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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. Hello,I Recently bought the package 'Linux Regular Hosting - Logic Plan - $1.95 / mo. - FREE SETUP!' and after I bought it, It said something about my IP being not the order type or something like that I don't have a clue why and now it is in the termintated colour and the status is Fraud O.oPlease can some one help me or if you are a moderator my support ticket ID 'KGG-918684'Thanks in advance for any help given.-Ash
  2. Welcome to the forum Oblivion1500/Jay It seems you like talking random however it must not go really offtopic when you post about things make sure you stick to the category. Anyway to help you get along with out hopefully you get warnings Trap 17 have made a read me of the rules and what is expected of you while you are a member here. Please make sure you read all the improant links I have provided below. Now carry on enjoying the forum, Sit back and type away! -Ash
  3. Welcome ZettaAIR to Xisto I am the same age as you to let you know and I think you will enjoy it here and it also seems we have the same intrest's apart from the musical instruments as I can't play them :s. Well please make sure you read the all improtant links I have provided blow so you will not get warned after reading them Anyway good luck on Xisto and enjoy!Improtant Links:
  4. Welcome the forum handywork Please make sure you click on then read the all improtant links I have provided. If you have read them all then you should get no warnings or into any trouble in the future. Carry on enjoying the forum now in all its glory!- Ash .
  5. Right I have switched host's now and it seems to be verified which is good However I am now on a long wait for the domain name servers to change to my new host. And by the way don't use 000webhost they are Crap use ULMB or Xisto hosting! You can close this topic now.
  6. Wow sorry as I said I didn't know where to post this and was only trying to help so pleas be a bit nice to me. I mean I didn't have to report that but I did....
  7. I keep getting the follow error when I try and and read a pm from people. I am not sure this is the right section to post this but I have reported it to you anyway :s.Hope I helped you admins out . -Ash
  8. Arh yes some good old fun with money , My site is worth around $157.07 In a month of being up that's not bad at all! I can't wait until I get even more members on the forums and then I might sell it on for someone else to take over .
  9. Well I do like the Xbox 360 as more people play it and more games are available to get. However the bad side to the Xbox 360's are the Red Ring of death Microsoft get about 20 Red ring xbox's handed into them every day. PS3 say they get about 1-2 Per day.Many people on Youtube are explaining why Xbox's get Broken and PS3's don't, It is something to do with the way the cooling works on the Xbox's.I think that the Xbox's should be rebuilt with cooling system vents like the PS3's.But still Xbox is better
  10. Yup it does show I have tried CHmodding as well. Its just so annoying :R! I think my next move will be to make a support ticket on my host to ask them. If anyone else can try and help please do! Thanks in advance to anyone who does :S.
  11. Welcome to the forum aarushi Please make sure you read the Trap 17 readme for the forum rules and other bits about the forum, Then check out some my cents topics to understand how the new system works and how you can get a fantastic domain or hosting package for your company or personal website you would like to run.Please carry on enjoying the forum in all its glory. Also a little tip try not to space out your post's to make them look longer it is not needed and you maybe warned! - Ash
  12. Yup I have done exactly what you said and it still does not work :s. I am know n00b at this stuff so I know what I am doing however I can't seem to think why it is not working. I mean I have tried both ways and it just does not work. Google :)I have also just put the error I get in the main topic .
  13. I have just tried Google Webmaster Tools to get my forum popular I have added my URL in and need to verify. I have tried both Verifying steps however both of them are not working I have made a topic about this so if you or anyone else can help me then please do. I have been trying for days now and I am getting really annoyed with it.Thanks for any help in advance to this situation.
  14. Welcome guhati/Aashish to the Xisto forums and network. I suggest you read the Xisto readme for the forum rules and other bits and bobs Moreover check out some mycents topics to understand how the new system works and get $$$$$ on Xisto! Once again welcome and enjoy!
  15. For me it would be Spam & pop ups. And also site's like Rick Rolled, Meatspin, BME Pain Olympics and then it would be the speed of the internet. But I warn you do not go on them sites I just said unless you are a gay perv who likes emo's, Dicks/Cocks.
  16. Yes I do agree with the people who chose Apple I think Apple are fantastic for laptops even Dekstop's (I got my mac pro from there) However they don't come cheap I would say if you was just going to use it as an Every day PC then get a HP or a Dell. Make sure you get XP on it though if you was going to buy one as Vista can be very slow after a while on a laptop.
  17. Um so that would be a .gif file um well I am not really an Expert in Animated Images however you can try GIF animator which is freeware to get it go to http://www.mediafire.com/error.php?errno=320&origin=download. If any problems on how to do it Click here
  18. Woah this is hot news. However if I was the hacker that was doing it I would be demanding money. But people in the US might want to go to the shop and buy a generator in case then you can stay on trap . And I have just realised that the Trap 17 servers are in the US so maybe not :s, Unless OpaQue buys a huge generator. OpaQue I hope you have been saving up and I was talking something like this size: http://www.webshots.com/todays?utm_source=webshots&utm_content=catchall&utm_campaign=legacyURL
  19. Microsoft support s|_|x However he said in the post his has the recovery disc's but does not want to use them as yet. Arh this problem again I had this problem with my laptop I followed some tutorial on Youtube.com to get my accounts unlocked and it worked. However I would not use Windows XP home as it is rubbish you should get Pro it comes with more things and better performance. Um but his a question I am not sure if you still have this problem but I will ask anyway. Do you have access to CMD? Please reply so I can help you out.
  20. Right Hello, I have seen the topic my site does not show up on google. And seen a post Saying Google Webmaster tools will do it. I have signed up perfect added in my site however when I try both verify steps it does not work, I have been trying for ages now to try and get it working I am now getting really frustrated with this. Please can some of you guys help me get this problem fixed! Thanks in advance to any help you give me Edit this is the error status I get: Verification status: NOT VERIFIED We've detected that your 404 (file not found) error page returns a status of 200 (Success) in the header. - Ash.
  21. Yeah this does take a while to get on Google.com as there bots usally spend a lot of there time on Big sites however making more topics/pages and getting more members will make your forum more popular and get the bots to it. You can also try some Free Search Engine submissions and submit your site every month. This can help you get on the Bot list to maybe get your site Cached every 5 weeks or something. I have provided a Free On-line Search engine Submission. "Submit your site to 140 Search Engines" I hope I helped any other questions please ask or post .
  22. Welcome Malice To the Trap 17 forums and Network, I hope you enjoy the forums and start posting after you read the comments you get on this topic. However please make sure you read the Trap 17 read me. The Xisto read me Includes all the Rules and other things you need to know and understand about the forums and the network. Please also check out some my cents v.30 topics to understand how the new system works to add up to a professional domain or hosting package just by posting. Enjoy the forum! . - Ash
  23. I have seen this question a lot anyway I will answer it for you. You need 100+ my cents to get them converted to a dollar for your Xisto account. How much your earn per post depends on the quality of your post you may even earn 1 dollar in 1 post which would be best. Once you have 100+ my cents it will say ready next to the script and will go to a dollar next time the my cents script updates which is around every 4 hours. Hope I helped! - Ash.
  24. Its depends really, Using a USB Cable would be more easy to configure it would also have a quicker transfer rate.On the other hand blue tooth is great because it has wireless capacities. However it will always come down to what you want it best at...But If it was me I would always use Blue tooth.
  25. Welcome mentat! To the Xisto forums, Make sure you read the Xisto read me for the rules, My cents topics and the other bits and bobs you will need in the feature for the forums. I hope you stay an active member on the Trap forums and enjoy it as much as possible. Good luck for the future. - Ash
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