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Everything posted by wild20

  1. Cometolife:You are an awesome contributer to this forum. People don't turn to religion because they are scared, or afraid of something. They do it because they feel God beckoning to them. He does to all of us. It is a matter of whether you want to listen or not. People have misconceptions of religion. But it is always the non-believers that make these false claims. And they have never even experienced God's love and grace! He sent His son, which is more then I know you guys would do. What is more is He was willing to do it even if only ONE person was saved.Religion isn't about a status thing. Remember that Christians are suppose to be humble. I don't think that people grasp the concept of the simple saving message of the Gospel. If nothing else, you can always give God a chance. Just one month of asking Him to show you the way, and I promise you He will. The Christian life is tough, just like other people's lives, but the difference is that you have your own Creator there with you. I think Christianity is the real religion. It is all about God and Jesus. Not fables and myths. It is always your choice. Religion should never be forced on anyone. You have to choose whether to accept God and His saving love and grace.
  2. Yes. They are generally trust worthy. But use caution when purchasing the tickets to make sure they don't tack on a whole bunch of fees. I wouldn't put it past them. I don't even know how they make out a living Hey good luck and take care.
  3. Actually he does run his own hosting company. But he has I think 13 or 15 other servers for that. Yes, a terrabyte hard drive. Yes, Dell offers them on their computers. Which is good for people who are crazy gamers and stuff.I only have 4GB in my computer which is now crashed, but it gets used up fast. A Terrabyte allows you enough space to store tons of music. You would by able to store a lot of videos too. One thing is that you could also run your own radio station out of your computer and have enough space for the music. Remember there is a topic on running your own station . Yeah, a TB would be good for a lot of things, and yes, to answer your question finally, I do not have a Terrabyte but have heard of it
  4. I doubt it is. But their ads could bother people is they have them. Ads are the one way that something to good to be true, is actually to good to be true. Sure it is free but it just about drives you nuts with ads or pop ups.Nothing in life is free without a little cost. Sometimes it is time, like here on trap (but they come as close to free as you can get), or it could be something like a trade. For instance. "Free" link exchange. Well what they don't say is you have to trade links. Which is fair though. Like I said, I doubt it is a scam, but they probably want something,..like your traffic to click on their ads. Simple as that.
  5. I am very confused. You need to contact HP and ask them what to do. Your DSL service won't help because this is a PDA. Once you know what you need, then go ask your DSL or your high speed Internet service what HP told you to get. Start with HP first and ask them, then go find it out from the right people. It only makes you angry and upset if you go to the wrong people first. I know.It sounds like you accidently messed up the conection though. It happens very easily if you bump something. Make sure your connections are in place, check your network settings if you have to, and then if it doesn't work try calling HP. I am afraid that is all I can suggest as a PDA is very hard to get along with They mess up easily.
  6. I am a Christian. I believe in the Bible because the bible can prove itself. They men who wrote it were inspired by god, writing what He impressed upon them to write. They actually wrote about scientific facts that were not even believed until after the were proven by science. For instance:They believed that the world is flat, but the people who wrote the Bible actually said it was flat. Another was that there were only six thousand stars. The Bible said that they were innumerable, and guess what? With all the technology today, they still couldn't even immagine how many stars are out there. Another, is that air is weightless. But the Bible actually said that it was, again showing that it was written by people who were influenced by God.The Bible proved itself. I am religious and enjoy my relationship with God. God created the earth and all that is it it. I think people reject that idea because He has a few laws that keep up safe. That is all when it comes to my take on religion. Religion is a good thing. I believe that Christianity is the "real" religion. Just because we are the oldest, and the only religion that can explain itself.
  7. Hey Jeremy. A Christian just like you here! Glad to have another one on the forum. I look forward to talking more with you as we grow in our faith.The qualifications for a Minister? I have a few. They should be honest, with a true relationship with God. This means that God has first dibs on EVERY last decision in their lives. They should be loyal to Him, and not waver in the faith. A Miniister should be compassionate. A Minister is a preacher of God. And therefore should not do things that are ungodly. Never-the-less he'll make mistakes, but he should try his best to live a Godly life.I don't think a Minister should drink, do drugs, or smoke. Just because the scriptures say our body is the temple of God. And abusing it is not allowed. Just some thoughts. I think that we place our thoughts on how a preacher/ Minister should be, but really, it is what God says he should be that counts. Nice topic, thanks.
  8. Let me clear this up for the LAST time! I said 50-70 characters! Not words. Thanks. I am just saying. I think that it would be easier for mods to catch repeat post spammers by seeing if the message is long. For instance, I saw one that said, "You are wierd". I thought, "yup, got one right here". Went to his posts, and sure enough, I found a list that was quite long of short, no-sense posts that the mods hadn't caught. Why? Because most posts like that are ignored because they look harmless and to an extent, fine. But you HAVE to look if the person is doing this just to earn credits. Content is always the first choice, but you need to look a little farther. Just saying.And Jim, you are right. They won't pass inspection I am actually saying this to keep the unwanted posts out anyway.JasperIk:Yes, people do start to get lazy. And that is why if I catch a member that has started to "ease of" quality posting, I report them.Like I said, the mods and admins are doing a great job. I am not saying there even needs to be improvement. As a matter a fact, I will be the first to back up any mod on the line. Just trying to make their job easier.
  9. 5'8 or 9'' I am not sure. Every one says I am thin, I am. But I can still out eat almost everyone in my family I think that around six feet is a good height. But I don't know. There are tall people on this forum though. Six feet?! Five, Eleven? Wow. Nice topic. Thanks.
  10. Wow. Doesn't take long to get responses. No I know it would take a long time. What I am saying is that is you see a member that has made a bad post that is less then 70 CHARACTERS and has only a few POSTS, then go look at his post. I don't mean go out there and hunt for them. But they are getting away with it. And I think it is untollerable when I see a person with 50 posts that hasn't gotten caught and is making one liners the whole time. I think one-liners should carry a verbal warn before a level raise. But then, I think you should drop the hammer. I am not at all saying you guys are doing a bad job. I know your work is hard. But if you want my opinion, a few extra mods (plenoptic) might be in order :PThis is just a suggestion when you do see these kind of posts. I think you should be even more strict if you see one liners with a person in the AS because you get so many credits for each post. And I know how many because I use to play, although it may have changed. I will continue to report, and if you want to know the truth, I actually go out and hunt for these members. I already have two in my sights.
  11. Hey guys. As some of the mods may know (Jlhaslip and Mayank among others), I report a fair amount of posts and users. And I have a suggestion, since this is how I find this stuff. If you see a new member with under 75 posts, that has posted a topic UNDER 50-70 characters, you need to review all of his posts. I have caught three members within two days by doing this. And I will continue to do this.The reason is these people tend to have the nasty habit of posting consistently short posts. And although it may seem innocent on some of the short topic posts, I soon find out by reviewing their posts that they have quite a long record of this. Basically contributing nothing but one liners to this forum. Just a suggestion to help you guys catch more spammers. Thanks.
  12. I have voted and just want to let you know. Also, I hope you have a way of seeing who voted besides this so people don't try to get away with a double vote. Nice Trap awards though Good luck choosing.
  13. wild20

    Gay Marriage

    Joshua beat me to this post again. Yes, the Bible was directly inspired by the Holy Spirit, part of the Trinity that is the voice of God telling what and what not to do if you listen. That is why the Bible is a holy book, because it was inspired of God. And I don't think He would have let it be published so widely as the word of God if it wasn't true.I am against *happy* marriage because it is:1. Not natural2. Against the Word of God3. Is a bad example to kids and other young peoplePeople say, "as long as you are happy". Some people are happy to kill too. Does it make it right? No! I believe anyone looking at the simnple anatomy of human beings can see that we were created for a man-woman relationship! That is my take on it guys. There is this topic a lot in this forum, I have been involved in several debates on the subject and realize that this is a big isue, but one that is so simple with the ansewr so clear in the Bible it is pathetic.
  14. Yes, we are having quite the time aren't we? What with the natural disasters and stuff. I believe that it is a way of God letting us know that we are sinful and that He is withdrawing His presence. Others would argue, but.... Another thing is that we seem to be having a problem with global warming as well. Has anyone noticed? It causes severe droughts in summer and then every other winter or so, you get really bad snow and ice and cold.Of course, we have to realize that some people would say that all these natural disasters are a way to solve world population problems and hope a big one will hit in China or something. Doesn't seem very nice to me though. But you are right, hopefully things will be better and 2006 will be a big success. Thanks for the topic. It's a dandy
  15. I prefer the darker blue, and maybe the medium light one. I don't like the ones that have holes all over in them, are faded in the front, look like they were run over by a truck, ect. I just prefer simple blue jeans. I am actually quite particular about my jeans just because I can't stand certain ones. Some people would call it out of style, others, a simpler way of living. I don't know, I guess it is just my style.
  16. I know. I heard. It is really bad. I can't believe that mining is so dangerous. They should improve the safeness of mines. All the companies care about is making money on these guys and I doubt that they are going to have that many tears over the fact that they lost a few men, I mean, you can always hire more.Artificial Intelligence should be applied now, instead of letting miners die in those pits! We have technology, we need to get out there and use it!
  17. No. 21 isn't old, but you are piled with responsibilities that you never had before. At 21, I think most kids think, yeah, we can drink, we can actually go have FUN now! Nope, these kids are foolish. You are an adult now. So act like one! I don't mean to upset anyone. Just saying it like it is. I think we need to remember that 21 for the government means more trouble kids, we need to show that we are more mature than that. Just my opinion guys.
  18. You are right Golden. There is a force out there. Some say it is just a freak of nature, but the coincidences are just to, well, a coincidence. That is why I believe there is a God that came and saved us from the sin we created after he created us.
  19. I highly doubt it. You didn't download the music, and they don't have time to go chasing down kids who didn't take anything. If you would have gotten the songs, now that is a different story. But I wouldn't worry about it. I am sure lots of people try the same thing you did because they wouldn't have a message if there wasn't a lot trying that. And they can't go chasing everyone and their dog who just gets an illegal account. I suspect just the ones taht actually download it.
  20. Hi there alegna. Welcome to Xisto's forums and hosting. See that is hosting AND posting Sorry about the joke, can't help myself. Anyway down to business. We have around 9500 member last time I checked. We have many active users that come online every hour or so and so there is almost always someone online.The hosting here is great because as you may know, they offer Cpanel and Fantastico. The servers are almost never down and you can always be sure that there is almost never any "glitch" in the system like other hosting companies. Which makes this hosting awesome!Hey, if you need anything at all, just give one of the mods or even the members a holler (not to loud please) because that is what we're here for. Aren't we? Hey have a great day and enjoy the forums
  21. Amazing! This is a great invention and could be used for SO much. I mean, a tornado in a can?! The most I have seen is the one you create one with (2) two liter bottles and spin them. Here is what this could be good for:1. Getting rid of building materials and leftover wastes from people.2. And junk! If you don't want something, throw it in and throw the powder away.3. You could even recycle with it. Throw in a hundred plastic bottles, collect the powder, and then melt it down again if possible.The possiblilties are ENDLESS! Hey tell me when it comes for public use Great topic, thanks.
  22. Aliens!? Quite the imagination there you have inspiron I suppose it could crash into the asteroid belt, but I doubt it. I read that Nasa tracks things orbiting the earth as small as a football. But then you have to take into account the fact that a paint fleck traveling at 17,000 miles per hour could crack the space shuttle if it hit it. No really, for real. I was reading this. Seems dangerous. Remember that only about half of the missions they launch are ever successful. Not that this one won't be, but all that money to see a planet that is way out there?! Where's the sense in that? Oh well, at least it is interesting to know what is out there.
  23. Awesome Plenoptic. Nice find! Ten years! Wow! That is a long time. Those must be some rockets to get it all the way to Pluto so soon and to have enough power to get it to the moon so soon. I mean nine hours? That is as simple as going across the Pacific, but you could get all the way to the moon. But it does put it in perspective having to travel 10 years but till go to the moon in nine hours. Think if it was the shuttle. That would take forever! Of course, it will probably have problems galore and delay a long time if it even makes it Well hey, nice find and thanks for the topic.
  24. kaylanicole:I am sorry you don't have a real good relationship with God. A genuine relationship with God is always best ad I have found that it is very hard to get that way. The distractions in life, the temptations that are ever present, everything seems against you sometimes. But the key is to overcome.I don't know about your friend. A relationship with God and His Son is absolutely needed. The Bible says we can't earn our way into heaven, that includes using church as a way to get their. It is by grace and a gift of God, so none of us can boast and say we are saved because we did this so many times a day. There is also one mediator between man and God. That is the man Jesus Christ who we need in order to be saved. But back to you and your friend, church is not neded, of course it is beneficial to your spiritual life though. But as long as you pray and follow God's guiding, then you can't go wrong. God reigns! He rules! And I believe in Him!
  25. Okay, I'm up next. :DBest Admin: Buffalo is by far the best admin besides OpaQue, but naturally because he is the owner here, I am not sure if he is included in this.Best Mod: Mayank or JlhaslipBest Member: I would say plenoptic, but I know he can't award himself , so I go with,.... Saint MichaelBest Designer: A toss up between a few good guys, but I say Saint Michael again.MVP(Most Valuable Poster): I would have to say Plenoptic, but I go with BuffalohelpBest Programmer: I have no idea but I would say anywone who is most active in the programming area :DMost Active: Plen again, but I will go with Jlhaslip or Mayank or SM.The Comedian: Saint Michael again. Hehe. You can see who I like the most :DThat about does it. We have great members, mods, and admins and I want to congratulate you all on the great efforts and contributions you have made to this forum!
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