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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. Welcome kerco To the Xisto forums make sure you read the Xisto read me for all the forum rules and some other rules and bits and bobs, Then check out some mycents topics to understand how the NEW system works!. Enjoy it
  2. Wow a nice forum, I find the homepage is very atractive and intresting to look at and also the logo is unique and fantastic! and nice work on choosing the icons on the catorgies.!
  3. That is not an online operating system, That is images, Flash and scripts "Ajax" makes alot of scripts for this like that but dude that is no where near an Online operating system! maybe recheck the link .
  4. Its not popular because no one use's it, The main one I use it photo bucket which has been working fine for me for 2 years and no problems! the only downside to photo bucket is that its easy for phishers so watch out .
  5. Hello welcome and every thing but please make your own topic here and not Hijack someone else's welcome topic! it will get you more respect, Just post the same though... in Your OWN topic. .
  6. Well I feel I should be improving the quality of them a lot more and the quantity., But yes as you said I am a very active member so that would help for a moderation position I suppose. and the last point you said about only reply on the one's that interest me I have just started to do that now and I hope I improve. Please don't stop giving me tips the more the better!
  7. I would also like this, But I think It would be abused because people called have 2 accounts and just reply to the same topic each time then at the end of the day transfer all the credit to there main account, But I think this feature would be fantastic and popular to have.
  8. Hello, I have just started off this online forum for Computer or Internet support, I would like a few members to review it and see what you think of it also sign up if you want. Click here for my site Positive or negative I just need some suggestions to make it better. Thanks,
  9. Welcome to the forum trapp17 Make sure you read the Xisto readme for the rules and other cool things, Then check out some mycents topics to understand how the system works and how you can get the best hosting package for your site! I have used 000webhost in the past they was fine for me, You most of broken one of there TOS.
  10. Well it depends on what hosting packages you will be using if its free I only think you can have 1 or something, But we have a mycents system so go checkout some topics Via Search and find more information about the system I find it very easy and unique to use!
  11. So this is now going onto post count now? Thats something I really don't care about, even though I have been signed up less time than you and I already have more post's that just shows I am an active member and post regularly and not just a waste of space on the Xisto database .
  12. I thought you would make an Introduction topic after I told you too Welcome to the forum and way Spider-Vice please make sure you read the Xisto readme for the rules and some other things to know about the forum, Then check out some my cents topics to understand on how to the new system works and how to can get your own brilliant site just by posting!
  13. I would first reset the router for the Factory settings and then reconfigure it (Like SM said) I would then check your firewalls on the router and on your PC, After that I would check the Network settings on the computer make sure there is no proxy settings and to make sure that Auto detect is available.
  14. Although you may of scanned your PC it will be a virus, I have had this many times and found out with a virus the software I used to find it was "NOD 32" However if you do not want to buy this I suggest you backup the things you want and reformat your computer or another problem it maybe is a faulty CPU, This will depend on how old your computer is.
  15. I have found this with Pepsi MAX, I usually go out buy 2 cans of Pepsi max sit down at my text get talking to friends visit my website and other forums and I find I just drink it so quick without even realising, I find a way to stop drinking it fast is not to have the can or bottle next to you but to have it on the other side of the room to make it less tempting to go get up and get it. Or another to stop getting addicted is not to drink it .
  16. I don't know what you are talking about, and another thing that's a one liner so maybe you should check out some tips, They will let you off for a couple of post's because you are new here then you will start to get warnings, Read the Xisto readme and also make an introduction topic.
  17. This is a great example of what I want to be posting like once I have a lot of tips and start fresh, However this is some great advice you have given me and I appreciate it a lot, I would also like many other quality posters to carry on giving me tips .
  18. Well Ok Baniboy I will try to follow these but for a fresh start I would also like these warnings removed that would make me feel a lot better so I take it that the post is judged on quality and not post count, That's one thing I didn't know Once again thanks for the tips and if anyone else has some more please reply with them .
  19. Hello,Well first off members of Xisto I would just like to say sorry for the lack of quality in my replies and topics I have had many moans from the MOD's saying many members have been complaining about them, So I would like to start fresh with you my friends.Anyway,I would also like you to give some tips on how to improve the quality of them to not annoying any of you guys and just fit in well.Thanks a lot,- Ash
  20. Welcome to the forum Quickster, Enjoy your time here make sure you read the Xisto readme for the rules and other cool things, Also check out the Credit System V3.0 topic to understand how the new mycents system works and how it can build up into a fantastic website of your own, I wish you the best of luck on Trap now .
  21. Lol No what he means is like, Copper wire's which is like what most house's have or Fibre Optics like Virgin media use, I would go for Fibre's dude it is so much faster and with a hacked modem you can get off ebay I can download a game in about 10 minutes where as with normal one's it would take you about 3 hour's!
  22. Well its ok, I like the use of the sections But I think more could be added in terms on image and text wise. Maybe get some forums uploaded and advertised like mine in my sig, But keep working and it will be good Also check out the guides on here to help you I have used a lot of the on my site
  23. Thats like this one I saw a while ago http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I want to see someone do it with water I think it would only work with oil though due to the properties inside the oil cell's (Some boff can correct me if I am wrong) Anyway I found the first time I saw it was amazing! and someone actually do it without blowing it or himself up!
  24. This is another tutorial I made in Microsoft word but forgot to post it on here. Your Firefox profile contains all your settings and after a while you have customized to your liking, saved a bunch of passwords and now you maybe want to reinstall your machine/migrate the profile to another computer, here's what to do. It's saved in the Application Data (on windows) map under Mozilla - Firefox - Profile. To easy access that you can hit Win - R and enter %appdata% Now before you close Firefox in order to copy what you've done clean out temporary data, hit Ctrl - Shift - Del. Now close Firefox and either just copy your Mozilla folder (in App Data) or if you have WinRAR right-click on it and choose under WinRAR - Add to "...rar" for a sfer and easier file to move (slow to transfer to usb with many small files, a big chunck is faster). The easy deploy is to make a SFX from the .rar archive and add some options to it. Open your archive in WinRAR and press SFX in the toolbar then click Comment and copy'n'paste ;The comment below contains SFX script commands Path=%appdata% SavePath Setup="%programfiles%\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox.exe" Presetup=taskkill /IM firefox.exe && ren "%appdata%\Mozilla" "Mozilla.%date%.OLD" You can make it unattended by adding but I dont use it because it's easy to accidentally run it. Silent=1 Hope this helps you - Ash
  25. This is how to speed up uTorrent version: 1.6 + Click the peers tab (right click -> untick resolve Ip's) ----- Options -> Preferences :General (tab) Tick add Windows firewall exeception ----- :Connection (tab) Listening Port [443] or [45682] Untick Upnp Untick nat-pmp Untick Random port ----- :Bandwidth (tab) (depends on your connection) Untick Automatic Change Global Upload to [15] Gloabal Connections [500] Connected per torrent [200] Tick Upload slots(90%) -> [14] ----- :BitTorront (tab) Protocol Encryption [Enable] [allow legacy connections] ----- :Queueing (tab) Active Torrents [60] Active Downloads [63] Ratio [100%] [ignore] Untick seeding tasks Untick seeding Goal, change to [4] ----- :Advanced (tab) Change and click Set BT.allow_same_iP [*True] BT.connect_speed [*2] BT.enable_tracker [*True] BT.no_connect_to_services [*False] BT.send_have_to_seed [*False ] gui.bypass_search_redirect [*True] net.max_halfopen [*500] net.outgoing_port [*50] net.wsaevents [*150] peer.disconnect_inactive_interval [*900] queue.dont_count_slow_dl [*False] queue.dont_count_slow_ul [*False] rss.update_interval [*20] As most people know sp3 drops more limits on things This lil tool undoes them. TCP/IP Changer Here If your going to use this tweak don't change it to 10,000 as it says on the page. anywhere from 100-500 will be fine. ;;; More Guides also on youtube. (I just put a few of them together) - Ash
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