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Everything posted by xpress

  1. I had the same idea. But recently observing the kontera montly reports, the daily average impressions for me are 25 and barely 9 click till now..And the total amount I earned for 45 days period is $0.36. And most members are also nearly same. If our earnings with Xisto which have good traffic is like above(I know, its sharing process), then how much we earn with our own site, which have very little traffic? Thats why I came to a conclusion that we're bypasing and wasting some of the Xisto's income, which Xisto alone could reach the payout easily and use it in a good way. And I don't like kontera ads on my own site. Most people feel them irritating because they popup suddenly when some one move their mouse over it. But if you think you're earning good income from kontera, I don't have any problem with that.
  2. New topics in Internet forums need moderator's approval. Please wait till a moderator accepts it. PM a moderator if you find someone online....
  3. You mean top10 stats in the forum home page? if so, its still there, if its not appearing for you check Top10 stats bar, and just click the + sign at the right corner of the bar. If thats not what you mean, can you please point out that clearly?
  4. The idea of Ad revenue sharing is really a great one. I really appreciate it. No other community ever tried to share its ads profit to its members. But I think it is not working as expected. It is very very difficult to reach the minimum payout $100 and we have to wait for very long time. And also many clicks and impressions are wasted as some members are not satisfied with this and quitting from this service. So, I think it is better to disable this revenue sharing for all other members and only OpaQue should use it. Because at this rate we'll never reach the minimum payout(what I mean is it will take very long time to reach minimum payout, and most people quit). But a single account can reach the limit easily. So, if only OpaQue use this service, Xisto(OpaQue) will earn some money through these kontera ads. This will support some expenses of Xisto and in return we'll get some other features..... The free hosting and free domains are the biggest services we're getting here. So, lets request OpaQue to display his own ads(by dsabling ours) to earn money to spend more on these services. In this way we'll get much more interesting and promising services.... So, What do you think of this idea friends?
  5. xpress

    Newbie ::

    Hi peneye...welcome to Xisto. Yes, this is a large and active community. And the hosting at Xisto is a great service. You'll enjoy it alot. Regarding your confusion about myCent system, I think you got it now, since you opened another topic about this. If you still have doubts please read this topic...MyCents topic. Another topic you need to read is the Board Rules. Please read them and try to follow the rules. And about Joomla...yes, Xisto supports joomla 1.5.8. Not only that, it supports all available CMSs. You can install any CMS or Forum without any problem. If you face any problems post them here and we'll help you. All the best...enjoy your hosting...
  6. As jlhaslip told it is the myCent amount you earned for your posts. It will be updated every 4 to 5 hours. And if you cross 100 myCents the amount will be transfered to your Xisto - Support account in the next update of myCents. It will be converted in the multiples of hundred. (100 myCents= $1 xistodollar). For example if you earned 140 myCents, in the next update your 100 myCents(=$1) will be added to your Xisto - Support account, and the remaining 40 myCents will stay here until your myCent amount cross 100 again. This cycle contines... You can use earned dollars at Xisto - Support account to order domains and hosting. And remember another thing. If your post is big, you'll earn more myCents, after if your post is small you'll earn less amount. So, how many posts you posted doesn't matter. So try to post big posts....all the best..
  7. Hey -Sky- its not a SCAM. Its an advertisement publishing sytem like adsense(of course, different system). I already earned $0.36 with kontera. Lot of members like us are sharing the revenue at Xisto, thats why we're getting a very little or no amount at all. Your ads displays randomly as per your posts, and some one has to click on them which takes lot of time. Try using your account on your own site. If you have some good traffic you'll see the difference.
  8. HI, Welcome to Xisto Dustin. Yes, this is one of the biggest, friendly and active community. Come start posting and join our community. Share us your thoughts, doubts etc... and enjoy the best free hosting service. Already miladinoski instructed what to do next. Follow those steps. All the best
  9. No. Its not true. its just a myth. The modern hard drives can handle virtually unlimited read/write cycles without affecting the harddisk.
  10. The biggest Corporate scam in India. It is really a big drawback to our India's corporate companies. And also a big headache for our state (Andhra Pradesh, where Satyam's ho located and native of Ramalinga Raju). And lot of worry for all my friends who are working at Satyam. Recently Satyam is facing a lot of problems after the dropped deal with MAYTAS infra. After the deal was dropped due to the force from the investors and share holders the share value of Satyam lost 30% of its share value, Rs 4600 crores market capital. Everybody thought that Ramalinga Raju will resign to Satyam, but nobody thought that there is a very big economic scam behind this Maytas issue. They cheated all its investors and shareholders. They lost Rs 10000 crores in a single day. No. As per the newspaper sources, A Europian telecom sued Satyam for forgery and cheating. And Ramalinga Raju fled to Texas to attend the prosecution about that case. Ramalinga Raju already told he is ready to face any punishment and action the Indian government will take. Lets wait and see how our government will handle this case.
  11. As told by miladinoski and rpgsearcherz, the domain is fully yours. No matter whether you buy it with your myCents or through real money at xisto. You are the owner of the domain. You can do anything like transfering your domain etc.. So don't worry about it. You can't see your details because of this free id-protection option. As rpg told, it will save you from unsolicited emials and spam. Actually that is a paid service at almost all domain registrars, but we're getting it free here(I mean at no additional charge for that option).
  12. Thats too bad. Now a days, almost all good names are taken and its very difficult to find one, especially the 3 letter domain names. All 3 letter domains are already taken and they cost too much if you want to buy one from that reseller. I really hate these domain name resellers... Even though you get response from that ptb.com domain owner, the amount he'll ask would be very very higher than you imagine. So, try to find a good domain that suits the content of your site. These short domain names won't tell anything about your site and its content. And also it is very easy to forget them (yes, we forget too short names easily espicially acronyms). I think, these Acronym type domains works for Institutions and already established big companies but won't work for new sites. Anyway, if have your reason to go for that domain name, I wish you all the best. If you get response from that owner, google for some domain bargain tips before offering price to that owner or to respond to his offer. If you already knew all this crap, please ignore
  13. No, the amount at Xisto - Support/billing was not affected only for the recent loses. I lost a $9 xistodollars (through 900 Negative myCents) a few days back that got deducted from here and Xisto - Support/billing as well. Still they were not added back. I think, I need to submit a support ticket about them.
  14. Mich is a girl? I thought that she was a boy... Anyway, happy 3rd anniversary at Xisto Mich....continue your journey at trap....and congrats for the Welcome Committee for 2008 award.
  15. You're welcome buddy...and thanks for the compliment... I am online most of the time here except sleep time and powercut time(6 hours daily powercut here ) Hmm...I think, I already posted about this yesterday in someother topic. Your posts are good, but you are unaware of somerules here. Thats why you're facing warnings. Make sure read the boardrules, and follow them. Moderators are very friendly here. If they find you are following rules, they will remove your warning immediately....
  16. No. Hosting credits system was terminated. No more credits needed to order or maintain hosting. All you need is myCents. myCents system is like real money to buy hosting plans and domains. So, how long you can survive depends on your hosting plan(time span for next invoice) and xisto balance.. Same answer as above. You can use myCent system to order and maintain hosting. And there is no time limit to post in the forums. If you have enough myCents(xistodollars) in your balance to pay for the future invoices you can take a long holiday from the forum...and if you can't find time to post on the forum, you can pay your invoices with PayPal also.. It is the old (credit system v2, hosting credits) portal to manage your hosting account...like changin password, checking credits etc... As the Credit SystemV2 terminated, almost there is no use with the above portal. My suggestion is, please submit a support ticket from your Xisto - Support account stating your problem clearly... It depends on moderators decision. Try to follow the board rules strictly. And request a moderator. If the moderators find your activity is good, then they will lift your warning level.
  17. You're Welcome baniboy... There are many ebooks and PHP tutorials available on the net. Just google for them. You'll find many latest ones... Coming to the $_POST issue, lets observe it from your HTML page. Check your <form> tag in your page. You are using the method="POST" which means you are sending the data to the server using POST method. And you are sending some value through it, so you need to receive that value in your PHP script, right? Thats why we are using $name=$_POST['name'] to receive that name value. If you use method="GET" instead of POST then you'll use $name=$_GET['name']. Thats pretty simple.... And you are going in the right way...We'll learn much more effectively if we face errors. Facing errors is must to understand programming deeply....No errors, No fun. Start programming...we're here to help you....
  18. Try this......It will work... <?php$answer = "Mike";$name = $_POST['name'];if ($name == $answer){ print "You've won, $name!";}else { print "You aren't $answer, you didn't win";}?> or modify this in jlhaslips code print "You've won, {$_POST['name']} !";
  19. Yes..You need to use _POST to receive the value first, as jlhaslip told. You are getting error because, you are using the varialbe $name in the process page, which is not defined and doesn't have any value.
  20. Damn it....Negative mycents for me again.....Now i'm at NEGATIVE [-715.70]. I already lost $9dollars, now $7 more dollars ready to lost again. This is really annoying......OpaQue....Where are you? Need your help.....
  21. This negative myCents are still going here? I think it'll be helpful if OpaQue posts something about it. I already lost $9 xistodollars a few days back, and still no updates for my lost balance.
  22. If someone is willing to download and install extensions for Internet Explorer, why don't they download and install firefox or some other browser? That will give much more power to their hands, I think. Those are nice addons. Actually I'm concentrating on addons that everyone can use without any technical knowledge, thats why I ignored many other addons.. thanks baniboy and rayzoredge for adding them. If you want other developer addons....here are some LeetKey A very helpful addon to convert static text other formats like Base64, Rot13, L337, Hex, Bin etc... very interesting aswell... LiveHttpHeaders You can see the live http headers(all header information like user-agent, OS etc..) with this addon. Helpful when you want to see what the script sending from your computer to remote server. UserAgentSwitcher Switch your user-agent different popular browsers. It is similar to "brower identification" option in Opera... These are very helpful addons for developers, I have been using them for long time, really excellent. Try them.
  23. Hi Ragav, I can understand your problem. But you are still unaware of posting rules, I think. For example take your recent posts in your topic "Richest Websites in the world". You posted four consecutive posts in little time which is against rules. You can use the edit button if you want to add something to your post. And also make sure using Quote and Code tags wherever necessary. By the way, You are a good active member....just follow the rules, thats it. Please read these board rules for posting. Board Rules. If you follow these rules, moderators will remove your warning soon. Wish you all the best..
  24. There are some chances that it may due to tweaking the myCents script. But mostly its due to your posts. One of the moderator edited your post and commented it out. Look at your post here Your Edited Post. All acronyms you posted were commented. So you lost your myCents that were calculated for this edited post. Next time make sure to put quote tags around the post you are copying from some other webiste...
  25. Oh, yes, I have the same doubt...Are these richest wibsites than Google? I don't think so...
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