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Everything posted by k_nitin_r

  1. Hi!I think I spend about fourteen hours a day on the Internet. Yes, I know that is a large number, but as I am a web developer, I spend a pretty good portion of the day online, either building something or looking for work. I also spend a LOT of time emailing, keeping in touch with friends and family, reading the news, and looking up what the next big thing will be.It doesn't really matter if the time spent on the Internet is a lot, but what really matters is whether we are doign something productive with our time. Half a day of playing World of Warcraft for months together would definitely be a serious lack of productivity. However, half a day of reading articles and news on the Internet would be a great way to educate oneself and would could as the theoretical equivalent of experience, or perhaps second-hand experience. When learning anything over the Internet, however, one would have to ensure that the source of information is reliable and the information posted can be trusted. An article from BBC, CNN, or the Washington Post would be reliable most of the time, but there is the occasional article that either makes illogical deductions, stretches the truth a bit, or is simply an attempt at generating publicity for something that doesn't really deserve our attention.BTW, when people talk about the amount of time they spend on the Internet, does Internet gaming count too? Some people say they spend over six hours on the Internet, so would the six hours include playing a computer game over the network (Eg. a multi-player session of Need For Speed Undercover over the Internet) or does that include time spent within a browser, such as browsing through FaceBook, posting on Xisto, sending email through a web mail provider etc.?
  2. Hi!If you are unable to see the file that you have just uploaded, try to type in the file name along with the rest of the URL in the address bar of your web browser instead of relying on the web server to fetch the default document. If it works, the web server might not be recognizing your file's file name as one of the default document names that are configured.You can also try pressing the control key along with F5 in your web browser to force a refresh that causes the web browser to make another request to the web server. If this approach works, the old content sent by the server was being cached by your web browser and therefore did not reach you.There is also the possibility that a proxy server that you are using, such as your Internet Service Provider's proxy server, may have cached the web page. If this is the case, try to create the file with a different name and access the page again by typing in the complete URL (including the name of the file).If Xisto - Web Hosting/Xisto is doing any kind of caching at their end, it could either by from their web server itself or from the gateway that acts as a kind of a reverse-proxy. It could also be a gateway at the Internet Service Provider that provides Internet connectivity to Xisto - Web Hosting/Xisto. You might be able to get the web server to read the file again by making a change to it, forcing the web server to read the file again from the disk. If that does not work, your last resort would to be raise a support ticket with Xisto - Web Hosting/Xisto and wait for one of the support staff to get back to you with a resolution.PS: Oh, and just in case you have one of those moments, do check the address bar to make sure that you are accessing the correct location through your web browser and that you have uploaded the file to the correct location through the file manager interface or through your FTP client.
  3. Hi!I think the two concepts, SQL and ADO.NET are distinct and are not replacements for each other.SQL is actually an ambiguous term because it can either refer to Structured Query Language, which is the language that is used to store and retrieve data from the database server, or it can refer to the database server from Microsoft, which is the MS SQL Server.ADO.NET is an interfacing mechanism with the database that enables you to retrieve data from and write to the database server irrespective of the database vendor. You can use the ADO.NET interface to work with Microsoft's SQL Server, the Oracle database server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, or pretty much any other database server that has either a driver/connector for the Microsoft .NET Framework, an ODBC database driver, or an OLE DB database driver.So, putting all of the concepts together, SQL statements can, optionally, be passed through ADO.NET and those can be run on MS SQL Server, and so SQL (both, in the case of the Structured Query Language statements, and the Microsoft SQL Server database) and ADO.NET are complementary to each other and are not substitutes for each other.
  4. Hi!The error message clearly indicates that it is a problem with the permissions on the directory. If you use an FTP client to set permissions on your files and directories, you might want to try going to the directory where you want to create the folder and assign permissions using the CHMOD command or the equivalent of a graphical tool.If you do not have an FTP interface, the file manager web interface that your hosting provider presents you with for uploading files should have some way of setting permissions.If all else fails, you ought to contact your hosting provider - their support staff should be experienced in dealing with such problems on a day-to-day basis as it is fairly common.
  5. Hi!HP has been selling the TouchSmart series of desktops with the Intel Atom processor and the Intel Core 2 Duo processors for a while, and I think they introduced a touch screen notebook too. The problem with most of their touch screen computers is that they are either equipped with an Intel Atom processor or a very anemic processor that isn't worth the price.Lenovo's Thinkpad series has the flagship Thinkpad W510 that comes with a multi touch screen. The screen is available as an option so if you are ordering one online or purchasing it from a store, do make sure that it is the model with the multi touch feature. It comes with a Core i7 processor and is specc'ed to the max. If you're looking for an Alienware-like notebook PC with a business look, you might want to check out the Lenovo Thinkpad W510.I have been looking around for an alternative to Lenovo due to the inavailability of the units, and an alternative to HP that comes with better hardware, and Dell seems to be joining the pack. I'm a little uncertain about the manufacturing quality of the units though because everyone I have known with a Dell has had problems after the first year, which is when the warranty doesn't cover any repairs and the service center charges an exorbitant amount for repairs. For mainstream computing on a budget, Dell and HP lead the pack but Lenovo's Ideapad and Thinkpad Edge seem to be catching up.
  6. Hi!While nuclear technologies does result in radioactive wastes, it is a pretty good way to generate electricity for our energy needs in space. A combination of solar and nuclear energy could, theoretically, provide enough to sustain a liveable environment in space (or maybe even on another planet). The problems one would have to deal with is the constant 'recycling' of resources, such as running water purification plants, and growing plants for food. Living expenses in such a city are bound to be high with the exorbitant price of sending goods into space. If you thought NYC and Moscow are crazy when it comes to prices, wait till you check out Space City 2050 :-P
  7. Hi!I'm kay-underscore-nitin-underscore-are (my username) and I'm an addict. Okay, so that sounds very cliche, but as they say, the first step to dealing with an addiction is to admit that one has an addiction. It's something that most people are pretty comfortable with admitting, compared to people who are addicted to narcotics, alcohol, or even rings... yes, that little dude, Smeagle (did I spell it right?), from the Lord of the Rings was apparently addicted to a ring with an unusual pattern along the center.There are times when I spend hours playing computer games or posting to social networking sites and Internet forums (ummm... I'm doing this right now) though I often spend time chatting as well, with Google Talk being the network I'm on most of the time. I would like to make the argument that I don't have anything of value to do while at the computer, but I use the computer for course work and for teaching myself new stuff, such as a new programming language, or acquainting myself with a software library, or just plain reading of open-source code to admire the beauty of the structure and the programming style followed by it.At the end of the day, while I'm off to bed, I use the computer to play some music instead of an MP3 media player because I've got all of my stuff on an external USB hard drive and I can't use the MP3 player to browse through it an pick what I want to listen to. Oh, and I don't worry about breaking my computer because I simply disable the sleep on closing lid feature, shut the laptop with the music still playing, and I slide it underneath the bed. The next morning, I find the laptop in hibernation mode (see, I'm eco-friendly too!!) and I just push the power switch to get it back online and I check my email before heading off from my room... carrying the computer along, of course.I do spend some time away from the computer though. While I'm out, I've got a PDA to do stuff on while waiting on the traffic light to turn green... some of them take three whole minutes (yes, I used the stop watch on the PDA to figure that out).Anyway, without much more to share, I'd love to hear what some of you are doing to get over the addiction. Perhaps it involves getting close to nature and camping in the woods without a laptop or a PDA? You would need a cell phone to make emergency calls though.
  8. Hi!I haven't really used Java framework all that much, but I have used their .NET ports. I use the Log4Net framework for logging error messages in almost all of my applications. I've also tried Spring.NET for validation on .NET but I eventually ended up using the Microsoft Enterprise Library validation application blocks instead because there's a whole lot of XML editing involved in defining the XML rules and having the Enterprise Library configuration tool helps quite a bit.Most of the applications I build in Java are desktop application using either the Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) or Swing, though I did build Java Server Pages (JSP) based web applications a while back.
  9. Hi!You don't really have a problem with your code, but it's just the XML tag at the top that is causing the issue. As a previous poster suggested, you can echo/print the tag using a PHP statement or get one of the support folk to help you disable short tags in PHP. In fact, this is one of the reasons why the PHP community insists on avoiding short tags - I actually liked the <?= $variable-name ?> syntax though I stop using it for concerns over whether the host would support it. I would imagine WAMP has short tags disabled by default, but if you do enable it, you can get the same error that you see on the Xisto - Web Hosting servers.BTW, if you are working on anything that you intend to release as open-source, somebody from the forum could probably help out too and take care of all of your coding woes.
  10. Hi!I believe the other Linux installation should create a new grub menu that lists both Windows XP and the older Linux installation, though most installers give you an option of letting you configure the existing grub loader manually. However, if you are installing Microsoft Windows 7, after installing Linux, the Windows 7 bootloader will not list Linux in the boot options.One of the benefits of having multiple Linux installations is that they can all share the same swap space so all you need is a separate root partition for each install. You might even be able to install programs once and use them across distributions. When you are logged in as a regular user, instead of a root user, most software installs within your home folder so you can move it to a location that is accessible (set the filesystem permissions to allow read access, and write access, if necessary, so save user preferences, and any other files that the software might need to create) by all of the Linux distributions.
  11. Hi! I've briefly worked with the CodeIgniter framework and it's been a breeze. It was the first MVC framework that I worked with, but I still found it rather simple to adapt to while the setup can be accomplished with a few simple steps too. I believe Yii isn't an MVC framework but rather an event-driven development framework, though I could be wrong as I haven't used it yet. It seems to follow the ASP.NET web forms' model of web development. I've come across two different MVC frameworks titled the Barebones MVC framework. Of the two, the single-file no-configuration MVC framework available at Google Code has been extremely simple to use. Follow the link and you'll be surprised at how little code creating an MVC library requires in PHP. Due to the tiny memory footprint and simplicity of the MVC library, Cisco had hired the author to build upon it for creating the web-based management tools for use on routers, switches, and firewalls (and perhaps other embedded devices). If you don't want to go all the way with building an MVC-structured application, you might want to use templates. Smarty does wonders for PHP templating and makes theming a breeze for users of your applications.
  12. Sure you can! Most platforms support some way of getting method calls and data across the platform divide, and PHP and the .NET framework (Visual Basic, or any other language that can generate Microsoft Intermediate Language code and can make calls to the .NET framework classes).Web services can be used to communicate across different platforms. You can use PHP to create web services (perhaps using the nuSOAP?) and can then consume those web services using Visual Basic. Microsoft Visual Studio makes working with web services a breeze - it's just like making a method call to a regular class method. You can also do the reverse by creating a web service in Visual Basic and consume the service through PHP. There are different libraries/extensions that you can use within PHP to create and consume web service and there are trade-offs that you have to make for each one so you might want to take a look at which one is right for you. The nuSOAP library enables you to create and consume web services using PHP calls. In additional, you can also generate the web service descriptor (WSDL) automatically so the web service description always matches the service that you are building. The downside of using nuSOAP is that it is not as actively maintained. The PEAR-SOAP library is also PHP based and is comparable to nuSOAP. The SOAP extension for PHP requires server-side configuration/installation and therefore may not be an option if your web hosting service does not provide the extension, however the PHP SOAP extension is also the quickest since it is built using compiled C code.Making calls across different platforms generally involves overhead. In fact, if you are making web service calls, there's an overhead even if you are using the same platform on both ends due to the conversion to XML.
  13. Hi!I've been looking at some of the software that a firm (I can't name it because that would be libel) has been builting using the ASP.NET MVC framework and their code is simply an atrocious crime against MVC practices! The functionality that ought to be within a controller can be found within their model and view classes and the code is just a big lump of software that has the source code files 'organized' into the folders: Model, View, Controller, css, images, and scripts.The use of ViewData and TempData is tolerable, although they ought to be using strongly typed views and passing the data through models, but it's understandable that somebody built the system in a hurry and decided to go with the ViewData and TempData collections instead.Has anyone else come across badly written code on the ASP.NET MVC framework, or for that matter, on any other platform's MVC framework?
  14. Hi!As HOD mentions above, a shell is simple a user interface that has been built around an operating system. You can refer to the command prompt as a shell, which is a text-based interface. However, the graphical user interface that Windows provides is also a shell (we can call it a graphical shell, to avoid confusion). Shell programming, when referring to Linux scripting, usually refers to using the bash shell, C shell, or any other interface. The equivalent in the DOS and Windows world are batch files, which are simple text files with commands where you can use some additional notation, such as to indicate parameters. You can also execute commands that you would normally type at the command prompt from within Visual Basic, which is what anwii is referring to. Since you're mentioning about Visual Basic, I'm guessing that you might even be referring to the ability to add menu items to the context (right-click) menu that you get when you click on a file (For example, the "Edit with Notepad++" menu item when you right click on just about any file).As you can tell, "shell programming" is a very vague term that one can easily take out of the context that you intended :-)
  15. Hi!Microsoft's Internet Explorer still has a stronghold in enterprise computing. Firms have web applications that are compatible only with Internet Explorer because the web developers did not bother about standards compliance. There are still websites out there today that work with Internet Explorer but not with Firefox, Chrome or Safari. How do I know? The firm I work at builds web portals and they always seem to launch the first version as an Internet Explorer-only website and then try to build in compatibility later. Much later. It sometime takes months before they actually consider that visitors could be using a browser other than Microsoft's Internet Explorer and decide that they need to suit-up and make the decision to work on browser compatibility to maintain their brand image. From a business perspective, when over 70% of the website visitors use Microsoft Internet Explorer, why focus on Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or even the Opera web browser?
  16. Hi!@kobra500Sharon Stone's attribution of the earthquake in China to karma was just as insensitive as the deal with the devil that you mention about (though I've never heard any mention about the deal with the devil; Sharon Stone's remark was probably more popularized due to her celebrity status).By the way, yesterday's newspaper had a comic strip in it with two scenarios:(i) Scenario one is war. There are innumerable airplanes flying toward their destination.(ii) Scenario two is international aid. There is one airplane, yes, exactly one plane, flying to provide food, water, and medical supplies. The Haitians may have lost their homes and their loved ones, but they haven't lost their spirit. They still dig through rubble and ruins with bare hands and whatever equipment they can muster to rescue other survivors.
  17. I can't tell you any of the best ones, but these are definitely the worst ones:- Two people and pot, a recipie for fun, no?- Wanna race?- Can you teach me algebra?- Do you have a trademark registration for being pretty?- Astalavista, baby.Okay, okay, so I just came up with the ones above, but that doesn't mean they can't be the worst. :-P
  18. I tend to leave the WordPress tagline on my blog as well as the footer signature that the theme developer added in. However, I do think the link that the theme developer adds to the footer may link to a page that does not reflect my views or linking to another page may affect the PageRank assigned by Google's search engine and may negatively impact ranking by other search engines as well. I will not go into the concepts of SEO, but essentially if your website links to other websites randomly, the search engines lower the ranking of the page in the same fashion as it does for the parked domain pages that have little content and simply link to other websites.A signature or tagline from the author or the originating project, however, is pretty much harmless apart from the fact that it advertises what your site uses to scriptkiddies just itching to try out their cracking tools to deface websites.
  19. Hi!@support.kshanThe other software that I've mentioned about, Blue Light CMS and Vignette, are completely built web applications that you can deploy. Other popular Java applications are:* Daffodil CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system* InfoGlue CMS (Content Management System)* jEdit Java source code editor* RSSOwl news feed reader* VeryQuickWiki* Pebble blog engineYou can also find compilers that can compile source code for other languages to the Java platform. For example, Jython is a Python implementation over the Java platform. PHP code too can be compiled for the Java platform, using a compiler such as Quercus.
  20. Hi!Open-source software has not killed the industry at all. In fact, it has enabled independent software developers to customize and provide software for firms. It has enabled individual software developers and organizations to reduce the time that they require to build a software system. In fact, one can build a blog in less than a week due to the availability of blog engines and plugins. Does open-source software reduce the opportunities for employment? Quite the contrary, in fact. I believe the widespread use and availability of open-source software has created new opportunities for software developers and designers to put their skills to use.Another key aspect of open-source development is that software developers get feedback on their source code and this serves as valuable feedback for them to improve. This can be in the form of bug reports, software patches, or simply emails or messages to the source code author.For the end-user, open-source software also means lower costs. Instead of having to pay for a complete system to meet his or her requirements, he or she simply has to pay for customization or plugins to be developed on a common platform.
  21. Hi!I think using a cell phone to talk to somebody while driving isn't as bad as texting while driving, but both make the driver of a vehicle less capable of controlling the vehicle. If one had a cell phone in one hand, that would make him or her unable to steer while shifting gears at the same time. Or, if the foot brake didn't work, he or she would not have a free hand to pull the hand brake while steering. Brakes do not usually fail completely, but if the vacuum-assisted brakes did lose power, they would be much less effective than normal and would require downshifting or the use of the hand brake.Using a hands-free unit for a cell phone to talk while driving is not much of a problem, though a caller ID display can distract the driver when the phone rings. The caller ID display does, however, prevent the driver from reaching down to the phone to look up the caller ID so it does have its advantages and disadvantages. If a law does come into place, that does not necessarily keep people from not doing something, which is why we still have airbags in cars though wearing seat belts is mandatory in most parts of the world.
  22. Hi!@rayzoredgeWhen Windows displays the limited or no connectivity error, try restarting windows instead of using the repair/diagnose option. If the network link is back up and works normally, you know Windows is to blame. I've had the issue with Windows a couple of times when it doesn't realize that it is supposed to get an IP address when the wireless network interface comes up. You might want to try using software that your PC manufacturer provided for managing the network interface. If I use the utilities provided by Lenovo/IBM instead of having Windows manage the wireless network, I don't seem to have the same problems.I doubt the problem with not getting IP addresses on your network would have anything to do with cabling outdoors.
  23. Hi!@web_designerIf you were unable to extract the ZIP file, you might want to raise a support ticket for someone from the customer support department to help you with it. You could also try uploading the unzipped files through FTP (use CuteFTP Professional, or if you are looking for something you can get for free, try FileZilla FTP or Core FTP. After replacing all of the original WordPress files with the newer files, you ought to be able to log in to the dashboard to see the upgrade database link.You are right about WordPress 2.5 not including the automatic update feature - it was introduced in either WordPress 2.6 or 2.7.
  24. Hi!@onkarnath2001The first thing you need to come up with is a plan of what your business would do and how it would generate revenue. Establishing costs and space are dependent on the size and location of the business you intend to setup. There are some firms that start off with just two computers in a studio apartment while there are others that have fifty computers and two storeys in a building - the cost difference between the two is large! Also, you might want to get some experience by working in a software development firm before you go about starting your own firm so you can get a feel of the real problems that organizations face and the industry-wide solutions to such problems.You can get a lot of the details that you require by talking to software firms that are in your region. They can provide you with more accurate costs than somebody across the globe. They may also be able to provide you with sales leads that you can use to get started.
  25. Hi!@nirmaldanielThe remote desktop feature in Windows, available as a built-in feature from Microsoft Windows 2000 (Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 client operating systems, and the Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows 2008 server operating systems), enables users to remotely access other computers, such as for accessing remote resources or for performing system administration. Remote desktop is not, however, available on home editions of Windows. Remote desktop is often referred to as Microsoft Terminal Services ? when at a Linux box, the remote desktop refers to VNC and not to the remote desktop feature... Linux refers to the remote desktop client as the Microsoft Terminal Services client.I would like to clarify that the error that Windows displays when trying to log into a computer using remote desktop when a user account does not have a password is actually a setting that is configurable, but should be enabled for maintaining network security. Also, to access a Windows box via remote desktop, the user account has to be given permission to log on to the computer through remote desktop.I would also like to add that you do not really need two physical computers to try the remote desktop service. You can setup a virtual machine and connect to it from the host operating system using the remote desktop client.To allow incoming remote desktop connections to your computer, you would have to enable remote desktop connections. You can do this in one of the following ways on Windows XP:METHOD 11. Right-click on the "My Computer" icon and click on the "Properties" menu item2. Click on the "Remote" tab3. Check the box labelled "Allow users to connect remotely to this computer"4. If you are logged in as an administrative user, your account will have privileges to connect to the computer through remote desktop, but if you do not, you have to allow the user accounts to connect by clicking the "Select Users" button (located just below the checkbox) and adding the users - click the "Add" button, type in the user account and click the "Ok" button.5. Close all dialog boxes by clicking the "Ok" buttonMETHOD 21. Click Start and launch the Control Panel2. Double-click on the "System" icon3. Follow Method 1 from step 2In addition to enabling remote desktop, you would also have to configure your firewall to allow incoming remote desktop requests. You can do this by allowing connections to your computer through the remote desktop protocol port, which is TCP port 3389. This is pretty straightforward with the Windows Firewall because you simply have to check the box for Remote Desktop and click the "Ok" button when on the "Exceptions" tab of the firewall settings dialog box.I would also like to mention that the user account does not have to be logged in for you to be able to connect remotely to the computer using that user account. You simply turn on the host computer, wait for Microsoft Windows to boot up, and then connect to it from the other computer using the remote desktop client. The remote desktop client can be starting by clicking on the Start button, pointing at All Programs, then pointing at Accessories, and clicking the Remote Desktop Connection menu item.
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