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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. It is likely because your laptop is still loading the generic wifi drivers when your laptop starts. If you search for how to blacklist modules you will find out which ones need blacklisting to stop Ubuntu using them when it starts. The guide I linked to on Ubuntu's wiki should contain the information. Wired cards all work out of the figurative box for Linux. Wireless cards a mixed bag at the moment, and Realtek haven't exactly been forthcoming with help, and their cards seem particularly hard for people to write drivers for. Hardware support for devices lies with the manufacturer of the hardware, not with the writer of the operating system. That was Microsoft's excuse for the Vista driver debacle. As most hardware vendors are reluctant to write drivers for Linux (and even Macs) it is left to the community and developers. They can only do so much when they don't actually have access to the developer information about the hardware. The vendors won't release it to people to be able to write drivers. Some manufacturers are doing a much better job though. HP, ATI and nVidia leap to mind as excellent examples of how big manufacturers can write excellent Linux drivers if they put their mind to it and put the effort in. It's something that needs to be encouraged among hardware vendors, and just goes to show that if people ask for Linux drivers, it can have an effect. Some devices, like digital cameras, follow open standards and they are therefore easy to write drivers for. Contact Realtek support and ask for Linux drivers for your wireless card. If they say they don't have any, ask why. Press them for information on their decision ("We don't support Linux" isn't really an answer).
  2. Actually one has gone up and the other has gone down. I'd put that down to network traffic, server load, etc. Using the one Windows XP machine I can get my hands on, the results before and after the "tweak": Before After No difference whatsoever, which is to be expected considering there's nothing connected to the serial ports of this PC...
  3. Happy New Year to you all! I wish everyone and their families and friends the very best for the coming year.Also, I never realised you were such a poet BH!
  4. Can you explain to me slightly more how this works? Surely all that will do is increase the data transfer rate on serial ports, and as far as I know very few people have a serial modem on dial-up these days. The speed is limited by the copper wire connecting you to the phone exchange, then by the speed of your home network. The COM ports don't come into it at all...
  5. Realtek are universally awful in their Linux support. However, the community do their best to get Realtek products working. You will need to install ndiswrapper and the Windows 2000 drivers for the card (according to most sources on the Internet). You may find the following to be useful: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8581510 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/401126 These instructions from Ubuntu detail how to get wireless cards working using ndiswrapper with very detailed instructions: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. Been a bit busy with revision, but I've managed to grab a few minutes to put this together:
  7. Arctic Silver 5 is thicker than Arctic Silver 4, as far as I remember, so you won't get problems with it spreading too much unless you put far too much of it on the CPU surface (although that happens with any thermal paste). Isopropyl alcohol is not the best product for the job. From Arctic Silver's website: I have used both isopropyl alcohol and Arcticlean to clean CPUs and Articlean actually does what it says - you can watch the thermal pad or paste literally dissolving in front of you, and it's as simple as wiping it off with a soft cloth after a minute or two. Isopropyl alcohol takes a lot more work, especially with older thermal paste and any thermal pad. Arcticlean is cheap, will last for ages, and will make life so much easier when you come to clean a CPU. There's always the possibility that you'll forget to touch the case, and an anti-static wristband isn't at all expensive compared to the cost of the components inside the PC.
  8. Before you leap in and buy either IPB or vBulletin, have you looked at Drupal? Drupal contains forums, blogging and a news system and is 100% open source and free. You can also get free modules to add any functionality you are missing compared to IPB and vBulletin. Certainly check it out if you want to save the cash.IPB include the MySQL driver for free with their $149.99 licence. Remember that the licence only lasts for 6 months and you will have to keep paying $25 every six months for ever afterwards if you want to keep getting updates (vital for security reasons). You'll then need their blogging software on top of that at a cost of $49.99 and $10 every six months. For news you'll probably want their Content system at a cost of $49.99 and a renewal of $15 every six months. That's a total one-off of $249.97 and a further $50 every six months afterwards.vBulletin is $285 but you get everything you need with no recurring payments. All updates for the major version you've licensed are free and you get a discount on licensing future versions. The support is also free whereas Invision place restrictions on how long you get free support for.
  9. To get out of negative myCENTs just make good quality posts that follow the rules. You generally get negative myCENTs if moderators/admins have to edit or delete your posts (often for copying stuff without Quote tags) so just follow the rules and we'll have no need to fix your posts You still earn myCENTs in the normal way, but they're going to paying off your negative balance rather than adding to a positive one. Once you're back into positive numbers then you'll start seeing them transfer over to your billing account when you have over 100.
  10. I've got loads of software recommendations, far too many to post What sort of software are you looking for, and I'll be able to offer my opinion (and so will everyone else)? There's quite a few people on the forum that know about Linux and have at least a little bit of experience with it. Look out for us with Tux avatars and Linux-y stuff in our sigs
  11. For cleaning the existing thermal paste from the processor you've bought and whichever heatsink you attach to it, I strongly recommend Arctic Silver's ArctiClean. Two bottles - one to remove existing thermal paste and another to prepare the surface before applying new thermal paste. It is by far the best method I have come across for removing pretty much anything from processors and heatsinks. It also smells of oranges rather than strong chemicals Not a deal breaker, but a random nice thing about it. The size of the bottles mean it will last you for plenty of processor and heatsink replacements for a few years to come. It really is a must-have when working with thermal paste, even with new processors - you're bound to screw up seating the heatsink at least once in your life For the thermal paste, Arctic Silver 5 is highly recommended by myself and many others. Just beware that it is conductive, so be extra careful using it and make sure you don't get any of it anywhere near any motherboard components, processor pins, etc! Tuniq TX-3 is also a good choice, and is non-conductive (although still be careful with it - that's not an excuse to cover your motherboard with it ). An anti-static wristband is always a good idea to make sure you don't fry any of your components with your body's static electricity. It may be a small risk, but the wristbands are cheap compared to the components in your PC. It's a little pointless recommending a particular one - they're all just a piece of metal connecting you to ground. Have a look in local PC and electrical shops and they'll be able to find you one. Alternatively just search online and buy a cheap one.
  12. If you've bought a URL then that is a separate invoice, and you should be able to see it by selecting the "My Domains" page. Domains are registered for a minimum of one year, so even if you have to recreate your hosting you should still have the domain. Check in your account for the exact date when your domain expires to be sure.
  13. I use my MSN account on Linux. It works perfectly well with Kopete, which is installed by default on Kubuntu and most other KDE distributions. It's also available as a compiled package, so is easier to install than any Windows program! The vast majority of programs on Linux are the same - one easy-to-download package and installed nice and automatically.
  14. The only thing I'd point out is that where the drumsticks are positioned with your name, it looks a bit like "Bamboy" especially if I didn't already know your username Other than that it's good - the colour you've used for the notes works well with the purple shade on the background.
  15. If you're on O2 you can make use of the Bluebook service. You can store all your contacts, text messages, picture messages, etc. online automatically as your phone receives them. Just log in to your account and print them out when you're next near a PC. If you also want to print out older messages you can send them for free to a special number and they will be added to your Bluebook account so you can print them off later.
  16. Custom PC did a roundup of e-book readers recently and reached the following basic conclusions: Amazon Kindle: The proprietary file format is awful and a major flaw. Other than that, it's acceptable. Cool-er Reader: Uses EPUB format, which is open. Very easy to use, but poor build quality. Sony Pocket: Uses EPUB, bet all-round device. Poor screen. I've also looked around at a few devices myself and they all have glaring flaws at the moment - none made me want to part with my cash. I'd advise waiting for new devices to enter the market and see if there are any improvements in the screens. Try them out before you buy too, as quality varies hugely. If you intend to travel with your e-book reader, try to get one with a metal case that will survive a few little knocks and dents and won't fall apart in your hands.
  17. Obviously they didn't intend to do it. I'm guessing, like the article says, it's a lighting problem - the same would probably happen with a white person in over-bright scenarios. HP should really have done more testing to see if the face recognition worked properly in all situations, but to claim they're being racist is just sensationalist and illogical.
  18. Well, yes, that's exactly what you want a vacuum to do. It measures seconds. No real confusion there. The spelling of words is not something clearly defined (for example Americans seem to hate the letter 'u' in words like colour and get the 'e' and 'r' the wrong way around in words like centre). The spelling is determined by culture and current usage - the dictionary is just a suggested set of standard spellings. The first dictionary was actually Chinese, called the Erya and was written in around 300 BCE. The words were gathered from common speech and written texts. One definition of the word "whack" is meaning "agreement or order". "Out of whack" therefore means "out of agreement/order" which makes sense in the context most people use it. I've never heard anyone say "slow up"... "Fat chance" is used sarcastically. They don't just push - most can tow boats as well, hence "tug". That's just you Americans - I'm no help here A stand was originally used for standing (no seats were provided). It could also be that "stand" is used in the sense of parking or remaining still (such as a "truck stand"). The "dark" refers to the falling of darkness. More to follow at some point if I remember
  19. Your Xisto password. This is to prevent people changing your email address if they use your PC while you happen to be logged in to Xisto. You need to enter the space if there is a space shown. If you are changing your email address and already have an account on the billing site then you will need to send a support ticket to have the two accounts linked up again.
  20. Thankfully, that's not possible. Most users will either set a default download location for all files, or will choose where to save each file they download individually. If website owners could choose where to save files then you are opening a whole world of issues. You've got two choices: either let people download the file and provide them with instructions on where to put it, or write an application that will download the file and move it to the right location (although that may be stopped by antivirus software on Windows PCs).
  21. If you run an actual WHOIS query for each of those domains, you get the contact information: Registration Service Provided By: MANASHOSTING.COMContact: +91.08042400300Domain Name: VOICEOFMP.COM Registrant: voiceofmp Fatema Najmi () 94, Nagar Nigam Road Indore Madhya Pradesh,452007 IN Tel. +91.9893045452Creation Date: 29-Apr-2009 Expiration Date: 29-Apr-2010Domain servers in listed order: ns3.manashosting.biz ns4.manashosting.biz Registration Service Provided By: SUREVINContact: +91.7554278897Website: [url="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Name: INSIGHTTVNEWS.COM Registrant: SureVin Internet Services Ltd. Surevin () E-3/46, Prime Plaza IIIrd Floor 10 No. Stop, Arera Colony Bhopal Madhya Pradesh,462016 IN Tel. +91.7554278897Creation Date: 30-Jun-2006 Expiration Date: 30-Jun-2010Domain servers in listed order: ns4.webcomindia.net ns5.webcomindia.net It looks like not displaying the information is a problem with the website you've used to get the information. If you need to add that information to one of your own domains then you'll need to contact your registrar. Most provide an online form where you can change your contact information.
  22. Hi, welcome to Xisto Once you've registered at the billing site, your myCENTs appear after you've made 5 posts. You've made those 5 posts and I can now see your myCENTs showing up. You earn myCENTs for your posts - you get more based on both the length and quality of your posts. Longer posts earn more, as do ones that are well writted and follow the rules. Some areas of the forum don't earn myCENTs (the no post count areas) so check that if you're expecting myCENTs for a post. Once you have 100 myCENTs they get converted to $1 and added to your billing account, where you can spend them on hosting and domains.
  23. I tried Songbird a while ago and I found a few stability issues with it, along with the fact it simply refused to work with my MP3 player. The concept of combining the browser with a media player is quite good, but I just couldn't get along with the interface and the way it was executed. Personally I wouldn't recommend it, but it may suit you and it's free so give it a go!
  24. The tags should just be words related to your post and topic. They help both ordinary users and search engines work out what a topic is about, and find similar content. For example, clicking a tag gives you a page where you vcan see all other topics with that same tag, allowing you to find related content easily. Search engines also use the actual content of the page to determine the content, rather than just easily located tags.
  25. rvalkass


    Hi, welcome to Xisto Joomla is compatible with the hosting here at Xisto, and quite a few members are currently running it on their hosting. I'm sure you'll be able to get all the help you need from them if you have any specific problems with Joomla. The hosting really is free and without any ads (although you are free to put your own ads on your site if you want to). Just post on the forums to earn myCENTs. When you have 100 they are converted to $1 and sent to your billing account, where you can spend them on web hosting and domains. They're exactly the same as the paid hosting options - you're just paying your invoice with forum posting rather than a credit card. To start earning you will need to go to the billing area ( https://support.xisto.com/ ) and create an account using the same email address as you did for your forum account. Once you've made 5 posts your myCENTs will start being calculated and added to your account.
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