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Everything posted by triplebtalk

  1. The government in Australia is fairly good in the scheme of things. We have an idiot Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, but other wise, all is good. The government treats the people like people and it does its best not to degrade social classes (call me a capitalist, but I think that if a political system as suggested was carried out, it would be a disaster, if you are rich, good on you, you have that right, if you are poor, I think the government should support, and then lead the lower class back into the work force), and the Prime Minister is a very intelligent man, just remember that the leader is only as good as his ministers.
  2. I am going to buy a new INQ (Three Phone) as my Nokia 6288 died
  3. Your idea is disgusting, it completely degrade people and puts them into pointless class systems. Why would anyone help them with that revolution, I think those 1000 people would be on their own, no "ordinary" citizen would support it.Even if something as ludicrous as this happened, I bet that people would seek political asylum, after all, Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  4. Make it nice, make it pretty, right now it is very bland, I like the idea but it needs to be worked on. Make the background a color like this: COLOR You might want to make a little logo as well that will make it stand out. If you center the form you can make it into a nicer width (say 800px) and if you use a table you can put the boxes how you want them (make sure the table is borderless though. Then put a copyright notice down the bottom.
  5. I use Firefox and Opera because IE is not a real browser. It fails to meet the expectations of the w3 standards and suffers countless bugs, hence the reason for the change. I have the IETab Extension installed in FireFox and you can eally see the difference.
  6. FireFox as a browser can go faster but it cannot make your internet connection better. FireFox by it self is always going to be better than any hacked version. Also you have a dead link...
  7. I use Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects. They both are better than most other PROFESSIONAL video editing software. I started buying Adobe back when it was CS2, it used to be different, neither of these programs were included, so I would edit each frame in Photoshop, it took HOURS to do, but had spectacular effects when it was compiled. In CS3 it was introduced and I found it VERY useful, I really was amazed with the results.
  8. That is a great tutorial, I am still having difficulty with list functions though. The CSS is nice and the background image is very good. Good job baniboy
  9. Nothing is free, everything requires time. Basically time = money, hence there is a cost, even in relationships (the time thing).
  10. Haha, did you know that my speed is 1500kb/s ... What I am confused about is why people don't just use speedtest.net, you have the option to choose the server you want to test at.
  11. Ok, I will close this idea, I thought I was on to something ...
  12. Hi all,Yesterday I was thinking about the theory of time which Albert Einstein came up with, and it got me thinking. Since the speed of light is the fastest speed possible, we could never pass a light beam like we could pass a car on the highway. If we can never pass light, how could we even reach the speed of light? My answer to this would be the fact that the speed of light might be relative to the speed you are moving, hence always being unachievable...If you think my idea is completely lunatic please tell me, if you think I might have a good point, please help expand on the idea .Kind Regards,TriplebTalk
  13. I have now given away the codes so no more emails ... Something that really shocks me about Demonoid is how bad the torrents are now... They really should of never made it private.
  14. Well we know there is hope in the world... Sadly I read that the browser acts as an operating system because it runs on its own Kernel (Gazelle). I found a good article which had an attached PDF here. I think that Internet Explorer will never be completely dead, but we can always hope ... Another thing about the Gazelle is the fact that it has a faster start up than IE7, definitely a plus .
  15. I have invite codes which I will be giving out a bit later in the year, I will have a condition to them though, I would like everyone to email me (triplebtalk@live.com.au) and then I will send you the code
  16. I wonder how sites like this got popular, I wish they would all release an advertising manual so that everyone could advertise like them... If you see how many of these sites were backyard businesses, you would be amazed
  17. Isn't it funny that no one is older than 30 on this list... It is really weird that Runescape is on there, who plays that game any more? I thought everyone gave up on Jagex a long long time ago.
  18. It is such an amazing layout, my only concern would be the amount of images it would use (rounded corners, gradients, logos etc.), this would severely affect loading time, otherwise really, really nice
  19. I have used KGB several times and it can compress very well. The problem is that it takes time and resources, maybe they could develop something that compresses a little less but does not take up as much RAM, it took me three hours to decompress a 500 mb file, I think that is ridiculous.
  20. Dei=finitely a beautiful Web 2.0 design. The Text is a bit distorted as it seems for people that have great sight while the graphics are massive. If you need it converted into XHTML and CSS I can do it for you (just send me an email : triplebtalk@live.com.au). You will find that the graphics are nice but a little to big. The font is wrong, make it smoother (like Tahoma) and think about what the application for the layout would be.
  21. Honestly is it worth crying over a cheap 2GB USB? I think that you need to count your losses and buy a new one, they cost US$5 which is nothing. Otherwise it may have been exposed to some water, if this is the issue, put it in a bowl of UNCOOKED rice overnight and see if it works in the morning, this will pull all the water out of the USB, although mine went through the wash and did not suffer even slightly, it is still working perfectly. Seriously though, buy a new one, it will cost next to nothing and all you can cry for then is the lost data...
  22. I am an open skeptic and I can definitely see that Astrology is absolute crap. The only difference during these periods is the magnetic variation which the moon produces. In many countries this is a belief which is held in strong belief but it seems to be such a painfully obvious thing, it is a very stupid idea, how could a star change how you act or predict the future. As an atheist, I know that the only thing that determines the future is what you do the moment before it happens. Why are so many of those Astrological claims so wide, why don't they single out things, this is because they are basically using a method called "Cold Reading" where the psychic or astrologist will make broad statements that you will then read and try and ft into your life in one way. It is human nature to want to believe so when we see something like our horoscope we will then try to fit it into our life in some weird way.
  23. The signatures are magnificently designed although I am not so sure about the X signatures, or the CS3 signature, it is to big and it could be a little less flamboyant with its blueness, I like blue, just not in excessive usage. The top two are definitely the best but they are all pretty good on my design scale, all you need to make sure of is trying to keep your designs clean and in a signature size.
  24. I use Adobe CS4 and Corel products regularly, my issue with Corel is its interface is just weird, I like Adobes interface much more. The functionality of all Adobe's programs is very high and you always get a high quality output. I am an Adobe man so it is definitely not an issue for me to say Adobe, but if you are low on money, definitely try out Corel, the output may not be great, but it will not burn a hole in your pocket like any of the Adobe Suites (reaching into the thousands). There are free programs out there, for Vectors there is Inkscape and for Raster you have GIMP, again the quality is worse, but they will leave you money in your wallet.
  25. I am sorry but it looks terrible. The whole layout is weird, the blue is bad on the eyes and the font is out of touch. Try making it smoother with a background that is a lot less complex, that will be a real bugger loading. The second design you presented was quite a bit better, try getting rid of the 3D header as it makes it look tacky and die down on the ultra blue, it gets pretty *BAM* on the eyes after a while. The buttons are good but the text on the side are pretty ridiculous, the background makes the design look "dirty". The third design is better than both before, it is well layed out, but the background is still a little annoying, you need to leave the gradient blue alone, it is sort of disgusting. The tabs need to have a smoother font on it and you need a nicer style of banner, just to make yourself identifiable out there in the big world of cyber space.
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