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Running With Scissors

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Everything posted by Running With Scissors

  1. It has been a while since this topic has first been posted but since then there site still looks like crap and they haven't changed a thing from what you guys said when this thread was new. Oh wait no they updated the copywrite so now it lists out every year from 1998 to 2008 instead of just saying 1998-2008. Would anyone really buy hosting from a site that looks that bad? It looks like a three year old coded it. Plus we can get all that stuff but better here for free. I feel sorry for the people still searching for the perfect webhost because they have to look through crappy site after crappy site like bestwebhost.com
  2. You seem really excited about this new upgrade. I'll have to take a look at it, maybe wait until a stable version is done, and I might just have to buy it. It is going to take a lot for me to leave a perfectly good smf forums that are free and then pay money to get IPB but you seem like you think it's worth it so I'll keep a eye on it. About Xisto updating to IPB 3.0 I don't think we'll update for a long time after a stable verison is out because of all the work it takes to transfer the credits system version three over to another version of IPB.
  3. I know what you mean. I think the higher ups tell the rest of the staff what to pressure people into buying. I do like Best Buy though because I think they have more of a selection in most catagories. Heck yes. Black Friday plus closing Circuit City equals really good prices. I think I'll be buying some new electronic stuff haha. Hopefully those workers can work at the next company to buy the land/space from Circuit City. As of now its just those 150 but if their stock doesn't turn around soon I have a feeling a lot more of them are going to start closing to pay for their loses.
  4. People have asked about that minimum amount you can add before and the admins seem pretty convinced that that isn't going to change or at least not by much. I forget the reasons they gave but I too would like the minimum to be lowered because I don't think I'll ever put in more than 25 dollars at a time. I would do it more as a "I'm going to be on vacation so I need to buy a months worth of credits" type thing. Like bk2070 said they see it when they click the whois button but as long as you have the ID protection they can't see your information which is typically a good thing. I asked someone if there was any down side to having it and they said the only down side would be if you are selling your domain name someone might have more troblem trying to contact you. The way I see it you should always get ID protection and here they give it away for free. Perfectly said. They were number one in my books before this and yet they just keep getting better and better. Same here. I have been working towards getting a top level domain since the new myCent thing came out. Before I would have never been able to get a top level domain because reaching 280 credits is one thing but reaching 280 credits while losing one credit a day to hosting is another. But on this new MyCent thing it is so easy to get a top level domain name it blows my mind. Simply put Xisto rocks.
  5. Yes the ID-protection doesn't let them see your information but I never heard the part about them give xisto information instead.
  6. I feel bad for all those workers that lose there job and right before the holidays too. Like Saint_Michael said their stock was really low for a while and I thought someone like BestBuy was going to buy up all the Circuit City stock. Over where I live it's all BestBuys anyway. I hope this whole big companies going under thing isn't going to get any worse but I have a feeling it's just getting started.
  7. Sorry I worded that badly. I mean what do we name the nameserver? You said that if left blank it will be ns.computinghost.com or ns2.computinghost.com so do we name it the same as the domain name or what?
  8. How it going in Australia? Normally people give a little more of a introduction when they join. Maybe you could tell us about your self.
  9. Ok but when I go to buy my domain name what am I supose to name it? My computers IP adress? My sites name? Does it matter? What do people normally do?
  10. Welcome to Xisto Vyoma! I too am a Xisto convert like yourself and yes Xisto is a lot bigger or at least more active. If your going to be posting make sure to read up on the announcements and stuff just to get a feel for whats going on. If you have any questions about Xisto don't be afraid to ask.
  11. Hello jobfreeworld. Welcome to Xisto. Like Bluebear said it would be nice to know more about you because your introduction was kind of short. Anyways I know you'll love the hosting here and the community is amazing. Currently we are switching credit systems so if you have any questions about that just ask. Also be sure to read the announcements because they'll save you some time getting to know the place inside and out.
  12. Welcome Ruben to Xisto. I liked your introduction you wrote there. We are all glad you are here and I'm sure you'll love Xisto. It is by far the best free host I have ever been to and trust me I have been to a ton of free hosts. Right now we are ungoing a change in the way you get free hosting so be sure to read the announcements and such to get you up to speed. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask. Welcome aboard
  13. lol I guess that would work too. I have never tried it but it looks like it could be a decent form of working out. I prefer running outside because of the wind and the hills and such make it harder hence burn more fat (or for me get faster). A tredmill works too but I personally hate them because I think my stride is too bug and it forces me to shorten it or fall of the back. I have been told before that running on the tredmill does have all the effect as running outside does and it makes sence. Onside you must push yourself forward with every step but on the tredmill all you do is pick up your feet and put them in front of you (no forward push off). In the begining the tredmill should be fine but I think you'll find running outside more enjoyable because there is more to see. Maybe if the gym is in a reasonable distance you could bike there and back. I like running during the middle of the day in the winter and around the time you said in the summer or sometimes 7pm. Running does help your immune system in the long run but during a hard workout your defence levels are low.
  14. Since when did the FOOD pyramid have WATER in it lol. Good stuff about what to eat how much a day. I really don't eat that healthy and the only reason I am not over weight is because I do so many sports.
  15. Before if you asked me what cancer was I would probably say a rapid growth of cells and that there was no full proof way to stop it although there are some treatments but they are not sure to work.Now if someone asked me I would talk about the different kinds and describe the pictures you posted and make myself look like a real know it all.
  16. I haven't heard a date yet but I think they want to give those people that post a bunch in one month and then leave for a while because they have enough credits to do so and then come back when they get low on credits time to come here and see that we are changing systems so they have time to change. Thats just my guess eirther that or they just want to make sure this new myCent thing works before deleting the old system. Question: The posts above have got me kind of confused. If you buy a top level domain and hosting at the same time from Xisto - Support do you need to park that domain in your cpanel then? If not when do you have to park your domain? I never parked a domain before and the posts above made me feel like I am suppose to.
  17. So we do use the new option called myCent to pay now. I have been wondering that because I remember we were supose to use the paypal thing but I guess that was before this new button was made.I know this might be a noob question but what is a nameservers and whats the advanage of naming it what you like?Everything else seems simple and this new myCent thing is so awesome.
  18. By selecting the palpal option it takes your credits first and before a couple days ago you had pick this option. So by clicking paypal you don't have to pay if you have the credits in your xisto account. Now there are two options that seem possible to be right and you and Saint_Michael seem to disagree so I guess I'll wait for a admin/mod answer (not that I need to know right now any ways I was just curious).If you read this it still says to chose the paypal method: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/61751-free-web-hosting-free-trap17asta-subdomain-hosting-procedure-how-to-order-yournametrap17com-or-yournameastahostcom/ Maybe they just didn't update it yet or maybe they still want us to use the paypal button. I know that but to be honest I don't even have a paypal account. I use my parents when I need to (ebay). Then whats the new credits button for? It wasn't there a few days ago. Maybe there still testing it out because on the thread that tells us how to get hosting it still tells us to chose paypal like you said.
  19. No I do not use Imagefilez because I never heard of them until I joined Xisto/Xisto. I use photobucket.com but I think I'll get a account on Imagefiles to compare the two and deside which one suits me better and pick one. The reason I use photobucket is because its big and way back when, I ask so person how they posted pitures in there posts and they told me about photobucket and I have been using them ever since. I'm going to go check out Imagefiles right now and I'll edit my post once I deside to switch or not.
  20. I have bitdefender and thats all I have ever used so I don't know how good it is because I have nothing to compare it to. I really don't have any problems with it. I had my laptop for three years and I had three viruses that I couldn't fix my self. All of these were my fault because I download stuff from sites that I can just look at and know they are going to give my computer a virus but I go ahead and download whatever it is I was downloading any way. Other than all the my fault viruses I think bitdefender does and good job and doesn't take up that much space on my computer.
  21. Note to self don't go to Bluebear's house.Any way I am forced to go trick or treating because my parents don't want to take my brothers around so lucky me gets stuck having to walk them around. I use to not mind but it seems every year the candy gets smaller and smaller. I swear a few years ago I remember people giving out full candy bars and now they give out these microscopic pieces of candy. What makes it worse is I broke my ankle a month ago and because of cross country it hasn't got that much better so it makes walking from door to door even worse.To all others that are going have fun and be carefull. There's some weird people out there. Any ways Happy Halloween to everyone here at Xisto.Edit: YES! My mom is taking my brothers out for Halloween so I don't have to. I can just steal their candy later any way and this way I don't have to farther injury my broken ankle.
  22. You're welcome encryptedwrath. Now that the option to chose myCent as a payment do we chose that or are we still using the paypal button like the one thread tells us to?
  23. If it lasted longer than two years I wouldn't worry about it. Everything breaks sooner or later. I don't think it was a production failure if it lasted as long as it did unless you rarely used it during those two plus years. I feel sorry for you that it broke right after the warranty ended.
  24. Not everyones IP changes. I pretty sure my IP hasn't changed since I got my computer. I know what your talking about though because on one of the forums I admin when I try to IP bann someone there IP changes so I have to keep rebanning them or use a wild card (*). +1 I agree. If your your site gets boring after a while there is no point in the site. So to keep it not boring update the site often to keep the members coming back to see whats new.
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