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Everything posted by serverph

  1. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ seems to be working just fine... i get an index page with a ten-seconds redirect to your forum, and your forum looks okay too.
  2. not much equipment really needed in engaging in parkour, methinks. practically, a sturdy athletic shoes with good soles is all you'll ever need (and a set of gloves with a good grip to protect hands if you want). that's something you're actually wearing on a daily basis as it is already. you won't even need to invest on a gym to practice your parkour skills, as you can perform parkour in any environment where you can find obstacles you can overcome, as that is what essentially parkour is... efficient and quick movement from one point to another. just find yourself a nice neighborhood where you and your colleagues can enjoy yourselves without bothering others too much. just mill around with others in a circle, like in a campfire with you in the center, if you want to demonstrate your parkour methods as a teacher. wikipedia has an entry on parkour which you might want to visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkour
  3. it's good to see another one from the islands of PH in these forums. be good! lolz and familiarize yourself with the Xisto README to give you a better insight on how to get hosted with Xisto without much hassle. welcome kababayan!
  4. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  5. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  6. you must understand the nature of the warning given to you, and see to it that you don't repeat the same offense in the forums. it takes a while before warnings are removed, and it will depend largely on your ability to comply with forum rules and regulations. in the meantime, try to improve on your postings -- taking into consideration all the things detailed in Xisto README, and after a week or two, have the Xisto staffer (admin/moderator) who gave you the warning to review your posts since warning was served. use the PM (private message) system for easy contact. after review, and seeing that you have no further offenses since last warned, then your warning can be reduced, afterwhich you can then reapply for hosting.
  7. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  8. originally invisible topic of concern (already approved and made visible): http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shoc=55223= Topic is resolved. Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  9. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  10. tricky77puzzle, that "webhost review" section is simply set to hide all new posts, just until after it is reviewed by Xisto staff. if it passes the scrutiny of admins/moderators, the "invisible" topic you posted will then be approved, and it will be unhidden for others to comment on. as for the points you thought you earned "illegally", the system has simply calculated your hosting credits for your post (both visible and invisible). no harm done there, and the system is not cheated in any way. however, if that particular post is deemed not suitable for forum discussion and then deleted (actually we have a spam section where we put spammy posts in), then the system will adjust your credits accordingly and the credits you initially earned will be deducted from your existing total credits. in the unlikely chance that a forum violation is noted in your post (as stipulated in Xisto README), a warning may be imposed which could affect your ability to get hosted with Xisto. but i'm jumping the gun... if you follow the forum rules and regulations, then you will be fine. i'm just giving you the scenario however.
  11. darn! i am using a uni.cc "domain" (well, it's technically a subdomain but with DNS features), which i acquired 4 years ago using now-defunct email addresses (a yahoo primary address and a lycos.co.uk secondary address, both of which had since ceased to exist since i didn't regularly check them after moving on to gmail). this advisory was a regal shocker since i now have no idea what my uni.cc login details are, and a lost password retrieval option is out of the question, not with dead email addresses!!! since i didn't keep track of my uni.cc login details, i have to do several trial and errors to remember my login and password. i'll keep my fingers crossed that i will be able to shake my gray brain cells and succeed in remembering a lost 4-year old uni.cc-related memory, and subsequently make the nameserver changes in time.... speaking of time, when will the old nameservers (ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com) cease to function??? kindly give us a timetable opaque/velma. thanks! i will post an update by the time i can crack my head open with regards to my uni.cc problem. --- update: i finally figured out my uni.cc login details, and successfully implemented the nameserver changes on my end. phew! that was a close call i was beginning to dread the possibility i had to change domains altogether. anyway, i think the question on the timetable i posited above is still a valid question/concern for all others who are still to make their own DNS changes.
  12. i think i can improve on the concept. since raindrops are just water particles which are earthbound following the laws of gravitational pull (raindrops always go down, not up ), i think studies on this technology should focus on a way to simulate raindrops, so even with the absence of natural rain, the technology can still function.i'm thinking that since water is not a problem to procure, and gravity is all-present which is in force anywhere in the world, a device or contraption can be constructed to simulate rain and raindrops. with the piezoelectric materials, and the simulated raindrops, electrical power can be generated all year round. and since the simulated raindrops need not go to "waste" (it can still be caught in a basin of sorts and not seeped by trees and go underground as in nature), water can be "recycled" to repeat the cycle of simulated raindrops again. albeit a small fraction of power actually generated in the first place will be used to move still water to process it into simulated raindrops in a continuous cycle, i believe it has the potential for a perpetual motion machine! perpetual motion = perpetual power! (just a wishful thinking of course lolz)if only man can harness the forces of gravity as a power source in itself, then it will just be a better world for mankind.
  13. you can have your ashes mixed with cement, which in turn can be fashioned into a monument/bust by a sculptor/artist of your choice prior to your death. that way you'd still have a lifelike representation in the earthly world (just stiff and cold and immobile and prone to acid rain and vandalism and bird droppings). it would be nice if with that came a life of greatness which will keep your memory worthy of remembrance, and not just a vain attempt at getting immortalized in stone.
  14. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  15. ei good for you, stevethedog! traveling is a great way to enjoy nature, meet unique people, expand your horizon with other people's culture and history, and tickle your taste buds with new and exciting dishes! it does take some time to plan these things, so it's good also that you're making preparations this early.btw, what is your point of origin? and what is your intended destination? are you constrained by geography? can you travel by air? or just within the immediate borders of your point of origin using land-based modes of transportation (bus/car/bike)? your destination ought to be your first consideration, and even if you never really know where you wanted to go (as you say above ), you ought to know what you want to do in your travel destination. do you want to enjoy the beach and go swimming? do you want to enjoy museums and historical landmarks? do you want to enjoy just lounging around in a soothing environment, far from the hustle and bustle of urban life like televisions, cars, and even the internet? or do you just want to go shopping international? you should have an idea on what you intend to accomplish in your travels. perhaps that will narrow down your choices.cost-wise, it will be largely dependent on your destination of course. it's not really a good idea to even think of getting temporary jobs while traveling... in the first place, you may not even encounter a vacancy. don't bet on this to cushion your travel expenses, although it may be a good option (when a vacancy is available) when you find you are short on cash later on. but since you're preparing this early already, just try to arrange your travel plans to a destination which will fit your budget (with a little extra for emergency contingencies).i'd say look for asian destinations if you can. something which will contrast with your current environment. you will have a more lively experience if you at least experience some kind of culture shock in your travel destination. and it will be a memorable one to boot!accommodations is quite easy for asian destinations. check a travel agency near you. for budget-conscious travelers like you, there are always options available to suit any budget. and they will know where you can be safe. :Das for travel companions, it is a wise choice to have one accompany you, especially if you're not really that familiar with your destination. at least you can have someone to share your expenses as you say, especially for rooming expenditures. if you don't know one personally who wishes to travel with you, you can try doing a campus advertisement of sorts... like posting some home-made posters with your travel plans and your intention to have some companion to travel with. that usually works if you're still a student. somewhere, somehow, there'll be someone who may be interested as well. anyway, if nobody jumps up to your offer, you can always do the traveling alone. it could be an adventure in itself to be traveling on your own.keep us updated!
  16. reading through this, i somehow think i'm ready for a relaxing hot bath at this point. i'm a little stressed out, and i feel my muscles aching quite a bit. i need to ease up a bit, and some alone time in a bath tub and some light reading is in order. i sure need the beneficial points in taking a hot bath raised in this thread!
  17. always a tragedy to hear somebody with great potential die so young...
  18. i haven't tried vista (i'm stuck with windows XP), but there is an option in firefox to set it as the default browser on startup. have you tried that yet? just open firefox and go to TOOLS > OPTIONS > MAIN and tick the mark/box for SYSTEM DEFAULTS (at the bottom part) to enable firefox as default browser. hope it works for you.
  19. if apple leads the innovation bandwagon, what we'll all be seeing in advances in laptop technology could only be much better in the near future. i'm still waiting for bill gates' PC which is as thin as a newspaper and can be rolled up for his envisioned portability... but until this point in time, still a vaporware. at least apple trudges in the direction which will become the wave of the future in terms of computing portability. of course, cost versus features will always be highly debated, and there will be shortcomings in features and pricing which it needs to overcome. nevertheless, apple has a ready market for its products... and non-apple users will simply take notice of the macbook air. apple products are much more costly, since it is a highly respected brand, and it lends a sense of belonging with the elite mac clique which apple has fostered and nurtured through the years. any prospective buyer will have to weigh the benefits of the macbook air vis-a-vis their personal needs and see if it can meet their requirements. the biggest issue for the product is portability, and it does not fail to deliver in that respect. if someone gets one for a gift, and don't want it, i can take it off your hands! i'll even pay for shipping and handling. lolz! IN OTHER NEWS: Apple Introduces Manila Caseā€”The World's Thinnest Notebook Case
  20. it isn't much of a revelation really, as the painting has been long known as MONA LISA and LA GIOCONDA.
  21. i'd say as long as it sponsors your site, then it won't matter much if it's a popular or a less popular one. the downside for a popular one is it could be harder to persuade them to sponsor your site to gain advertising mileage. a less popular one could just be the opposite, easier. but in terms of branding, it would be nicer to associate your site with the most popular one. you just have to push yourself further in getting the sponsorship you want.
  22. with your site Hirishiolo, that i cannot access.
  23. your site appears to be working on my side of the world... i see it powered by vBadvanced CMPS and vbulletin. still experiencing no connection? could be your ISP.
  24. something to that effect, damen, you are correct. if not increased sales, perhaps you can explain an additional exposure for their hosting service. you can promise also an extended exposure, like a 6-months to one-year frontpage link or banner. these can be converted to sales especially if they can offer special discounts to your members/visitors and their prices and services are competitive.
  25. singers ought to avoid cold drinks and sweets (especially chocolate). they simply irritate the vocal chords more. rest is the key. try to make it a habit to impose yourself a complete silence (no talking, no singing) for periods in between your practice, moreso when you are beginning to feel that you're in the verge of straining your vocal chords. the most dedicated singers attest to a complete silence (no talking, no singing) a day before a concert performance or presentation.for an old-wives' tale solution (which our singers in our country usually practice) is to boil strips of ginger, then drink the concoction after it cools down. we call it "salabat" and it is supposed to help relax your vocal chords. try it, it's simply like tea. there's also a chinese medicine which singers swear by, and which they ingest as a solution to bring back lost voice after strenuous practice... i just don't remember the name now. i'll try to remember it, but maybe our chinese trappers can help here.
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