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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. if i agreed or not, i will always admire your opinion mahesh or anyone else in here. because the main idea of this forums is sharing ideas and opinions. when we do that we exchange knowledge and information. so thank you for replying.
  2. well for me, i never lie to run away from my actions. if i was wrong i accept the blame because i deserve it, if i am not i will argue to the end of my life . dealing with problems either they are simple or huge problems is showing how much you are a mature and a responsible person, if we could search and find solutions to our problems then we will be absolutely a successful people in life. crying, running away or blaming others will bring nothing but more mess and delay finding solutions. on the other hand, i must say, that most of the time i have an honest and typical answer to small problems like forgot something on the stove or not bringing enough money when i go shopping. the answer is " I FORGOT" and by the way, it is a true answer even it fix nothing.
  3. i like it linekill, you did a great job in there. i really admire your work, you reflexed the female sense in the whole site. i like the overall design, very simple and unique. the pink color is so suitable to the site, especially how you mix it with green and blue in the site name. but as deadmad said, the degree of pink in the upper menu and the footer is different. i think the pink degree in the footer is more fit to the site. and i think that "here we go again" needs to be in a more showy font but it is up to you. and the sidebar should be lower a little to be fit with "here we go again " not upper than it and all the blue boxes should be in the same size, it will give a more good look for the site, try to set a fixed height to all of them. other than that, you did a great job. and i must say you have a very creative eye, that make it looks like a girl site.keep up the good working, and good luck.
  4. HEY, this was a bad joke but it was funny you made me read it to the last. so opaque you were disappearing for weeks and showed up with this joke. hmmmm i wonder where you were !!! just kidding welcome back opaque and thank you for sharing, (even i am not very greatful, you made me read this hahaa evil admin ).
  5. NOW REALLY, how do you know that Iraqis hate Americans???? are you standing on facts here or just repeating what others say without a deep thinking??? are you living in Iraq or at least following the news to know what is going on there really??? for your information, Iraqis and Americans BOTH are dying by the terrorists hands. who kill Americans right now are not Iraqis and even if they are, then they payed to do so. and since they received money to kill innocent people and hurt a lot of people they don't allowed to call themselves as Iraqis again. the fact is a lot of families discharged their sons and daughters if they knew they do such a savage thing, and by the way , mostly who do that are a minority. the majority are terrorists who sneak through Iraq's borders and enter the country. and with every bomb explosion hundred of Iraqis die with Americans. so it is a war between terrorists from a side and Iraqis citizens and Americans solders from the other side. and i agree that there are some who hate Americans in Iraq but they are few people who are closed minded and can't see through things, not all of Iraqis. so absolutely you can't generalize that saying Iraqis hate Americans!!! this is completely unfair and unacceptable. you don't have any idea about how many Iraqis helped Americans to settle down in Iraq and do their job in there, sacrificing with their lives and their families lives, they lost a lot just to make the Americans job easier. they lost their houses, their jobs, and their lives. so really you don't have the right to say that. but i agree with you that Americans have nothing to do with the war in Iraq. and they should return safe to their families and friends. it is a hidden war rolled by terrorists and making people of two countries paying for it is completely unfair.
  6. welcome back bloodtake, hope you will have fun posting, joining in discussions and chatting with others . this way you will build a strong relations with others and earn mycent that allows you to get a free hosting or a free domain name. so keep on posting, enjoy and good luck with your site.
  7. welcome Ecowolfsteen in Xisto community,most of us here have our own sites hosted in here, so join us and have fun posting, contributing in discussions and earn mycents to get a free web hosting or a free domain name. but be sure first to sign up in xisto.com with exactly the same email you used for the forum.we are a very supportive and helpful community if you have any questions feel free to ask and you will find so many people to help you. enjoy and good luck.
  8. yeah hidden truth may be hidden in mud, therefor not many people prefer to dirt their hand to dig the mud i think, for me, i prefer wearing gloves first . and i agree with you truth is like a puzzle we put a piece every time we know something about that one, or his background we add a piece to that puzzle. therefore we may sometimes suspect someone of doing something. but even when all the evidences are against him, but we feel like he is innocent. why?? because we already know a lot about that one, we put all the pieces of his puzzle together and still only few, so we could predict the result what should be. and this knowledge comes from being care to search for the truth about a someone, whereas there are many may don't even care to see the result of that puzzle or even put the pieces together, they took things as they see. and this is a complete wrong, as you said those people walking in life with closed eyes. i agree with you, meditation is not the key for finding the truth. but it could be a direct effect on the way we find or search for the truth. meditation helps people to relax, and gets controlling on themselves and balancing the over flow of emotions. and this will help people making right decisions and searching for the truth with open eyes, not being confused with all our bad energy. if we were angry or hurt, we mostly take wrong decisions, say the wrong things and do the wrong actions that may affect others in a negative way or hurt them. if we could find a way to relax before doing anything then we could control and take time to find the right answers we are looking for.
  9. searching for the hidden truth is one of the hardest things to do, why??because we should have enough wisdom to ignore our true emotions like anger or hate or even love sometimes to fine the truth that we suspect it may found under covers.the truth is, how many people really pay attention to waste their time and dirt their hand and dig for the hidden truth under dust???how many people pay attention to not do any actions or say any words before knowing the whole truth first??i really think they are only few who could do that.because it requires a lot of strength to hide our true feelings till we find the truth. therefore going judging others and not paying attention of what we say and do before finding the truth is always the best and the fast way to lose others and ruin relationships.
  10. the sad truth about DEATH, it brings the worst memories ever, and puts us in sad mood. it is another power of death, when someone close to us died or even someone we not that close to died, it suddenly brings up all the locked sad memories about people we loved and are dead now. it is something like a double or triple sadness come up every time you lose a person from our life. as i said it is another power of death, disappointing and may drag you down for days or weeks depending on how you already feel. therefore i consider death has a big power that may changes people life, for better or worse.
  11. well maybe i didn't get him fully then, and i checked yours and it seems it is what he wants. i hope that. anyway good luck.
  12. you did a good drawing here even they are weird monsters, but butter than i did. i kept on drawing unknown shapes and trying things. and between: are you serious that you gonna make it your signature!!??? you will freak out visitors and other members .
  13. no i don't think so, just wait and keep on posting and if you still got nothing then post here again or pm opaque. he will pay attention and fix things. have fun and good luck.
  14. for your first attempt you did a good job i think. about the choosing colors you can get help from color scheme, they are sites used to give you an idea about how you can mix colors and give you the hexa decimal of each color. like this site http://paletton.com/ and you can find more that suit your work from making a quick search through the net. good luck.
  15. well kleong, i think it is all depend on your language i guess. most of languages give genders to the natural resources like French, Spanish, Arabic...ect. but the English for example did not.
  16. yeah right, i was there too and remember him saying that. but i thought he didn't do that yet since there is no announcement about it. therefore i assumed the prices are still as i registered here about eight months ago. but as anwiii said no big deal since it is affordable and we are paying them from mycent any way.
  17. hmm...well i remember i payed about 10$ for mine, but maybe now the cost changed. any way 10$ or 12$ is not that hard to be reached. good luck and do your best to get your domain name.
  18. i really don't think there is no winner from all that mess that been happening the whole past seven years. both Americans and Iraqis are innocent people who died because they tried to protect something they believe in. it is a big game generated by terrorists who try to force their own deeds and rules, never minding who will die and why. so if there is a way to save any part of them then it should be done. killing, war, bombs and terrorists are a real big game, that only brings misery and sadness. hope this will end soon and peace returns again to take part in there.
  19. i don't know if that what you are looking for, but i hope it will be useful.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i found this tutorial on how to make a one but in ASP.net not PHPsitepoint.com/build-whois-lookup-asp-net/and this one in PHP even i didn't test it but hope it will benefits you http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ good luck.
  20. never knew there is such a thing before, and they really have a cool tools right there. i had fun playing with colors and brushes in there thank you little asterisk for sharing.
  21. i am a flower in glass...with no roots or land to belong...i am a flower in a glass...lost my past...lost my bonds...even i look better for now...but i know i have no one to support when the wind blows...

    1. anwiii


      make sure you save your petels to make some potpourri :)

    2. web_designer


      yeah why not...like that what i care for now...i will save them, made some and send it to you to remember me whenever you eat...

  22. i really like your topic Shahrukh, you just stated the most common problems of the whole societies, and chini stated some more real problems too. i agree with both of you those problems are the main source of our problems in life and if we could fix them or at least pay enough time to contribute to find solutions then we will live in an ideal community or near to it. but, unfortunately, we are not, nowadays people think very little in fixing problems or they try to fix it in the wrong way, how many people do you think they are interested in natural resources or wars in another countries or helping others...ect. very little i think, people interest in money and getting good lifestyle, live the best way no matter what. the most interest now is running after luxury and how to live day by day.on the other hand, i must say thanks god there are others even they are minority who are really interested in those problem and do their best to find solutions or at least contribute in them and teach that to their children. otherwise, we will end up very soon for not caring to each other or to our nature we live in.
  23. i think the one is currently active is good but you need to choose another font, because the font you chose is hardly been read, you should pay attention to that.from the designs you posted, i think the first one and the last one are the best. the first design is elegant and relaxing, i liked the font in it and that logo near the font.the last design is more modern and attractive, i like the splatter red color and how it looks good with the background and you chose the right font too. so anyone of them will look great as i think. do your best and good luck.
  24. it is a very simple and organized site, the structure is good and elegant. but i think it needs more colors here and there to make the design more attractive, for example you need an interesting header, well you should add a good header to your site or at least a good logo that represents you and your site, it is the first thing that attracts the eye when visitors enter any site. and when i say a header or an attractive logo i mean a showy title for your site not just a name near ads, you really need to reduce ads from your site, you use a lot that disturb the reader, especially in the header, they confuse the visitors i think.and the tags is kinda missed up it needs more work on it, there are a big verity between fonts i think you need to fix it a little bit.other than those you did a good work, do your best and good luck.
  25. hey, they are all in red and contain fiire!!! do you love red and fire that much ? even red is kind of a strong color, but i must say it is suitable for your first one, which i like the most. you did a good work in there, everything blend good with everything else, especially with the fire. the last ones about the hosting offers are good too, even i think they maybe better if they were in another color like blue but it depends on the designer taste. in general you have a good work, so post more when you could i will be waiting for more and thank you for sharing.
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