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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. That depends on what action they take on it. Staff only have power within the school and for events which occur in school. My school once tried to stop students on the street, walking home at the end of the day, if their uniform was incorrect. The backlash from parents was immense. They have no control over events outside of the school grounds, and if they start taking action depending on what students get up to in the evening or at weekends, then that is completely wrong. If you're posting every detail of your life on a publicly accessible website, then surely you can only expect people to see it?!?! Calling it an invasion of privacy is laughable. Teachers and employers have as much right as anyone else to look at what you've put on the Internet. If you've decided to put up photos of you drunk at parties or whatever, then that is the image of yourself you are presenting to the world. That is entirely your choice to do that, but you have no control over who sees it. It is the same as with teachers. They have as much right as your best mate or whoever else to read what you put on the Internet. You are under no obligation to tell them the address, but you can't stop them from tapping your name into a search engine. Tell that to my mate who wasn't even asked to be interviewed at two jobs she applied for. The reason why? Her MySpace and Facebook pages. Well, if you are an employee, then you are representing the company. If you are in a position when you are meeting with people, or dealing with customers, there is nothing to stop those customers tapping your name into a search engine and seeing what you get up to. That could reflect very negatively on the company if they are seen to employ people who party too much or do whatever else they've put up for the world to see. Personally I don't use these social networking sites because I see no point. Everyone of my friends who uses them, I see pretty much every day, and have email addresses and phone numbers for them. I don't need videos of them doing donuts with their car in a carpark somewhere, or photos of them getting drunk with their mates at the weekend.
  2. If you buy a domain, you can easily make it work with your hosting account. It is the same with the free domain. They will both work with your hosting account. Once you have bought/received the domain, make sure the nameservers are set to NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COM and NS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COM. Then, just go into cPanel and park the domain with your hosting account.
  3. Try swapping this line... $check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'")or die(mysql_error()); ...for this $check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'", $dbh)or die(mysql_error()); It shouldn't be strictly necessary, but it might help. Also, try hard-coding the database connection values into the mysql_connect statement and see it that helps (i.e. get rid of the variables $username, $hostname and $password). It is possible that, as you have two completely unrelated $username variables, the second one is overwriting the first, and therefore trying to use a value from a cookie as your database username. Rename one of the $username uses, or eliminate one (the database connection one is easiest, which is why I suggested it).
  4. You can purchase credits: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/572-mycents/ However, one of the requirements of getting a free domain is that you have good quality posts. If you are having to buy credits then I would be unsure as to whether you would have the quality posts required. Also, why bother buying credits? You may as well just buy the domain name yourself. For enough credits you would have to spend $20, while you can buy a domain from Xisto for $8 per year.
  5. You can exchange 250 credits for one years registration of a top level domain (.COM, .NET, .ORG or .INFO). You need to have over 280 credits in your account, but only 250 will be taken from your account (leaving you with 30 credits). To apply, click here and scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Free Domains section. Tick the box if you meet the requirements for the free domain, and click apply. For more information, see the original topic by OpaQue: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/46612-free-domain-name-free-domain-for-life/
  6. It is important that your meta tags actually relate to the content of your website. When meta tags were first introduced they were entirely relied upon to determine what the page was actually about. However, search engines now go through that content directly, and if they find that your meta tags are completely unrelated then they will assume you are cheating the system and pretty much ignore your site.
  7. The first thing I thought of when I saw the Vision One workstation was that it looked like one of those electronic drum kits . I think I'd want it in blue though rather than red, but otherwise quite cool. Porsche seat and one really wide desktop across three monitors would make doing my coursework so much nicer I've never been a massive fan of gaming chairs, seeing as you can make your own quite easily with an old chair and a big subwoofer or three. The Walkstation is just a stupid idea - end of discussion Minor health benefits, but running an office full of treadmills is going to increase the electricity bills slightly I would have thought. The Computer Bed is not a bad idea for small rooms (or for people too lazy to use the Walkstation in an office, so they can get this instead ) but is way too expensive. Hopefully someone will make a cheap copy soon enough. One small problem though: when you flip the bed up, wouldn't that pillow just fall out the back and onto the floor? Now, the Ejector Seat is a brilliant idea! I just wonder if they left the ejection mechanism in working order...
  8. Fantastico is not controlled by Xisto, and therefore it is impossible for things to be added, removed or changed with Fantastico. You can easily download PHP-Fusion from their site and install it onto your account yourself.
  9. As coolcat50 has said, you can't just stick HTML into PHP code. The PHP parser will still try to treat it as PHP, and it therefore makes no sense to it, so it spews out an error. Breaking out of PHP, typing the HTML, then going back into PHP is one method (shown above). However, there are a few others you can use, depending on which one you like best really Separate Echos else{echo '<form action="insert.php" method="post">';echo 'Clan Name: <input type="text" name="name" /><br>';echo 'Description: <input type="text" name="description" />';echo '<input type="submit" />';}}} One Large Echo else{echo "<form action=\"insert.php\" method=\"post\">\nClan Name: <input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" /><br>\nDescription: <input type=\"text\" name=\"description\" />\n<input type=\"submit\" />";}}} Using "Here Document" else{echo <<<EOF<form action="insert.php" method="post">Clan Name: <input type="text" name="name" /><br>Description: <input type="text" name="description" /><input type="submit" />EOF;}}} Take your pick. They will all work the same, so it depends on which one fits best with your coding style.
  10. is the IP address of the server your website is hosted on. If you tap that IP into your browser, you will see a default page about the software running on the server. To access your site using that IP address, you'd need to use the following as an address: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. With your hosting account you are given a free subdomain, in the form http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Of course, you can have any subdomain that is not already in use by another member here at Xisto. There is also the possibility to get a free top level domain name. Once you have your hosting account, and you store up over 250 credits, you can 'spend' 250 of your credits on a top level domain (.COM, .NET, .ORG, etc.). Those 250 credits will give you that domain for one year. After a year you would have to spend another 250 credits for the next year. Alternatively, you can buy a domain name, either from Xisto (the company which owns Xisto) or any other registrar. That can cost anything in the region of around Ł2 per year up to Ł30 per year. Also, as a side note, .RU is not a top level domain. It is known a ccTLD - a country code top level domain. ccTLDs can usually only be registered with a registrar that is signed up with the company managing that country's domains (for example, Nominet in the UK). As Xisto is based in the US, it would not be able to register a .RU address for you.
  12. Since people are now tapping into the power of GPUs to run many millions of passwords through the system every second - I think they have a rate of roughly 200MHz, or 200,000,000 combinations per second. However, a technique I quite like using to create a secure password is to use a line from a song. For example, Amarok is currently blasting out "Our House" by Madness I could take the following line: And make it a very secure password: Only lowercase letters! I hear you cry Well, it is actually incredibly secure: 2630 possible combinations of letters in a 30 character password, if you know it is all in lowercase. At 200,000,000 attempts per second, that is 2630 divided by 200,000,000 = 1.41x1034 seconds to go through all the possibilities. That is only 4.5x1026 years to guess it. If you look at the maths, length is far more important than the variation of characters that you use (although, obviously, that helps). Song lyrics are also a bit easier to remember than something like Tr4P17_RuL3Z! as a password.
  13. To me, in Firefox 2, the site does not look like the image you posted for how it should look in Firefox. This is what I see:The Search box has moved down to below the navigation, which obviously creates a gap between the navigation and the header image. Everything else is pretty much the same.In Konqueror, the Search box is in the right place, but there is a gap introduced between the navigation and the header image:The issues are most likely to be caused by padding and spacing. Every browser sets them differently to start with, so it is best to reset everything to 0px and then start from scratch. It could also be down to IE's obscure interpretation of the box model making some elements wider in IE than they should be.
  14. This is again down to your directory structure. In your CSS, you have lines like this: background: #FFFFFF url(main.png) repeat-y; That path, main.png, corresponds to the current directory - /public_html/style/. Of course, there is no file called main.png in that directory. Through a lucky guess I found that it was in a folder called images, which is inside the public_html directory. To represent this in your CSS, you need to use the sequence of characters that means "go to the previous directory". That sequence of characters is ../ So, to get from the styles directory to the images directory, we need to go up one level to the public_html directory, then into the images directory, then finally we can find main.png This means your code needs to actually say: background: #FFFFFF url(../images/main.png) repeat-y; That needs to be changed for every path to an image in the CSS file colours.css. For your benefit, I've done that below. Just put the code below in your colours.css file instead of the code that is there at the moment: body{ background: #FFFFFF url(../images/back.png) repeat; color: #57696F;}blockquote{ background: #FFFFFF; color: #57696F; border-color: #1798E9;}#main{ background: #FFFFFF url(../images/main.png) repeat-y; color: #57696F;}#links, #footer{ background: #1798E9 url(../images/linkfoot.png); color: #FFFFFF; border-color: #57696F;}#links a, #footer a, #links a:hover, #footer a:hover{ background: transparent; color: #FFFFFF;}#logo{ background: #FFFFFF url(../images/logo.jpg) no-repeat; color: #57696F; border-top-color: #57696F; border-bottom-color: #1798E9;}#logo h2{ background: transparent; color: #CCC;}h1{ background: transparent; color: #1798E9; border-color: #E1E1E1;}#menu{ background: transparent; color: #57696F;}#menu li a{ background: #76C9F8; color: #57696F; border-color: #109CEF;}#menu li a:hover, #menu li a#selected, #menu li a#selected:hover{ background: #109CEF; color: #FFFFFF;} #content, #column2, #column2 a{ background: #FFFFFF; color: #57696F; border-color: #57696F;}#column2 a:hover{ background: #FFFFFF; color: #1798E9; border-color: #1798E9;}.sidebaritem{ background: #F9F9F9; color: #57696F; border-color: #E1E1E1;}.sbilinks li a, .sidebaritem a{ background: transparent url(../images/link_arrow.png) no-repeat left center; color: #57696F;} .sbilinks li a:hover, .sidebaritem a:hover{ background: transparent url(../images/link_arrow_sel.png) no-repeat left center; color: #1798E9;} input, textarea{ background: #FFFFFF; color: #57696F; border-color: #E1E1E1;}
  15. The directory 'style' doesn't appear to exist. Make sure you created the style directory inside the public_html directory, otherwise it is not publicly accessible.After a bit more probing it appears that you didn't actually create the style directory you refer to in your HTML. Make that directory and move the two CSS files into it and it should then take effect.
  16. Overall I would say it is a good design. There are a couple of coding quirks to iron out, but I wouldn't change your overall design idea. The grey background to the banner at the top doesn't quite reach the right hand edge of the page, which looks just a little bit odd. I'm sure some minor change to the CSS would fix that. The date of birth field also isn't quite wide enough for an actual date of birth. Again, a tiny HTML or CSS change should fix that. The CAPTCHA is the only thing that might require some time to fix. Occasionally the letters are just too difficult to read clearly; the font is too thin and 'merges' into the background for certain characters, such as 3.On the page where you select expansions, the checkboxes are the same colour as the background. If I uncheck one, then I can't see where it is again Possibly change the colour of the checkboxes or the background they are on.On the character details page, the "Add" button doesn't work, so I can't progress any further than that. I'm not sure whether it's a bug or that you haven't finished yet.Attached below is how I see the page, to give you a better idea of what I mean.Like I say, the overall design is excellent, it is just bug fixing.
  17. Phone ASUS and ask them to send the recovery CDs to you. They save money by not putting them in the box with the laptop, and it looks like they just couldn't be bothered to make the software They should send the CDs out free of charge when you ask for them - after all, you have paid for that copy of Windows on there, are you are entitled to a backup copy.
  18. A list of disabled functions in safe mode shows that mainly file operations and mail functions are the ones you would miss if safe mode was turned on. Generally, free hosting companies with 'instant activation' use safe mode to prevent spammers using the accounts to send spam emails, or to prevent them trying to attack the server with file operations.
  19. The colossal number of background processes may have something to do with the poor performance, along with the GUI taking up more processing power than it should, even at the graphical levels being used. If Microsoft had really thought about it, optimised the graphics and background processes, and allowed more tuning for how the graphics look, then performance might not be so much of an issue. I rather take offence at being told that I can't read. I think you'll find that a large number of literate people also hate Vista. For example, a large proportion of the open source community hate it. People who have boxes popping up every 30 seconds asking for permission to do something are also getting pretty annoyed with it. People who find their hardware and software suddenly doesn't work are quite annoyed too. Laptop owners who find their batteries draining like charge is going out of fashion also hate Vista. And, of course, each of those people also fits into the group who has to pay around ?200 for this dud operating system. A large number of manufacturers are selling computers with Vista that meet the requirements, and still run slow. They are built specifically for Vista and it still doesn't work! 4GB of unbranded RAM is around ?60 (120 USD). If you want RAM that will actually work, you can get 4GB of Corsair RAM for around ?80 (160 USD). That new DX10 graphics card you need is around another ?50 to ?70 depending on whether you want something from a good name (even those these prices are for the bare minimum required). Then you need the operating system. XP is roughly ?50. Vista? ?197.36! So that is a total cost of around ?300 to ?350, without upgrading your processor, motherboard or any peripherals that aren't going to work with Vista. Alternatively, of course, I save all that money and run KDE4 with Compiz Fusion to get all the glossy effects people love so much for ?0.00, after spending ?0.00 on required hardware upgrades of course. Wow, that's a saving of at least ?300...
  20. If I understand what you want, you just need two declarations to get it done. /* Applies to all the other letters */h1.title {color: #0000FF;font-size:0.1em;background-color: #FF00FF;};/* Applies only to the first letter */h1.title:first-letter {color: gold; font-size=xx-large; font-style: oblique; background: black}; I see no reason why it can't be done that way.
  21. A legal disclaimer on a website is not enough to prevent you from being sued for copyright infringement and piracy if you start filling your website with other people's material. For every piece of music you intend to put on your site you need to contact the copyright holder and ask them for permission, explaining exactly what you intend to use the music for. Of course, if the music is released under a Creative Commons licence, or something similar, then that licence grants you the necessary permissions. I wouldn't copy them. For some reason, a large number of lawyers have got it into their heads that they can sue for copyright infringement if you use part of their copyright notices or even legal letters sent to you. Obviously their charges aren't enough anyway, and they have to supplement their income by suing people
  22. I don't think the problem is PHP safe mode. One of the main advantages of Xisto is that safe mode is turned off, unlike the majority of free hosts. Check out the full error message, and see if that error has been reported before for that script.
  23. This depends on which night time you are referring to. I'm in the UK, and there are always other mods coming online just as I go offline at night. As far as I am aware, the moderators are from a large variety of places across the world, so we can cover most of the clock.As jlhaslip said, the Report button instantly alerts us to any problems you've reported as soon as we log in. I also get notice of any new reports sent to my inbox, so I know pretty much straight away and can log in to see if anyone else is around to deal with it.
  24. Colour depends on the light hitting the object. For example, a 'green' object under red light would actually appear black. Following this definition, a mirror has the colour of whatever is placed in front of it. However, most of the time, colour is defined under white light. In that case, the mirror would be defined as being white as it would reflect all of the light.
  25. Go into any topic. Click the Options menu in the top right corner of the first post. Near the bottom of the menu that appears, click on Switch to: Standard.
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