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Everything posted by midnightvamp

  1. Okay, I had a thought here. Not too sure if it makes too much sence, but I'll give it a go, because I haven't noticed anyone else mentioning it.(Then again, it might not be this way with everyone's site)So, if you are getting links back to pages within your site, that can't be bad, because even if google is upping your page rank for those pages, and not your homepage in particular, at least some of your pages are getting a higher page rank.And with my site anyway, I've noticed that people who find it through search engines, like google, don't usually hit the homepage first, they are finding the page that contains the information about whatever it was they searched for in the first place.Now if that is where they are going to, and where they end up wanting to link back to, then that will just keep your page going higher in google for the next people that search for that same thing.This sounds good to mean, because then each page will slowly (or more quickly) go up in the search engine results. This makes you get more visitors, which in return gives you more link-backs with ups your rank, which gives you more visitors. It just seems like a winning situation from what I can tell.So, I can't see it as a bad thing. But I'm no expert here - especially when it comes to google's secrets
  2. Excellent! Thank you! It took a couple of tries, but I got it to work (obviously because my new sig just magically appeared at the end of all my posts! I wasn't sure if that was going to happen or not...) Oh, and Saint Michael, what sig number was this one that you've so graciously made for me? I'm just curious as I see you've made it up to number 50 today! Congrats!
  3. I'm not an expert in Japanese by any means but I always thought that white was 'shiroi'. Could just be an alternate spelling though. Otherwise, it's an interesting sig. Good work.
  4. Ah! Wow! I'm so happy. I love the sig, thank you! The colours are amazing. I'm just going to have to figure out how to get that lovely picture into my signature here. You rock, and I feel so honoured.Thanks again
  5. Okay, so now both Johnny and Saint Michael are tied, 4 to 4. I feel like a scorekeeper. Please try to remember to update the score in your post, though this job is rather fun, I might not be here all night to keep count!
  6. Right now I'm listening to Scary Kids Scaring Kids - My Darkest HourThe creepy thing was, I was just updating the "Music of the Moment" section on my site when I saw this thread. Yea, I'm sad... I post up my current playlists lol...
  7. Well, I'm quite happy that I stayed with a parent during college. This way, I only need a part time job to pay for tuition, and I won't end up with a huge debt at the end of it all like most of my classmates. Plus, my sister and I are planning to move out in a year or two, once school is finished, and it shouldn't be any problem, because we won't have the extra bill to pay every month.Mind you, if money isn't an issue, it can be a great experiance to move far away and grow as a person independantly. I don't think I could have at the time though. I wasn't emotionally ready to leave home just yet. I'm getting there though
  8. Bad, bad me! I'm going to take a time out and go sit in the corner. I guess no dinner for me tonight. With that... continue the keys to flirting. My two cents: If you are going to flirt, just be yourself while you are doing it. It's not just for everyone's benefit either. You know how hard it is to put on some big show, and try to keep it up just to get the person you want? If the flirting does work, and you really get the person's attention, just imagine what they'll be thinking when they find out they don't even know you at all. (See, not derailed. Just detoured. I heard they were fixing the track up ahead.)
  9. Oh I see... First person to make it to seven. Yep... My bad. And hey, if that's the way it is, then you still got a chance Best of luck to you, because you both have great sigs. (Just ignore me when I get all misunderstanding-like. I tend to confuse easily. Or is it that I tend to confuse others easily? Wait... ah, nevermind. I don't know...)
  10. Sure thing... Here's the score: Johnny: 2 Saint Michael: 4 I guess that means if it's to seven, then Saint Michael won Congrats! Though we do need one more vote to still make it to seven for the final count.
  11. This is true, and don't get me wrong. Sometimes I'm a 'lol' kind of person, and other times, I'll end up with the haha, or hee hee... I tend to use a lot of smilies too, for some odd reason, but then again, if I go right now, it isn't lying, because as I'm type I'm smiling away. I do get what you mean, though, that it can be hard to tell. I suppose if you know the person you are talking to well, off the internet, you could probably judge as to if they would really be laughing or not, but for most people that you never meet in person, that can be a bit hard to figure out. Anyway, I'll just keep doing whatever it is that I do, I haven't heard any complaints yet (Winks are cute, though I probably wouldn't wink at anyone in real life... makes me feel a bit funny, because I'm not very good at it lol...)
  12. I hadn't heard about this. When and where was this said? You are kind of scaring me here. I just really don't like the idea of war at all. Far too many people in this world have already been killed and are still continuing to die. For everyone's sake, I hope it never comes to that.
  13. I'm going to have to vote for Saint Michael on this one. I think it's more visually pleasing. And the background is amazing. I'm not too keen on the text that is used though. It's a little blurry. If that was cleared up, it would be even better!Though I do like yours as well, Johnny. Especially the colours and the part at the bottom with your name. Quite good.Great job to you both. I had to think hard about this one, and was leaning both ways before making a decision.2:2
  14. Yea, I'd have to say Johnny too. Because it caught my eye right off the bat. The image was very well put together and looks seemless.I do like the blue line across the center of Muksimp's though, with the text. It looks sharp, nicely done. I'm not too crazy about the render used for the person though. It doesn't seem to fit in with the rest of the sig.5:0 for Johnny.
  15. I especially love the first image with the render in it. The colours and clarity in the image itself are wonderful.I do like the second one as well, if a more professional look is what your after, though I'm not sure if I'd leave it quite that large though, it being a very simple image. Mind you, that extra white space around does give it a sort of elegance...
  16. I don't think it can hurt to add a donate through paypal button. I mean, I've heard of people making all different amounts from donation buttons. Personally, I've never donated. I've only recently gotten a paypal account and am not all that familiar with it. Plus, I still have to do some things to get it verified, but I will eventually.Maybe if you have a large enough group of people who keep returning to your site, and find it very helpful, it can work, but not having one in the first place means there is no way that it can work. And the button is rather small, so it isn't going to look bad on your site even if it is just there incase.If you want money though, I'd suggest ads. I mean, we've all clicked them at one time or another, so I'd be more than likely that someone would come along and click yours. It's probably the best idea too, if you don't get many returning visitors.
  17. I don't know. When I'm talking online to someone in say MSN, I tend to use 'lol' quite a bit. But then again, I laugh all the time in actual conversations (I love to laugh). Unless of course it's a serious conversation, and then I obviously don't laugh unless it's called for. But anyway, what I'm saying is, some people that use 'lol' on a frequent basis, are indeed laughing as they right it. I guess I look pretty silly when I'm sitting in front of my computer screen, laughing, but hey, that's not about to stop me. A world without laughter, even of the 'lol' kind, just wouldn't be a world, now would it?
  18. I don't know... though I'm not all that crazy about the text working with the image, I do like the colours. They seem to work well with the image. Mind you, I'm not a sig maker by trade, so I might not be all that up to speed with what is 'in' at any given time, but I think it's an interesting looking image, and when I like something, I like it. Can't help that
  19. Yea, I'd have to agree with you there. I had never thought of morals as they relate to 'ugly guys dating hot chicks' as it's been said. Morals (I thought at least) was having a set of beliefs, and sticking with them. Backing up whatever you think is right, and maintaining a sort of standard. I suppose that morals apply to everything, including dating. Because for me, treating someone right (regardless of their returned affections) just seems like the right thing to do. And if I was to stand beside the person I'd chosen, I could only morally do so, if I also stood for whatever they stood for. Sure, people can stand for all sorts of different things, and I wouldn't be oppossed to many of them, but because of my personal morals that I have, no matter who the person is, I couldn't put my support into certain things. I don't know, this is sort of becoming a ramble, which is what I tend to do, but hopefully it's making some sort of sence. That's my aim here.
  20. Hello hello and welcome! I'm sure you'll like it here I know I sure do. And mama_soap is right. There are plenty of places to post for experts and non-experts alike.I'm definately a non-expert, but I am learning a lot from this site. The tutorials section has a lot of neat stuff in it, so if you are interested you should check it out.Anyway... I forgot to tell you that I'm Amanda - a 21 year old from Canada, and it's nice to meet you. I hope to see you around the forums
  21. My computer is always left on. It gets rebooted every day or so, but I always leave it on anyway. It seems to run fine, but it's only a year old and a rental from school... so if the hard-drive fries, or whatever it does, I'd get a new one. But I love my little laptop, and hope that doesn't happen.As for my home pc... it gets left on all the time, but the monitor is turned off while we are away. Both computers are still working fine (my home one is a few years old or more).I don't turn the monitor off on my laptop, I don't even know if I could do such a thing. Sometimes, I put it to sleep... mostly, when I'm carting it to school and back, but other than that, I leave it on. And I like the light from my screensaver, its like a little night light to me
  22. I'm not too sure about whether or not violent games add to the violence in children or teenagers or whomever, but you are right in saying that fact that violence was around long before any form of game was around. That just seems obvious to me. Saying that it didn't exist, just seems unreasonable.Granted, some games are very violent and graphic, and I don't fully support that myself, but I do not believe the games are solely to blame. Before people blamed the games, they blamed the tv... and before that, who knows what (hey, maybe you know, it's just a little before my time lol...)My point is, I don't think that teen violence can be fully blamed on gaming, but maybe partailly. The violence has always been around, and maybe the games have just added to it. But then again, I'm no expert in the subject...
  23. I can't believe any war would be a 'great battle'. C'mon people. Think of all the people who die. And for what? What really comes out of all this fighting. Broken homes, broken families and broken lives... I'm sorry. But I really hate war.
  24. Okay, well, I'm going to take a guess here, and each and everyone of us, myself included, has broken at least one of the ten commandments, more than likely more than one. Sure, these things are morally wrong, but we do them, and they aren't illegal, or outlawed, it's life. I can't in all honesty believe that anyone, no matter who you are, hasn't gone against some form of religious teachings. But then, again, I'm not a Christian, but I do belong to a church. I don't concider myself religious, and I have my own reasons for it. Marriage is more than just a religious cerimony, it is a legal bonding of two people. Makes me wonder, why the church and the state are two separate entities... hmmm....
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