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Everything posted by BordaForx

  1. They wanna 'cause chaos, hence the name 'terrorist'?
  2. It's sad. Times go fast, one minute, I'm 13, another minute I'm 16, then 20, then 25... It's so fast. It's like, what the hell, did I really waste that much time? I wasted my life!That's what I think. It's sad. My 13-19 year old days were full of wasting my damn time.
  3. I see nothing THAT bad about the government. I agree with the highway taking your property thing. Come on, they need a highway...and you'll get a space, like next to there. Also, property tax...they need the money, it's fine with me.
  4. I've been to Australia! Heh, but here in the US, it's fine to me. I like the way the hospital works. My cousin works in one. He is the doctor, and getting payed well; so he does a great job. ^_^Australia needs to change. ( If what you said was true )
  5. Our sixflags ( astroworld ) is bankrupt, and it is closing down after 38 or 37 years! It's sad. It's even older than me!
  6. It's not going to me, it's going to Central America. I'm safe. I'm in Houston.
  7. Sex talk????? -- You're grown. I think she wants you to stay a virgin and have no kids.
  8. Oh. Now I know the difference. But I still don't really like anime.
  9. Yay, you feel sorry for me. For those who don't know, I am in Houston, and had to evacuate because of Hurricane Rita...which actually hit Beaumont instead of Houston.
  10. Thanks Fable, we appreciate you enjoying our work, or maybe 'our' work? "aiight" ?
  11. I said that to a girl once, and she ran away. I think she thought I was a rapist or maybe she was 'shy'. I don't know which one.
  12. You don't even need the: Please Don't Flame, part.It's too good to be flamed.
  13. Come on, some are good. You gotta admit it. >.< Not all are like that, you know?
  14. Hope you're better! So you won't give us as much warnings when you're in Xisto, just kidding, man.Well, I DO hope you heal faster, wish you luck.
  15. Of first of all, I'm p*ssed, because of all those shows that are coming from Japan to USA. I mean, what the hell is the difference between manga and anime...same to me. Also, they look SO fake, everybody ( if you're an artist ), could draw better than that. Those manga and anime stuff have triangle noses, I mean, come on! How would I get so 'popular'. For hell's sake, I've even see an anime porn. That's terrifying. I mean, why is it so popular, when all it is, is more than a stick figure. PS: Manga and Anime look the same to me.... Sorry, for the double post, but I mistyped something there. If a moderator is here, please merge the post! It's supposed to be: How could it get so 'popular' Notice from KuBi: Merged double posts. Next time please just PM a mod with what you want added/changed.
  16. It's funny how an arguement can turn educational.Also: I never knew that. Quite interesting.
  17. I don't believe in reincarnation...But I would try to be a [hot] female...(see what it's like...but not my whole life, just for like a week)I also would want to become a rich man.
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