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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. Might want to replace that with PM Anyway this did not work for me it still just showed the time am I doing something wrong or is it the tutorial?
  2. Welcome to Xisto Haricotcur It seems you are very good with the WEB you could always make some tutorials for the other members and post them in the tutorial section, Any how please make sure you read the Xisto read me for the forum rules and other bits then check out some my cents topics to understand how the fantastic new system works!
  3. Nice work fusion, I am going to make mine in Photo Shop CS4 as you can do fantastic web designing in the program and I hope it should be a successes !
  4. No it is not a null, I am using free hosting for the minute while I sort some things out at school then I will be using the Xisto packages.
  5. Well there is no doubt about it that Windows 7 looks fantastic, But if you have it looking good the speed will not be good, I would say the speed is an improvement from Vista but XP is still the fastest from the Microsoft OS product range! Its still in beta stages which is good so you just got to hope they improve the speed a little bit more to Xp standards.
  6. This doesn't seem to make it load faster for me, It already does load fast anyway but there is really no need to tweak firefox you will need to tweak IE though.
  7. My speed is still the same but I have a 50MB+ Connection so it would Lolz , By the way if anything does go wrong while doing this just reinstall firefox is not a big deal .
  8. Ash-Bash

    Hey All!

    Welcome jaychant It seems you are very talented! Please make sure you read the Xisto readme for the forum rules and other cool things then check out some mycents topics to understand how the system works and how you get easy and fantastic hosting for your website! ! Enjoy!
  9. Well you are wrong, because if you look at the poll that was made a while ago no many members do, And also Image lodge is your friends site that's why your advertising it .
  10. Wazzzaappp Mr spammer!

  11. The cheapest laptop apple do is $1,299.00 2.0GHz * Intel Core 2 Duo * 2GB DDR3 Memory * 160GB hard drive1 * NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics * Standard keyboard * Aluminum unibody * Ships: Within 24hrs * 13" ScreenYou will be going over budget a bit but I am sure it will be worth it.
  12. Um right well I don't really understand you but I think I know what you are talking about,Anyway...Say if you have your website on the host "ulmb.com"You have to get there domain servers from them so for this example there will be two and they will be "n01.ulmb.com" & "n02.ulmb.com"Then you put them in on the Xisto domain setup section, Then you put in your domain or your hostThen you should be done I hope this is right.
  13. There must be a human error when settings up the domain or hosting, Or if not you are under a ddos attack thats the only reasons I can think off.
  14. Lol German is one of the easy one's, One of the hardest is Chinese which some of my friends learn. French and Spanish are also easy to learn.But anyway good luck with learning them Sky.
  15. cPannel is fantastic and easy to use! I really would recommend this and you can make the page you want is seconds!
  16. Glad to hear it, Any other problems you know where to come again
  17. Just be patient a member of staff has to review it and then it takes about 48 hours to be activated, It took mine 4 or 5 days. But just hold in there it will be worth the wait
  18. Thanks for backing up my answer. But yes I can't believe how popular it still is after it was released in 2004-2005 I can't remember. But as cicala the server prices are still very expensive!, I just want Valve to make a new Counter Strike Source though Maybe with the reviving team mates added into it a bit like Cod5 Zombies.
  19. Well these are not the best I have seen, You need your pictures to be of a unique item or product! That will make your picture's special and look fantastic in every way, Also weird and wacky things will too! Spend a whole day taking them and take your time .
  20. Um yea maybe read the Xisto readme mate, and also post a little bit more. Anyway, I have the iPhone 3G and its the best phone I have ever had! it is fast, easy to use and you can play music and watch films ect.... that's the best part, The screen quality is also fantastic I really do recommend it, Go on you tube and look at some reviews on it to to find which one you like the best.
  21. Well first don't go near allienware! They charge just for there badge, If its for design or travel then a Mac Book would be handy for you as the Mac Book pro has 8 hours battery life. But you should really be more specific on what Brand you want for a category. I have a HP had it has been working for 4 years with no problems!
  22. Also an idea that I just thought of for all those website's is to get Google ad-sense set-up for them! That way you can be earning a lot of money and you can also put that money towards your hosting bill .
  23. Great website check my out, http://itneed.net

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