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Everything posted by Nameless_

  1. I never really thought about it this way before... Death: An Evolution? It is just too weird, too hard to comprehend. If death is an evolution, then does it mean we evolve throughout life until we die? I thought evolution was the mutation of your genetic genes when it is passed from your parents to the offspring, and it is a way and a method to keep the species alive, by giving them adaptabilities of what they need to survive in this new environment. It saves them. But if what you said is true, then evolution not only saves a life (or a species) but also kills them. Then what is the point of evolution. Let's say that evolution helps people (and animals) to grow up and be able to survive in this world (babies can't survive themselves), then why turn the biological clock in the opposite direction once you get to your thirties, slowly and not painfully killing you? This I don't get. (And when I type "biological clock", I mean biological clock in the sense that you are surviving, surviving, and growing and developing the skills that you need to survive, then slowly dying, dying, dying, losing all the skills (or most of the skills) that you have attained in life. NOT biological clock in the sense that you reach to your middle age years and turning back into a baby.)
  2. Thanks guys... all my answers are solved! I just need to wait for this glitch to fix itself up (or get fixed by someone) before I start, so I may need to delay this until next Sunday until I really get started.... Auto-installer or manually install? Hmm... well, I don't want to waste a lot of bandwidth, but I think the only visitors that I'll get will be members on this site when I ask for help (again!) or when I'm ready to show it out to this forum in the Showcase section. So I might go with installing things manually before I get to auto-installers... but I think I'll turn to auto-installers after a while too, because I'll be broadcasting everywhere (school, family, other online communities that will (or might not be) interested in what my site covers), and so I'll be using a lot of bandwidth. By that time, I hope to have a self-sustaining site supported by other automatic methods of earning revenue and money online, so I can start another website if I want to. By the way... how does auto-installers/manually installing works? What do they do? And what do you install?
  3. In my opinion (don't reprimand me for this), Xisto sounds a bit cheap and sound like one of those scam sites that usually have digits in them...I don't know... the name Xisto was one of the reasons why I didn't participate and sign up earlier, as the name set bells ringing in my head warning my that it's a potential scam site.But the members on it were pretty nice and they sound very normal and supportive, and not one person (or more, like a group) making all those posts saying how good it is when it's actually not.Also, the free hosting domain is hard to type with numbers in it (.trap17.com)... I would prefer something that sounds for professional, like xysis and tuckie would be much much more better than Xisto. But since I have come here I have decided that you cannot judge a website by it's looks, just like the fact that you can't judge a book by its cover, and I have grown to love Xisto and it's community (with the members in it, of course) in my short period of stay and I can't wait till the script bugs and servers get solved so I can start my website. ;)I'll be patient, trust me.
  4. Isn't this thread like, from two years ago? Anyhow... here's my advice... Nameless_'s Ten Tips on: What to do when a girl (or guy) annoys you by putting their possessions and themselves in your face 1) Talk to her, and explain to her how you feel, and why you feel that way. 2) Ask politely for her to move out of your way 3) Tell her that you don't like what she's/he's doing 4) Tell the teacher 5) Explain to your teacher what is making you feel bad lately and why, and suggest ways of solving this problem 6) Ask you teacher to move your seat away from her 7) Move your seat away from her (if you don't need teacher's permission. i.e., no compulsory permanent seating allocations) 8) Tell her/him to go away 9) Loudly reprimand that particular person in front of the whole class when the teachers not there yet 10) Gossip about that particular person
  5. You are... What I think is that life is just a contract with death. Without life, you can't die (well, obviously, because you have to be alive in the first place if you want to die), and without death, there is no life.As our bodies grow older and older, you can see that we are less flexible and find it harder to change. So if we grow older, and something significantly changes, like a new environment or something, we will find it hard to adapt to life. Also, it's unfair for potential life if we grow older and have no reproduction. Why do WE get a chance to live life (and for forever too), while people or animals that might've been life do not. What makes us US? It is hard, and there's also the evolution argument that we have to consider as well.But then. What is life anyway?Are we just programmed to live, reproduce and then die?Are there another reason for us to live?Are we just a tweak of chemicals that somehow bonded together to form US?This is another point of why we have to die... if we didn't, well, then we'll be thinking about those questions for the rest of out lives... or should I say, eternity?(Apart from the second question, because if we lived and will live forever into eternity, we won't know what death is and therefore will not ask a question regarding death.)To tell you the truth, in that world of immortals, we might even fantasize about death, as we will grow sick of life and grow sick of having a conscientious mind. We would earn for a thing or a state of ourselves where we could just forget about everything, forever (death) and while this might seem ridiculous in our society, world and universe (after all, isn't the soul reason of living is to stay alive as long as possible?), it might not be in THAT universe and in that world, as things work out differently in different worlds with different laws of physics and life.
  6. I must say though, you must be one of the most helpful and very active members around, helping people like me. I really won't know what to do without you. You reply very fast, I must say. And I highly doubt I have anything that I know that you don't... you're too good, and I'm just only an average "noob" trying to build a professional website but will probably end up with a crappy looking one and just give up in the end anyway (though I'm not planning on that). Thanks for all the help... I'll just follow whatever you put in your previous thread when I order the package... there's no need to hurry though, as my accounts still under the error "License Validation Failed." It's not working for some reason! Apparently mine's the only account around that's having this problem, as a quick shout in the Shoutbox answered my question, and that other members on the site could access to the Xisto's Billing and Support Centre but I can't. I wonder why... I hope it's just a bug or something that will get fixed up soon. I don't think there's anything wrong that's done on my part though. And now, I only have to wait for someone else to answer the last three questions, or give extra information and tips to the other ones... 1) I still can't log in to my account on Xisto's Support and Billing Centre, which is ironic as I'm usually required to send in a support ticket for help, but I can't do it now as I can't even log in. For some reason, I and still receiving the blank screen with the words "License Validation Failed." in the top left hand corner. My email seems fine though, and I don't know what is happening. 2) Do I have to choose Xisto for my hosting domain, or can I choose other ones, like Xysis, not because I don't support Trap (I support it 100% all the way!) But merely because it sounds better and it is easier to type and be accessed by other users across the world? Does it provide the same services but only with different domain names? 3) And what does: mean? And what am I meant to put in the box? And yeah... thanks.
  7. Well, it wasn't that long ago, and definitely not several months before, as I haven't even signed up here yet. I did check all my posts carefully, and another member did that too, and he reported no sighting of any editing, moving, or deletion of posts. We couldn't find anything wrong with it!!! Oh... yes... I DID edit one of my posts, I suppose, but that was only because I had a typo and I wanted to change it, as grammar affects to number of myCENTS earned. So it might've been that... I'll be careful from now on in what I post. I know that Moderators and Administrators rarely delete or edit or move posts as they're nice, but I might occasionally edit my own. I'll be careful and refrain from that. Thanks.
  8. Nah, glad I could help you...I've been there myself, trying to find a game that's worth playing, signing up to several game sites and trying them out.I gave up in the end though. I still play Torn City, but that's only because I don't have to go on that often and it's just a thing to past a little of my time... why play Flash Games (like Miniclip) when you can actually have a profile and all that to go to?But I quit. I'm not near full-time trying to learn and gain knowledge in website building, let's say I spend 99% of my time doing that, and the other 1% finding ways to make money online to host my site. (I can't keep posting here non-stop and clogging the forums, you know)
  9. Oh my god... thanks SO SO SO much!!! Will get started straight away once I get everything done... I actually think I'm the only person in this online community stupid enough to ask a question (or questions) in signing up, but here are a few problems and questions I want answered when I sign up: 1) Firstly, I couldn't log in to my account. For some reason, all I came up with is a blank screen with the words "License Validation Failed." in the top left hand corner. I even tried to log in with a wrong password and it still came up with the same thing. My email seems fine though, and I don't know what is happening. Anyhow, not discouraged by this weird phenomenon of not being able to sign in and order my package, I just went to the Order page (without signing in) straight away to see what I would have to deal with (forms and stuff) when I log in... (I did that because I saw a lot of things that I didn't understand in the screenshots of the link that you helpful people have given me: Free hosting procedure And my other problems, or should I say questions came up: 2) Do I have to choose Xisto for my hosting domain, or can I choose other ones, like Xysis, merely because it sounds better and it is easier to type? Does it provide the same services but only with different domain names? 3) Do I have to pay extra for Fantastico services like Joomla! and other things, as I don't know how to program and design my website to save my life? 4) If I am to choose the monthly payment plan ($1.95/month), do I have to remember to pay every single month? Or do you guys recommend the yearly plan? (I've got enough money for that, I think, if I don't add on any more extra stuff) 5) And what does the "Additional Required Information" all mean? (I've put down all the questions down so you won't have to go there especially just for me) Additional Required Information Do you run a PHP-MYSQL based Dynamic Website? Is this Site a WAP site? (we can do further optimizations) Are your targeted userbase from a Particular Location? Does your Website require SPECIFIC ports open/ Are you planning to host any service script that monitor special ports? Preferred Language for Control Panel? ............. Thanks a lot for all your help in advance, I know how annoying it is fore new users and noobs like me to keep asking questions non-stop. Trust me, all the books in my nearby library have absolutely nothing that I can comprehend when I tried learning website building from books. Thanks
  10. I must say... it DOES sound pretty ridiculous, but who knows? Anything might happen in this world if you keep yourself open-minded. I mean... if all the computers in the world just suddenly self-destruct, that would count as shutting the internet down, wouldn't it? Especially if no one can access to the internet. But then, that's very highly unlikely, and near impossible to happen.
  11. What's wrong with your name? I like it, and it's easy to recognise. Though if I had to chance to change my name... It'll be easier because I make new posts a lot for my questions, and I don't know if it gets annoying seeing my name on there all the time, so I'm thinking that if I can change me name, then there'll be different users (or looks like it) posting, and people will be fine by that. But I suppose if you change it, then all "Nameless_'s" in this site will be changed to my new name... Oh well...
  12. Hi people,So, as some of you may all know, I have agreed to start my website on Sunday (today). However, when I clicked "Logic Plan" ($1.95 per month) I am meant to register a new domain. I do not wish to do that, as I have heard that registering a new domain AND a new site at the same time will take a while to set up and process, and I only want to have a free .trap17.com or a free .qubis.com site.However, after scouring the Knowledgebase, I have come out with nothing fruitful... I want to just have a free domain (like free free, not costing any myCENTS or credits, not free as in not having to pay real cash), and I don't know how to go about in doing that.I have tried typing in a .qubis.com and a .trap17.com when I tried registering for a free domain, but all I have was a "The domain you entered is not valid #" sign and I don't know what to do...I am very sure of Xisto providing this service though. If nothing works, well, I might have to sign up for a uni.cc domain or something like that. I was planning to mask the .qubis.com or .trap17.com with a .tk extension.Any help?
  13. You've got it all wrong, buddy. You don't hypnotise someone, you get hypnotised instead. A ghost or a spirit or even a guide enters YOUR body and takes control of it, and then you begin writing automatically, not even knowing what you're doing yourself. And then when the ghost or spirit or guide leaves, you take control back in your body, and you will find yourself with a piece of writing or text that you have written, and that you have absolutely no recollection of doing so! Mind you, it doesn't have to be in your own handwriting, as it is the person or thing that you have let in writing it, not you. So don't be surprised if the thing that you have "supposedly" written isn't in your own words and doesn't look like you did it. You did it! If you don't believe yourself, do it when there's no one around you. Then you won't have anyone to suspect doing a work like that apart from yourself! Also, be warned: Not all ghost or spirit or guides are nice. Some are evil, and they will want to take your body away from you, so you might act mental for a while, maybe even for your whole life. You have to be careful in who you let in, and if something feels evil, don't let them in!!! But then, practice makes perfect, so you might want to get someone standing beside you for moral support in case anything goes wrong or whatever.
  14. I had a little negative myCENTS for a while too, but no one edited, moved, or deleted my posts. A user told me that it was because of a computer bug that can happen occasionally, and that he had it once too, but it was fixed in the next update. Well, I don't really know about that. Certainly, when the next update was up, I've got 60 myCENTS when it was [-14] before, but how do you know it was a bug and that it was fixed? You might've just made it up by making a very long post (which is what I usually do). So, I don't know... I think bugs and all that are possible, but if it was [-1102], it's definitely not a bug.
  15. Well, I must say that there aren't any good books that let you learn C++ fast and easy... they all take time to read and all that, and most of them don't even make sense after you've read through them over and over again.What I suggest you to do is to go to w3schools.com and learn C++ there. For some reason, they give perfectly easy to learn information, unlike books and things, and if you were to print their tutorial out I highly doubt that it will be a quarter of the size of most Learn C++ Books. It's really great, I must say. In fact, I learnt all of my HTML there, after unsuccessfully borrowing lots of books from the library on HTML.But just to tell you, I haven't touched C++ myself, but I am thinking of starting a game website in the future sometime, after I get the gist of normal website building. So feel free to post some tips up for us non-C++ newbies!!! ;)And Good Luck with your game programming!!! I might even play on it if I like it very much! (Which I assume I would)
  16. Well, there's Torn City... it's a Crime Based game but it has very horrid graphics and most just quit after a while, but once you get used to it it's pretty addictive. You can sign up, though I wouldn't recommend it. Oh, and it's called Torn now, by the way. You can always play Neopets though... haha, lots of people play it, even adults, though it might seem quite childish at first. I don't know.... MapleStory? Gun Bound? They're all by Nexon. And there's also Poxnora. But it's strategy, takes a LONG time to load, and requires you to stay on the computer for half and hour or longer nonstop for each game. And the name sucks. But I like the idea. Travian is also a stratergy game, apparently, but I signed up and all it requires you to do is to click and wait. Yes, I mean literally click and wait. So that's bad. Um... there are a few more, like Dark Street, also a crime game with much much much more better graphics and looks more appealing to Torn, but it's hard to get started, and I signed up and I didn't really know where to go. That's about all, I think... you can always go to gaming sites and check for newest games... Oh, and there's one called Hobowars. It's pretty much like Torn City with much more features and stuff. I would recommend that. But I played it for one day and I stopped, as I don't have time for it.
  17. Hello Tommy,Woohoo!!! First post!!!I'll do my best and get you settled in...I'm sure you will find that Xisto.com has a lot of friendly members willing to help you as you build your website.As you can see, I am quite new to this site too, and I'll be starting to build my site tomorrow after building a small stash of myCENTS for the last couple of days. Feel free to see me stumble around and learn from my mistakes due to my novice and almost no knowledge of website building. But the members here are friendly, so I'm sure I'll be fine.For starters, signup at Xisto's Support and Billing System, so you can have your own Client Area. Remember to signup with the same email that you signed up with this account at Xisto, or it will not work.The good thing about this System is that Xisto does not require you to give in your credit card or bank account information, so it is completely secure.Once your registration order has been processed, you can get started!You will be able to see a myCENTS thing under your name on the forums of Xisto once your order has been processed, like what most of the members and posters here have (I have one under my name too, so you can see what I mean). Every 100 myCENTS is equivalent to one USD (US dollar). To earn myCENTS, all you have to do is to post on this forums.The bigger and longer your thread or post is, the more you earn. Spamming is NOT tolerated in this forums, and people will spam to get more myCENTS (well, maybe a little toleration, but that's only because the people here are nice).So, basically, it is a free service would otherwise be NOT free (paid) that only requires you to post here every so often. And it doesn't have to be a lot. Just once or twice a day would be fine, just a decent post with a decent number of characters.Remember to read the forum rules though, as you can get negative myCENTS if your thread is edited, moved or deleted by staff, but that's rare.Anyhow, feel free to browse around and learn more about this site. It is an easy way to learn more money while learning to build your own site!!!Hope I helped you, Nameless_
  18. I have lots of favourite authors, but I must say my MOST favourite one is Coelho paulo (darn, I had to go on Google search to find out how to spell his name)... my favourite book is The Alchemist, it's a simple story with deep philosphical morals behind it. It's great.My other author when I was younger was Carole Wilkinson and her story Dragonkeeper... it's a fantasy about a Chinese girl slave finding a dragon and becoming a Dragonkeeper.
  19. You never dreamt of getting one? Haha, that's like me, but I have one though. My dad bought one for me because he thought I was doing a great job at school and since everyone has school basically has one (it was the craze of the time) he bought one for me, thinking I would love it so much, and you know what I said I was like: Oh... I didn't even want one... I only want things that I ask. (And that's like, notebooks... for some reasons I like notebooks a lot. I have a whole collection that I don't even use because I'm scared that I'll wreck them if I do - which I usually do) And my dad was SO disappointed. It would've been so much better if he bought me a book or something like that instead. Stationary always works well.
  20. Nice... I can't believe they actually would make a movie of the end of the world in the Mayan History... Personally, I don't believe it, I just think the world will continue to go on as normal, as if nothing happened.Why in the world will I want to make a website now if my site is going to be taken down in three (or two and a half) years?I think I still have a future, I refuse to believe that my life will stop at 12.12.2012. Is just sad... what about the new born babies? They won't even experience what life is and they'll have to go.Plus, doesn't the Christian Bible imply that Christ will appear at the end of the world when the world ends? (I'm not Christian, by the way)So all followers of Christ and his morals should have nothing to fear about. ;)Nameless_
  21. I must say it's very hard to answer this question. What exactly is human nature? This is what Google gave me when I searched "define: human nature" : the shared psychological attributes of humankind that are assumed to be shared by all human beings; "a great observer of human nature" Well, I suppose that means its the things that are similar in all of us in psychological or mental terms... but then, it can (in my opinion), be defined by other terms. I think human nature is also our personalities that differs from animals. For example, we can hold back our anger, hold back our feelings, and hold back the urge to go to the toilet, but animals can't and don't. We are all different in different ways, and human nature shows that. Other things that human nature shows include the never ending thirst for knowledge, our curiosity. We always want to explore. We explore ourselves, we explore the earth, we explore for hidden treasure, and we explore outer space for other life forms. Do animals do that? Maybe territory, maybe others of their own species, but not themselves, not the earth, and definitely not for hidden treasure, let alone outer space for other life forms. Out curiosity is one of the many factors that groups us as humans beings and separates us from the rest of the Animalia Kingdom. Other things that define human nature? Well, I can go on forever, but here are a few of the main ones: our morals, sin, lust, greed, crime, generosity, kindness... and so on. Human Nature, in my opinion, is just all the things that we as humans have that animals don't. THIS is human nature.
  22. I must say I've never used Paypal before, but I've created an account. My friend uses Paypal (two friends, actually) and finds it completely safe. One even linked her parents credit card details to buy things from eBay!But I don't know yet, and I won't know until I earn some money online, which is pretty hard at the moment considering I don't know where to start earning money apart from Xisto and that doesn't really count because it doesn't require Paypal to operate the hosting package.
  23. Hello Traveller,Glad to see that you've have joined us, out of the many hosting sites in the world!!! ;)Well, I can see that kasperooney has already got you started.But just to remind you again, you cannot host a website without myCENTS under your name, and do you that, you have to go to Xisto's Support and Billing Centre to get started. Just sign up with the same email as what you did for here, and in a few hours time when the order gets processed, start posting!!!You can see how much you earn with a "Earned:" under your name, or you can just go the the Billing and Support Centre to check. Every 100 myCENTS that you earn by posting (post big and long, but no spam!) will give you 1 US Dollar, and you get get hosted with 2 dollars!!! I usually make that much in a DAY, do you won't even have to post that much at all...By the way, I'll be starting my site tomorrow (sunday) just as I promised a certain member here, so feel free to see me learn from my mistakes as I go along creating my own website!!!(I'm quite new and know almost NOTHING on starting a website and coding and scripting it, but the members here are so friendly that I have all the confidence that I'll finish my site. :PGood luck on YOUR own path to website making!!!
  24. Haha... the second one got me laughing... it doesn't only help you make money on the internet, but also with other things like your body, brain and all that... funny.I've been to the first one though... there ARE some sites on it that requires you to pay to start learning, though I'm assuming you didn't go there, so you wouldn't know...Anyhow, thanks for sharing!!!
  25. I think it is too... I didn't know the internet was used to be a community intiative and belonged to researchers and the military, but a global virus released to shut down the internet is quite possible, though I don't know why anyone to do that... global viruses used to take personal information and bank account details, maybe, but to shut down in internet? If the internet was shut down there won't be any purpose in developing anymore viruses... and people won't benefit from anything too... The world of the internet (and the world of hacking and virus programming) will be over... together...
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