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Everything posted by xpress

  1. Yes.....its really good news. Full team is coming to India. They are now confident about our security. BCCI had booked an entire hotel(it has more than 200 rooms) in Chennai just for Indian and England cricketers. This is for security reasons. As terrorists are first entering as guests to hotels and then attacking, BCCI don't want to take risk. So booked the entire hotel. :)And another good news is many players from other countries like Ricky Ponting supporting our country. The're saying that there is no cricket game without India....because Cricket is a part of Indians life, and also India is the primary source for Income.... So no need to worry about future tournaments in India...ICC already announced that forth coming World Cup will continue in India...and no doubts about it.... Lets hope everything will go fine....
  2. I don't think its a downloadable demo, I already tried it...just a demo installation at their server...we'll get 8 hours of trial of their demo. The account will be automatically closed after 8 hours unless we asked them for extending trail period
  3. Thanks websey...Not much difference there with XAMPP, the procedure is same, just locate your httpd.conf file and edit it as per instructions, thats it.
  4. Even though you don't get any great benefits with virtual domain name for localhost, they are quite handy when you have multiple websites on your localhost. For example you have two webistes in your computer, one is your general site, lets call it mysite, and you're developing another website for mail applications mymail. When you want to access these sites you have to type localhost/mysite, or localhost/mymail. But f you have these virutal domains you can directly call them mysite/ or like that. So....it is easy to access your site and also looks informative as well. And also if you assign a good extension to them they'll look like real domain names. So you can feel them as a real domain name for local websites.
  5. Thanks for the information. I don't use linux that much, so I've no idea about server configurations in Linux. So...now Linux users can also use this tutorial as well. What about adding virtual domain names in Linux like adding it to hosts file in Windows(redirecting the localhost)? Do you have any idea?
  6. How to assign a virtual domain name to your localhost. With the help of this tutorial you can assign a virtual domain name to your localhost. That is you can access your local website with your favourite name like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ instead of LOCALHOST and also you can assign different virtual domain names to different local webistes. Requirements: 1.This tutorial is for Windows. Linux users can also use this, please follow rvalkass's instructions. 2.Apache webserver installed. It would be nice if you have WAMP server. This tutorial is based on WAMP server. But it works on any Apache server with little changes. Procedure: part1: 1. First go to location "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc" directory.(or where you installed windows). Then open "hosts" file with simple text editor like notepad. 2. You'll see the following code at the end of the file. localhost In the next line add your virtual domain name like the example shown below. mysite.web #this is virtual domain name. 3. Now save the hosts file. mysite.web is just an example. You can add anything like "mywebsite.local" and you can use any extension or no extension at all. You can simply add "mysite" also 4. Now test your virtual domain. Just type http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You must see your wamp page or webservers defalut page. If not you did something wrong. Go through the tutorial carefully. Note: Don't use any real domain name like Xisto.com or your own domain name if you have any. If you did so, you cannot access the original remote site. This is because, is loopback address, anything with that address will never leave your computer. Part 2: Now second part, assigning virtual domain name to your web site in your webserver. 1. Open your httpd.conf file with Notepad. Click on WAMP icon in the tray, go to Apache menu and select httpd.conf there. You can also open the file by manually go to conf folder in Apache folder. 2. Create a new folder mysite in your C directory. And create a new web page index.html. These are for testing purposes. If you have a local website, specify the full path of website in below code. 3. Now add the following code at the end of the httpd.conf file. NameVirtualHost<VirtualHost> ServerName localhost DocumentRoot "C:/wamp/www" #this is default wamp root for websites</VirtualHost><VirtualHost> ServerName mysite.web #your virtual domain name DocumentRoot "C:/mysite" #location of your site, no extenison needed#the following are security settings, allow you to access directory outside the www directory <Directory C:/mysite> #again location of your website Order Allow,Deny Allow from all </Directory></VirtualHost>Save httpd.conf file. Restart your WAMP server. now type http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. You'll see the index page of mysite. Adding Another Virtual Domain and Website: If you want another website, first add another virtual domain in hosts file as shown in part1. And then copy and paste the following code at the end of httpd.conf file. Just change the virtual domain name, and locations of website. <VirtualHost> ServerName mywebsite.web #change this virtual domain name DocumentRoot "C:/mywebsite" #location of your site, change this. <Directory C:/mywebsite> #again location of your website, change this Order Allow,Deny Allow from all </Directory></VirtualHost>You can add as many websites as you wish. Just repeat the above procedure. IF you have any doubts about this tutorial, post them here.
  7. I mean....if you sell products online and that involves Sensitive information like Credit card details or any other details then choose SSL. If you use that site for just for support and advertising, and sell products locally in stores like that...no need for SSL. Since you want to sell your products online, you need SSL. (Actually I didn't read your starting post clearly)
  8. SSL is the Secure Socket Layer protocl. It is security technology to maintain security between your browser and the remote webserver. With SSL everything your browser sends(by that website) will be encrypted and the web server decrypts it. So...the data sent by your browser will be safe. Almost all commerce sites are using it. It guarentees secure transfer of Credit Card details and other personal details. Just for example take paypal or gmail sites. You'll see https:// instead of just http://. This https indicates that the connection is using SSL. SSL is good for ecommerce sites. But not useful for ordinary sites because that sssl method is somewhat slow. (because encryption and decryption process). So choose as per your needs. And Xisto - Web Hosting supports ssl. But it is additional package. 39USD/annually at Xisto - Web Hosting.
  9. No wonder in that, because gmail often marking their own gmail invitations as spam. Yes...some friends are still sending gmail invitations(even to gmail account) and my gmail marked them as spam. Not only their own service, it is marking some social networking invitaitons also as spam(Thats why I like gmail ).
  10. Yes.....me too. I haven't earned a single cent till now. Only 54 impressions. Not single click yet. Just as you said, it will take us infinite time to reach their minimum $100 payout. Hmmm...I'll also try different colors......may be we have to select some odd color(color that looks annoying) to identify ourselves.
  11. Yes...I agree with you 100%. Now a days, we can't walk on roads or going to shopping complexes, theatres or some where else without fear. Terrorists are everywhere...and our government is still sleeping. What a sad. Recently news papers printed an article that the Intelligence reported about the Mumbai attacks 2 years back(yes 2 years). What action our government(or police authorities) had taken about that report? Complete negligency and its cost is 200 lives. In the last 2 years we faced many attacks...one after one through out the India, still no proper action had been taken to stop those activities. What is the reason? Intelligence failure? or Communication gap between departments? or Government negligency? All... Yes..all. Our intelligence department is sleeping. Our higher authorites are very busy with their personal activities. And the worst of all.....our governments concentration is on votes and thier gimmicks and promises to attract votes. Public security is not important for them as far as their personal security is safe. And you are right...it is our responsibility to vote for the right political party, but no party is good. We just have to remember the old saying "A one eyed man is better than a blind man" and vote for these partys. Most of the politicians are useless. They know nothing. For example take our ex home minister. He knows nothing about the home department, but continued in that department for 4 years..just because of his good relation with higher authorities of that party. What is this non-sense? Which is important? our security? or their relation? So.....come on people. Vote wisely for our better future... Leaving all of the above....another most important one is our media. Very irresponsible media. I didn't understand what is their motive. Are they helping people or terrorists? Live coverage of the Mumbai attacks is the worst of all. Authorites had confirmed that the Terrorist head-quarters in some country had guide the terrorists inside the hotels with the help of the Live Coverage of attacks. How sad? Media have to think about it. They repeat useless news every half an hour just to irritate people. No use with most of the news our channels telecast. They are also some big threat to our socitey. Proper guidelines should be issued to control them. India need a complete change, and it should start from the people. Because we are the government...we are the police, we are the law, we are the media.....and finally we are India.......if we change...everything will change.
  12. Hmmm.....I like that rating system. I will take that as some feedback to my work here. It will be encouraging if some one rated us some good reputation like Thanks or Useful etc...I have some good reputation as well. So, hoping it will be back soon.
  13. No need to goto another host. Now you can buy JSP hosting very cheaply at Xisto - Web Hosting with mycents. Coming to that eatj, the trial account has many limitaions. You'll have to restart the tomcat every 6 hours, you can upload only war files, if you are inactive for 15 days they will delete your account and so...on.
  14. I got a different problem after upgradation of the forum. I have to manually login to Xisto every time I re started my system. The remember me option is not working with new system for me. After some observation I found that the remember me option is not working with new ip. Everytime I got a new ip(my connection is dynamic ip) the site is automatically log me out even though the system is not restarted. Then I have to login again. I'm getting much more annoying problem after that. The shoutbox is displaying messages that I don't have permission to access the shoutbox, its ok if it displays once, but the shout box is keep showing that message many times after pressing the OK button. I have to press OK many times to get rid of this and login again. Is anyone facing the same problem?
  15. Hi Opaque please answer my this question posted by me earlier. And also..the kontera ads are displaying at some improper places...for example they are displaying in Title of the topic...and at some members personal statement below avatar. The words(changed by ads) are looking annoying at those places. Is there anyway to contrlo the ads at those places?
  16. You can make a executable jar file so that you can launch the application by double clicking the jar file. But you still need JRE (Java runtime environment) installed to execute jar files. Not only this...every java application needs JRE to run. Since, you're learning basics of java making a jar file looks some what difficult for you because you're likely to encounter many errors which you can't understand. Better stick to command line at present and once you master these basics you can try making jar files.
  17. If you still want to view your hosting credits you can view those here https://support.xisto.com/ Login with your username and password and you can view your present credits. May be this option will also be removed soon. But at present its working. Order a new logic package at Xisto - Support with your current subdomain....and add your cpanel username and password as note. Then your order will be processed and your hosting account will be migrated to Xisto - Web Hosting. Follow the link provided by galex.
  18. Yes......PayPal Option is also available. Anotehr option is also there. That is Wire transfer. So three payout options totally...Check, Wire and PayPal. Yes...Thats also a point to notice. But we don't know whose ads are displaying at that moment. They may be ours or some other posters or may be the site owners....they display randomly as per the calculations OpaQue made, I think.
  19. Yes.....very great idea. No other forum has these type of excitement features and surprises. Xisto is great. Even though I have small doubts regarding this adrevenue sharing, I had already registered at Kontera and saved my pubisher id in Advertising Settings at MyControls. Let us wait and see how it works... Does it mean I'll get revenue only when I'm online and viewing that particular topic? (ofcourse only if someone clicked the link) and I should have a post in that topic, to show ads with my publisher id? And if I'm offline...no ads with my id?
  20. I didn't understand what you said. Do you mean sending mails directly from your mail account or to your mail account?
  21. Hey.........I already wished you through comment and PM. Once Again Happy Birthday...... Your friend is also wishing birthday wishes to you.....
  22. WOW....New cool look to our forum. But blue is my favourite anyway I had seen it last night(night for me) and I'm not shocked as I'm expecting this....but was shocked when I got error for "View New Posts" link. I had to go through the whole forum to find new posts, was really annoying. Nice, its working now...and the new shoutbox as well. Hope the ratings mod will also back soon....I think I need to change my avatar and signature to this new color scheme. I think....it will defeat the purpose of the credit system if we delete the accounts who hasn't swithced. Because we announced that "if you have 365 credits you can take one year rest"...so its not good to delete or suspend their accounts, may be we should send some warning mails. Do you want to access your C-Panle? Then just add :2082 or /cpanel to your domain/subdomain address when you type in the browser address bar. For exmple http://yourdomain.com/cpanel'>http://yourdomain.com/cpanel or http://yourdomain.com/ and then type your user name and password to login.
  23. Many Many Happy Returns Of The Day Bluebear(if the date on your profile is correct :P )

    Happy Birthday

  24. Yes....pyost is correct. I am also getting mails with $1 less(amount before myCent update) with every myCent update mail. But your amount at Xisto - Support/billing will be updated. Just check it out.
  25. Go to this link contactskn.....It will show you how to change the default File Open and Save locations for MS Office. The detailed step by step instructions with images are there...Just follow those steps. here is the link How To change default file open location in MS Office
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