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Everything posted by xpress

  1. No need to wait for that much time, I think. What is the domain(address) displaying in the browsers address bar? Is that domain(may be your new domain if redirection successful) working normally? If you enter echo in browser and if it redirected to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/(you must see this in address bar) then redirection is successful. If not redirection failed. Without redirection, Are both of your addresses(your subdomain and new domain) working normally without apache page? Please answer the above questions.
  2. Yes...As far as I know AVG.EXE is process of AVG antivirus. But I wonder how Kaspersky allowed to install on that system if AVG is there. Kaspersky doesn't allow itself to install on any system that has another anitvirus s/w is installed. There may be some problem with your kaspersky installation or Do you have any other antivirus or firewall installed? If you have then uninstall it, clean your registry with some registry cleaning software. Kaspersky conflicts with many antiviruses and firewalls. Anyway if you want a better and light weight antivirus then switch to AVIRA. That is free and uses very light processing power. Hey, wait I found a link where someone faced the same problem you have. Here is the link. problem with kaspersky. But sadly no good solution there.
  3. Its not working with Opera also. You need to check it. The link took me to different websites one after one except the game. May be you need to check that again. My Opera version is 9.62 and my OS is WinXP.
  4. Hmmm...I really don't know. May be thats your luck... just kidding. Ok, check it and post its result tomorrow.
  5. Yes....just as deadmix and xls told go for Joomla. It is free and you can find lots of tutorials and support from the web for joomla. There are many free extensions and tons of free templates available for joomla. And for forums you can go for phpBB, one of the excellent open source forums available. You can integrate joomla and phpBB with simple bridges. Joomla and phpBB are PHP based, so they fit into your preferred languages.Anyway...start your project and post your problems here. Many people are here to help you. All The Best.
  6. Which process is using that much cpu power? post it.And do you have up to date antivirus? If not it may be due to some virus, download and check your system for any viruses. Anyway first we need to know the process or processes that are using most of your cpu.
  7. I have lot of patience. So don't worry. Ok, lets come to problem. How did you transfered your joomla website from localhost to remote server? ( I mean the procedure you used ). You need to edit the configuration.php file after uploading and importing the database. That may be your problem, I think. Anyway if you want links, then here is a link Transfering Joomla site from one site to another. Try this. Or if you need more explanation ask me.
  8. No. Warnings won't disappear after a period of time. Moderators will have to remove them manually. Moderators will do it after observing that members behavior(like, is that member corrected his mistake(s) for which he received warning? is he making any other mistakes? etc...). So, removal of warning will depend on that particular members behavior at forum
  9. Here is the freeware softwares I am using.1. Autostart and process viewer.2. AVIRA Personal antivirus.3. Ashampoo free firewall.4. Filezilla FTP client. 5. Opera and Firefox antivirus.6. WAMP server for PHP.7. Eclipse IDE.8. Utorrent for torrent downloads.9. VLC media player.10.Foxit reader for pdf files(Recently changed to Foxit from Sluggish Adobe Reader)
  10. As many people told, AVIRA is the best among all free anitiviruses. AVIRA is very light weight antivirus. It won't occupy much RAM. And also daily updates are available. Its detection rate is also very good. Overall AVIRA Personal is my favoute.AVG is also nice. But its a resource hog. I used it for 4 years. But I was very disappointed with its 8th version. It occupied almost half of my system RAM. And also booting became slow. So I switched to AVIRA.
  11. Hi Aspiration! Welcome to Xisto. Yes....Trap17 is really cool and the hosting is excellent. The community is very friendly. Many members here (including me, of course ) will help you learning programming. Post any doubts you have and we will help you. Enjoy your stay here.
  12. I don't know whether w3schools offering any books or not. But there are plenty of ebooks available on those topics. Just google for them and you'll find a lot. PHPDesigner 2008 is very good. I am using it. It not only give word suggestions but also...many more features like debugging and syntax error highlighting etc...You can happily and easily use it. Before learning AJAX you must have good skills in javascript, little XML and HTTP. Try learning javascript and practice it and learn the others as well. I agree...AJAX is little bit difficult, because its not a technology itself. It is a combination of different technologies.
  13. Hello zhumeng99. Welcome to Xisto, the best free host and ever. And the commnity is very friendly and helpful. You'll enjoy a lot here. Start posting and be part of our community. Feel free to ask any doubts you have.
  14. Go to this website how to install joomla. Follow the easy procedure there. If you find it difficult or if you have any doubts ask me and I will guide you step by step.
  15. I didn't understand your question exactly. Are you worrying about search engine rankings if you park new domains to your site? If your old domain is a TLD and the domain name is good then leave it. If it is subdomain then park a new domain and 301 redirect(permanent) the subdomain to your new Top Leve Domain. 301 redirection is one of the SEO techniques for parking new domains. So, your new domain will be indexed and added to search engine rankings quickly. If this is not what you want then please post your question more clearly.
  16. Are you getting any error when trying to do this? Or what is happening after you redirect as I told?
  17. If you want to redirect your echo to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ follow these steps. 1. Login to your CPanel. 2. Then in your CPanel click on Redirects in the Domains tab. There you'll have options to redirect your page. Select the type as permanent(301). 3. And at (www)? select echo_of_thunder.trap17.com Then at redirects to type in your new domain name...http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Leave the www redirection option default. 4. Then click on Add. Simple...After this if anybody try to access your Xisto subdomain they will be automatically redirect to your main domain.
  18. I am using three applications in the list utorrent, foxit and 7-zip. I liked that review there. That is really nice and funny as well. Everybody should know about these light weight alternatives. Most people don't know about these... I agree with you kobra500 about adobe reader. That is getting worse with every new version. The installation size is increasing...and the outcome is decreasing.
  19. Oh yes.....we did it. And our country became the fifth nation in the world who had sent a satellite to moon. It was launched on 22nd October. And finally on 8th Novemer chandrayan-1 successfully entered into moons orbit. This is the most important part of success, because almost 30% of the satellites failed at this stage. ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) did it successfully.The next important part is ahead. The Moon Impact Probe (MIP) in Chandrayaan-1 will collide with moon's surface on 15th of this month. India's flag was drawn on this MIP. So, this will become the official landing of India on moon.Inspite the success of Chandrayan-I definitely more countries will start projects about moon. The money spent on these projects is worth. The success of any country depends on many factors including its development in technology. And knowledge about the Universe is useful for the development of human kind. So, Research and Development of technology is very important and money spent on it is not wasted. Projects like this will help the people in the long run.
  20. Yes...what jlhaslip told is correct. You can do any one of those methods he suggested. In the future when you install a new software like a forum or cms make sure you do it with the new domain name. There'll be an option to choose the domain you want to use for this installation(in your case your subdomain of trap and your main domain). Select your prefered domain.
  21. This is one of the problems with domain names. Almost all common names are unavailable. And when it comes to 4 letters or less almost all combination of those are unavailable. This is because many people had already bought them. Thet registered almost all popular names(atleast .com). Reselling of domains is a very large business in internet. They will offer these domain names to you at very high cost. Even some domain name searching sites are doing this. When you search for a new domain and if its available then it is better to register righnow. If you don't chances are when you try it after few days..you'll get a message that this domain is already taken. Because, if that name looks nice these bad sites registering it for themselves and reselling it for high cost. This is really really bad. I faced this situation. Just google for it and you'll get lot of details about it.
  22. Hmmm...I will start a small Software & Security Development Center. And I will start developing a great Open Source Antivirus software and build a great community for it. So, this community will keep building daily updates and new versons of the software. And my company will take care of this process. Its one of my dream to build a company for security solutions. I will serve lots of people online with my security solutions.
  23. Happy moments as well as sad moments for Indian cricket today. India won the Border-Gavaskar trophy by 2-0 against Australia. India is very very happy about this victory. Ishanth sharma got the Man of the series award for his out standing performance through out the series...and Kretza for his 12 wickets in this test...But the retirement of the legend Saurav Ganguly.....created sad moments. The Best Captain India ever had, Offside God....The Prince Of Kolkata retired today....bud sadly with zero runs in his last innings. He served a lot to Indian cricket. Our team is missing a great player....We all are missing you DADA, you are inspiration to us. Coming to todays match....our bowlers did a great job. As many others told..India deserves this win. We played like champions...Ishanth sharma started and Harbhajan finished today's australian innings. And a great test victory of 172 runs to India and a 2-0 series vicotry. Finally the end of Border-Gavaskar trophy....
  24. Hi summerjakeg, welcome to Xisto. Nice to see you that you are experienced in IT industry. So, yo can contribute a lot to our forum. And yes...this is a very nice place. You'll enjoy staying here with our friendly community. By the way...please make sure read the Xisto Readme...and register at Xisto - Support with the same email address you used to register here and start earning myCents.
  25. There is a very simple answer for it. At present, there is no way to donate myCents... Let us wait and see...this may be implemented in future.
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