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Everything posted by BordaForx

  1. Hmm...am I the only one who loves my job? I love my job, and I don't hate it...not even 1%.
  2. Yeah, just got some new songs done. =/ This is more in the hip-hop category.----------DELETED SONG----------
  3. How do you get a static IP? Also...nobody wants a site that has a URL like: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or something like that...How do you get a domain...besides purchasing one from Yahoo Hosting thing...
  4. Wow. That is nice...funny too. No...it's not a long poem. I've seen poems that are 10 pages long. Now THOSE are long.
  5. BordaForx

    Men! WHY?

    That's so mean of you. Not all men are like that...(me!LOL)
  6. thank you everybody but now i'm back to having a g/f instead. lol
  7. No, I'm getting married. I'm very proud. I dont' care about the money or the time...Getting married is nature....
  8. Yeah, I think it's true. The youngsters will be more intelligent than us. Why? Look at the SAT for example...they just made the NEW SAT. School starts requiring higher standars...and so on. So, yeah...I think youngsters will be more "intelligent" than us.
  9. Hey! How you doing? I hope you have a nice time in the forums. Personally, I enjoy posting.
  10. Oh god. So many illegal drug users here. Good think I'm not injected with one of those drugs. I don't and will never take drugs. People who takes drugs just think it's cool and smoke it (inject..whatever). God, I'm going to get flamed because of this post.
  11. Lucky number 7, and lucky number 104 <-- I dunno, just lucky.
  12. Getting married soon sometimes around next year.
  13. You don't have to sing well to be able to sing. You could be the second William Hung.
  14. Well, it's good, but you made the poem to rhyme. Sometimes, you should find words that fit better and they don't have to rhyme all the time. Of course, rhymimg would be better, but words that fit would be better than rhyming.:PPS: Why would you write about your sister? Haha.
  15. *darn*...haha, it replaced it with d*mn. Heh, that just made the song worse.
  16. Uhh...ok. One of the weirdest vents, but yeah...remember, the dentist can see everything.
  17. That's sad, I'm older than alot of 'em...and to think I died...horrible. Such a long list.
  18. I think that's how Michael jackson...you know... And also, Cybering is *happy*...come on. Last time I was on an airplane, this guy was from USA, he was flying to Italy to get married to the girl...I asked him how they met, guess what he said???? Internet...They haven't really even met, and they're getting married. Pointless to me...
  19. Yay, thanks Becca, not quite Halloween yet, but we're almost there!
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