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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. Members who have been here a while tend to learn the rules and know them, so to get input and feedback on the readmes and stuff, newer members' opinions are vital. Trying to be an upstanding member and just treat the forums with respect is pretty much the basis of the rules. If you do make a mistake, generally a staff member will put it right and leave a note on your post telling you what they've done. You must remember that we're all an unpredictable bunch It would be impossible to write rules that cover every possible thing a member could post, and that would be an incredibly off-putting list to new members. The basic rules, such as no blatant advertising or referral links, cover most of the posts that we deal with. Being respectful to other members, including the work OpaQue and Buffalo put into running the forums, covers the rest pretty much. Due to the myCENTs system you cannot copy material from anywhere else onto Xisto. This includes from websites, books, magazines, etc. even if you are the original author. If you wish to repost things from elsewhere, you can put Quote BBTags around it, which shows it's from an outside source. As all content on Xisto is now released under a CC-BYNCND licence unless otherwise stated, you are allowed to use content from Xisto as long as you cite the source, don't pass it off as your own, don't use it commercially, don't make derivatives, etc. The Creative Commons website has the full legal text along with helpful summaries of what is and isn't allowed, which can be accessed by clicking the grey Creative Commons logo at the bottom of every page. Posts in moderated sections are hidden from public view until a moderator reads them, checks they're OK and approves them. This is the process in forums that have suffered high levels of spam, just so most members don't have to see all that spam as it gets posted. Just submit your topic once and it will appear once we get round to it. If you do submit the topic twice by accident it's no problem - we just get rid of the duplicates. From what I can see your signature is absolutely fine. Don't go for anything too offensive, personal details or commercial advertising and you're generally fine. Large images are also generally a bad idea, as they can screw up the forum layout and are also a pain for those members using dial-up connections. Posting links in a proper context is fine, such as recommending a product, asking for site reviews, showing examples, things like that. Where a link would help, whether it be to a personal or commercial site, use it - that's how the web works! Advertising covers people making posts such as those selling mobile phones (seems to come up quite a lot) or software, for example, often from members with no other posts. You'll see a few around the forums as they appear if you beat us to reading them They're not allowed because there is no way for us to check the validity or even legality of the claims made, and they add nothing to the forums. Referral links are links to sites that offer you money in return for people clicking your link or buying something after clicking your link. They often have a format such as http://www.example.com/?r=582a54c32 where the code is used to uniquely identify someone and pay them in return for sending visitors to the site. They're not allowed, and generic links should be used instead to these sites. Take a look at topics in the "Making Money" forums for examples. Everyone makes mistakes, so if you feel you've been unfairly treated, send a PM to the moderator concerned and ask them why they've done whatever it is. Sending PMs to other moderators and the admins is also possible, just bear in mind they might not know every detail of what has gone on. As far as I'm aware that is a hangover from an old system which was used before the myCENTs system, although OpaQue and BuffaloHelp should be able to offer clearer information. I am not aware of anyone losing their account through inactivity like that, so I shouldn't worry. Your hosting account and forum account are now separate, so that if you get banned on the forums that shouldn't affect your hosting (as far as I know). Domain names purchased via Xisto are the same as any other, whether you use real money, myCENTs or a combination of them to pay the invoice, so the standard procedures for transferring domains between registrars apply.
  2. Seems like you haven't actually uploaded the Zend Framework into the correct place. Make sure it's there and you have the correct permissions to read it. Also, it is often better to put require 'Zend/Loader.php'; instead, which will load files as and when it needs them.
  3. I can't see any standard file with that extension that they might be expecting. Your best bet would be to contact whoever runs that website and ask them how to generate that file.
  4. I'd certainly recommend Toshiba over Dell any day. Dell are fairly infamous for their useless technical support and ridiculously bureaucratic processes for even the simplest of tasks. While you may think the possibility of needing support is low, you'll certainly regret it if you do ever need to speak to them. A few of my friends have Toshiba laptops and they seem to be pretty good. I've also got other Toshiba products (my TV and DVD player for example). I've always found them to be excellent, and the build quality is good. I've only had to deal with their support once, but they were incredibly helpful.
  5. The Zend Framework documentation contains helpful tips and suggestions, but it all depends on exactly what directory structure you're using and how you're using the framework. You should just make sure that the path to the Zend libraries is included in the Zend Framework's list of paths to search. For example the recommended location for the Zend Framework to be uploaded is ~/php/Zend. Then, in your index.php file, include that path in your include paths to search. For example, one of my sites uses the following: set_include_path('library' . PATH_SEPARATOR . '/home/<username>/php' . PATH_SEPARATOR . 'application/models' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); Obviously replacing <username> with the username for your hosting account.
  6. Elgg is probably the most popular open-source social networking software. Take a look at it and see if it meets your needs.
  7. PAD files are generally used with digital notetaking software. What software are you using, what files are you trying to convert to the PAD format, and why? There might be a better solution to your problem.
  8. To get the current time: $current_time = time(); To get the timestamp for "24 hours ago": $timestamp = time() - (24*60*60); To get the timestamp for the last occurrence of midnight: $timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0); Then add a WHERE clause to your SQL, such as "WHERE timestamp > $timestamp" to only select those after the timestamp you specify.
  9. Assuming you store the timestamp in the database, it would be fairly easy to do. If you want submissions in the last 24 hours, simply get the current timestamp, subtract 24 hours and only select rows from the database with a timestamp greater than that. For ones submitted during the current day you'd want to fetch the timestamp for either 23:59:59 yesterday or 00:00:00 today and check the timestamp for the row is (equal to or) greater than that value. If you don't store the timestamp in the database, then no If you don't store the time there's no way to filter by it!
  10. I zapped it with Adblock Plus as soon as I saw it. It does look incredibly out of place and bears no relation to the main content of Xisto, and just cheapens the look of the forum. I don't mind having adverts on the forums at all - they clearly need to pay for themselves and all the free hosting we get, but there are plenty of ways to do it that look better and are less intrusive to members. I'd go so far as to say it would actually put new members off. Just my ?0.0128 (approx. $0.02 ).
  11. It'll be open with each value in a different cell. Each comma represents the next column, each new line a new row. For example, this is a CSV file that has the cell label for each value: A1,B1,C1,D1,E1A2,B2,C2,D2,E2A3,B3,C3,D3,E3 Those values, if you open that with a spreadsheet program, will end up in their relevant cells (ie. "B2" will be in cell B2). Have a look at the PHP function fputcsv().
  12. Search engines are your friend. https://www.linuxmint.com/ Pretty much anything takes up less memory than anything Microsoft produces I can't find Linux Mint's exact system requirements, but you should be able to find them on their website. Remember that running a Linux distribution from CD will be much slower than running an installed copy, simply because everything you try to do has to be loaded from the CD first.
  13. All .com domains are ultimately required to follow ICANN regulations regardless of the country in which the registrar is located. However, most of ICANN's regulations deal with the unlawful transfer of domains without your knowledge or the 'stealing' of a domain name containing a copyrighted/trademarked name. If you tell us the domain name we can look it up on the WHOIS database and find out who the domain is currently registered with. If you got the domain from a reseller then you should be able to contact the ICANN-approved registrar they got the domain from to get your domain back. If you bought your domain from an ICANN-approved registrar (rather than a reseller) then you are in a much more difficult situation. It is also a requirement for registrars to provide you with access to some kind of administration of your domain. If your current registrar has removed their website and control panel then it may be worthwhile contacting ICANN to get them involved with the company. There is also the possibility of contacting Trading Standards and getting them to investigate. They have legal powers and should be able to do something. Finally, if you were dealing with a UK-based company, check Companies House for their records. That will provide you with the company's current address, and whether they have actually gone bust, or just gone in to hiding.
  14. I generally open my PDF files with Okular because it's fairly lightweight and will open most files. To create PDFs I use LaTeX, OpenOffice, Scribus, or in fact pretty much any program on Linux, as they all seem to have PDF export capabilities
  15. Why not just export the data as a CSV file? Using comma separated values is much easier than generating an Excel file, and would allow the file to be opened in pretty much any application you feel like. You'd also be able to read it back in with PHP fairly easily.
  16. I felt they needed some decoration...
  17. This is what you put me in mind of with your image: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Just seemed to fit together in my mind I'll be honest - the clouds disappearing behind the sun was something I noticed As for why the sun appears the way it does, I'm not going to launch into one of my massive rambling physics-y explanations
  18. CONSOLE rob@rob-desktop:~$ ping truefusion.org PING truefusion.org ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from gamma.xisto.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=51 time=185 ms 64 bytes from gamma.xisto.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=51 time=183 ms 64 bytes from gamma.xisto.com ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=51 time=184 ms 64 bytes from gamma.xisto.com ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=51 time=183 ms ^C --- truefusion.org ping statistics --- 4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3016ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 183.317/184.215/185.086/0.785 ms rob@rob-desktop:~$ ping rvalkass.co.uk PING rvalkass.co.uk ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from unassigned.psychz.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=51 time=183 ms (Just happen to know that IP is zeta.xisto.com) 64 bytes from unassigned.psychz.net ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=51 time=181 ms 64 bytes from unassigned.psychz.net ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=51 time=181 ms 64 bytes from unassigned.psychz.net ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=51 time=183 ms ^C --- rvalkass.co.uk ping statistics --- 4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3004ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 181.554/182.463/183.197/0.787 ms rob@rob-desktop:~$ ping gfxtrap.com PING gfxtrap.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from gamma.xisto.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=51 time=184 ms 64 bytes from gamma.xisto.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=51 time=183 ms 64 bytes from gamma.xisto.com ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=51 time=184 ms 64 bytes from gamma.xisto.com ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=51 time=183 ms ^C --- gfxtrap.com ping statistics --- 4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3001ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 183.419/183.842/184.274/0.386 ms I'll also have a go at something interesting for the buttons on the left.
  19. Could it be set up differently per server? There are no other .htaccess files on my account above the directory containing the test site, so I can't see how it's anything specific that I may have done to my account. Our accounts are both hosted on different servers, so it is possible that they have been configured slightly differently. The GFXTrap domain is currently pointed to an account on the same server as yours, so we should be fine. I apologise for all the running around I've created
  20. On Xisto it just hangs with no content being loaded: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Adding the .htaccess file I mentioned before fixes this issue. There must be something specific about the way Xisto has mod_security set up that prevents one domain (rvalkass.co.uk) requesting files from another (Xisto.com). For the time being this is the only solution I can see, as I assume the account this site will eventually be hosted on is a standard Xisto account. The AJAX on the page needs a way to tell if it is successful in getting content. If it fails after a few tries or a certain length of time, replace the "Retrieving..." message with something that lets the user know it has failed to get the content for whatever reason. Otherwise it just looks a bit odd... The Latest News certainly looks better with the smaller font, and the alignment issues are gone, along with Konqueror no longer crashing. We just need graphics for the three buttons on the left and a way to do the previous winning SOTW.
  21. Yes, you can install Zend Framework on the $1.95 hosting (I have it running here). Installing it is as simple as following the instructions from Zend - upload the framework and point your website's configuration to the Zend installation so it knows where to look for the functions.
  22. 406 Not Acceptable. It should only get returned if you request data of a specific encoding or type, and the server returns something different. Most browsers and their JavaScript implementations will accept anything they receive though. The important PHP configuration variable, allow_url_fopen, is set to On for Xisto, so we should be able to use file_get_contents() with a URL perfectly fine. Oddly, commenting out the file_get_contents() line doesn't solve the issue. The problem seems to be caused by passing a variable via GET, as if you open get.php without any GET variables, it works fine (blank page, but no error). Adding any get variable, whether valid or not, causes a 406 error. Replacing the switch statement with a series of ifs doesn't solve the issue either. For some reason, that GET variable is causing a 406 error. The header shows encoding of iso-8859-1 but that shouldn't be a problem. Update I've worked this out. Something is triggering a mod_security rule that causes the request to effectively be killed by the server. The browser doesn't get the response it wants and throws the rare 406 error. It's fixed by creating a .htaccess file with the following contents: <IfModule mod_security.c>SecFilterEngine Off</IfModule> That, of course, disables mod_security for that folder and all sub-folders, which is not ideal. If I can find out which rule is being triggered then I can get that one ignored while keeping the rest of mod_security enabled. On to crashing Konqueror: It is definitely due to the for loop which prevents it cutting off in the middle of words. For some reason, Konqueror never exits the loop (check it by making it alert each time it goes through the loop, it'll reach hundreds of characters). It seems to, at one point, receive a description of entirely null characters and never exits. Firefox (wrongly) treats a space and nothing as being the same character. You can fix the bug by replacing the trimDescription function with the following: function trimDescription(desc){ var descTmp = desc; descTmp = descTmp.replace(/<!\-?\-?\[CDATA\[/, ""); for(var i = 100; descTmp.charAt(i) != " " && descTmp.charAt(i) != ""; ++i); desc = descTmp; desc = desc.substr(0, i); desc += " ... "; return desc;} However, the content doesn't appear in certain sections, so there is another more fundamental bug in Konqueror. Latest version attached. gfxtrap.tar.gz
  23. Sending a PM to BuffaloHelp is the way to get your username changed. You can do that by clicking this link: http://forums.xisto.com/compose-new-mml&MID=6042 Please bear in mind that the admins are incredibly busy, and changing usernames isn't a task that generally features too high up on the list of vital tasks, so be patient as it might take a little while for Buffalo to get around to it.
  24. rvalkass


    Yes, they link automatically if you use the same email address that you used to create your forum account. Just go to https://support.xisto.com/ and create an account using that email address and they'll get linked. Once you've made over 5 posts your myCENTs will be calculated for the first time and appear for you to see. Once you have 100 they get converted into $1 in your billing account for you to spend on all sorts of hosting things
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