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Running With Scissors

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Everything posted by Running With Scissors

  1. No I don't think I will ever sell my site nor will anyone want to buy the piece of junk I call a website lol In that case, if thats the only negative, I think I'll use the ID protection.
  2. It takes some time before you get myCents for your post. If you stop posting right now and come back in a hour or two you will notice that you'll have all you're myCents that you got by posting now. Or maybe you'll come back in a hour and notice that you have one more dollar in your Xisto - Support account and not many myCent points. Eirther way you'll get credit for the stuff you'll posting now it's just that the whole myCent thing is on a delay. Hope that helps.
  3. Thanks delivi Thats a good list of web developer websites. If I think of any or find any that aren't on the list I'll post them here.
  4. I guess you could be addicted to sports but what you call addiction I call dedication and hard work. I run year round to stay in shape for cross country and track. I don't know about you but I pretty sure when you were in high school (or if you are right now) if some one told you to run 6 miles every single day for as long as you were in high school you would laugh at there face. I do this and I think it's more dediction, and the fact that I want to be as fast as possible, then addiction. I don't know where the line between dediction ends and addiction start but I don't think I crossed it. I do know people that have crossed the line which is why I believe it is possible to be addicted to sports.
  5. I wouldn't say I'm a chocolate addict but I do love chocolate. I like Crunch bars and any kind of plain chocolate like Hershey Kisses and those new things I think are called kissables. Oh, and of course the Hershey Chocolate Bar and M&Ms. My all time favorite would have to be the giant chocolate rabbits that are sold around Easter I love those things so much.
  6. What are you talking about? Do you know how easy it is to find out someones IP address? Just having someones IP address means nothing. Also if a "experienced hacker" is hacking your computer your computer has no chance even with the firewall on. I don't mean to mean just practical.
  7. Well I'm glad they changed that because it would have sucked having to buy the 5 mysql package even though you only need one. When was this changed because I don't remember it ever being that way but then again I only learned about myCent and Xisto - Support a week ago when they announced it on Xisto before I had a account here.
  8. Well yeah it's just for fun but they take it seriously at the same time. I'm not going to put anyones signature until I decide who I'm going vote for. Both sides seem even in my eyes so far.
  9. If it counts all the credits he ever made (all 220+ posts) like you said, those credits would be enough that those negative wouldn't make much of a impact on how much he gets to his Xisto - Support account. Don't worry A200 if you have a myCent next to your name (which you do) your xisto account and your Xisto are connected.
  10. At Mordent: You are know part of the myCent system. You have 45.34 myCents at this time. Like jlhaslip said it was because you were under 5 posts at the time. It could have been, I don't remember but it still a really good deal for us. Eirther way its free we just have to post a bit more. 2 dollars a month is easy to do.
  11. It's basically the same exact site but less active and a lot of the subforums don't count towards your post count. I still like it over there but it's a bit harder to post enough to host your website. No the order you sign up doesn't matter. You now have myCent over here as well. You need to have at least five posts and this post was your fifth so 4-5 hours after this post the system went and gave you myCent.
  12. Are you referring to the title where it says "new" wonder of the world? It says new not because they are changing but because there are also 7 ancient wonder of the world along with 7 natural wonders of the world.
  13. Fight, fight, fight... I never knew you guys took this so serious lol.
  14. Haha I know it looks like it was taken out of a video game. Good facts though I didn't even know that the Statue of Christ the Redeemer was a Wonder of the World.
  15. Glad to see you made a Xisto account. I posted at Xisto for a few months before I came over here. I really didn't start posting that often until just recently when the new myCent system was first introduced. I have other forums that I use to post on but I learn a lot from Xisto/Xisto so I figured the more I post here, the more I learn, the better my website will be.
  16. Instead of going to the gym (or if you have the time to do both great) try running every day or every other day. If you don't think you can do that try a walk to run program like this Click Here Running burns a lot more carbs then going to the gym does. I know that it can be hard to gather the motivation to run outside during the winter so get a friend to do it with you. If you do this walk to run program I gave you the weight will fall off you in no time. Just make sure to maintain a heathly diet along with the program. I hope this helps. If you have any questions just ask.
  17. I live in Pennsylvania so I get a good bit of snow but not too much because I live in the southern half of Pennsylvania. I heard somewhere that it was snowing in the northern half of Pennsylvania today which is the same system that would have brought you snow Echo of thunder. And to answer your question no I don't remember the first time I saw snow because I was probably to little to remember.
  18. That exactly how I feel. I liked Xisto and all but I felt like posting was boring and was just doing it because I had to to keep my free hosting. Now you get money (kinda) and I can post here at Xisto and at Xisto. Now I post because I want to not because I have to and that makes it a lot more enjoyable.
  19. Yes you can. Just make sure to use the same email address when making a account over there that you did when making your Xisto - Support account. The myCent number won't be the same but they both get transfered into the same xisto account when you get over 100 myCent on eirther one and the system runs.
  20. I run a lot of 5ks because that the length of a highschool cross country race. I do a lot of road races as well. I am in a racing series right now that has 5k to 10 mile races and I have a big enough lead that I only have to jog the last race to win the series which is five miles long and I probably will jog it because I hurt my ankle a month ago but desided to finish out the cross country season anyway and now I'm paying for that choice. If you have been running 40 miles per week for a year it's definatly time to start increasing. Just make sure you don't jump into it to quick or you might find your self injuried in a few weeks/months. Increasing slowly is key. I figured that it was during base that you achieved such a high miles per week total. I'm hoping to reach about 70 miles per week next summer and about 45 this winter. I don't think I'll have time to get much higher this winter because of my ankle injury and the fact that I like to build my miles per week slowly to decrease the chance of getting hurt. During the spring I won't get high milage because of track demading a lot of speed work. I googled Jeff Galloway but most of the things were walk to run programs. I know what you're talking about though because he some times writes articals for Runner's World magazine which I get monthly. Do you every think about starting up running again?
  21. I guess I'll be the first to leave a comment in my comment box.

  22. Every row has to have one through nine, every box has to have one through nine, every column has to have one through nine. That means that every box, row, and column can only have one of each number. If you really want to learn I can go in to detail if you want.
  23. I noticed that a lot of companies and stuff use it to fill in space but I just thought it was random and never noticed it was the same everywhere. Learn something new at Xisto every day. I think from now on when ever someone says something and I can't understand them I'll say "Lorem Ipsum" to see what there reaction is.
  24. Oh, do you mean the Ideal Plan? I thought he meant the Logic Plan's price went up and I looked and it didn't. I'm not sure if the Ideal Plan went up because I don't know what it was before.
  25. If any one here watch the mythbuster epidsode about Cell Phone Vs. Drunk Driving you'll know that driving with a cell phone is really dangerous and should be against the law. In that epidsode it proved that people did driving tests worse when on the cell phone then compared to when they are drunk. Thats scary. If driving drunk isn't allowed neither should driving while talking on a cell phone or anything like that. As a runner that runs on the side of roads I see a lot of people texting and they don't pay attention and sometimes they would hit me if I wasn't looking. I run on the other side of the white line so if I got hit it's there fault. This is the reason I run against traffic, so I can see it coming.
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