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Everything posted by BordaForx

  1. lol. I will, when the drummer and guitarist comes over.
  2. Well, they're aren't many bugs in the UMS map to me. I've made plenty of maps, like Halo War Of The Races. They've been very popular and they still are. I think UMS mappers help Blizzard game survive. They would lose 3/5 of they're players if they got rid of UMS. ( Yes, it's true ).Also, those new patches they put in, they fixed useless stuff. Yeah, I just downloaded it. It's completely useless.I don't think they should edit the UMS map, I think they need to add MORE triggers to it, so players would actually see a REAL change for once. I'm gonna e-mail blizzard about this, and hopefully, they will take my advice and make StarCraft games more fun.
  3. Oh, wow. I think I should take more time and post more. Oh well, I like doing it anyway. I guess Quality is better than Quantity.
  4. HAHAH. I hate this. I have to start postin again. I never knew one line post never count? Thats just evil. Well, some of the threads were started by me. Also, in the ChickensAreFluffy thread, I already had enough points. I asked for hosting before even posting in that stupid thread.
  5. i've been in this forum for a long time just for the hosting, then I finally get 30 points. Then i apply for the hosting. Rejected because I spammed post. Where did I freakin' spam?
  6. HAHAHA YOU SPAMMER! You know, it doesn't count toward posts.
  7. It is free if you put it in production. You didin't yet.Also, if you want, I have a tune in mind already, I can e-mail it to you.
  8. Ok, to tell you the truth, it needs some polishing up. =D Also, don't put in an illegal copyright sign. You didin't copyright it! It's not even finished, you can't copyright it when it's finished, so I know you're lying. It's expensive to have something copyrighted?
  9. Actually, in my city ( Houston ), you can't get a job unless you're 16.
  10. I never get viruses. Wait, I got it once. Ya, in my whole life, I only got 1 virus in my computer.
  11. You guys are all very dumb. Who would do all those stuff?
  12. First of all, it is illegal to get a job at 15, and start getting paid. You have to be 16, so you will NOT be hired. Also, when you are 16, it will still be hard to get a job ( unless you want to work as a cashier ). You won't be able to work in a restaurant or anything like that ( highly impossible that the owner wants a 16 year old server ).
  13. Yes, Starcraft is now only $14 bucks for exp, and everything. Also, it's not called: Starcraft 2, it's called: Starcraft Ghost!Hehe, I'm a big starcraft player.
  14. Ya. I finally slept at 4:00, and had to wake up at 6:00! But I got through it. Next time, I would try doing all the things you guys do.
  15. What would you do if you can't sleep at 3:00? Right now, it's 3:00 in the morning, and I can't sleep. I'm supposed to do something at 6:00! Only 3 hours of sleep left, and I might not even be able to sleep! Give me advice, please.
  16. He wanted to finish up what his Father had not finished.
  17. Try going to court?
  18. I can type around 90 wpm at my computer. With laptops, i type around 70 wpm.
  19. Actually, the poem is so fake. Girls cry very easily. Also, they cry infront of you because they 'hate' you, not like.
  20. Hah! Tears a precious!Have I cried in front of a girl? NoHave I made one cry? Yes, actually 5Have I cried? yes
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