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Everything posted by xpress

  1. You can't say that. Actually 20-20 format cricket is not India's idea.....many countries started it and have been playing for long time and just India imported it from them. Then Zee Corporation started ICL (Indian Cricket League). To counter them BCCI started IPC and its prize money attracted so many players through out the world and became a huge success....what IPL did in this to kill test cricket? Actually...there is no replacement for test cricket. Still it is measure for talent of any player...20-20 is just a luck game. Which team has good luck will win the 20-20 game. Test cricket is not like that..thats why still there are many lovers for test cricket. IPL or any 20-20 series won't kill test cricket. It just adds much more fun to cricket. And how can you say that wickets in India are not cool for cricket? These pitches will be different in different countires..thats why we are enjoying cricket. If all wickets are same there will be no interst like this. Still many countries consider that playing in India is a huge challenge and winning in India against India will be one of the best victories for them. Wickets in subcontinent are mostly spin pitches...thats why you'll see lot of world class spinners from Indian subcontinent...And if you take economic conditions into consideration....India is the major source for income for the cricket world. If all other countries stop playing cricket in Indian sub-continent showing the reason that Indian wickets are not cool...thats the end for cricket development. And most sponsors will retire from sponsoring.
  2. Hello africa....Welcome to Xisto, the best free hosting service. Seems like you already registered for myCents... so no more instructions. Just post more to get more myCents. Big posts will earn you more mycents, not number of posts. So avoid one liners. Thats it. All the best. Ask us if you have any problems and we're all glad to help you. Start posting and be part of our community..
  3. Well.....first change the root password to something else...and put it in $connection = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "yourpassword here"); and also create a new database with name tagalogteach in your mysql and import all the data (or tables)....You must have a database before you try to connect it.....
  4. Now access your files in the new folder like this....LOCALHOST/foldername/filename.phpWhat help do you want about mysql?
  5. Put your files in htdocs folder in XAMPP directory.....and access your php files in browser in the following wayLOCALHOST/filename.php
  6. You want to run XAMPP control panel as service? I don't know about Vista, but if it works the same way as XP..it must have something like services(services.msc), in which you can decide which programs to start automatically and which programs not...may be you can change the Startup type to automatic there... If you have already done so and still facing problem, sorry I can't help much with Vista
  7. First proceed with installation...no need to edit any file while installing the xampp. After installation post your problems and I will guide you...
  8. Thank you OpaQue. I'll check.....and I'll post the result here... :)Edit: Changed the ip address twice...looking like problem solved. Thanks again..
  9. My computer gets a new ip everytime I restart my computer or my ADSL modem (Yes I too restart my modem perodically to bypass download limits ) . And sometimes it will be disconnected and reconnected automatically (may be problem with my ISP) and that is the time I'm getting autorization mismatch errors at Xisto. Want me to buy a new router Just to access Xisto? Since many members are facing the same problem I think there is a better solution for this. As there is no problem like this with old forum, Admins have to look at the cookies once and if they modify them this problem will be solved, I think. Well...try this once as a temporary solution. Goto the proxy server Guardster free proxy and login to our forums through it and try to post. Atleast you can directly post your problems yourself, I think. Just post here whether it is working or not...
  10. Well...What is your mysql username? Is it root? or something else? If you are using a different user account for MySQL then you have to enter that username instead of root in step 8. And also check your password to connect your database.. you have to enter the exact username and password you are using to connect mysql... use root and root account's password, only if you are using root as your defalut account....still having problem? post the exact error here
  11. I'm also facing the similar problem after the forum upgradation. Every time my system gets a new ip address (dyanami ip internet connection) I have to manually login again. And some times when I finished typing a post and clicked on Add Reply button I'm getting an error authorization mismatch and asking me to ligin again. And that shoutbox issue is the most irritating. I'm facing this problem in Win XP and Ubuntu as well. Browser is not an issue....same problem in 3 browsers....
  12. Hmmm...I suggested the solution after reading your post. I forgot the title of your page. One easy solution is installing your wordpress again with the new domain name. I know this won't help you as you already had important content in your wordpress. If not try it. And you know the second solution. That link has the complete solution. It has step by step instructions. I don't know much about Wordpress but those stpes looking somewhat easy. Try them once.....sorry I can't help you about wordpress
  13. WOW......tasty snacks. What a coincidence..three of them are my favourites. I like Samosas, Jilebi and Jangri(We call Imarthi as Jangri in our state) very much. Jangri is highlight of all. I don't know anything about Kachori...is it Poori? Yes enhu.....we love spicy dishes very much....
  14. If you want to redirect your subdomain to your main domain please follow the instructions. Go to your cpanel and click on Redirects in the Domains tab. Look at Add Redirect . At http://(www.)? select your sub domain name. And at redirects to type your new domain name. Then click on Add. Note..leave the default options Permanent(301) and Redirect with or without www. Permanent(301) is very important for SEO. Now if you enter your sub domain name in browser..you'll be redirected to your main domain. That means your new domain name appear in the browsers address bar. Any other doubts? post here.....
  15. I don't know which linux suits that configuration perfectly other than DSL. But you may try Deli Linux. It is very small and designed for very old computers. Look at it here.. Deli Linux. May be you'll like it. First look at the screen shots. Try calling them. May be they will give you some software that can assist you in setting up a pppoe connection. Leave your laziness for some time
  16. moogie born in 1909 and 99 years old?

  17. Currently I'm testing it on my localhost. Looking nice. Its user interface is really attractive and cool. And also has most of the important features we all need. I tried all the themes they are giving for free. One of them is good and all others are useless. But its default theme is better than all. Definitely user interface is the highlight of this forum. Nothing confusing. Unlike some other boards I tried, you'll definitely understand what you are doing at AEF. This one is definitely worth trying. Download and install it on your computer and try yourself.
  18. Check your hosts file once..is your domain pointing to localhost instead of your real site?(hosts file is at C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\). Just check it once... Also check your firewall settings...did you block any sites using your firewall? Check the blocked list. May be you mistakenly blocked your site... And another one is..had you blocked any ip address using IP Deny Manager in your CPanel and mistakenly blocked your ip? check it also once.... And finally, I'm not sure...but may be some DNS problem from your ISP? Contact your ISP. Because it is working for all except you. These are some possible causes for your problem as far as I know...please verify them all..
  19. Its not difficult to install your local server contactskn. Its very easy. I'll tell you a simplest method. Just download WAMP Server. Install it in your computer. Then put your php files in the WWW folder. Start the WAMP Server. Then open your browser and type LOCALHOST/yourfilename.php . Thats it. Very easy. Try it once and you'll understand that it is pretty easy than uploading and testing on remote server. I'll help you if you need any further help
  20. As far as I know Windows 98 does not support the WAN Miniport PPPOE interface. You need to install special software for it. (No need for these in winxp and linux). Usually if your modem is supplied by your Internet Service Provider you'll receive a special software cd with it. So you'll need that software to connect. If you don't have those...please look at the following website. It has information on how to setup PPPoE in Win98 and links to some fixes from microsoft. RAS PPPoE
  21. I think the problem resides in your motherboard. If that then you cannot do anything on your own. Take it to your local computer servicing center. Before that try Removing your RAM, clean it and insert it again. Try interchanging the RAM slots and check. Most of the problems are due to RAM. Clean the motherboard if it has dust. And also check the temperature of your CPU...over heating also causes the problem. If still problem continues take it to servicing center.
  22. Yes...I can also see that website...FSX Forums......there must be some problem with your hosting provider...please check. May be that hosting provider blocked yor ip address, I think. Try accessing your site with this proxy website Guardster proxy site, you can see your website.
  23. Actually number of posts doesn't matter here. How much myCents you earned with your posts is important. First go and register at https://support.xisto.com/ with the same email address you used to register here. Than after 5 posts you'll see some MyCents below your avatar.(you may have to wait 4 to 5 hours to see your myCents). After you earn $1.99 go and order hosting package at the same address given above. All the best....start posting to earn more myCents
  24. Oh yes....congrats lee, we won.....we won! I can't believe this. I must admit I hadn't expected this. I thought our team will play to draw the match. But my expectations gone wrong. I think this is the first time our team played like this. And this is one of the valubalbe victories India ever had. Sehwag and Gambhir laid the foundation and Sachin and Yuvraj finished the game. Sachin's century is definitely highlight of the match. He'll be more satisfied with this century than any other else. Because he never scored a valubalbe runs in 4th innings. So he will be very happy. And another happy player is Yuvraj...this innings will continue his career in test matches...he was at the danger end of his test career. But I was disappointed with the man of the match award. I think Strauss is the real man of the match in this test. If the man of the mach is for individual performance...Strauss played very well than any other player in this test. Thats why England dominated the match for 4 days.Whatever....there will be much more interesting match at Mohali. All the best India and England....
  25. Hi linkadrip....Welcome to Xisto...The best free hosting service...yes, your search for best free host ends here. You are at the right place...flexible hosting plans, very minimal downtime and excellent technical support are some features of Xisto hosting. And most important one is very active, helpful and friendly community is here...just ask any doubt you have and we're all here to help you. Enjoy your hosting. You already got introduction to myCents shoutbox.....so no instructions for you Start posting and be part of our community.......
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