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Everything posted by xpress

  1. Yes...I agree with Bluebear. Many members are not interested in seeing Kontera ads at Xisto as Kontera ads wil appear as little popups that annoys many people. And another thing is if the ads were shown to members there may be chance that the user member himself can click on his own ads which is against the rules. So it is always safe to turn off them for members. And don't worry about it. You can't earn much through members. If you look at the bottom of our fourm's home page you'll see how many member are active at present. I had never seen more than 10 members active at a time. But you can see hundreds of guests online watching our forum. So you'll earn much more impressions and amount through guests rather than members...
  2. So you are ready to start your website. I didn't understand your question what I have to do next? Does it means you don't know how to upload your website to your remote hosting account? If so login to your CPanel and go to File Manager.Put your website into www or public_html folder. If this is not what you want or need any further help......please post your questions clearly...
  3. Hey guys.....me too........I was stuck at 22.23 for more than 3 days....still at the same amount even though I posted many. Hope the problem will be fixed soon...
  4. Well I didn't understand your question. Please post it clear when you come to this site next time. We'll definitely answer it. Post your error and problems clearly.
  5. I don't know about facebook because I never used it. But I agree with mahesh about Orkut. It is the worst one I had seen. I had some dirty experiences with Orkut which lead me to give up and I deleted my account. Orkut is not safe and a great privacy threat to all. Don't ever upload any personal pictures and infromation there..
  6. My earnings are also less than Nabb. And about your question seeing no advertisements......they are disabled for members(as far as I know). So...you can't see your own ads(of course, no ads at all). They'll appear only for guests. Give it a try to test. And if you check your daily reports at Kontera account you'll see some impressions and clicks which will give you an idea that ads are appearing at Xisto.....
  7. Yes...I agree with Tramposch. Dreamweaver is really cool. I am also using it. The user interface and drag and drop capabilities etc...are very nice. And also you have complete control over your code even though you use the drag and drop features. I mean you don't have to worry where the code is located for this button or image etc...with its dual view when you click on some element on your gui design of your site...the corresponding code will be shown on code block. So it is easy to edit your code. The only problem is its a paid one. If you prefer free ones....try this..pagebreeze html editor. It is a free html editor that supports both WYSIWYG and code supported. Just give it a try. This is for html design. If you want editors to develop PHP code I recommend Komodo Edit. It is also a free editor. You can download it from here Komodo Edit. It supports many other languages like Perl, Python, Ruby etc.. as well. And available for all platforms. Definitely one of the best free editors available.
  8. You can find "My Controls" at the top of the screen along with View New Posts, My Assistant etc..You'll find them below the black banner of Xisto. And you can find "Your Advertising Settings" in the left panel of your "My Control".
  9. I think the problem is not in your understanding about the players functions. It is in the size ( the resolution) of the AVI file. You MP4 player cannot directly play the AVI files you have in your computer. You need to compress and convert them into the reslution your MP4 player supports.(Simply you need to convert them into the mp4 player supported format). If you have received a CD with that MP4 player...that may have the conversion software you need. Install it..convert your video and transfer it to your player. They will play without any problem. If you have not received any CD, google for conversion softwares.
  10. Hello Stephen! A warm Welcome to Xisto. Yes.......this is the best free hosting service. Posting more and be hosted soon...As you're a IT professional you can contribute a lot to this forum. Start posting and be a part of our community.
  11. No Forte....I'm talking about your hosting accounts CPanel (or your websites CPanel). What I meant by Domian tab is the row you'll find "Addon Domains", "Parket Domains" etc.. You'll have Redirects(or may be manage redirects) in that row. Click on the Redirects and follow the above steps . I forgot to tell you another thing. Don't forget to Park your new domain(through Parked Domains). And ask any doubts you have....
  12. First make sure that the domain name you want to order is available. There are many domain searching sites available in internet. Or you can use https://xisto.com/ to search whether the name is available or not. Then login to your https://support.xisto.com/ account and select Order in that page. Then at the bottom of the page you'll see an option Order Domain Registration Only. Select that and order your new domain from there...You'll find everything easy to order your domain. To redirect the current URL (may be subdomain from your Xisto account) to the new registered domain do the following stpes. Login to your CPanel and select Redirects in the Domain tab. Leave the permanent(301) option and select your current url at http://(www.)?. And in the redirects to field enter your new domain name. (leave the defalut redirect with or without www option). Click on Add. Thats it. Now if anybody enters your old URL to access your site they will be automatically redirect to your new domain name. (They'll see the new domain name in their browsers address bar)
  13. If you have enough myCents...select myCents option while ordering a package...
  14. Nooo.....I'm not comparing VB to javascript. I'm just comparing VB Script to Javascript Edit: Well OK. Here is a VBScript that works in client side. VBScript is not purely server side language. May be you've overlooked that VBScript is not client side. I'm not going to prove you're wrong or I'm right. I'm just pointing some things you may had overlooked. OK. Copy this program and save as html file like vbstest.html and open it through Internet Explorer(and yes.....IE only....this won't work on many other browsers..the weakness of VBScript ). If your Internet Explorer blocks the script and displays popup warning below address bar, click on it and select Allow Blocked Content <html> <head> <title>proof that VBScript is client side </title> <script language="VBScript"> Document.Write "Hello networker...this is working!<BR>" Document.Write "Today is " & NOW() MsgBox "This is also proof that VBScript is client side also" </script> </head> <body> <h1>VBScripts Client Side Script</h1> </body></html> The VBScript in the above html file will dispay an Alert Box dislpaying "This is also proof that VBScript is client side also". And also it'll display a text "Hello networker....this is working" and in the next line it will display Today's Date and current Time. All this runs in the client side browser only(javascript does the same way). Thats why we call it Client side scripting. I'm very glad to answer if you have any other questions or arguments....
  15. xpress


    HI Bob......Welcome to Xisto. Yes....you've found the best hosting site, not just better. Post more to earn more myCents. Before that.....you've to register at the https://support.xisto.com/ with the same email address you used to register here. Then you'll see your myCents after 4 to 5 hours(as you already posted the minimum of 5 posts). All the best for your websites. If you need any help ask us and we will help you. Start posting and be part of our community.
  16. DDoS...Distributed Denial Of Service attack. As the name implies, Denial of Service.....Its a hacking attack to make a server unreachable to all of its users...
  17. Yes...VB Script can be used in server side to assist server side scripting languages of Microsoft like Active Server Pages(ASP). But VB Script can also be used in client side. Actually VB Script was designed to run as a client side scripting language(that runs in the client's browser). VB Script was an answer of Microsoft to Netscape's Javascript at that time. But later javascript became a standard. Because javascript is widely supported by almost all browsers...where vbscript failed.
  18. I have a Transcend 2GB pen drive. These usb sticks are really cheap these days. And I have a 1 GB Intex MP4 player. Some times I use my player to carry files.
  19. 1. Yes. You can buy a domain at Xisto and can host your website at another hosting provider. Just you need to point your name servers at you domain to that hosting provider. 2. If you don't like hosting services from that hosting provider you can anytime switch your site to another hosting service. Here also you just need to change your name servers and point them to your new servers. You don't have to take any permission from them for the domain because you own the domain. And that domain you bought at Xisto is no way related to those hosting companies. So you can change your hosting at any time. If you also want to transfer your domain registered at Xisto you have to do it through Xisto - Domains(domain name service of Xisto - Web Hosting).3. To say it in simple terms name servers will tell where your website is located. And yes nameservers are related to your problem. (since you just want to change the hosting service)
  20. Yes....deleting the old topics is not a solution. And that will affect all those postesd in those topics. And I agree with jlhaslip about SEO issue. Thats very important one we have to consider. And you see...there are still many members replying in very old dead topics(even in topics that have no posts since 2004). Thats because they want to post more to earn more myCents....so deleting old topics will affect new members as well.
  21. Sorry Mordent....I don't have that much experience in Linux. I use Windows most of the time and Linux sometimes. If you need any help in Windows I can help you.
  22. Every country will take advantage of making pitch for their home team. This is true whether it is India or Australia or England....whatever the team may be...Have you ever seen any team making a spin pitch while India is visitng their country? They will definitely try to make a pace pitch. Every team want to utilize the weakness of other team. If a country failed to play in a spin pitch that must be their weakness. That means that team is weak in playing spin. Seems like you don't have any good opinion about India....lets leave it... Yes buddy.......people are really busy these days. I had seen many people who have a great interest in cricket stopped watching cricket due to their busy schedule. And I already agreed with you about 20-20 in my previous post. You are right. 20-20 is just fun sport. Thats no way to count a team's talent. I already told you 20-20 games are pure luck games. No wonder in Zimbabwe beating Australia or any "little" team beating a big country. Its their luck on that day. And personally I can't take 20-20 performances into consideration. I just watch the match and leave everything after that match, just like watching a movie.... And I won't compare 20-20's result to Test.
  23. Thats true. One day cricket attracts more people than Test cricket. And 20-20 attracts even more than One days and Tests. Thats because now a days people are not interested in sitting all the day watching the boring matches. Thier life and thier jobs are more important for them than anything else...whether it is cricket or movies or anything else. They don't want to waste their 5 days time watching the complete matches. So....One day cricket introduced to keep the fans of cricket and became a huge success. But many people are very busy these days and can't find time even to watch the one day cricket as well. How to attract these busy people? To answer it 20-20 cricket introduced. These 20-20 mathces will end in 3 hours and has much more fun as well. Thats why they became success. They are no means to replace traditional cricket. And still all cricket experts determine the performance of the players by their test cricket statistics...and I still consider test cricket as the best format to determine a team's capability. Actually these 20-20 format games are to attract new countries who don't know anything about cricket and cricket fans who stopped watching cricket due to lack of time. And another reason is business. If people stopped watching cricket who will sponsor matches? And if there are no sponsors....there is no BCCI or even ICC... New formats are must to attract more people and also it is very important to develop the cricket as well. Still you can see many hard core test cricket fans in the ground. But they are slowly decreasing not because of 20-20. But because of test cricket's result. If the match is interesting people can watch...but how can people show interest in drawn matches? ....ICC has to take proper action about this issue.... I don't understand this clearly. You mean we can't predict which team wins the match or series by looking at the wicket in India? If that is what you meant.....then what is the excitement in watching the game? Yes.....I agree the pitches in India are different. And thats a must for cricket. In India you'll see spin pitches....and if you go to Australia or NewZealand you'll see pace pitches.... and there is nothing to complain in this issue. Even in Tennis you'll find different types of courts....Grass, Clay, Hard and Carpet. And some players are good in Grass and others are good in Clay. Thats their talent.... can we complain about that? Cricket pitches are also like that.......
  24. First get experienced with PHP programming language. Once you understand the programming concepts learning a new language is pretty easy. You can choose whatever you like. Actually we can't recommend which is better. It depends. Some projects need .Net platform and some projects need Java (if portability is very important). And people choose platforms as per their knowledge in particular language. Usually all open source web projects use PHP. And PHP hosting is very cheaper compared to .Net and Java. Comparing java and .Net is a very huge topic...so I'm not touching it..
  25. Yes lee... Gambhir and Dravid played a very nice innings...and Dravid's form is the good news for all cricket lovers. And a very good news for our team. All our team disappointed very much. Not a single other player played well. This score is too low...if we consider first wicket partnership. Lets see how our players will perform today. Definitely the first session is the most important one. Because....our bowlers have a chance to utilize the snow on the pitch. If England answers with good partnerships, then this test will become a drawn match. Lets hope our bowlers will do their best.
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