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Everything posted by moldboy

  1. If you mean a signature, I don't think you have to ask for that, though correct me if I'm wrong.
  2. One word Layers...Layers let you change a specific part of your sig without messing things around them, so If you make the background 1 layer ,and writing another, and images another then if you want to erase the wwriting, you won't erase the background!If you want any help with GIMP for your project just post back I'm relativly fluent in GIMP.
  3. Amazing story, I just have one question, In the story you said google pulled the ads, yet I see them on the top of the page?
  4. If I read you right you want to make a thing where I can enter a word and it will translate and define that word. Well I'd love to help you with a little code but unfirtunatly that isn't an easy task, the only type of translation that can be preformed easly it english-english or something like that, what I mean is that many people consider sign language a diffrent language when really it is (at the simplest form) just a diffrent character set for english. Now that's not bad but what you have is a translation system known as literal translation, where there are no rules one word is the same as the next, you can break the english words down to letters and then sub the letters for hand signals. That's literal translation, but if you want to make a language to language translation there are rules, which I'm sure you are aware of, things that define grammer and word layout in a language. What you need is a fuzzy logic language, that would determin the meaning of a word based upon context and then translate it to something of a simmilar meaning. Here is a Quote from google regarding their translation service, and how it works (sort of): I really don't think that helps, but I hope it gives you something to start with.
  5. Installing Ubuntu is very easy, first insert the disk and reboot the computer. If your computer isn't set to boot from the cd drive then you must configer it to, check with your computer manufacturer.Now when prompted to type install and press enter, then follow the text based instructions, It's been awile since I installed ubuntu so I will just for you (if no one has better ideas in the next few hours) go and install ubuntu again and write down all the information.Anyway some things you need to know about installling in this no mouse enviroment:1) TAB will move you along the through the menues.2) Enter will be just like clicking a button3) If there are any check boxes use TAB to highlight and then [sPACE] to check (or uncheck)4) Radio buttons are the same as 3, except you use the arrow keys to move through the options. Otherwise just follow the on screen prompts to install, although Ubuntu can be used to install along with another OS I would recomend for the beginner that you get a second Hard Drive that way you can't overwrite your existing system (Just unplug you other OS drive)I think thats it, so until I learn more...
  6. Oh yeah new computers are great, my old computer when I turned it on I would go and wathc tv for 5-10 minutes while it came on. But then when I got the new computer I turned it on and withen 30 seconds it was working, takes a fair bit longer now, but still nothing compared to the old one. That could probably be attributed to the way I install like a madman, after the first hour with my new PC I started to install things (the first hour I played with voice and text recognitnion in office!) and the first time I ran Tux Racer the computer crashed Oh well, seems it was a first time bug, never had that happpen since.
  7. Thanks for all the response, dub is a very intresting program, I would recomend it just for anyone to try out, albeit not quite what I was looking for but still a very good program
  8. No I plan on using something like dreamweaver later on, I just wanted a program that will allow be to block out my site page by page so I can see the colors/layout without actualy writing any code.
  9. I am looking for a free design program that can be used to create simple mocksups of a website, preferably one that allows for a synposis attatched to the file. This way I can design my site in a somewhat graphic way without the need to write code until I am sure I know what I want. (digital pen and paper!)
  10. I'd love to say that worked but it appears to still think the variable isn't an array.
  11. Vertical LInes are known as undefined because you determin the slop of a line as rise over run, that means that you pick two points on the line and count from one to the other as rise from the lower and then run oover to the points so you have a ratio rise/run and because you don't run in a vertical line you have a number divided by zero. That being said it is imposable to have linear equation that will result in a vertical, however you can still make an equation that when graphed will result in a vertical line, basiicaly x=anything. Because this line will be graphed on the X axis without any Y, so for a horizontal line you want to draw a line that intercepts Y but not X so the equation would be Y=anything. Now as for labling m and b, a general linear equation is written as Y=mX+b what that means is that the m value is the slope of the line (rist oever run) so If it is 1 then the line is a 45 degrees angle because for every unit the line goes over it also goes up. I don't know where you're from but in Saskatchewan Canada we take this in grade 9, 10, 11, and 12 but the stuff you are focusing on appears to be from the Grade 12 Math A30 page and for more information I would recomend Mr. Hoffmans Math A30 Page, he wasn't my teacher but my teacher did think it was a good resource http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hope that helps
  12. When you have a normal variable say $string and you want to add more to it you would use the .= construct, but how does one go about doing that with an array, I have an IF structure that determins what options the user has selected, so I have something like: $array = NULL;IF (isset($_POST['op1])){$array .= array(1, 2, 3, 4);}IF (isset($_POST['op2'])){$array .= array(5, 6, 7, 8);}So if there is a value for op1 then the array contains 1,2,3,4 is there is a value for op2 then the array contains 5,6,7,8 and if both are set the array contains 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, or atleaset that's the plan, you see if I try to preform any array specific functions like random select, it tells me that the first entry is required to be an array, or something like that, so how can I create an array and then add more to it?
  13. My first computer was a Touch 80486, with 16mb ram, and we upgraded it to 249mb hdd, and added a modem but it never was used to connect to the internet, still works except the keyboard won't, and well that's hard to replace.
  14. Wow, okay, just one point of clarification, you probably mentioned it, but I missed it, if I park my domain, my old subdomain will still work, but If someone were to type in y domain (the TLD) would that be the address they see in the URI bar for the remainder of that session?
  15. I have a few questions to add to this, so if 1) I register my own domain, and want to use it on my site, I must ask admin first? 2)If I do do this will my old domain ____.trap17.com still work? 3)Adding, or Parking, which one? 4)Will any subdomains I have defined still work? 5)Will email address I have defined work with my new domain, ie admin@____.trap17.com == admin@____.com? I believe that one of the features of cpanel is the ability of you to do this yourself, however Xisto has turned it off, and inorder to activate you must ask the admin, consider the points you are erning like money, you are paying the admin for the ability to use a domain.
  16. I assume you mean that his comment are in reply to the fixed 150mb and 5gb limits, and yes that's it.
  17. Here are a few things you can try when posting: -there is supose to be a space after commas -there should be atlease 1 if not 2 spaces after a period -I can't spell and everyone makes typing errors, but try rereading before you post, if it helps use the spelling ad grammer tools in Word, or OpenOffice.org - i's should be capatlized -try to avoid excessive use of those thingsIt's not that hard, although I'll admit it is sometimes hard not to make short posts, but follow this, first comment of the existing posts, then ad your own comment, not just one or the other.
  18. Google is a dump computer that strings things together and follows links, as a website adminsitrator it is your job to make the search engines not index your pages, google makes this very easy by offering remove from google links, but you can also use robots.txt and other tools to tell google to make them go away, this company and others have done this in the past, and google has removed the thumbnails, for obvous reasons. But because the administrators are two dumb the google crawlers just find his site, and say Ohh, I don't have that, perhapse I should add to my index, is there a reason I shouldn't... NO... alright then. Google has no ability to control where their spiders go, it just human, eh, spider nature
  19. I just checked my email, and now I can invite 100 people!
  20. Good point, I also just remembered the internet boradband reports, here http://www.dslreports.com/ there is also a tools section, that have a few basic ip and routing tools for your use, http://www.dslreports.com/tools you might want to try asking your ISP about it, or searching dsl reports for comcast and reading user reviews
  21. If you go to the root of the gmail form there is a stickied topic regarding gmail webhosting. If you run the php from Xisto you can access files from gmail without a password.
  22. Couldn't aggree more, when i head about the cell phone thing I sent in the suggestion that maybe it should be open to all phones in the form of a voice message, that way people without sms could also recieve an account.
  23. According to google gmail is open to the public, and ready for users to sign up, sort of, here is a recent google anoucement The only problem is I can't seem to find the sign up link, perhapse because I live in canada and they are IP screening. (PS I already have an accound, so please don't offer an invite)
  24. If you have XP you can also use MS Antispyware. And as long as you use IE you might want to try running a Trend Micro Virus/Spyware scan, I think it's called housecall, try google.
  25. I will assume you aren't on dial up because like flamette said dial up is slow even on a 3ghz 2gb computer.So firstly what browser are you using? Other then Norton what else is running in the background that acts as security(firewall, Spyware), you say it's brand new, now because you have SP2 this isn't as big a problem but prior to SP2 a new XP computer would get a virus withen 12 mins of being online, so run windows update.Now it might not help, but can't hurt, try emptying your cach, and defrag HDD. If you aren't already use firefox rather then IE, then run a program called FireTune to change certian firefox setting to make your connection slightly faster. Back in the day of win 95/98 I would say run a cach boster or ping time modifier because these OSes wern't dessigned for High Speed, but XP is.Then (using IE) run the PCpitstop full scan, (http://www.pcpitstop.com/), you will need a free account then when the scan is done focus on the internet link, see if they say there are any updates or changes they feel should be made. Then report your internet speed back here so I can complain about how much faster you are then me!
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