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Running With Scissors

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Everything posted by Running With Scissors

  1. Depends on the teeth whitener but I wouldn't use them because a lot of them don't solve the problem they just cover it up. If your gums bleed every time you brush your teeth you definatly should go see a dentist. Change your toothbrush and toothpaste while your at it. Have you gone to the dentist since this problem started 10 years ago? Have your gum been bleeding like that for ten years or are you just talking about the black stuff?
  2. The best way in my opinion to lose weight is to run. I'm a runner but I don run to lose weight I run to stay fast and to stay in shape for other sports but I do know that I eat basically everything I want at anytime that I want and I stay the same weight (I really don't have much fat to spare) and I know if I was fat I wouldn't be for long if I continued running. So if you are looking for the best way to lose weight running is it.Tips for a begining runner.1. Run outside not on a treadmill. Why? Because when you run outside if you want to quit you have to at least walk back home. On the other hand when you are on a treadmill you can just stop.2. Run with a partner to keep you company. Also your much more likely to go running if you know someone is waiting on you.3. Buy a bunch of running stuff (shoes, clothes,ect.) that way you are forced to run or let that stuff go to waste.4. Reward your self for every so many miles you run.
  3. Doing pushups alone is not enough to keep you in good shape so to stay in shape for xc, swimming, and track (which are the sports I do) I do this stuff every night:40 push ups.100 crunches.1 mintue 30 seconds of leg lifts also known as six inches.Sit on my balence point and do 25 chest passes.Sit on my bance point and do 25 side passes to each side.Planks and side planks for a minute each (I don't do this one every night cause it take to long)Then some common runners injury prevention stuff.Doing all this keeps me inshape for all the sports I do. If you don't know what the heck some of the stuff I do is just tell me and I'll give you a link to a website that will explain it.
  4. I heard the drink water before you have a snack one before. I don't know how you could confuse thirst and hunger but apearently you can because I heard that from a few sources. Like ethanw89 said you can eat a lot of food and still lose weight, it just has to be the right kind of food. Like fruits instead of cake. Personally I love fruit and think it tastes better than cake.
  5. I would so far rate trap 17 a 10/10. Some people might not like posting but like rpqsearcherz said I learn a lot of stuff by posting here. Just listening to peoples website problems and other members telling them how to solve it teaches me a lot. The community here at Xisto is great. Everyone seems to like helping others out which is great. The hosting is great to, I mean, come on we get what others pay for just by posting. The features here are amazing. When I was looking for a host for my website I wanted to find a host with cpanel and thats just one of the features that Xisto gives away free. It's also very easy to get host here and it's very user friendly. I also love the fact that now under the new myCent system we can get good damain names and also that we can post on both Xisto and Xisto and get both credits counted towards the total xisto earned amount. I'm sure there are tons of other reasons why Xisto gets a perfect 10/10 in my book but the list is too long to type (which is a good thing).
  6. As long as you have enough myCent to pay for it using you Xisto - Support account. With this new credit system you can buy anything that Xisto - Support allows you to buy and they allow you to buy domain names. So provided you have enough myCent converted into earnings on xisto yes you should still be able to get a domain name just in a different way.
  7. I think my eyes are 20/20 but I am still pretty young so I have plenty of time to screw that up.
  8. Exactly what I was thinking. Now that we are using myCents instead of credits you can get a free domain just by posting here. So to answer the topic starts question Xisto is now the best free domain because you can even get yourdomain.com just by posting here.
  9. You trained 120 miles per week for 1mile-10k. Thats insane. I'm nowhere near that mark. I'm not running right now because I hurt my ankle but once I start running again I hope to work up to around 40-45 miles per week before track starts.
  10. Hello clivec. I think I get what you're say. You want to create a site where creators talk about there new technology and you also want to attract people who would invest in such things there as well. Is that right? How are you planing on doing that?
  11. Joomla is a great CMS. It was basically a spin off of Mambo. I have used both in the past and will probably use them in the future because 1. They're easy to use and 2. They are powerful and get the job done. Also it's free so it's the whole deal. For those of you that have never tried Joomla I recomend you at least try in on the next website you make.
  12. I think the new myCent is amazing. It is so much better than the old version 2 credit system because now you can basically get everything xisto has to offer just by posting. I also love the fact that I can now post on both Xisto and Xisto and it count toward my total Xisto - Support total credits earned. Another reason I like the new myCent is the fact that you can buy yourdoamain.com domain names without having to collect 280 credits like before. This myCent is a giant step forward by Xisto/Xisto. I already thought this was the best free web host ever and it they just keep making it better.
  13. I think myCent is making it easier than it was with the old credit system to get hosting.
  14. I'm a distance runner if 5k to 10 miles is distance to you. I run cross country and track (800-3200). What distances do you run?
  15. Both my parents went to a christian school but I go to public school. I'm glad too because the christian school is so small and it doesn't have good sports teams (it doesn't even have a football team). Well I'm glad you're happy that you transfered joshua132 and I hope you continue to like your school.
  16. The song Bad Day by Daniel Powter is ringing in my head right now. That would have sucked it it was at your home game. Well I hope things get better for you Mermaid711.
  17. I would make it but I would end up only eatting the top and leaving the heathly bottom lol.
  18. I just started a book called 50 50 Secrets I Learned Running 50 Marathons in 50 Days-and How You Too Can Achieve Super Enudurence. Its written by Dean Karnazes who is a New York Times best selling author. I'm not really a marathoner but I do run cross country and track so I just thought I'd read this book because I'm a distance runner. I'll probably start doing marathons when I'm out of college.
  19. I used to love those books I would read them within a week of when they were released and then I would read them again. I though they were the best series ever because it was almost as though it was real. This was until the 7th book came out and I bought the book wanting to know how the story ends. I bought the book a year ago and still haven't finished it. It just doesn't have the charm it used to. Maybe I'm just to old now and it just doesn't seem as real. I don't know.As for the movies I thought they sucked. I even thought they sucked as a kid. They're just not the same as the book. The book makes it seem so real but the movie just hurries through it all to get it to be under two hours.
  20. I don't think having a snake is ridiculous but it wouldn't be my first choice for a pet eirther. They are however very quite which would be good if you lived in a apartment or something. They don't need much attention eirther so they would make a good pet as long as stated above that it wasn't poisonous or some type of constrictor.
  21. Welcome to Xisto Jelly. Like some of the members said above make sure you read through some of the new credit threads to try to understand it all better. We are in the process of switching credit systems (this new one will be a lot better) so things might seem to much to handle at first but just hang around for a while and you'll find this is the best free hosting site ever.
  22. I feel bad for you StarlitNight but at the same time if he is a guy that would cheat on you why would you want to be with him? If he cheated on you what's stoping him from doing it to her and everyone else that he ever dates. I would just stop talking to him and advoid him as much as possible.Obviously you saw something in him that you like which is why you were with him but does that over weigh the fact that he cheats? Chances are you'll say no. To be honest I don't think he is worth your time or worth being mad about. I recomend finding a new guy and showing that old guy you really don't care that he left. He wants to see a reaction in you and acting mad is a reaction. You're just giving him more attention. Move on. Sorry if I was harsh but it's the truth.
  23. We no longer use the credit version 2 now we use version 3 which now every post gains you myCent once the myCent reaches 100 or more it subtracts 100 from it and adds a dollar to your Xisto - Support money account. Once you have enough money in your Xisto - Support account you can buy a domain and hosting. So basically you post, you get credits which Xisto - Support counts as money, you use those credits to buy stuff. Every 4-5 it checks to see if any of the myCents are over 100 if they are it adds a dollar to there xixto account. The credit system 2 with be moved sooner or later. They want to give us time to move are accounts over and all the bugs may not be fixed yet. You don't get your myCents right away. It takes it a little while before it gives you the credits. I am guess it takes about 10-15 good posts to get to 100 myCents. Now of course it could take less if you are posting reall good, long post and it could take a lot more if you post one liners and such.
  24. You guys do realise that this thread is a year old and that it is 2 months from Christmas right?
  25. I'm not sure but I would imagine that this deal will no longer be needed because with the new credit version 3 you can get a yourdomain.tdl by using your earnings that you receive when your myCents get converted. Since Xisto - Support counts it as real cash you can buy anything they sell so you no longer need this deal to get a free domain name.
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