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Everything posted by xpress

  1. Hi ragav.....welcome to Xisto. Happy new year to you. Since you have already registered for Xisto - Support no more instrucitons about it. Just make sure you read the Xisto Readme. Follow guidelines for posting. This is really the best free hosting service. You'll enjoy hosting here. And this is a very friendly and active community. There are many programmers here. So if you have any doubts or problems ask us. Start posting and join our wonderful team.
  2. Hosting credits were used for hosting here. It is no more. myCents is the latest version of those hosting credits. Thats why no credits display at index page. Forget about them. Just concentrate on earning more myCents. You'll earn myCents for your posts. And post count doesn't matter here. Big posts earn more myCents and small posts less. So start posting. You can use your myCents to buy hosting or domains.
  3. Yes, Opera has Block-Content option. I'm using it. But it is not as much user friendly as firefox extension AdBlock Plus. Adding filters in Opera is very difficult for a novice user. And we have to do it manually. But with AdBlock no need for that. There is another addon Adblock Filter Updater which updates the filters every 2 to 3 days. So no more ads...very user friendly... Webmail Notifier is also very very user friendly than any mail client. We know how difficult it is to setup a new pop3 up account in mail client and the procedure changes with mail providers and clients. But no technical knowledge needed for WebMail Notifier. Just you have to enter your username and password. Thats it. And it works very very fast. But Opera is my favourite browser anyway...No matter how many extensions Firefox introduces, Opera will be my first choice for browsing... Thanks for the additions. I too heard of these but haven't tried yet. I'm using another extension User Agent Switcher when any website warns about compatibilty issues or needs a specific browser like IE...It is working nice. But Integrating IE to FF with IE Tab is looking good, I'll try. Post if you know anyother good extensions..
  4. WOW....I won the Tech-Geek award... Thank you all Xisto members who have voted me... Thank you so much.......and congrats to all other award winners of Xisto 2008 awards.
  5. AJAX stands for Asynchronous Javascript And XML. It is a combination of web technologies like Javascript and XML. It adds power to web applications to work like desktop applications. You don't have to reload the entire page to see a slight change in the page. Take Google maps,Gmail and Google chat etc....they are ajax based sites. You'll see the real time changes in them without reloading the page...thats the power of Ajax. Google for Ajax and you'll find plenty of information and sites about it.
  6. Well here is another one for joomla. Its also Ajax based shoutbox. Try the free version. You have to register(free) at that website to download it. I just downloaded it but haven't tried it yet. Give it a try.. Here is the link...Ajax Shoutbox All The Best.
  7. Yes, browser problem. I don't know any fixes for IE, but try a different template (theme). I'm not sure, but most probably that will solve your problem. Google for free templates.....download one and install it through Extensions->Install/Uninstall and test. All The best...
  8. It is working normally to me whatever links I pressed. Nothing unusual. Most probably its a browsers issue as africa told. Try using different browsers and check again...
  9. No yaar. Negative myCents are due to some bug in the myCent script. OpaQue is currently tweaking the myCents script to detect spam and also to increase the myCents amount for posts. This is the reason for present Negative cents, not ordering expensive plan or something else...
  10. Oh...I never went beyond the payment method. So I don't know it doesn't have myCent payment method . Sorry for it yaar...
  11. Welcome sakmac. As per the information we are seeing here, Full DNS Management addon pack costs $0.99 USD per year. And yes, you can purchase these addons also with your myCents..
  12. If you buy a domain here, you can change your name servers to whatever hosting service you wish, because you are the owner of the domain. But Full DNS is an addon package that you have to buy at an additional cost.
  13. Yes...... There is no count like "A New Topic" worth this much cents and "a reply" worth this much cents etc.. But we all know one thing, Big posts earn more myCents than small posts. So post some quality posts. There are many topics here that may interest you. Just browse the forum and post your opinion. You'll earn more myCents soon...All the best.
  14. Number of posts is no matter here. The quality of post is important. If your post is big you'll earn more myCents and if your post is small you'll earn less. So post quality posts and start earning myCents. I think you already registered at Xisto - Support/billing. You'll see your myCents after 5 posts( you have to wait for 4 to 5 hours to see changes). So start posting.
  15. It is the virtual money you get at Xisto and Xisto forums for posting your opinions and thoughts. It is no way related to the real world currency(except here, where you can purchase hosting or domains with your mycents just like with real money). So, you may not get desired results if you search it on google. You can find more about myCents here... Details about MyCents
  16. Happy Birthday rvalkass. Many Many Happy Returns Of The Day.....Enjoy your day.....
  17. Hi shaykins....Welcome to Xisto, the best free hosting service....If you feel anything confusing feel free to ask us. We are a very friendly and active community here. So post any problem you have. First register here Xisto - Support.com/biling with the same email address you used to register here. You need to do that to earn myCents for your posts. You can use this amount to buy hosting or domain names. Start posting to earn myCents and be part of our community. Please ask if you have any further questions...and Advance New Year Wishes to you...
  18. I am getting response from your site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Your site is working. Check it now. If you still facing problem may be its a ip blocking issue.
  19. Well. Both. I am checking right at the forums and at the Xisto - Support Billing area. The amount was deducted from my account at Xisto - Support, and here at the avatars also. So I confirmed that I lost $9 xistodollars from my account. And yes, Usually amount we spent at Xisto - Support for buying domains and hoting plans is not reflecting here at Xisto. But the amount I lost due to bugs in system is reflecting. This is the second time I lost some amount and I can see the changes in the amount below my avatar(the changes at trap are reflecting only when I lose amount). Hope I'll get them back soon..
  20. There is no way I rely on these Fraud Protection and Fishing warnings of browsers. Even, I am very interested in accessing these sites to check which type of spyware or scripting virus it has. My Antivirus catch these and show me the warning with the names and small description of these viruses And yes, I had received a virus found dialog for almost all these sites my Opera marked as Fraud. And also these will be useful for some very basic users who don't know anything about these type of malware. May be these warnings will guide them to stay away from these malicious sites. So, Fraud Protection is atleast useful for the inexperienced. And I agree there are many spywares that can bypass this protection. So, a fully functional Antivirus is a must for all to protect somehow(keeping the fact in mind that no antivirus is perfect ). And a good suggestion from you. Stay away from browser toolbars. They act as backdoor for most of these attacks. And don't install any un-necessary plugins and addons for browsers.
  21. Oh then please submit a support ticket. May be your ip is blocked. They'll help you. Before that clear all cookies and delete browsers cache and try again once. I am getting a response from your site. So no problem with the site.
  22. I too already posted in this topic, but I'm posting here to remind you that Opera and Firefox have the same features. Of course, Firefox's warnings are supported by Google(blacklist maintained by Google). But Opera is maintaining its own blacklist (with the colloboration of some security company) and named it as Fraud protection. Please check my post above
  23. Whats happening to us here? I just lost $9 xistodollars from my account and mycents here reset to zero. Losing $9 is too much. I know many people are facing the same problem. When this will be fixed?
  24. OOPS.....this myCents issue started again. I got a myCents update few hours back for my all non paid posts. But now suddenly most of our myCents went to Negative again. Now I'm at NEGATIVE[-1019.16]. Hope OpaQue will notice it and fix it quickly. May be he is testing his new myCents script again.....
  25. Yes. You can directly login to your cpanel and upload your site. And forget about https://support.xisto.com/. Just upload your site through the file manager in CPanel or through the FTP to the www as I suggested above. Edit: Login to your cpanel through Login to your cpanel and enter your CPanel username and password there... Check your firewall settings if you have any. Your firewall should allow your browser to access port 2082. If still facing problem post the error you are getting.
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