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Everything posted by BordaForx

  1. Yeah, they do give too much homework. My science teacher assigns me one hour of homework, saying that she gives us barely, any homework. Math assigns me one hour and a half of homework. I have alot more classes, the all assign homework. Guess what? All I do in my life during the weekdays are wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, eat, sleep.Pretty boring, huh? Homework just took up everything.
  2. And why should it be in quote tags? It was made by us.
  3. Umm...yes, you can do it, depends on if you want to learn it or not. Go out to a book store, buy a book. Read, read, read.After you understand alot of it, research it in Google or something. ( Thats how I learned PHP )You'll understand it in no time.
  4. It's not firefox. I got Internet Explorer, with DSL. It's still so 'dang' slow.
  5. Hey, I've been denied for 'spamming'. Thats worse. Right now, I think I should have alot of points, and have enough for a website. I'm too lazy to actually sign up. Spamming, heh, thats the weirdest reason. I still had my points! Oh well, I've been making alot of quality posts, better than Quantity. Remeber that, it will be useful.
  6. Hey, thats not a bad idea. I could do that. =)
  7. Hmmm... this forum isn't doing so well since it's no post count.
  8. Can you teach me what trademark, and reserve is?HOw is reserved different from copyright?
  9. Pop. thats what it is.I can't rap I just can't do it. So none of my songs have rap. Wait, one of 'em do. But I didin't rap, guitar guy did. =)
  10. Yes, it's true. Alot of smokers think they can't do it, so they don't even try. Smoking is usually cause by people in pressure. Kids should learn about smoking in school or something. Well, in Houston, our mayor has banned smoking in restaurants, so I think they're trying.
  11. I'm going to answer the post on top of mine. Well, Notoroge, you believe in Freedom. When you think that way it's wrong. By what you're saying, I hear that you want no laws. All those murder laws. We won't be able to murder someone because we hate them. Thats not what freedom is about. Also, I never said I wanted to ban it. It's just a nuisance. Well, it should be banned in restaurants because the smokers smoke in a confined area, and the non-smokers all smell it ( lung cancer ). Natural drugs, should also not be legalized, unless given out by doctors. Drugs does harm to people. It could harm someone who is innocent. Someone taking drugs would go high and would harm an innocent man. Thats why it's illegal. This is not freedom, it's law. Freedom means, freedom of speach, you can say whatever you want. Freedom of press: Put whatever you want on the newspapaper, books. Alot of other stuff, but it never said anything about law. Your also killing other people when you smoke. McDonalds? It doesn't kill you, it makes you fat. It doesn't harm other people around you, does it? Well, I hope you people see the point.
  12. I just wanna see how many people like our music. =) If you are a fan of our music, post here and we will continue to post our music up here. =) ( A little comment would be good )
  13. Me, too. Well, I never said I hated all smokers. You should try to keep your distance away if you don't want to inhale smoke. I know alot of people in earth smoke. Some people, like my Grandfather, died because of smoking. They know their harming themselves. They're just addicted and can't help it. Some won't even admit it makes them better. I also think education about smoking in classess would help children learn that smoking is not only bad for themselves, but could harm other people.
  14. Who here hate smokers? I mean, they go into a restaurant, sit in a non-smoking section, and smoke, ignoring the sign. I also want to tell everybody that 2nd hand smoking is actually worse than the smoker himself smoking it. In Houston, the mayor has already banned smoking in restaurants. Well, you know my vent, I hate it when people smoke right in front of you while you're in a casual conversation. I can't stand the smell. I know I can't just cover my nose so I usually just walk away. I think smoking should be banned and I hope it will...sometime...soon...
  15. I can't find an edit button on this!LolI want people to reply to this. Me and my band worked hard on this one. I don't want you to just read it and not reply.What you're reading is a month's worth of sweat and hard work, so please reply.
  16. Hey guys. I'm sorry for my immaturity at that joke. I am sorry for my bad behavior. I didin't mean to wast Forum quality. I wasn't thinking at that time. Sorry.-NovaTerra
  17. Well, it doesn't degrade our intelligence, but it does mess up a kid's test score. I've a seen a kid who wrote "lol" on a test before. You can type it in the computer, as long as you don't do it on your test ( quiz, whatever you want to call it ). It doesn't make me want to scream, but I do believe people over use it.
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