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  1. I agree. If you understand the underlying principles and apply them and do your best, you can go far. I didn't understand what people meant by "rotating the hips" when doing the muay thai roundhouse, but I stumbled upon it and noticed an immediate change in the way my shin made contact with the heavy bag.I've practiced it over and over again and made sure that the underlying principles of proper footwork, timing, and made sure my overall form did not suffer. Now I can kick hard. Of course, it took a lot of practice and I've watched so many fighters over the years that I can name most of the famous ones by now... so it takes a lot of practice. You do learn bad habits, true.also, you don't need to master a martial art. You just need to be able to apply the very basics well. I don't need to know the ins and outs of all the major guards in bjj, but being able to apply the closed guard and butterfly guard quickly in a fight is what counts.
  2. I used to take a little BJJ in Maryland... but the commute to class was over 90 minutes 2x a week so I stopped going. But I'm avid fan. Judo is cool, though I haven't practiced it. You wanna see one of the best grapplers in the world? youtube Marcelo Garcia. the man is a beast. This guy takes world-class grapplersand dismantles them in under a minute. Notice how fast he takes people's backs... he's simply amazing.
  3. ABSOLUTELY.Astrology foretelling your future is really stupid. I don't read daily horoscopes, that's nonsense.However, when you really take the time to pour over the information about not only your sun sign, but your rising, moon, mercury, venus, mars, and (kinda) jupiter signs...then you can understand what makes you unique and it offers a perspective on yourself that is hard to get anywhere else.Astrology is good for making general references about people. I guarantee you that if you know a Virgo (I'm one) they are the kind of person thatis innately good with detail. Personally, I've found astrology to be a real tool in self-discovery and knowing where my strengths and weaknesses lie. The more you understand it and how unique the 12 signs are the more you get an appreciation for different viewpoints. I can do a "reading" if anybody wants, but it would just be a general overview of the kind of person you are. date/year of birth, and time of birth is helpful too (because the moon/venus) signs can vary wildly depending on the time of day.
  4. Some good info there. You know, there's a lot of toxins out there that the average person can't identify. I mean who would know that saccharin and aspartame (sweet&low and Equal) sugar substitutes are bad for you? In addition, I haven't seen any noticeable side effect from just having one or two...But I will say this: what I feel is TOXIC to me is high amounts of sugar or fat. It wrecks my metabolism and even messes with my serotonin levels, I really do feel mood swings more often when I eat bad. Heh... but I have tons of caffeine. I had 4 shots of espresso today and I'll probably have more. I drink lots of water though.
  5. well if you want to improve your muscle definition (which would be lines I suppose) then there's two things.One is to get bigger muscles: It's a lot easier to notice the lines of a muscle regardless of the fat on top of it IF you the muscle groups are clearly defined.Second step is just to lose body fat. Body fat (the common kind that we think of) lies on top of the muscle, underneath the skin. The more you have covering your muscles, the less detail of the muscle you'll be able to see. To do both, you have to lift weights diligently and eat properly. This would be going to the gym 3 to 4 times a week lifting heavy free weights. Eating well wouldentail staying away from sugary foods, fatty foods, and eating stuff that's more ... bland. Tuna, chicken, beef, turkey, egg whites for protein. Oatmeal, wheat bread,sweet potatoes/yams, brown rice for carbohydrates. And fats should be unsaturated. So have mayo made with olive oil instead of the regular kind.to topic creator: what do you do to stay in shape?
  6. Whey protein is quickly digested and absorbed by the body. Which makes it ideal for a post-workout meal. However, it is for that reason (fast digestion and absorption) that I make sure that my main source of protein is something that is digested slowly. Sometimes though, there's not enough time to prepare a meal. So 40 grams of protein and some milk will have to suffice for a meal until I can getsome real food in my body.
  7. I consider myself a scientist, analyzing "things". Science may be able to explain "how" something works but not why. I won't go too much into the "theory" of disproving God or proving him because I see it as irrelevant. No offense to anyone, but religion is often times a mental construct of us people that has little to do with God, love, or life.It's too institutionalized at times, belief in God. I've had many experiences with God and a lot of time away, and personally I feel that at this point in my life God is treating me with a more hands-off approach. I'm a young adultto him and I don't cling to him or religion in the same way as I did even a year ago. In saying this I'm approachingthe subject of God as a relationship and not a concept. that's the problem. everyone's got abstract theories and whatnot but what life boils down to is in-the-moment experiences. I'm a computer scientist but I don't get analytical about God.... much. Sometimes I do wonder, but this comes more from the heart. Having said that though, my beliefs about God and religion are quite radical from what most people believe.
  8. Well hello everyone out there! Wherever you are, hope you're enjoying your day. I'm just in a good mood, the weather is very nice in Northern Virginia. Well I've joined the forumto get the free web hosting, but I think I'll like being part of a forum community in my spare time. I'm interested in all sorts of things in life, besides computing. I'm an avid mixed marital arts fanand would practice more of it if my other interests didn't get in the way, like playing classical guitar, playing ultimate frisbee with friends, going to school full-time, working a lot, just hanging out and playing dota (and losing badly...). I'm a computer science major and although I'm halfway through school, I have little experience in coding outside of school. So I'm going to build my own personal website for idea-expression and hope to learn web development along the way through tweaking my website to look the way I want it to. I'm not an expert on computers, but I do know my nutrition. So whether you have basic questions aboutgetting in shape or questions about deadlift form, I'll be more than happy to help.have a good day all!
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