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Everything posted by Nameless_

  1. Well, that's like the same as me... I, however, used to be active in these other forums. tkforums - was a mod and then promoted into an admin... but I quit because I had lots of schoolwork to tend to and I wanted to have a site of my own. learn-telekinesis - yes, I do psychic research...... well, I will when I get my site.
  2. Technically, we can't say whether black holes exist or not... we cannot prove that it does, but we can only DISprove that it doesn't. However, so far, no evidence has been found that disproves the existence of black-holes, but lots of evidence has been found that "SUPPORTS" the existence of black-holes, like the intense gravitational fields that can be found in the the middle of left over material of a supernovae. Calculations also show that supernovae can support a dent in the fabric of space-time, and the gigantic mass of the pre-existing blue star can explode so much that it's explosion (supernovae) can be brighter than the whole galaxy that it's in, which consists of millions and billions of stars. Imagine that!!!Also, black-hole also give out radiation. (The particles virtual partner may be absorbed into the black-hole, and the remain isolated particle that is left without a virtual partner is then spun out into space in the form of radiation). While we cannot detect black-holes with electro-magnetic radiation (light), we can sense it's gravitational field and it's radiation that it gives out due to the orbiting objects around it.It is also speculated that we have a black-hole in the middle of our galaxy (the Milky Way), and all the evidence and observations that astrological scientists, astronomers and cosmologists point to the fact that this black-hole really do exist.
  3. Oooh... Nice job. Glad you actually took the effort to show what you mean. It might actually be better if sheepdog had photoshop and did a template of how he wants his site to look like. Then all the web coding gurus can then help him achieve the effects that he wants in his website.
  4. I found this place when I was searching for ways to delete a .co.cc domain provider account should the need ever arise...Well, I was planning for my site and I haven't found a host yet. I actually though .co.cc was a host as well as a domain provider (I thought that they were both the same thing, that was like, a few weeks ago - god, how much did I learn coming here?) and I found a thread that tells you how to do it.But to my dismay, it also said that you will have to pay after on year, and that you should join the .uni.cc domain provider because it is always free. Then, at the bottom, there was also a post that said that Xisto (this site) is the best, and all you have to do is to keep posting, the longer the better and all that and you will have all the hosting that you will ever need. And since if I put my mind to things I usually get it done and get it done well, I knew that posting on the forums isn't a huge problem for me and all, and I am willing to post to earn the money that I need to set up and host my account, so I came here, after searching on the website seeing whether Xisto is a scam or not, see the members opinions here, searched 000webhost (which had pointed out that Xisto had bad pHp coding and all that, but was quickly defended by it's forum members saying how good it was), and search and browse and dug through all the posts and things to see how things work for three days (yes, THREE days!)I couldn't see how to terminate your account should the need arise, but it didn't matter because all the positive feedback from the forums members persuaded me to join... and so...Here I am.
  5. Yeah, I agree with that. If you go to your friend and said: God, I really don't like the way the President legislated people who are under eighteen years of age can now drink alcohol. I really want to kill the President of America!!!!! You won't get charged with anything, as the United States of America is really quite free and isn't it a demographic country? So free thought is allowed, I mean, free speech is allowed, so you don't have anything to be charged for. BUT, if you said, I am PLANNING to / am GOING to kill the President of America, I've already got it all planned out or something like that along the lines then you might get arrested, searched, put in terrorist camps or something like that. But it's only if you said it in a serious tone. I mean, if you said: Haha, I'm going to kill the President of America for letting underage (or not underage now) children drink alcohol! Then I think nobody will pay attention to what you have said apart from the friend that you were talking to. But if you lived in a Communist Country (eg, China), THAT would've been a different matter altogether...
  6. Oh my god!!! That is just like me!!! Argh, they are SO annoying, you know. They just swear in every sentence, and use it for every noun that can be paired up with an adjective... Argh!!! It's like the boys from the school next to us... They're just so hormone high and all that and they SWEAR. It's just so... I mean why do you swear? In my opinion you are just downgrading yourself and your school. You know, because we share the same school bus with them, we have to put up with them constantly, every day!!! It seems like I couldn't find ANYone in that school that didn't swear (it's a boys school). BUT, one day when I was walking, I heard a conversation between two boys. Boy 1 > I hate this $%^&*()(*& maths book! It's so #$%^&*() annoying! AND we've got a #$%^&* maths test that is given by our stupid %^&*( teacher! (Note: the "$%^&*( is the same word... the F word) Boy 2 > Why do you swear so much? You don't have to swear... I mean, yeah? Boy 1 > You know, because it is $%^&*( cool and you $%^&*( emphasizes your point! Boy 2 > You just swore again... Boy 1 > Just $%^&*^& shut up! Boy 2 > OK... ... So there you go. Finally, for the first time in a few years time did I hear a conversation like that. I wish I say more Boy 2's than Boy 1's, but this isn't the case (how sad.). God... what's with the swearing-is-so-cool thing at the moment? I really don't like that.
  7. Hey all the new users...I see that you've already been welcomed and informed by my fellow forum members. ;)I hope you like it here and I hope to see you around!!!Cheers, Nameless_
  8. I don't really know... maybe I DO dream in Black and White. Maybe I do... maybe everyone does. But since Black and White dreams indicate the loss of memory of the colours of your dreams, it might just be that all Black and White dreams (which aren't black and white at all, but appears to be after you wake up because your brain can't process your memories and help you remember the colours of your dream) are forgotten by people like us and we just don't remember the Black and White dreams, but only the colour ones, since they leave enough impression on us to remember the colours. Do you get what I mean? It's kinda complicated with my bad grammar and all that.
  9. Now THAT is what I call a one cool dream!!!I think it might have something to do with something that might have happened, or already happened when you were five that you didn't really take care of or something that didn't really work out the way you want it to be. If dreams are repetitive, or if you remember it clearly, it might be your subconscious trying to tell you a message, so any iconic symbols or anything that might mean a lot to you should be noted and if possible, translated. Dream dictionaries don't work because they are designed for the general public, not you. This means that they go with what society and people generally feel about an object or an item.For example, if society most of the time relates black cats as evil, danger, warning, negative thoughts, bad luck, and etc, the dream dictionary will put all that down as the meaning for a black cat appearance in your dreams. However, if the word or image mean something totally different to you, like my pet, cute, fluffy, poor thing, kitty, Max, and so forth, then you can see that the word or image "black cat" means something more positive to you, and you should then interpret the word or image as to how YOU feel and how you think of that word or image, not the dream dictionary's definition.But I'm just going off track, aren't I? I think the dream... well... It just feels like you have to change something there, but then you wake up! I always hate it when you wake up during the most important part and you never get to find out what it will turn out like (the dream) in the end and all that. But it seems like your subconscious (or you) are been nagged by something or someone that happened into your life in that period, and you can't change it, because well, it's the past, and you can't change the past, and you also wake up before you get to find out what it's about.I don't get the secret organization bit, and the mention of Little Green Men didn't really fit into the rest of the plot, with you going to Russia and all that and stuff, but then, that's what dreams do. If this is your first time having this dream, them wait and see if you have repetitive dreams of that. Most of the time it's just the same plot with minor variations. See where the dreams overlap. Is it the same Russian guy? Is he Russian, or is he Chinese now? Then it means that the nationality isn't bothering you.If there still the five year old scene near the end of the dream? Then maybe THAT is bothering you. See where your dreams overlaps if you happen to have repetitive dreams, and take note of that, and see if you can translate certain icons, words and images that somehow might not seem important (like an orange vase) but is deeply set into your mind.And yeah... sorry for the long post, but I get carried away when I talk about the subconscious and all that. ;)Nameless_
  10. I have always dreamed in colour, never once in black or white, which is pretty strange considering most people report to dream in Black and White more often than having colourful dreams.While I have colour in my dreams, I do not have technicolour like the first poster had said in his post...to me, the colours in my dreams are just like real life colour, it just looks the same as real life, so I often cannot tell from where I am whether it is a dream or not. I often tell myself that it is not a dream, because I am speculating whether I am in a dream or not, and people in dreams don't really do that, and miss out of taking risks that you can only take in dreams and survive.Which is rather sad, because I am not a risk-taking person, but if it comes to dreams, I won't might taking even the most dangerous risks. But just can't even begin to imagine dreaming in black and white.... huh???Wouldn't people realise that it's a dream straight away?Then what's the point of dreaming if you know it's a dream?This is just so weird.... :-/
  11. I don't really know what to say, but I thought I might reply because nobody did and the number of posts from me might actually push your thread down into the next page of "New Posts" or even off the list altogether. But anyway, here is what I usually do...Well, my school has Microsoft Office Front page and all that, so we just usually make a website on the computer and then put the links on and all that. So we don't have to actually host it up and all that. In fact, I've got a commerce assignment due next Tuesday and I'm doing it on Scams... and guess what?I'm making a website on that! I've got the template ready on Photoshop, but sadly I don't have Frontpage at home so I'll have to do the whole thing at school (assembly them together, put the links in and all that) but I get to write all the content up at home and do the templates at home too... (and no coding required since Frontpage is a WYSIWYG editor).So we are in similar situations in some ways, except for the fact that you are looking for things that you should use, but you don't need a host. I don't really know if using Xisto as your host is such a great idea, as even the most basic plan (Logic Plan) needs money and you are on negative myCENTS now (not that you'll have to post a lot to catch up, but still...).Maybe you should just find a free host instead and do it from there. I really want my site to be up on the real Internet as well, but my school blocks most sites off (what they deem as uneducational, but most of the time they just block out the whole Internet as they seem to deem most things "uneducational"), so it wouldn't work anyway.So in my suggestion... just forget the hosting part and all that... do it on a WYSIWYG editor (if you have one) or code it yourself if you can and just give the not uploaded copy of the pages, images, index and all that to you teacher.But it really just depends on your situation...Good luck with your site!!!
  12. I actually think the best place to put her is with other Gifted and Talented people, as I always find it much more easier to connect with my peers in my age group when they're also Gifted and Talented like me. ;)Find a Gifted and Talented school that only accepted Gifted and Talented children like her if there is one near you or if you can find one. If not, let her join Gifted and Talented programs that are now everywhere around the world... in your nearby university or something, there should be a Gifted and Talented program workshops that are for people like her. Things like that usually lasts for a few days, and they're pretty fun and very educational to go to... they usually teaches from a syllabus that is a few years in advance from the standard law...
  13. I sure you just counted wrong... it says three posts under your name, and if you said you have posted two posts, it will be three posts including this one, in which it is.(By they way, have you signed up and Xisto's Support and Billing Centre? You should if you haven't already. Remember to signup with the same email as you signed up here or it will not work!)
  14. Argh... I guess I'm not the first poster after all... At least you decided to point that out (me being beaten)... I was deciding whether to edit my post of not, and getting (possibly) negative myCENTS as I did once. Anyhow, I never knew that the more you earn the more hard it is to gain MyCENTS... really? No wonder I get like, so little know compared to what I gained and earned in the beginning. That means the that more I use this site, I harder it is to keep up my own website! Argh!!!! *SHOCK!!! HORROR!!!* That is very sad... that's very bad news... so one day I'll get like, 0.00001 for one very long post, and I won't be able to keep up my site. How sad. I don't know what to do know. I really don't know how to earn other money from other online sites either, and I don't trust most of them apart from Xisto.com (well, duh!). How do people even manage to keep up their sites? It seems like that people that has been HOSTED for ages barely post here to earn myCENTS... how do that do that? This is so weird... and some of them, I mean, MOST of them aren't even using the Logic Plan, but Logic Plan PRO and other ones, like $11 Unlimited and Unmetered package. ??? I wish I was as successful as them in earning money to keep my site up... There's basically nothing in the "Make Money Online" Forums... Argh...
  15. Hello socubeliveg,Yay!!! First post!!! (I alwayslove being the first poster...)I'll do my best and get you settled in...Nice... I don't think we've got anyone from China before... none that I've met anyway... Great to see you here!I'm sure you will find that Xisto.com has a lot of friendly members willing to help you as you build your website, and I think we do learn from each other (or more of me learning from the more advanced web programmer and coders on this site).But anyway... you should go and subscribe at Xisto's Support and Billing System first (first things first!), so you can have your own Client Area. When you sign up, you will have a myCENTS thing under your name (like under mine) as well as an Earned thing under your name too, but only you can see your Earned amount (apart from moderators and admins)Once your registration order has been processed (takes around a few hours), you can get started!You will be able to see a myCENTS thing under your name on the forums of Xisto once your order has been processed, like what most of the members and posters here have (I have one under my name too, so you can see what I mean). Every 100 myCENTS is equivalent to one USD (US dollar). To earn myCENTS, all you have to do is to post on this forums.The bigger and longer your thread or post is, the more you earn. So, basically, it is a free service would otherwise be NOT free (paid) that only requires you to post here every so often. And it doesn't have to be a lot. Just once or twice a day would be fine.Remember to read the forum rules though, as you can get negative myCENTS if your thread is edited, moved or deleted by staff, but that's rare.Anyhow, feel free to browse around and learn more about this site. It is an easy way to learn more money while learning to build your own site!!!Hope you will come to like and love this site as much as I do,Nameless_
  16. Yeah, I agree with that. I think name changes should only be allowed in crime-based online games and all that, and only allowed by administrators and moderators on different online communities - that is, you need to get approved by the top dogs before you get your name change. The reason for this is because in crime-based online games... well, crime is part of, or should I say THE fundament of the whole game itself, and by changing your name, you change your identity, so people that you fall out with will not be able to recognise you. However, if this system is to be place, everyone will be given an ID number in chronological order, from the first person that signs up, most often than not the admin themselves [1], to the last person that signs up, [xxx], whatever the number is up to... This is to prevent different scams and all that by different people. And with the name change thing in forums, well, you can't exactly track who is who with their ID numbers, so names are the TAGS. However, if there was a disruptive member that constantly SPAMS the message boards and assault, harrass, bully or do whatever thing that they might do to break the Terms of Service and Rules of the respective forums, they can use the name changing feature to their advantage, constantly changing their names so people won't recognise them at all. By putting in the admin and mod authorization and acceptance of the Change of Name barrier, the scammers will NOT be allowed to change their names (if they are even stupid enough to apply in the first place), and the people that think that they have made the wrong choice of name when they signed up will be allowed a second chance without having to gain the reputation that they have gained in the times that they have spent on the message boards and lose their post count, which also reflects on their activeness on the boards and the number of times that they have posted, as well as their list of friends all all those personal details that you have to fix when you get a new account in the same old website or online community.
  17. Maybe it's because of people that are coming from different countries and places have different laws set in place by THEIR countries legislation. So while one country allows this and that to happen and is more free on the restrictions and laws, another country might not allow you to do the same thing. For example, not that I'm on the Paypal's website, I can see that while the United States of America does not require you to give your birthday details, the Australian law (Australia) requires you to give it and put it down, and if you are under eighteen years of age, you will not be legible for a paypal account. (People can fake it anyway, as they can just not link it to their bank account or credit card account or just link it to their parents or guardians and transfer the money to there). I thought verifying only requires you to click on your email to prove that you actually DO use the email and is not randomly choosing one from the web like dsf@hotmail.com and creating random accounts... but since everyone is making a big deal of this, I assume that this is not the case? What does verify actually mean? Like, letting the Paypal company actually trace you and see whether the address that you have put down is correct? Or what??? ???
  18. Yeah... my mother wouldn't let me skip grades either... neither did my teacher... however, she was nice enough to start a Gifted and Talented class just for me... I still haven't thanked her for that yet. My family believes that it is hard for a child to fit in into a different peer group that is older than me... I mean, it is true in some ways when you think about it. Let's say I am a 6th Grade person that has been jumped into 8th grade. The people there (or some) will already be talking about puberty, girlfriends and boyfriends. As mature and as Gifted and Talented as you are, you will have absolutely not way of fitting in into that age group. It is very hard to Gifted and Talented people to have friends... it is just so very hard, you have no idea how hard it is. You can't fit in into your own age group, and yet you can't totally fit in into the older kids age group either. Even if you can, people will still treat you differently due to prejudice and all that, and you will not be able to grow into an environment that is good for your mental health. :-/ That is very good of you to do that... I think the only way that you can help your Gifted and Talented child is to nourish him or her in anyway you can. Give him or her more than what their school gives them. Most Gifted and Talented people are also natural leaders, so by letting him stay in his age group, you let him experience and learn what makes a good leader, and how he can be one. That's very good of you. Yeah... that's wonderful. I usually find it easier to connect with older people too... but because I am in an awkward age group at the moment... I usually connect with very older and more mature people, like teachers and grandparents then kids that are one or two years older than me... Would you really hate being grouped with people at a significantly lower academic standard than you? I don't really know about that... I mean... maybe but then you can nurture your leadership skills. If you are as talented as you say you are, I have no doubt that you have a lot of leadership potential in you. But does your so-called peers let you be their leader? Or do they go "Yeah, I know you're smart and everything, but you're still younger than us." Because that's what I experience all the time. Also, I think it's better to be a big fish in a little pond than a small fish in the sea. But of course, it's best to be the biggest fish in the sea, but not everyone has the potential to be it.
  19. OK, I get it now... I'm better off installing a FTP software though, it sounds more pro and more efficient than directly upload my files to my site. Also, since the FTP software will be on my computer, I will have a copy on my computer, so that's a good thing. I don't mind installing software... I just need to know which software to install... (Ones that's easy to use for beginners and with good recommendations) Thanks for the explanation. So, how do you actually save your site? Do you just left click on the link and go "Save as" or something? Or do you just copy down the code from the source? OK... manual installation then. I want things right on the first go... I'm a perfectionist, you know... (maybe a little teeny weeny bit on the obsessive side) (For some reason, I can't seem to find any books in the library on how to use CMSs like Fantastico and Joomla! and all that. That's really strange because my nearby library is one of the biggest libraries around. I couldn't find any books on how to make money online either.) I'd do that if I can code... but I can't code to save my life. I must say, I'm a very stupid driver then. I don't see anyone else asking as many what many pro people might think as "stupid" questions here on the forums... maybe it's because I want everything to be right before I begin. I'm scared to failing and everything... I usually read a lot of books and do a lot of research on things before I actually start (which I might not do after all that work). Just to let you know, I spent like three years reading up on HTML and trying to get my head around CSS (I still don't get it), and I've only recently thought I should just start anyway as I might never ever end up finishing my dream. OK, thanks for all the information... I hope my questions haven't bother you (or any bystanders that constantly sees my threads popping up here and there and everywhere). I believe I do know what a CMS is... I think. I'll do my best on everything.
  20. How did you get your files onto the USB flash drive thing anyway? If you got it on there, it means that it has been working before. And if it has been working before, it should work on every other computer, unless your computer has a problem with reading USB things, as some computers are known to have this problem.Check your computer if it is only your computer that's having this problem. As serverph said, if it was working before you shouldn't have tried format or formatted it, as you might change some settings that were enabling other computers from reading it. I don't know what to do to help you if you did, and I won't give your false information in case you break your (Or wreck your) USB further than it already is (if it was wrecked in the first place).Good luck!
  21. Well... for me... (I won't go into as much detail as truefusion as he probably has more background knowledge than me and know more about me, but I will put in my two cents worth and tell you what I think about it, so you can put my opinion(s) in the bucket too).You site is well... a bit too plain on the graphics bit, and a bit too sharp in the choice of colour. I think it would be best if you had a good looking banner that looks professional up the top of your site, and maybe also down the left hand side where the navigational links are. It is hard to attract customers and clients if your site doesn't look professional, and I must say (I hope you don't get offended) that it is clearly not a site that is done by a professional website designer, and that looks like one of those home made ones...I suggest you to take our your background and replace it with a solid colour, like plain white or something like that... if you want, you CAN use that background, but you might want to put a thing in the middle instead and have a solid background and colour there. If this is the case, then the navigational links will have to be under the banner and the picture instead, and the sides will be completely empty apart from the background. It's a bit complicated trying to describe it to you, but I hope you understand what I'm talking about.If possible, try to get more professional looking pictures of your dogs, maybe cute fluffy puppy ones to entice the "Awwwww.... that puppy's so cute!" mode in your customer. That's what you'll want to try and aim for!First impressions are important, and your customer, if they found you and your company (if you have one) through your site first, then that is what they will think about it, their first impressions. So if you want your customer(s) to think you look professional, and I'm sure you are, then work on making your site look professional.But anyway... GOOD WORK!!! At least you have a website of your own... ;)Hope my criticism didn't turn you off... it's meant to be positive and done in the hope that you will have a better and more improved site that will get you more customers...Cheers
  22. I don't know much about frames with my basic internet website knowledge, but I know that most people find frames hard to manage and difficult to incooperate into the site. Also, as frames are actually two different URL and web pages stuck together in the same page, search engines will find it hard to crawl over it (as mentioned before in a previous post), and some people and users of the site might also find it difficult and annoying with a things stuck on the sides or on the top of the page that doesn't move at all...And I think most users and visitors to your site don't really care about whether your site has a frame or not. If a frame works well, well, it's a Bonus, or people might not really care anyway. If it doesn't, it's plain annoying, and if there aren't frames at all, well, it's the same as a good working frame. So why go through all the bother making frames and all that when people don't really care about good functioning-properly frames?
  23. Sure. I actually think I might have to change computers, so I might wait until I make sure who the computer will be given to. Anyway, I will definitely be doing a backup every time I change anything on my website, as I don't think it will be too much of a hassle for me anyway. But I really did think you could just do everything on the web, on your control panel in the hosting company's place... What are the "required files" anyway? Is it something like Aptana Studio 1.5 or some WYDIWYG editor that is similar to Dreamweaver? And what are the basic setup questions?
  24. Thanks guys so much for all the help!I didn't realise you have to install some required files (whatever they are and whatever they do) in order to upload your own files onto the internet though... I thought that you could just edit the script of the WYSIWYG editor that is embedded into the hosting account control panel where people change and edit their websites...But I suppose this is a good news though. Should the hosting site crash or anything, all the information will be in your computer and you'll be fine. But if your computer crashes, there will be an extra copy on the hosting company's files (I think...) and so you'll be fine too.But what if you want to or will be changing computers? (My father recently acquired a new computer that MIGHT be given to me, I don't know about his intentions at the moment regarding that computer though) Will you lose everything and have to start from scratch, or can you just copy all the files and paste it in your new computer? Just a thing I want answered.But anyway, I know that I will definitely be using the manual installer once I get used to and learn how everything works, but I'll follow with TheDisturbedOne's advice first and use the automatic installer so I can get myself all setup and all that. I'm not in the least concerned about my internets bandwidth limitation or anything, as I have unlimited Internet Connection and that's fine with me.Also, rvalkass.... what does your "basic setup questions" mean? Are they basic only for you, but also for me? Argh... I might need to ask some questions on that when the time comes too...I'm just so suprised on this forums's (I mean, forum member's patience) patience with me and my stupid questions... you guys are so nice and so kind, I'm going to be with you people until the very end!!! ;)Thank you so much!
  25. Yeah, that's good... means that I can start doing everything that I was meant to do last Sunday... AND because I've kinda officially started, I am now able to ask around for information that will be needed by me when I actually click the order package...No use clicking it now, as I won't have time to work on it anyway, with all the school work and everything.Anyway, Hooray!!!
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