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Running With Scissors

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Everything posted by Running With Scissors

  1. My mom bought the orginal Sims way back when it came out and I was going to play it but I couldn't find the disk because it wasn't in the box. So I have never played a Sims game. If I go out and buy one which one do you guys recomend? I know there are some out for the ds but I bet they suck compared to the pc versions. Is is coming out for the Wii?
  2. I wonder why they gave you a link that doesn't work with your username and password. The link to cpanel is almost always yourdomain.tdl/cpanel. Oh well it's all good now. How are you liking Xisto so far HappyHippie?
  3. It's very simple. [note=Moderator] Type the text you want to be in the box here [/note] For the future if you would have quoted my orginal post you would have seen the bbcode I used to do that.
  4. Coffins are a rip off. Seriously they're dead I don't think they care if it's a good coffin or not. It costs enough money as is for someone to come dig a hole. Personally I would rather have a cheap coffin and a cool looking gravestone because thats the part people see.
  5. Yeah it does look very default-ish. I just can't piture any other color but blue. I would like a different theme but they have so many mods on this forum that it wouldn't work out right.
  6. What ever it says in the email should be how you get in. Did you try using your account name and password from here or your password you use to login in to Xisto - Support.com? If none of this works and no one else posts here with a reason why this is happening you should take out a support ticket at Xisto - Support.
  7. Helle 1ngame. Looks like your long search for good hosting is offically done. Xisto is a great community and it isn't hard at all to get the credits or now myCent you need to keep your site hosted and like you said if you can't post you can just use paypal. To get up to date on the new myCent thing be sure to read the annoucements and don't be afraid to post questions if you have any. One thing about Xisto is that everyone is willing to help out if someone needs it.
  8. Why have you desided that? You have a shot at myCent (maybe) if you win and all you do is continue posting as usual? Whats there to lose?
  9. I also think a chat room would be a great idea and I'm sure there are mods out there that would allow us to use are user names from here on the chat. The only problem I see is that if it is connected to the forums it could slow the site down.
  10. I think its a bad idea. If the person that made this thread had the ability to close their own topics they probably would have close this topic long ago and the last four of us wouldn't have gotten to give our input on the topic at hand.
  11. I agree. I think the admins and mods do a great job at their job. Questions get answered really quickly here and they do the best they can to solve any problems. I give them all a virtual high five for a job well done.
  12. At that time I don't think there was (this is a old thread) but as the site got older the members post counts got higher and new member levels were made to go with it. At least thats what I would imagine happened. Eirther that or they didn't know about the other levels because no one at that time has reached them.
  13. Why do you want to change the colors? I hate dark forums so if the admins deside to change it please don't make it black. I think we should stick with blue.
  14. I think there was a ad on forumotions support forum. If not there was a ad for some place that offered free cpanel and I was interested and I think I might of search free cpanel on google or something and Xisto came up and then I found Xisto from Xisto. I'm not sure if this was the way I found it because at that time I was looking through so many free web hosts that I get them all mixed up but once I found Xisto/Xisto I knew my search has ended. Well acually at first I though it was too good to be true and there was some catch like all the other "free" hosts I came to before but sure enough there was no catch and I'm still here today.
  15. Some it's google earth but underwater? That sounds cool and the pictures look great as well. To answer your question about what can google do next maybe google earth will leave earth and allow you to look through space. That would be hard to do but it would be very cool.If you hear of any updates on this subject be sure to tell us ihost.
  16. I'm guessing that you still want to be popular and nothing I or anyone else on this forum can change that. First off don't drop the friends you have now. Being truely popular doesn't mean hanging out with the cool kids but making friends will all social groups at your school. You can't make people like you but you can become a person that people like and this is how to become that person.Don't be a wimp- Do sports and work out. Doing sports will help you become a fitter more athletic person and give you more time to soicalize with people and gain more friends. If you truly suck at a sport stay away from it because that will make you less popular. Hit the gym a few times a week and take some protein powter before, during, and after to get the full benifits. I would also recomend running a few miles every day to keep you in top shape and help you look better in the sports you choose to do. The sports I recomend are- Football in the fall, wrestling in the winter, and track in the spring.Look cool- Hoister and other stores like that are great one stop shops for good clothes. Other store would be aeropostal (but I think their clothing falls apart and don't last long) and American Eagle ( but that is kinda going out of style). Just stay in with the trends and you'll be fine in this category. Get some cool shoes I would tell you what kind but that varies from school to school.Look clean- Shower every day or maybe twice if you do a sport that makes you sweat. Shower in the morning before you go to school not the night before. Long hair goes in and out of style but short hair is always in- get a hair cut. Brush your teeth 2-3 times a day and go to the dentist every six months.Be confident- If you act confident people will notice and respect you for it. This does not mean be cocky. There is a fine line between cocky and confident DON'T cross it. Never walk with your head down. Just don't act like you run the school or you'll get beat up (and thats not cool).Talk- Now this doesn't mean nonstop because thats annoying as h*ll, I'm just saying you need to start conversations and get to know everyone individually.Parties- Go to them. If your house is big throw a party. Make sure the whole school knows and act like its going to be the biggest thing every. Make sure you know a lot of people are coming or it will end up being a party of less then 10 and thats not cool. Big parties or nothing. Parties and inviting a few friend over is completly different because if they know its only going to be a few people they'll be fine with that.Hang out- Go to peoples houses and have them over to yours. Hanging out after school creates bonds that you can't make during school hours.Stuff that helps but isn't necessary- Cool car, cool phone like a iphone, having money (hopfully you worked over the summer)Side note: Drugs and underage drinking isn't cool. Smoking just gives you bad breath.Hope this helps.
  17. Haha. That wasn't directed at any one here it was just a generalization. Do you quote your posts so they don't count as spam since it was only one line?At Galexcd: If the contest was still going what place would I have got?
  18. Treating burns with butter lol? I never heard that one before. Good tips by the way. I'll try to keep these in mind if any of that stuff happens to me or someone I know.
  19. Like pyost said you can't build a site just by using cpanel. You can however use it to download stuff to help you build your site. An example of this would be fantastico. Fantastico has tons of scripts to download for you like joomla and mambo which basically those two things build the site for you. There is also some templates that you can download to help jump start you to building a site. All these things are great but if you want to build your site from ground up you need to write the html outside of cpanel and then upload it. If you have any questions about how to do any of that stuff just ask. Hope this helps you out.
  20. I know the giveaway is over but this sounded fun so I'd thought I'd give it a try. 1. The new member Hi I'm George and I was wondering what are credits and how do I get the free hosting? Thank in advance. 2. The younger member Yo watz up. I waz lik wondering iF you could host my facebook if I post here like a lotz maybe once a month or something oh and I also want to make a site with a list of the people I hate you know like my parents and teachers and the people that make me puke and lieks maybe I could throw up some vidz of me and my hommiez sk8 tricks and junk yo. 3. The SPAMMER True, very true. 4. The grammatically confused member Hey I was wonder credits and stuff? Like how with the stuff and getting. You know what I mean right? 5. The Moderator Notice from Moderator: I'm hijacking this post with my big gray box because I'm cool
  21. I think the Wii is the best console out of all the Nintendo consoles. There are a few reasons for me thinking that but the main reason is that the mulitplayer on the Wii is far better than any of the other Nintendo systems and I believe this is the first Nintendo console system to have online mulitplayer. The motion controllers are great and another reason for ranking the Wii over the other Nintendo consoles. Also if you like the older Nintendo system's games you can just buy them using wii points and download them to your Wii to make your very own arcade.The best Nintendo handheld in my opinion would have to be the DS lite. All the previous Nintendo handhelds you can't see well besides maybe the sp and the micro but those are just gameboy advances that are redone. The games are a good bit bigger in the ds then in all the other handhelds. The biggest reason for me saying that the DS is the best is the wifi features. The wif allows you to play agaist people from around the world and that makes it leaps and bounds better then the other Nintendo handhelds. All the other handhelds graphics are so bad they annoy me and the ds has good enough graphics that it doesn't.Sparknotes: Wii and DS are the best in my opinion.
  22. Why would I pay for some thing that I can get free else where? I think google earth is cool but I hardly ever use it so there is no way I would pay for that. I use google as a search enginge more than any other search engine but if I had to pay that would change real fast because I can go else where to get the same thing but for free like yahoo and ask. I was thinking about starting to use google's ad thing but if they started asking for money to use it I wouldn't even think about using it. Google offers a lot of stuff that makes it the number one search engine but if they start making it cost money they will no longer be number one because no one want to pay for stuff they can get some where else for free. Although if every search enging started making you pay five dollars I would stay will google because they have a lot of features that I love and they are the only place I know of that has all those features in one place and it's all free. So to wrap it all up Google is my favorite search engine but as long as some other place is free I would never pay to use google.
  23. What is the point then? That guy must not have a life if he spends his time making multiple accounts just so he can win a contest that has no reward. I try to remember to remind you because we don't want that to happen again. What kind of poll do you use that blocks IPs after they vote because I could use that for my website that I'm making? Wow you guys made a site just for these awards! You guys really get into it. Nice signature by the way it looks really professional.
  24. I hate songs that repeat the same thing over and over again. Here is a example-- Akon-Right Now: I wanna make up right na na na I wanna make up right na na na wish we never broke up right na na na we need to link up right na na na I wanna make up right na na na I wanna make up right na na na wish we never broke up right na na na we need to link up right na na na I like the beat and everything but it repeats the same thing over and over so it gets old real fast.
  25. I agree with that and disagree at the same time. Like you said at the end they deserve the awards because they have been here the longest and do a lot to make the forum a better place but on the other hand 90% of the awards are going to go to them which leaves out the rest of the community. I think we should just stick with the normal voting thing though. If someone is willing to do that to cheat they are pathetic. If they do the mods and admins can see if they are using the same ip address unless they use a proxy.
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