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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. Well ok April fools... But it was posted at 07:57 PM and all April fools should stop at 12:00 therefore we all get to punch him But I don't see the point of doing that on a money making forum, However you maybe correct we will have to find out.
  2. Well I don't see why the can't make it even faster I mean it is the 21st century so I can't see what is stopping them from taking the speed even faster to a RAPID level! I and many others would feel fantastic about this!
  3. Welcome to the forum grex22 Please make sure you read the Trap 17 readme for the forum rules and other bits about the forum, Then check out some my cents topics to understand how the new system works and how you can get a fantastic domain or hosting package for your company or personal website you would like to run. Please carry on enjoying the forum in all its glory. - Ash
  4. Welcome to the forum djtjramz Please make sure you read the Trap 17 readme for the forum rules and other bits about the forum, Then check out some my cents topics to understand how the new system works and how you can get a fantastic domain or hosting package for your company or personal website you would like to run. Please carry on enjoying the forum in all its glory.
  5. Welcome to the forum jayshank Please make sure you read the Trap 17 readme for the forum rules and other bits about the forum, Then check out some my cents topics to understand how the new system works and how you can get a fantastic domain or hosting package for your company or personal website you would like to run. Please carry on enjoying the forum in all its glory. - Ash
  6. Nice tips, I use the Adscense bot mod for my IPB which is free BTW but that gets me a lot of money.
  7. Not bad.Mine are:1.Counter Strike Source.2. Call of duty 5.3.Call of duty 4.
  8. Hello and welcome and every thing, But please make your own welcome topic and not hijack others... This will earn you respect on the forum itself.
  9. Yea huh that's what I like to hear, I usually own anyone with the AWP , And now I seem to be a huge PR0 with the deagle as I killed 7 guys with 6 bullets! << It's true...
  10. I just watched "Speed" Its a great film that was made a while ago.
  11. Well I don't play CS 1.6 I play CSS, I always use the M4A1 for the Head shot's for long maps and then I would use the AK47 for rushing spawn site's or camping spots where the other team usually are. But in real life I would still use the M4A1 as my favourite.
  12. Well I would like a full tutorial from a IPB expert so I have confidence in which nothing will go wrong when I install or place in the code. No offence you anyone :s:,But I really, really, really would like a tutorial on something based on this.
  13. I like in the UK, In the south east in Essex, Not much goes on down here but Essex is the most popular county in the UK as its the nearest to london, and people want to live hear so they can get to London easy as there are heck loads of jobs up in London.So when i am older I shouldn't have any problem in getting one .
  14. Welcome to the forum Ike_ve Please make sure you read the Trap 17 readme for the forum rules and other bits about the forum, Then check out some my cents topics to understand how the new system works and how you can get a fantastic domain or hosting package for your company or personal website you would like to run. Please carry on enjoying the forum in all its glory. - Ash
  15. Wow this is cool! I want it to come to the UK though. I have found the bus and it look fantastic There is also this one which is a fake: And then I am guessing by your post its this one: And google taking some hate:
  16. Wrong, Not everyone wants to be a hacker and as a role model to be one from a film or TV program, Also try googling what a hacker is: And the world will always have hackers to screw up the world, Rules are made to be broken that my motto, Like other peoples who have a job there's may be "*BLEEP* Health and safety!"
  17. Welcome to the forum enderforce Please make sure you read the Trap 17 readme for the forum rules and other bits about the forum, Then check out some my cents topics to understand how the new system works and how you can get a fantastic domain or hosting package for your company or personal website you would like to run. Please carry on enjoying the forum in all its fantastic glory.
  18. Welcome to the forum orgbize Please make sure you read the Trap 17 readme for the forum rules and other bits about the forum, Then check out some my cents topics to understand how the new system works and how you can get a fantastic domain or hosting package for your company or personal website you would like to run. Please carry on enjoying the forum in all its glory. - Ash
  19. Well it was kind of funny as today I didn't have school and because I did my GCSE's in year 7 and passed as a reward I got to go to google centre in London and They showed me about Google Street and one of the picture's they deleted was a guy in Edinburgh running around with a Traffic cone on his head and also another one was a Guy mooning! I laughed at that.
  20. Oh Well if we made a poll and then YES won it would back us up that most members wanted some skins that they can personally use on there account but keep this one as the default. I don't see any harm in doing that
  21. Winrar for the win, It is a lot more easy to use and faster and more powerful.
  22. Welcome to the forum x31110 Please make sure you read the Trap 17 readme for the forum rules and other bits about the forum, Then check out some my cents topics to understand how the new system works and how you can get a fantastic domain or hosting package for your company or personal website you would like to run. Please carry on enjoying the forum in all its glory.
  23. Hello,I was just wondering if someone could make a tutorial on how to make or install a script like mycents on there forum.I know that the owner of Trap will not give out the real one for a start.- Ash.
  24. Just be patient, The mycent script will appear once you have made 5 post's it will then update every 2-3hours.
  25. Yes many people have complained about it being an Invasion of privacy but the police have let them carry on with the project.
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