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Everything posted by BordaForx

  1. Yeah, sometimes, we just forget to put in quote tags, we should be able to edit it. We shouldn't be able to edit everybody's post, just ours.
  2. Come on! Halo is better than Counter Strike. They are actually both good in their own aspects.
  3. Also, does anybody know how to make your own dedicated server?
  4. It's great. You could use a better font though. ( Sorry, I had to say that )
  5. Just become her friend first. See how she's like. You don't want to rush in too fast, which will usually, end in an early break-up. If you really think you like her, ask her out.
  6. Guess what? I was raise by a Christian family, learned in a Christian school. In the school, I went to chapel EVERYDAY. They had no problems with halloween. The priests, even asked us what we wore for halloween. It is just a time for fun, and not to worship the devil or anything. During the time, the meaning of halloween has changed. I don't see anything wrong with it, except dress up and get some candy.
  7. I'm not trying to be racist, almost all of them are Indians. Also, I really think internet dating doesn't work, because you don't really know his/her personality. In rare occasions, they actually sometimes do work.
  8. If I was still in High School, I would've just shouted at them, " SHUT THE H*LL UP! ". Or I would've done it your way.But I'm not in High School, anymore, so I'll ignore them, or politely tell them to stop talking. Just let them speak crap.
  9. I've been asked, "Do you have a girlfriend?" like 20 times, I just simply replied, "What do YOU think?"
  10. Halo 1 is so much better. The only reason I play two instead of one is because of the Xbox live. You get to kill other players.It's funny, you get on Halo 2, and you hear these 8 year old kids playing. It's hilarious.
  11. I never trust online dating. Real life is better.
  12. I think it has a lot of spyware. There should be programs just popping out saying that you could fix the spyware by downloading it, DONT DOWNLOAD IT! That IS the spyware. Go to this legal site, and download this great spyware deleter! Download the first ones. Hope you fix your computer soon.
  13. Exercise a lot. Eat regularly, don't just eat a salad. Just stay away from the junk food ( candy, chocalate, McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Taco Bells ). Sleep early. Don't be lazy and sit on the couch, eat, and watch TV. Don't use a diet patch.
  14. I thought you were referring to NFL Football, you should change it to soccer, because the majority of the people in these forums speak English.
  15. Hehe, what if you're mixed...white and asian, would that make you super-smart?
  16. Wow, all in Chinese. Was it hard typing it all or what?
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