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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. The problem with a colour laser printer is the cost of the printer in the first place (often many hundreds of pounds) and their huge size compared with inkjet printers. Also, the print quality of a low-cost colour laser is nowhere near as good as a high quality inkjet print (in my experience) and the inkjet printer is a lot cheaper to buy. However, there are advantages to a colour laser - lower running costs (as you've said) and the speed at which they can print. It depends on the cash you have and which features are more important to you as to whether you should get an inkjet or laser colour printer. The black and white laser printers are a different matter. They are fairly cheap now and have come down in size to printers which are more suited to a home environment. Considering that a lot of the material people print now is black and white text (or doesn't need to be in colour) they are a very good investment compared to the cost of an inkjet printer. This then leaves expensive inkjet printing for the stuff that needs it, such as colour photos and documents with lots of colour.
  2. My friend has recently installed Kubuntu 9.10 alongside Vista on his laptop. The installation process was simple. The only thing that isn't immediately obvious is that you should defragment your Windows install before installing Kubuntu if you need to resize partitions. Resizing partitions generally works better if Windows has all its files in one place rather than scattered all over the drive. After that, just pop the Kubuntu CD in, reboot and start the installation process. At the partitioning stage resize the partitions to give you a bit of free space on your Windows partition (if you intend to continue using it) and at least 20GB for Kubuntu. You'll also need a 1-2GB swap partition too. Let the installation finish, reboot and Vista is alongside Kubuntu automatically in the boot loader.
  3. An SQL vulnerability means you have a security issue with the SQL database used in your site, some of your SQL code or your database connection code. Most often it refers to an issue known as a SQL injection. This is where you don't validate user input correctly, and they can insert arbitrary code into your SQL statements. From there they can then extract all sorts of information from your database or wipe the whole thing so you lose everything. Take the following fairly common and insecure PHP code: $query = "SELECT * FROM user_data WHERE username = '" . $username . "';"; A malicious user could then put certain text into the username form on the website to create a malicious query. For example, if they typed demo'; DROP TABLE user_data;-- as their username, the SQL query would become: SELECT * FROM user_data WHERE username = 'demo'; DROP TABLE user_data;-- '; And you can kiss goodbye to your user data. Finding out if your site is basically vulnerable is fairly easy - check if you validate all user input, strip it of control characters, make all user input safe. There are often more subtle vulnerabilities too, and these can take months to reveal.
  4. In the UK (I'm not 100% sure what it's like elsewhere) anything you create is instantly copyright to yourself. Even just a doodle on a sticky note or something is yours, and you don't have to write a copyright statement on it (although it does help). This also applies to things you publish online - both the content of the site and the images and design that make up the site. Due to the fact a lot of people like to release their work under open-source, Creative Commons and other 'free' and 'copyleft' licences, those who want to keep their content to themselves often put a copyright notice on the page.In other countries the copyright notice is a requirement to make something copyright to you, and in other countries there are lengthy applications processes similar to those for patents. If you're unsure and want to keep your content for yourself then check with a lawyer or solicitor specialising in intellectual property.
  5. According to the first website I found for "SmartFoxServerLite", these are the requirements: The CPU and RAM requirements are easily surpassed by the server, but where you may have a problem is with running the Java runtime environment. On shared hosting I am not sure if you can run Java in that way. On a dedicated server or VPS you would very likely be able to, but I'm not sure a shared hosting account would let you.
  6. Log in to your administration panel, select Administer > Site Building > URL Aliases > Automated alias settings. In there you can change the general settings, along with the URL patterns for each content type. So, for example, you can change the pattern to content/[title] or articles/[author-name]/[title] or whatever to change the URLs that get automatically generated for each content type.
  7. Replace the line <?php wp_list_categories('title_li=&sort_column=menu_order'); ?> With <?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&sort_column=menu_order'); ?> If you don't like the default options, then check out this page where you can see all the configuration options.
  8. On a related topic. if you really want to get your favourite malware running under Linux then you can use WINE and it will run http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ However, remember that in Linux and WINE it will only affect the WINE setup, and it can easily be stopped by killing the WINE process. They're generally not that easy to stop in Windows. You also have to go to the effort of specifically downloading the virus, running it through WINE and making it run, rather than the 'drive-by' attacks that work on Windows. Again, it requires huge user intervention and a desire to actually run the virus
  9. According to HP, these are the instructions you need, with helpful illustrations: http://h20566.www2.hp.com/portal/site/hpsc/?ac.admitted=1475486305801.1123376534.199480143
  10. The PathAuto module is what you're looking for. You will also have to add the Token module to get PathAuto to work. When installed you will realise that PathAuto is very flexible in allowing you to define SEO-friendly and human-readable URLs automatically for all your pages (such as based on the page title, date, etc.).
  11. Windows has tens of thousands of widespread viruses, trojans, etc. Mac and Linux have a few hundred known pieces of malware, and most of those stay within laboratory test - nothing really affects Mac and Linux on a worldwide scale in the same way Windows gets affected. Linux developers are also generally much faster at developing fixes to any security problems, a process that can take months with Microsoft. Also, how many people use XP with an Administrator account rather than a Limited one? On most Linux distributions you need to specifically switch to root or give special permission for a program to do anything major or possibly damaging. On Windows that was such a hindrance to everyday use that people were forced to use Administrator accounts as their usual accounts. The problem was worse in Vista with UAC, and has supposedly improved with Windows 7.
  12. If it's a hardware problem (and it sounds like it might be) then your only option is to replace the hard drive with another one. If you know the manufacturer of the hard disk then go to their website and see if they have any diagnostic tools available. Most manufacturers let you download a piece of software to CD which you run as the PC boots, like a live CD. It'll check your hard disk and let you know if there are any problems. If your drive is SMART-enabled you can also use that information to get advice about the health of your hard disk.
  13. You don't have to, but for gaming in this environment unfortunately Windows will likely be your best bet. Check out WINE to see if the games you want to use will run under Linux. If they will then try it out on one PC before ordering loads, just to check. Linux is certainly the better system to be running in an environment like this, but combining that with gaming could be tricky. If you intend to use the PCs for gaming, the price of a licence of XP should be a fairly small percentage of that. If the cost of XP at $50-$90 is a lot compared to the hardware then you likely need better hardware.
  14. Google Apps is tied to the domain, rather than to the hosting. Uploading the verification file is to prove you have control over the domain. If you switch hosting accounts, just make sure that you add your domain using your control panel again, and change the MX records to match those required by Google again. There is no harm in uploading the verification file again. Google might check it after it notices the downtime while you switch hosting accounts, so be safe and upload it again.
  15. They state illegal content is not allowed to comply with the law. By saying they only allow legal content it is very difficult to prosecute them for allowing illegal content (because they don't). It also allows them to remove illegal files and disable accounts of those people who upload and download illegal stuff. However, you're right, it's just a front. They're fully aware that a lot of people use their sites for illegal content, but they won't do anything to stop it unless pushed because it makes them so much money.
  16. If it's just a small website of a page or two then editing the HTML is the fastest and easiest method. If you've got a more complex site then a CMS is a good bet. Take a look at Drupal and see if it fits what you need. You can edit all the pages in your browser using a form, and can post news articles that appear in reverse chronological order (newest at the top). If not, try the alternatives at Open-Source CMS and see if any of them suit what you want.
  17. When you put anything on the Internet you are making it publicly accessible to the world. If someone downloads a file from your site then there is nothing physically stopping them from uploading it to their own site. Obviously copyright laws theoretically stop them in most countries, but most people are undeterred by them. They will also most likely find a way around whatever restriction you put in place, and depending on the method you choose, you might just end up annoying 'legitimate' users while doing nothing to deter the 'leechers'.
  18. Replace a cartridge in what? I'm guessing it's your printer. Without the exact model, specific instructions are an impossibility. However, generally you just open the front or top cover and wait for the ink cartridges to slide into place if they need to. Pop out the old cartridge, and put a new one in its place. Make sure the new cartridge is in securely and close the cover, the printer will then check the cartridge. Some ask you to print test and alignment pages, some need you to verify the new cartridge in software, and others are happy to just carry on.
  19. You will need to add the domain to your new hosting's cPanel again, then configure its MX records to point to Google's servers again. It is also worth uploading the authentication/verification file Google gives you (I believe you can download it at any time) to your new hosting so that Google can find it if it decides to check after the downtime.
  20. What software is giving you this error? What are you trying to do? What sort of server are you expecting on that PC? We need some more information to be able to help you.Also, it looks like that IP address isn't assigned to anyone at the moment: CONSOLE rob@rob-desktop:~$ whois match found for
  21. I never really started many threads before I was a mod either I guess I just don't have anything interesting to say! When I find interesting topics I always reply, and think "Ooh, that was a good idea, why didn't I think of that topic?". Time is also a bit of an issue - a lot of time spent on Xisto is dealing with reports and sorting out problems, and that leaves little time for starting decent topics. However, at the moment I'm trying to review some of the hardware I've bought for my new PC (the topic on my monitor is around somewhere) although those topics often don't generate a lot of interest.
  22. rvalkass

    Auto Overclocking

    They're only now starting to introduce motherboards that can overclock themselves, and even then they apply very conservative overclocks. What seems more likely is that your PC is throttling back due to the temperatures. It then ramps up to its normal frequency, overheats and shuts off. The lack of thermal paste is a real concern, as it means you have practically no connection between the heatsink and CPU, which would certainly result in overheating. Without thermal paste it's a wonder the PC has lasted this long The dust means you're not taking good care of your PC. Yes, over time all PCs will accumulate dust inside the case, but there are things you can do to minimise it, and of course you should clean it out whenever it starts to become an issue. The simplest ways to prevent the dust are to keep the area around the PC clean and free of dust, and to fit dust filters on the fan intakes of your case. Then the filters collect the dust, and are much easier to take off and clean than the PC itself. Dust inside the case will increase temperatures and make a mess. Go here and use the links to find authorised resellers to get some thermal paste. They also provide step-by-step photo instructions to apply it if you're unsure. With both the GPU and CPU running hot it means the problem is likely to be with the airflow in the case rather than with overclocking. However, compare the settings in the BIOS with the standard settings for your CPU and make sure the two match. If they don't then the CPU has been over or underclocked. If overclocked then it will be contributing extra heat into the case.
  23. The GTX 295 has two separate GPUs on the same card, running in SLI. Connecting two of the cards together gives you four GPUs on two cards, running in Quad SLI.
  24. Plenty of sites will offer you deals, although in my experience no one site is cheaper for everything than any other. You need to shop around and check the prices from each retailer to see which is cheapest. At the moment I use 4 main retailers: Scan, eBuyer, CCL Online and Aria. They all seem to carry a different selection of products and with different prices, so check around. Postage and packing can also vary between them, so again consider that. Sometimes the product is slightly cheaper but the postage makes it more expensive. There are loads of other sites I use too, but those are the main ones.
  25. Unfortunately you're unlikely to get the disk replaced because it hasn't actually failed yet, although it is very close to it. You will likely find it fails within one month of your warranty expiring. Linux couldn't have caused the problem - bad sectors are a hardware problem, often caused by the disk being of poor quality, getting knocked about or whatever. Like it suggests, your best bet is to copy your data off to a separate medium and replace the drive. It's certainly worth asking HP and at least getting them to record the issue - you might then have some comeback if it does fail after your warranty ends, and you can try to get them to replace it. That's pretty much what the drive is doing at the moment. When it finds a bad sector it won't write data to it, and records that that sector is bad and not to use it again. It effectively reduces the size of your hard disk as more and more sectors become unusable. Bad sectors are usually a sign of other problems and certainly aren't a sign of a healthy drive though, so don't get complacent. Backup your data and replace the drive as soon as possible. You should also have a recovery CD from HP, or can request one, that will contain the same information as the recovery partition. The bad sectors won't "spread" so your C drive should be fine. Although, if they're both the same model of drive then they could be part of a faulty batch, or just both be of low quality. Once your warranty has expired, HP are under no obligation to replace anything. Hard drives certainly aren't the most expensive components, but it's still annoying if you have to replace them. Just say to HP that the drive is reporting a lot of bad sectors, is failing and needs to be replaced. See what they say. If they won't replace if for you now, make sure they log the issue so that if it fails in the near future (even after the warranty) then you can say it is a running issue they were already aware of. Uninstalling Ubuntu won't have helped in any way
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