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Everything posted by xpress

  1. CSS isn't that much hard Forte. It is pretty easy....and will give you much more control over the layout and look of your website. CSS is fully functional. You can do many things with CSS...which you can't do alone with HTML. I'll tell you with some example. Suppose you have a website completely designed only in HTML, and later decided to remodel the look of the website. Then you must manually change the code in the every page. Conent may be same....but all code should be changed to change the look. But if you have for your website....you don't have to change a single webpage to change the look. Yuu can simply change a single Style Sheet (CSS) to completely change the look of your site. Thats the power of CSS. In CSS controlling text may not same on every page....its your choice. You can define as many classes as you wish to control the display of a page. You can control all HTML tags with CSS. And you can even go for further complexity. For example you can choose one color to <h1> and another color to the same <h1> tag which appear between <div> tags....and so...on.... Simply CSS will make your web designing experience much more easy and interesting. I don't know about this saying..but I will give you my own saying ....Using HTML for styling your website is like stitching clothes to your skin permanently. Using CSS is like wearing T-shirts, Jeans etc...you can change the dresses and colors whenever you like. Which is better?
  2. A very interesting match today....tough competetion between bat and ball. But I think the ball will definitely dominates. The first session is very important. Already the ball is turning very well. If we lost two or three wickets....our team will go to defensive side and will lost all others wickets. This is our history. Lets wait and see how will our team play.....breaking the history or continues? coming to yesterdays game.....Strauss again hit a ton. If England wins the match.....all the credit goes to Strauss and Collingwood. They played very well on this hard to bat pitch. And Sehwag played a damaging innings. Thas why we're at somewhat safe position. Else we could call this is lost match yesterday....I think Sehwag will be fined for expressing doubt about his LBW and adviced umpire to improve his decisions. I think it is not his job and will get him into troubles...
  3. I can't agree....I don't believe in those benchmarks. After studying many benchmarks for different products(not just browsers, different types of softwares) I came to the conclusion that most of the benchmarks are the opinions of their respective reviewers(may be they are supporting their opinions by providing these benchmarks). If not...how can these benchmarks differ by reviewer? And coming to this browsers issue....I can say Opera is the fastest of all(I had conducted my own benchmark ). The speed of any browser doesn't mean how fast the browser downloads the page. It depends on many other issues like rendering the page, usability etc..Opera renders the page very very fast, And Usability is one of the important factor for me to decide Opera is the best. For example take its inbuilt option..Mouse Gestures. It can make your internet experience much more easy...Usually I save lot of images from web..and with opera I can sve the images just by Ctr+Click. Very easy..to create a new tab ...duplicating the tab and many more. And another one is inbuilt Speed Dial feature. These features will save lot of your time...can't you call it speed? I know I can get these functionalities in firefox by installing extensions..but installing many extensions make our browser worse...After installing some of these extensions my firefox is using lot of RAM. But with Opera..you can get most of these features without installing any extensions. Speed dial in google Chrome is worst. Actually we can't compare Chrome with these two browsers...Chrome is still a kid, lets take it into account after it became a fully featured browser. I can write many other reasons to support Opera... but I'm stopping here as this post is getting larger... Finally in my opinion Opera is the best of all..and my second choice is FireFox...
  4. oh........Nice to hear that...but what about our lost xistodollars? I got only $2 back...and still lost $2. Is there any chance I can get them back?
  5. Nice to see that yours are working normally. I'm still lost .......4 xistodollars...Hope this will be fixed soon. Currently post more and lose more policy is running here..... just kidding.......
  6. Wishing again......Happy Birthday truefusion....Enjoy your day......
  7. Actually OpaQue is editing the myCents script...thats why all these problems. I thought this problem was solved...but still contunuing...now my myCents were reset to zero and two xistodollars were deducted from my account as well. Only admins can answer our questions...already a topic is there about this issue but was closed by marking as resolved..Edit: SM had given the link to that topic..SM please request any moderator to reopen the topic, since the issue is not resolved.Oops....I lost 4 xistodollars....not two
  8. But now all our earnings depends on Xisto's search engine capability, as most of the guests come from search results.. and only quality posters(with useful posts) will earn some revenue, because people only search for useful topics
  9. Basically a parked domain and addon domain are different. A parked domain will be useful if you want to redirect a new domain name to the same website. And an addon domain will be useful if you want to host a new website within the same hosting account. In your case you want to add your .ork.uk domain name to the same website which has Xisto subdomain...... so you should use parked domain.
  10. India vs England First Test:Very interesting match is going on..after shadows of terrorism. England is dominating now. They dominated with the bat yesterday...and now dominating again with the ball. They had scored 316 runs in their first innings. India is in trouble now. We've scored only 155 runs losing 6 wickets. If we score well tomorrow(very difficult, of course) we'll have chance to dominate...else England will take control over the match.....and we'll see an undesirable result in the match...Coming to the performance of the players..definitely Strauss showed the difference. His 123 innings was excellent. And in bowling Harbhajan and Mishra took 6 wickets indicating that the ball is spinning very well. Coming to the Indian innings top order and middle order failed unexpectedly. Now the complete weight is on tailenders..And coming to Englands bowling Swann is highlight today. And the most disappointing person today is Yuvraj...failed again in tests. I didn't understand why he is failing again and again in tests....Hope our team will play good cricket tomorrow.
  11. No......they are still appearing when you see the forum as a guest. May be these ads are disabled for the members to avoid clicking our own ads(?). I'm not sure...Any members seeing ads? (not as guests)
  12. Ability to rep only after 50 posts and limiting the reputation for day.....good ideas. They will avoid the possible abuse of reputation system. Hope OpaQue will consider these if he want to get back the reputation system. But I can't agree fully with making them unchangeable....people may not notice the mistake immediately after they've given some wrong reputation. Because we have to click on the rep icons if we want to see those reps, which people rarely do.
  13. Oh..Thats why I lost some mycents yesterday.....and now my xisto dollars increased suddenly Thank you so much OpaQue for Bigger Bonus ..........and Advance Happy New Year and Christmas for you too...
  14. That annoys me too...Whot will wait that much time to install any software? I tried Chrome when first google released it. I didn't like it and uninstalled it after 1 day. And never tried it again..because online installation is one of the annoying things..and definitely thats a minus for Chrome. I will try Chrome again only if Google release full installer package for Chrome...beta or alpha doesn't matter for me...
  15. I think you misunderstood that one....The name of the Microsoft next OS will be Windows 7...But its not going to be Vienna... Vienna was the code name of Windows 7. Read that wiki again. Already many topics are here discussing Windows 7. You can find the details in Microsoft's website also. Microsoft released a pre beta version for its Windows 7. You can find the details here....Windows 7 pre beta release
  16. Its working fine buddy....I just downloaded and installed xampp and made the changes as well....working without any problem.As I already told just little modifications are needed. The only change need is DocumentRoot....just copy and paste the following code and change your domain and website details as I instructed below... First open the httpd.conf in the C:\xampp\apache\conf folder. Then at the end of the code add the following NameVirtualHost<VirtualHost>ServerName localhostDocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs"</VirtualHost> <VirtualHost> ServerName mysite #your virtual domain name created in hosts file DocumentRoot "C:/mysite" #replace "C:/mysite" with location of your website <Directory C:/mysite> #enter location of your site here also... Order Allow,Deny Allow from all </Directory></VirtualHost> After modifications save the file...and don't forget to restart your apache server to see the changes....Now type http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/(or the domain you've chosen).....and you should see your website...(another thing...you must have an index page in your website) Thats it. I just checked it in XAMPP..its working. If you are still facing problems..please post the modifications you did to the httpd.conf file....
  17. Wow....thank you so much BuffaloHelp...I had really annoying experiences with tags when editing my posts. Previously, I had to copy the entire post to my notepad to edit it and then had to paste it here. Now all these problems solved. I checked it. Its workin normally...
  18. Huh....you're fast Nabb..I'm writing a solution...and you've already posted the solution. So...I discarded my solution. Single quotes and double quotes are confusing. So....As a thumb of rule...stick to double qoutes. Use single quotes only if necessary(sometimes you need to use quotes inside quotes.....single quotes are helpful in those situations). What Nabb told is correct. Single quotes don't parse variables. Thats why you're seeing undesirable results. And another good programming practice is use {} to treat them as variables inside strings....for example in your code echo "$x";You'll face problem if you want to use string inside it...for examle if you add anystring after $xtest..the whole string will be treated as varialbe.....so use the following instead.. echo "testing {$x}value";In the above....the variable is seperated from the string. And if you use a code editor like Komodo edit...the code will be highlighted and you can see how php engine will treat the code.....like just as a string or varialbe etc.....
  19. So...you want help in setting up pop3 access for gmail? Or can you do it yourself? And about your second question, I think Xisto is not offering normal email accounts anymore with logic plans. If you want, you have to order and addon package for that. But, when you order a new logic package at Xisto - Web Hosting with your Top Level Domain name..you'll get 10 gmail ids with your package. They work just like normal gmail accounts but with your domain name.
  20. Yes Liod.....It detects your flash drive without installing any drivers....its a live cd also. So you can try it without installing it. Just try....you'll definitely like Ubuntu....
  21. Can you tell us what exactly happening when you try to compile program? what error you are getting? please be more clear with the error details....
  22. Unlike GMail, POP access for Yahoo is paid service. You must subscrible to their Yahoo mail plus to use POP access. May be thats why you are facing the problem. If you want to setup a GMail account for POP, I can help you. POP3 access for Gmail is free.
  23. Yes...I agree. Paid or free doesn't matter for them. Even though these services are paid and strictly monitored they can easily misuse other innocent people's accounts or in some other way. They had managed to get 33 SIM cards at Kolkata with the help of local people(hmm...local is not correct word for the people helping these terrorists. Even though they born and live in India, they are not true Indians...not humans at all ) They used 3 of those in Mumbai attacks. If they can get SIM cards with that much ease...getting a paid online account is dead easy for them. As mahesh told..until some countries stop supporting these terrorists this type of attacks will continue. Even if Google or some other map service stopped their services...they can get details of their targets with the help of spy sattellites of these supporting countries... So we can't blame Google earth. It is helping a millions of people daily to find their way or some other thing. Technology is everywhere...and is a double edged sword. It can be used for good purposes as well as evil purposes...it just depends on the person using it.
  24. For which email service you want to setup your account? I mean gmail or any some other mail server? Please be clear. Details you provided are not sufficient to help you.
  25. Photoshop is not needed to caputre the images. You can simply caputure the active screen by pressing Print Screen(on some keyboards PrtScn) button on your keyboard. Usually you can locate this key in the middle column of your keyboard(where you can see other buttons like Insert, Delete etc..). The image will be copied to your clipboard. Now open Paint and press Ctrl+V. You can see the captured image there. You can save it as bmp or jpg, gif etc... as per your need. And about your second question, where and why do you want to upload your pictures? Because the answer changes as per your needs.... If you just want to upload images to post them on forums go to sites like imageshack.us and press "choose", you will see a dialog box to select the image to upload. Select your image and press Open. Your image will be uploaded to the site and you'll see some links. You can paste those links on forums or on other sites to link your image. If you want to upload your pictures to make an album online....go to sites like "http://photobucket.com/; and create a new account. Then you can upload your images to create an online photo album.
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