array[$tint]; else if($tint === 3) $config["verse"] = $array[$tint]; } }//echo(" \"" . $config["chapter"] . "\" \n");?><?if($config["headerless"] === FALSE) { ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd; <html> <head> <? if(!isset($config["operation"]) || !(strcmp($config["operation"], "print") == 0)) { ?> <style type="text/css"> <? include($config["local_prefix"] . $config["themes_midfix"] . $config["theme"] . "/theme.php"); ?> </style> <? } ?> <title><? echo($config["title"]); ?></title> </head> <body> <? }?><div align="center"><h1><? echo($config["title"]); ?></h1></div><?//Check for the validity of the input.if(isset($config["chapter"]) && (is_valid_number($config["chapter"]) === FALSE)) { if(strcmp($config["chapter"], "") != 0) echo("<h3>Sorry, Chapter needs to be a number.</h3>\n"); unset($config["chapter"]); //Just get rid of it. }if(isset($config["verse"]) && (is_valid_number($config["verse"]) === FALSE)) { //There is a non-numerical character in verse. We /should/ be able to examine it for range. $temp_array = explode("-", $config["verse"], 2); if(isset($temp_array[0]) && isset($temp_array[1]) && is_valid_number($temp_array[0]) === TRUE && is_valid_number($temp_array[1]) === TRUE) { $config["verse"] = $temp_array[0]; $config["verse_end"] = $temp_array[1]; //echo("<h3>Verse Range \"" . $temp_array[0] . "\" - \"" . $temp_array[1] . "\"</h3>\n"); if($config["verse_end"] <= $config["verse"]) { echo("<h3>Sorry. With a verse range, ending Verse needs to be larger then begining Verse.</h3>\n"); unset($config["verse"]); unset($config["verse_end"]); } } else { if(strcmp($config["verse"], "") != 0) echo("<h3>Sorry, Verse needs to be a number.</h3>\n"); unset($config["verse"]); //Just get rid of it. } }if(isset($config["verse"]) && !isset($config["chapter"])) { echo("<h3>Sorry, you need a chapter if you're going to have a verse.</h3>\n"); unset($config["verse"]); //Just get rid of it. }if(strstr($config["book"], "/") === FALSE) { $bookok = FALSE; //Assume the book is invalid. for($tint = 0;isset($bible_books[$tint]);$tint++) { //echo("<p> " . $tint . " " . $config["book"] . " " . $bible_books[$tint]["long"] . " " . $bible_books[$tint]["short"]); if(strcasecmp($config["book"], $bible_books[$tint]["long"]) == 0) //This is a ref to the long name. { $bookok = TRUE; //The book is valid. $bookindex = $tint; $config["book"] = $bible_books[$tint]["short"]; //But the name needs to be the short version. //echo(" <-- This!\n"); } else if(strcasecmp($config["book"], $bible_books[$tint]["short"]) == 0) //This is a ref to the short name. { $bookok = TRUE; //The book is valid. $bookindex = $tint; $config["book"] = $bible_books[$tint]["short"]; //Make sure the name is exact. (We checked case insensitive, the case does matter though, so it's fixed.) //echo(" <-- This!\n"); } } //If it's still okay. if($bookok === TRUE) { //echo("<p>Book still okay\n"); $bookfilename = ($config["local_prefix"] . $config["bible_midfix"] . $config["book"]); //Generate the real filename. //echo("<p>\"" . $bookfilename . "\"\n"); $bookfile = @fopen($bookfilename, "rb"); //Try to open the book. if($bookfile == FALSE) { $bookok = FALSE; //echo("<p>No such book! \"" . $bookfilename . "\"\n"); } else { //echo("<p>Book Opened! \"" . $bible_books[$bookindex]["long"] . "\"\n"); } //echo("<p>Book either opened or not.\n"); } }else { $bookok = FALSE; }if($bookok === FALSE && strcasecmp($config["operation"], "Search") != 0) //We'll be displaying a list of availible books if the book is bad we're not searching. { if(strcmp($config["book"], "") != 0) echo("<h3>Sorry, can't find Book \"" . $config["book"] . "\"</h3>\n"); ?><?//Prepare the required vars.$tint = 0;$wrap = 0;?><div align="center"><h3>Old Testament</h3><h4>The Books of the Law</h4><p><table border="0"><tr align="center" valign="middle"><?$wrap = 0;while($tint < 5) { if($wrap >= $config["element_wrap"]) { $wrap = 0; echo("</tr><tr align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">"); } echo("<td><form ACTION=\"" . $config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . $bible_books[$tint]["short"] . "/" . 1 . "/\" METHOD=\"post\"><input TYPE=\"submit\" VALUE=\"" . $bible_books[$tint]["long"] . "\"></form></td>\n"); $tint++; $wrap++; }?></tr></table><h4>The Books of History</h4><p><table border="0"><tr align="center" valign="middle"><?$wrap = 0;while($tint < 17) { if($wrap >= $config["element_wrap"]) { $wrap = 0; echo("</tr><tr align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">"); } echo("<td><form ACTION=\"" . $config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . $bible_books[$tint]["short"] . "/" . 1 . "/\" METHOD=\"post\"><input TYPE=\"submit\" VALUE=\"" . $bible_books[$tint]["long"] . "\"></form></td>\n"); $tint++; $wrap++; }?></tr></table><h4>The Books of Wisdom</h4><p><table border="0"><tr align="center" valign="middle"><?$wrap = 0;while($tint < 22) { if($wrap >= $config["element_wrap"]) { $wrap = 0; echo("</tr><tr align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">"); } echo("<td><form ACTION=\"" . $config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . $bible_books[$tint]["short"] . "/" . 1 . "/\" METHOD=\"post\"><input TYPE=\"submit\" VALUE=\"" . $bible_books[$tint]["long"] . "\"></form></td>\n"); $tint++; $wrap++; }?></tr></table><h4>The Books of the Prophets</h4><p><table border="0"><tr align="center" valign="middle"><?$wrap = 0;while($tint < 39) { if($wrap >= $config["element_wrap"]) { $wrap = 0; echo("</tr><tr align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">"); } echo("<td><form ACTION=\"" . $config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . $bible_books[$tint]["short"] . "/" . 1 . "/\" METHOD=\"post\"><input TYPE=\"submit\" VALUE=\"" . $bible_books[$tint]["long"] . "\"></form></td>\n"); $tint++; $wrap++; }?></tr></table><h3>New Testament</h3><h4>Accounts of Christ's Life on Earth, and of the Early Church</h4><p><table border="0"><tr align="center" valign="middle"><?$wrap = 0;while($tint < 44) { if($wrap >= $config["element_wrap"]) { $wrap = 0; echo("</tr><tr align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">"); } echo("<td><form ACTION=\"" . $config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . $bible_books[$tint]["short"] . "/" . 1 . "/\" METHOD=\"post\"><input TYPE=\"submit\" VALUE=\"" . $bible_books[$tint]["long"] . "\"></form></td>\n"); $tint++; $wrap++; }?></tr></table><h4>Letters from the Apostle Paul to Churches</h4><p><table border="0"><tr align="center" valign="middle"><?$wrap = 0;while($tint < 53) { if($wrap >= $config["element_wrap"]) { $wrap = 0; echo("</tr><tr align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">"); } echo("<td><form ACTION=\"" . $config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . $bible_books[$tint]["short"] . "/" . 1 . "/\" METHOD=\"post\"><input TYPE=\"submit\" VALUE=\"" . $bible_books[$tint]["long"] . "\"></form></td>\n"); $tint++; $wrap++; }?></tr></table><h4>Letters from the Apostle Paul to Individuals</h4><p><table border="0"><tr align="center" valign="middle"><?$wrap = 0;while($tint < 57) { if($wrap >= $config["element_wrap"]) { $wrap = 0; echo("</tr><tr align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">"); } echo("<td><form ACTION=\"" . $config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . $bible_books[$tint]["short"] . "/" . 1 . "/\" METHOD=\"post\"><input TYPE=\"submit\" VALUE=\"" . $bible_books[$tint]["long"] . "\"></form></td>\n"); $tint++; $wrap++; }?></tr></table><h4>Other Epistles</h4><p><table border="0"><tr align="center" valign="middle"><?$wrap = 0;while($tint < 65) { if($wrap >= $config["element_wrap"]) { $wrap = 0; echo("</tr><tr align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">"); } echo("<td><form ACTION=\"" . $config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . $bible_books[$tint]["short"] . "/" . 1 . "/\" METHOD=\"post\"><input TYPE=\"submit\" VALUE=\"" . $bible_books[$tint]["long"] . "\"></form></td>\n"); $tint++; $wrap++; }?></tr></table><h4>Prophecy</h4><p><table border="0"><tr align="center" valign="middle"><?$wrap = 0;while($tint < 66) { if($wrap >= $config["element_wrap"]) { $wrap = 0; echo("</tr><tr align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">"); } echo("<td><form ACTION=\"" . $config["URI_prefix"] . $config["script_suffix"] . $bible_books[$tint]["short"] . "/" . 1 . "/\" METHOD=\"post\"><input TYPE=\"submit\" VALUE=\"" . $bible_books[$tint]["long"] . "\"></form></td>\n"); $tint++; $wrap++; }?></tr></table></div> <? }else if(strcasecmp($config["operation"], "Search") == 0) //Not displaying the title page, but are searching. { if(!isset($config["search"]) || strcmp(trim($config["search"]), "") == 0) //If there's nothing in there. { echo("<h3>If I'm going to search, I need something to search for. (Regular Expressions are supported.)</h3>\n"); } else { $config["search"] = addslashes(trim($config["search"])); $bdata_path = $config["local_prefix"] . $config["bible_midfix"]; //if(!isset($config["book"])) if($bookok === FALSE) { unset($files); //Make sure is unset. foreach($bible_books as $bible_book) { $files = ($files . $bible_book["short"] . " "); } $command = ("'" . $config["search"] . "' " . $files); } else { $command = ("'" . $config["search"] . "' " . $config["book"]); } if(($search_results = popen($config["good_shell"] . " -c \"cd " . $bdata_path . "; env LANG=C " . $config["grep_command"] . " -H -i " . $command . "\"", "r")) == FALSE) { echo("<h3>Error! Error! Unable to read search results!</h3>\n"); } else { echo("<div align=\"center\"><h3>Search Results</h3></div>\n"); if(is_valid_number($config["page"]) === FALSE) $config["page"] = 1; //If we can't use it, it is probably nothing. $evaluate_verse_next = TRUE; $page = 0; $subpage = $config["search_results_per_page"] + 5; while($search_results != FALSE && !feof($search_results)) { $buffer = fgets($search_results, 128); if($evaluate_verse_next === TRUE && strcmp(rtrim($buffer), "") == 0);//echo("<h3>Killed a buffer!</h3>\n"); else { if($evaluate_verse_next === TRUE) { //Ok, this is a new verse, so we need to parse in and mark up the verse header. $buffer = explode(" ", $buffer, 2); //Seperate the verse from the header. $versedata = explode(":", $buffer[0]); //Explode the chunks of the header. $buffer = $buffer[1] I am including the rest of this in the next post.
  6. I have to agree with elevenmil here. Even if a question can be answered in yes or no, I wil always stretch it out as long as possible, even going into detrails that might not be totally needed. It gives added information, and then also contributes well to the forum. For instance, I could have said, I agree with pleno, but I consider that spam. By going into detail, like I am now, it does more. Anyway, as I was saying, the real problem we have on here is the fact that when you have few points, it is easy to get more. I mean, seriously, you can make a tiny post and get a credit for it. for this one I may only get .60. The mods can always crack down on the spammers too if needed. But again, it becomes hard to discern. The easiest thing to do is to make a minimun post length, and then install a module to inforce it. If a question needs to be answered, then the person can take the extra time to give resources or even his/her opinion if needed.
  7. Okay thanks. This looks great. I will use this. It look easy. Thanks. Yeah I want to put it on, and it looks like it will work great. I just needed something where people could search the Bible and stuff. It is the one addition to my site I REALLY wanted to make, because as my traffic increases, I want to be able to share the Bible, as well as other services too. And the Bible was that one part that was most important. Now I have it. Thanks again!
  8. Sorry Moldboy, but actually my bro builds customs, and it costs him about half of what Dell charges. He can build a full gaming PC for about $1000, that is just like Dell's new gaming computers, the XPSs. So yes, you need cheap parts. He showed me a place I get all my electronis now, it is called Tiger Direct. Tigerdirect.com is so cool. It has just about anything electronic, and you can get it for so cheap. A 2GB SD card. Guess how much? Normally $180, I got it for $47 something. And all these are new. You need to check it out. It is so cool. Hope it helps!
  9. And people say there is no such thing as miracles. Yes tehre is a loving God out there, and He spared your life for some reason. So count your blessings dude. Yeah it is way cool to see the way God works sometimes. And I can say that this was a real miracle. Thanks for sharing it!
  10. I have a forum right? I need some more people on it. Could someone please share their tips, how they got their members, how many, etc? Maybe OpaQue could give me some advice. I am trying to offer some services people will like, really basic hosting, maybe games, support. What else? Ideas anyone? My goal is to get to about 5 signups a day, which is really small. Any programs out there? Thanks!Note: I was going to put this in advertising, but it doesn't fit any forum there. Maybe someone could put this in the right spot, if it isn't already
  11. I tried it, but it doesn't work on mine. I put in the Scirpt file <script src='spy.php'></script> And then visited my webpage, and then even tried to refresh the page, visit other pages, atc, but it didn't work. What is up with that?
  12. Perfect! I juggled around a few other things, but it is now fixed. Thank you SO much. As you know, me and my bro, JC05, have been having problems with form scripts lately. And as you probably found out, we have more faith in the guys at Xisto than anything Hey thanks guys.
  13. I am pretty sure it is the equals sign. Also, it says line 14, and I have used lines before. They work great to pinpoint a location, but I don't know where to count down 14 on this script. It looks like I may need to skip some stuff. Anyway, I didn't try taking those out. I will try it though and get back to you tomorrow because I can't access it right now. In the meant time, maybe you oculd look and see if there is the equals sign that is causing the pronlem? I believe that is where it is.
  14. Perfect. I will be adding this to my site. Thanks Jim! I just wanted to make sure. Can you imagine making it so that you couldn't You would use up all your space
  15. It says it is a = sign actually. I mean, if that shows up after I find out what that is, then I will know to fix that as well, but something on line 14 right now. Could you help with out with that first? Thanks. Anyway, I don't know what would be causing that. Actualy, is that what the = sig coulod mean? I am so confused. Could you take one more look at the code? Thanks!
  16. Hey I am setting up a form for my site, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ That is where the form is located. But guess what? It doesn't work. I used a free form generator. And it made me this code: <?php// Website Contact Form Generator // http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ // This script is free to use as long as you // retain the credit link // get posted data into local variables$EmailFrom = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['EmailFrom'])); $EmailTo = "contact@inneed.mxweb.co.uk";$Subject = "Contact form query";$Subject = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['Subject'])); $Name = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['Name'])); $Email = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['Email'])); $Problem/Query = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['Problem/Query'])); // validation$validationOK=true;if (Trim($EmailFrom)=="") $validationOK=false;if (!$validationOK) { print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=error.htm\">"; exit;}// prepare email body text$Body = "";$Body .= "Subject: ";$Body .= $Subject;$Body .= "\n";$Body .= "Name: ";$Body .= $Name;$Body .= "\n";$Body .= "Email: ";$Body .= $Email;$Body .= "\n";$Body .= "Problem/Query: ";$Body .= $Problem/Query;$Body .= "\n";// send email $success = mail($EmailTo, $Subject, $Body, "From: <$EmailFrom>");// redirect to success page if ($success){ print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=ok.htm\">";}else{ print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=error.htm\">";}?> Anyway, so I did this, but it says that there is a parse error on line 14. Un unexpected '=' to be exact. Could someone please help me out and help me get this working? Thanks!
  17. Yeah I want to use this, but just one question. Can you delete the stored files on the spy.html? It might fill up pretty fast. If you could answer this question, that would be great. Thanks!
  18. It says in the Bible guys that those who are susceptable to believing this stuff will be targeted by the devil. He can do just about anything. And I can promise you he could make that "screaming". As a matter of fact, I have no doubt that there was screaming in the house. Even with no one there. The only person in the house that day was satan. He loves doing this stuff guys. If I walked by, knew that a house had someone murdered in it, and heard someone screaming, I would be like "so what?". The devil, yeah he likes trying to trick people, but not me. People who have had this done to them, have actually called upon Jesus, and instantly, it will stop. I don't want to scare you guys or anything, but there are actually instances where people who are possessed, usually because they were in witchcraft and are trying to stop, wil actually get thrown around rooms. My mother's dad was a pastor, and trust me, he saw this stuff. And I mean, you had to seriously prepare before going to try to deliver a person from this. The elders would get together, and they would pray for a goood half hour, just to strengthen their faith, and then go. Some of the stuff was freaky! But nothing is impossible with God, and eventually, with Jesus, they would help rid these people of this. I don't know what is good evidence, if you don't believe what I am telling you right now. Maybe ignorance? Not to offend anyone. It's your life. But I don't go looking over my shoulder when something that involves spiritualism happens because I know what is going on.Note: Might want to move to this to debate guys.
  19. That would be great. It would be awesome to do that. Also, I thought about this, what about if you take and make it so you can "spend" points? I don't know what you could do. Anything. Make it so you can get an extra 100MB of space but your credits go down by 2 each day or something. I like the site of the month though. Maybe even a point award for certain things. Like 40 credits to the best poster that has got the cleanest record, etc. I would certainly do it if it were my forum. Thanks for the suggestions and ideas!
  20. No it is all a bunch of lies. Ugh! I already covered this. There is no such thing as ghosts. The bible says that when we die, we return to dust, and our soul is returned to God. It doesn't mean we are alive, it means that our soul is then sealed. Our fate is sealed. The Bible actualy says the dead know nothing. So no, there is no such thing as ghosts. We don't become one we we die, we go to the ground and are no more. I know, when you stop to think about it, it is really confusing. Think about it, you die, and you are no more. Nothing is left and there is nothing. But it isn't that hard to think about. Before you were born, what were you? Nothing. Same thing when you die.
  21. Nice find moolkye! That site is great. For Pocket PCs and all that good stuff. It will really cut down on impact to the cosystem. I think we should be trying harder to switch over more of our personal electronics to solar. Solar is free, except for the price of the device to ctach the sun, and it works great with just about anything. I would love to do a house in solor, but you really need some place where you get a solar friendly area. Like California or something. Hey nice find guys. Love the site and will be sure to go back
  22. That is why I suggested Equate. Pick it up at Walmart, or Fred Meyer, or Meyers. They will carry it. I believe it is actually made by Kroger, but can't be sure. Anyway, quick, easy to take, and cheap You don't have to be miserable. Yeah Benadryl, I don't even think that is how to spell it, makes you sleepy, I used to take it all the time when I was realy little. But it was awful, so I use the generic pills now. Try it, your nose will love you for it!
  23. Oh yeah. Supporters! No just kidding. Sorry guys, just happy today. Anyway, yeah. I mean, if you are going to abuse an animal, then don't get it. If you have anger problems, a animals if NOT your best option. Maybe a pnching bag. A dog who is beaten or is abused is naturally mean back. And I know because I just got bit by a mean dog a while back. so as above, stick with the doggy the doggy will stick with you. I hope this outways the balances against a puppy
  24. A puppy is worth the rouble guys. Beware opf the energy and time, but make sure you slightly overlook to the better things. So in response to all the negative things. Here is a list of the positive:Dogs are loyal to the very end. There are even some cases where dogs saved human lives.Dogs are friendly.They take far less care comparitively to a horse or barnyard animal.They are always by your side, and trust me, there is nothing more encouraging then when you are down, to have a bundle of happy goodness come over and ask for your attention so they can cheer you up.They gaurd your house and your things.They are as close to a friend as you can get. C'mon, think a hairy friend with an extra long tongue :)Yeah dogs are worth it. The more you give, the more they give back. I have a dog, and care for several others, and I think they are awesome! They love attention and even the bigger dogs love to sit next to you on the grass. Weigh the balances carefully.
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