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Running With Scissors

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Everything posted by Running With Scissors

  1. I don't think I ever heard how april fools started so thank you for enlighting me lol
  2. Thanks for that. My site is new and those should help a good bit. To the guy above me: So far all of them that I did (I only did 5) were free or had a free version. And this link http://www.d911.net/ is now longer what it was I'm guessing.
  3. I belive the Sega Genesis was my first system. I remember the Sega channel. Man that was awesome. So many games to chose from. I remember the day they ended the Sega Channel because I was soooo mad. Great system. I still have it but I don't think it works.
  4. I have a motorola razr. I think its the third verison of it but I'm not sure. It does what I need it too. If I did have a iphone or something like that it would be great but I don't really need it. All I need is unlimited texting and I'm good to go.
  5. Wow that pretty sweet but I don't think we'll be seeing them on the average joe's driveway for a long time. I really don't see the point because anyone with the money to buy one of them has enough money to buy a private jet and a really nice sports car. But still its awesome to see that they're still moving towards the furture of the car.
  6. Everyone is different but some main ones are 1.If they laugh at things that aren't funny when you say them. 2.They smile when they talk to you. 3.Some play with there hair while talking to you. There are tons of other things and if they don't do those things it doesn't mean they don't like you because everyone has a different way of showing someone they like you. Hope this helps.
  7. If she goes out of her way to be with you she's for real but if she only talks to you when you have something she wants then your getting played and she isn't very good at hiding it.
  8. The psp is definatly better graphic wise but I find the ds very enjoyable and the touch screen makes for some very cool games.
  9. I can see the mycent under your avatar now so no worries. Welcome to Xisto andreip! You have alread did most of the stuff I tell new members so theres not too much I can say but enjoy your stay here at Xisto.
  10. Hello Draxx. Hows the weather in Romania haha? If your here for the free hosting that Xisto provides sign up for mycents here https://support.xisto.com/ Xisto is a amazing community with tons of great members that will help you out when you need it.
  11. Hello Aryan and welcome to Xisto. We have a great community here and I hope you stick around. If you here for free hosting sign up for mycents at https://support.xisto.com/ You didn't give us much info about you. What are some of your hobbies? Why are you here? Just so we know a bit about you.
  12. Hello One01 even though you've been here a while lol. I haven't been on the Dating And Relationships sub forum for a while so I might just have to reply to some of those threads. Since you've been here a while you probably know all about the mycent system but you still haven't signed up as I can see so if you want to get mycent sign up here https://support.xisto.com/ using the same email you used to make a account here. Hope you enjoy your stay here at Xisto =)
  13. Welcome to Xisto jackjames! Don't worry about being a newbie because were all were at one time. First off if you are here for hosting (if your not thats cool too) you need to sign up for mycents. You do this by going to https://support.xisto.com/ and signing up using the same email that you used to sign up on this forum. For all the details on that go to http://forums.xisto.com/topic/61751-free-web-hosting-free-trap17asta-subdomain-hosting-procedure-how-to-order-yournametrap17com-or-yournameastahostcom/ What type of stuff do you cook? Whats your blog's url? Don't use referral links though (I see that jlhaslip already caught you for that).
  14. Hello hondauser85!!Xisto is using a credit system that you need to sign up for but don't worry its free. Go read the pinned topics about credits to learn more. All you have to do is sign up and start posting and you'll get credits which turn into earning which can be used for getting hosting and stuff. Finding a place to post isn't difficult at all here because there is so many places to post and so many members. I hope you enjoy you stay here at this wonderful community called Xisto and don't forget to sign up for the new version three credits system.
  15. Hello stefan_pavikevik or stefan for short Xisto is a great community an I hope you enjoy it here. The hosting is great and everyone fits in perfectly. If you have any questions just ask. Be sure to read the pinned topics like "All you need to know about Credits" and stuff like that.
  16. Hello mas_fey and welcome to Xisto. I haven't been here at Xisto for too long but in this time I have learned a lot so I'm sure you will to.
  17. 4-5 months! Yeah right. You just need to slowly work your way up and you may be sore for a few weeks tops. Don't just one day deside to run a 12 km run. Run short stuff first and after your not sore from that go farther and when your not sore after doing those go farther and keep working your way up. Running to much to soon is a great way to get hurt which if you do other sports is definatly not a good thing.
  18. At jlhaslip: I looked at that but it seems way to basic and easy. It would be good for a new runner or a old runner getting back into it but its not the best way to get you in shape and run to the best of your ability.At y4nzi: How can you swim a 5k for fun! We do 1650's during swim practice some times and they are soooo boring.
  19. I thought I saw him post over at AEF. Sorry I didn't know this was already talked about. I'm still leaning towards SMF but I'll mess around with this a bit first. Thanks. I just downloaded it on my site. Do you know if there is anything like tinyportal for this forum software because I really like tinyportal and don't want to switch from smf unless they have something close to it. Yeah I'm messing around with it and it does look really nice which is one of SMF's weak points (I use smf now). I'll go mess around with the admin panel now. A built in shoutbox is a big plus. Have you ever tried SMF? If so how does it compare? It looks better but smf community is much bigger and kind of makes me want to stay with them. I'll give it a shot though.
  20. What I said was a rough outline of what you could do you can change it to make it fit you. If you can't run for 30 minutes thats fine but keep working at it and work your way up. I could take a while but it is worth the wait. What do you mean by that? Do you mean you don't have time to run or that you don't have a place to run maybe because you live in a city or something? If your new to the sport start off slow and easy and just work your way up. If you want me to tell you what you could do I need to know more about you. Like how old are you? Are you in good shape? Did you run in highschool? What can you run the mile in? How far do you think you could run before you get so tired you can't run any farther?Once I know the answers to these I can put together a example of a a typical week of workouts that you could do. On of my xc team mates does dance and he thinks it helps his running by working things that aren't normally worked while running. This works the other way around too.
  21. Welcome to Xisto G0pher12. If you could tell us a bit more about yourself we would all like that. Any way welcome to the best free host ever. Posting on a forum for professional hosting, can it get any better? To do that you first need to sign up here https://support.xisto.com/index.php using the same email adress you use here. Then after 5 post it should kick it and you'll have free hosting in no time. Make sure to read the pinned topic and not post spam (one liners and stuff). If you have any questions the great members of the forum will answer them for you. I hope you like it here and stay for a while.
  22. Hello linkadrip and welcome to the last free host you'll ever need. Xisto is the greatest free host I ever found and the support here is awesome. The members are great and you'll have a good time here. Just make sure to follow the rules like no spamming the site with one liners and stuff like that. Read the announcements to keep you updated on the latest news. I see you have your myCent up and working so no need to talk about that. If you have any questions just ask. I hope you like it here and deside to stay.
  23. Like bluebear said it is nice to know a bit more about a person like what they do, where they live (general area not exact). It's just nice to know. To get started on your way to free hosting you need to sign up at https://support.xisto.com/index.php and use the same email there as you do here. If you have any questions that the announcements didn't answer just ask. The members here are great and answer your questions to the best of their knowledge. Hopefully you'll become a good part of the forum and get the hosting you were looking for. Anyway welcome to Xisto nebari and enjoy your stay.
  24. You sound like you could be a good addition to our forums websey. Welcome to Xisto. If your looking for good hosting you found it. Short posts are spam here but it looks like you won't have a problem with that, your good, long, informative introduction tells me so. Be sure to read the pinned topics and get to know the place. If you need help just ask but seeings that you already have your myCent account up and working you seem to be on your way. Enjoy your stay at Xisto.
  25. Hello leeindia/Arun and welcome to the best free host ever, Xisto. Make sure to read all the important topics and get to know your stuff. I'm sure you'll like it here because this is a great host and Xisto is full of very good members and you are now one other them. Welcome aboard.
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