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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Also I noticed that he said it gets extremely slow on startup? so it usually works fine and all, but when booting up and loading Windows Vista it's getting slow and later works normally again? after a while? My friend had this kind of issue too, don't know how he solved it, but I guess on startup something is happening, maybe Windows defender or some other software is doing something? like checking for updates, scanning your computer or loading something you don't even know? maybe you put lots of programs on your startup?Or is Vista always slow? Whats you're computer specifications?On new computers with the right graphics card, I read that Aero theme runs much faster as it's using the graphics card and not CPU, also it's better to enable dragging of windows to show the contents, as it doesn't need to re-show the windows contents too, but it depends on the computer specs.. I think that it's better to use XP on a bit older computers as it's much resources friendly than Vista..
  2. Schools are usually blocking sites with a reason, unless it depends what they block, but usually they block useless stuff, don't you have what to do in school besides trying to browse somewhere? I would rather come home and use the Internet than in school, do my stuff at home and not in public, in school you can just browse some informational sites which aren't blocked?Why would you need to go and login to Trivian or some dating site or stuff at school? don't you want to just talk with your class mates or do something evil at school besides surfing pointless stuff?
  3. Well it's all funny and etc.But for example, can the reward be given to a person which lets say a situation like this:Imagine I made this worm, I drank beer with some guys, and somehow said that it was I who did this virus, some of those guys know me that I'm a pro hacker and because we live a same neighbourhood, lets say his wage is only 80$ a day and he saw the reward, don't you think hi may just say to some people that it was me and give my living place away to them just for 250 000$The only problem would be to prove that I did this? If I am a smart hacker I will leave all my traces never coming to me, the problem would be to sue me and to make me guilty, they will never manage to do that.
  4. For a free antivirus, I was recommended to use Avast, it's free if you're a home user and are using it only for personal reasons, like to protect your PC from different worms, Trojans and viruses which you usually get by using all those cracks and by opening other different exe files. I never used it, but my friend is using it for some time now and he said it's quite nice, here is a link to download it: https://www.avast.com/index
  5. Well, if talking about human evolution like a stop, it's over.. I doubt we reached the level and stopped evolving, as I remember reading, some parts in our body are still changing and with time may be gone naturally, only it will take some time.. Body parts which are useless for us, for example it's believed that we used to have a tail or something like that, our bone structure shows that? We have something like that in our back which is similar to the start of the tail, what is that bone called? in our rump.. Anyway it's believed to extinct and look much different in the future, I mean naturally..Furthermore, I don't know how that body part is called in English, maybe "sty" .. the red thing in our eye, near the nose is also believed to extinct, as we don't have any use of it too, there are people who are born without it even Today.When I said naturally, I also meant that it's believed, humans like a race will evolve artificially, I mean we might alter ourself with future technology.. for example to make our lungs similar to fish and then we could be able to live underwater, it's really possible, it just depends on time, I also read that 21 century might be the century of genetic engineering and such things when we will start altering ourself which absolutes the idea of evolution naturally, where 20th century is called the century of going to space, rocketry.
  6. The only strange thing is that when somebody says something about Israel, even though usually it's true, he is thought to hate Israel and be an antisemitic or something like that, but when somebody talks badly about Iran no one really cares as if they are terrorists, the media is controlling you people.. Iran is quite a country with customs and it is influenced a lot by lets say USA for oil and etc. it's 21 century, why can't a country launch a satellite?USA launches lots of satellites, other countries too, why don't you say that oh my God, they have so much satellites they can start WWIII, don't you think that some countries are more afraid of lets say USA which wants to control the world, not the USA and it's citizens, but the people behind it all.Personally I don't care to much, I can't do anything, but I know that empires fall, study history, you can't make everyone stupid, then you'll become stupid too.
  7. Well, I just wanted to add an article I read some time ago, but in different language, I seem to find it on google on English too, it's a conspiricy article, but in some way it explains some facts about the crisis, I will quote it here: original source: http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article6335.html
  8. Even though KDE4 looks nice for you it's not yet ready to be used normally.. Well maybe some people are using it, but I personally tried installing and using it with OpenSUSE, but moved back after several days to KDE 3.5 which is stable and better in my opinion. I hate some stuff there, if KDE will continue with such chosen path, Gnome might become my preferred desktop environment.Even though I'm not such a Linux user as I used to be years ago, now it's studies, job and most of the stuff usually is on Windows, because of time lack I can't enjoy Linux to much
  9. Congrats Saint Micheal, 7000 posts is really a lot, you managed to stay on one forum for over 4 years Hope these services will live another 4 years and even more
  10. I also disagree with this point, they shouldn't have disabled this feature for Firefox 2 users, maybe there is some logic about this, but still, I think an addon for Firefox 2 could be made for some alternative phishing sites list source, even though I use Opera, I still try to disable phishing, as I know where I am browsing, but for most other people, phising is really dangerous.
  11. i agree that most of people after finishing school after some time only remembers school with some kind of joy, because usually with time you tend to forget bad things happened to you and they are not so relevant anymore, maybe even becomes funny.. And in general it becomes a fun part of your live, same maybe with studying, people remember college, universities, because for most it's a lot of activity and not only study study study :DPersonally, I wouldn't like to go back to school, maybe for just one lecture, but I finished it some time ago and I'm happy I did.
  12. Well, personally I know some people who just can't swim, even though they tried to learn, but most of them is just afraid or does not know how to move their muscles and their body, it is maybe same as whistling, some people can't whistle, personally I can whistle in three different ways, two of them are quite silent, the third one is really load..One girl I know even tried to swim in a pool with some "teachers" (or how you call people who help you learn to swim for money English is not my mother tongue) she didn't manage to learn anything, she just drowns after a while, don't know why.. never thought to search for an answer why some people can swim and learn quite fast and why some can't..
  13. I think it's a good move for computers in general, for hardware lets say, because I always think that competition among something is much better than monopoly, you want to get profit, you'll need to work, where on monopoly if you want to get profit you can just raise the price of some products and don't do much of new things, or do it quite slowly.
  14. Good for them, they just took the money, shared it with each other and went bankrupt and said something really like "oh, oh, oh, our profit dropped, we don't get millions anymore we used to for doing almost nothing", it's not that they lost something, only small businesses which are closing is loosing something, all those biggest companies due to not getting such profit, close as if they don't have money to eat?After several years economics will go up again, maybe eliminating some bad stuff, even though I don't say that this crisis is good, it's really bad even for me, but I'm speaking from other end.
  15. if you lets say get a domain from Xisto and then get hosting on that domain and you'll have a functional server place which you could access with your domain name.. through your CPanel, which you'll be able to access through port :2082 because Xisto hosting is offering CPanel.. you will be able to create subdomains, and those subdomains will just be directories in your public_html directory where you'll be able to upload your needed blog files.
  16. I can swim and I quite enjoy it, because I don't live near the sea, yearly I try to go to the sea at least for some days, also I like to swim in lakes and rivers, swimming in rivers is quite strange, because I didn't swim in a lot of rivers.. I very like to use canoe or whatever you call them in English, here in my country rivers don't flow so fast as in some mountains in TV, but it's really great..I started to try swimming since ~9 I guess, before that I was afraid to go deeper and was near the coast and never went further than my neck, well when using a swimming wheel or something like that it's a different story.. But firstly I tried swimming like a dog, then a bit differently, maybe even like a frog and son on with time I learnt to swim quite well even though some of my friends swim faster than me, maybe it's because of their body structure or height, I don't know, but for me it's not hard to swim to another coast in a lake, lets say ~300 meters, just I don't like to race..I used to be afraid to jump into the water with my head down, always used to jump with my legs, but once I somehow found some courage and tried and it felt alright, from that time I really like jumping into a water, even with pirouette, but never backwards, it's really I think can be harmful.
  17. Sometimes profit drop isn't so bad, I agree with you all that this is because of the crisis and just because people have less money and don't want to spend it as they used to, but the problem with profit drop, is that really a lot of things before the crisis in the world was way overpriced, companies and etc. were having lots of profit because of big prices, making food cost 400% more than they getting is really "stupid", but people still buy, but when the profit drops when having such profits, they say oh now our profit is dropping most of such companies deserve this in my opinion, I always hated overpriced places, unless they do something good with their profit.It can't be that every year always the profit gets bigger and bigger, for example alcohol, alcohol companies sell more and more beer and etc., but when the country puts a law to not sell alcohol after 22h to 7h (10 PM to 7 AM) the companies says our profit is dropping blah blah, well, maybe before you had to much profit making drunk people buy alcohol at midnight with 3 times a bigger price.. and stuff.The economics that I rather sell beer for 4-6$ than 2-3$ and have the same profit and even more even though less people with buy it and I will need less beer to transport to my place, eh.. I hate overpriced things.On principle, I try to not buy foods and drinks in airports, airplanes, trains and trains stations, due to they cost 6 times more there not because I can't afford it, but usually because of principle.
  18. The trailer movie is fun, I always liked Duke nukem quotes, like "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick *bottom*... and I'm all out of bubblegum.", or lets say "blow off your *bottom*" which is really quotes from movie "They Live" 1988, a really great movie by John Carpenter. Also quote like "eat s*it and die" is really funny I used to play this game, but wasn't a real fan like others. Here is the link to IMDB of the movie "they Live" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096256/ Also here are some youtube videos for that famous quote: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. This is really hilarious, of course if it would be shown to some people who knows the difference between Linux and Windows, he might have laughed.I totally agree that for the past years, Linux or lets say KDE tried to look like Windows to make Windows users use it easier when switching OSes and Windows seems to take good features from Linux and Mac ans also is getting similar to Linux, I talked about this some time ago somewhere, in some way I hate it.
  20. Yes, by posting a little I got 1$, but still the problem is that because having negative myCents like -0.98$ to get 1$ into your balance, you need to post for 198 myCents..I also noticed that negative myCents appear after a while if you're inactive, I came back to Xisto forums to post a little and suddenly got negative from positive, but managed to get positive myCents again
  21. If you're using CPanel or PHPMyAdmin to create your DATABASE, when you simply create it and later create users with privileges you want to that database and then you connect to it, you use the user and password of the user and the database name..
  22. It's because of CPanel, for example when you create a database EMP, you'll get username_EMP if you do it through CPanel MySQL Databases.. through PHPMyAdmin you don't have the permission to create databases.. SO I think you only need to alter the .sql file be changing the name of CREATE DATABASE username_EMP ... to CREATE DATABASE EMP, even though I don't know exactly how you did the backup and etc. but CPanel should create it with username_EMP and username is the username of your account.
  23. I voted for NOD32, even though it's not free as some other anti virus software, but it really works when you configure it through the advanced options.. It never really failed, for example I know some office's where on one server they use NOD32 anti-virus software, which all computers are using, I think it's a network license, and it really is very safe there, no viruses and other stuff, and a lot of people who used NOD32 are really happy to living without viruses..Also, it depends of what you do with your computers, usually all the virus and spyware comes from cracks, keygens, warez and porno and stuff like that.. When you don't use such stuff, you usually don't have problems, unless through email or through servers, usb key, but most of anti-virus software deals with those.
  24. Well, you're really very wrong there in my opinion, of course it depends on how you want to live, but the main thing of learning is not to remember all the facts and know that in the year 1895 something happened, when you learn history you need to understand it, perception is what matters, by learning and studying you get intelligent, you think differently, you become mature, you see the world differently be knowledge, even basic one.. Of course some people don't like that and that, it's understandable and natural.. I personally never liked biology, I don't want to know lots of things about it, but from school I still know the main basic stuff, animals, human body, nature and so on. History makes you consciousness what's around you, geography makes you understand where you're standing.. Maths makes you think logically, analytically.. Same with physics, chemistry, programming.. The more you study if of course you're quite smart, the bigger your IQ gets, the easier later is for you to understand, imagine and do things in your head.. If you would like to live a live by working in Mc Donald's and talking about video games, beer, girls, ipods and etc. when I guess it's ok, as long as you're happy. Another example, you find some girl, community and you don't know the difference of Gothic, Romanticism, Baroque or something like that? Wouldn't you feel stupid? OF course maybe you just wouldn't hang out with that kind of guys I read some interesting articles, that in the future people could split to total idiots which will just work, eat, buy and entertain and to smart people who will always be to busy to have kids and will drop in numbers, but will be creating stuff for so called "idiots" Also, the fact remains, that even though people without learning to much Today is of course much more smarter than people like 80 years ago, because while browsing the net reading something you move your braincells and etc.
  25. I don't know what HD games mean or what you mean by it? XBOX? But as I know, for example, DOS games were written a little differently, by using sprites, lines, rectangles I guess.. pixels and images and maybe some other techniques.. To add about DirectX, well, I spoke only about the objects, but for example the usage of textures, is that you put 2D images on those objects/triangles, even though I am not a game developer or anything, maybe there are plenty of stuff more, but this is the basic things I guess.
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