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Everything posted by moldboy

  1. I just though I'd let everyone know that I solved the problem, Thankyou HmmZ for your help, I don't know if you really ever understood my question but here's the code I've ended up using: while ( $weighthist <= $weightnum ){ $dropval = ${wname . $weighthist}; $perval = ${wper . $weighthist}; echo '<option value="' . $perval . '"> ' . $dropval . '</option>'; $weighthist++; }
  2. If I understand PHP at all I think that while($wname = $wname++) will never work as 3 can never equal 3+1! That isn't however what I wanted, I really apprecieate you're trying to help, um how cvan I put this? ... Okay you know how when you call a variable you simply use it in code for example echo "You're name is" $name should (I stree Should) simply write You're name is and then whatever the value assigned to $name was. That easy enough. And we also know that to accept input from a form we use a variable name which in this case would be "name". But what if to get the variable name on the previous page I had to assign it by merging two vars together something like : $part1 = "na";$part2 = "me";//something about input, I don't know the HTML input code but the var would be:name="$var1 . $var2"; This ofcorse is a very silly example, but when precessed it would read: name="name"so my question is after pressing submit whatever information was in the form called "name" would be stored in the variable $name, Correct. So on the next page how do I retreve the information from $name without knowing it is called $name because it was derived from $var1 . $var2 (na . me) Again it wouldn't be hard if I knew what the two vars were at any given time, but what if $var2 were a random number that was passed on to the next page then the form information could be stored in $na194939, or $na295654, or $na111222, and so on. As I'm reading I think it could be done with the =intval($_POST['wname']; But I don't know how. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited per request.
  3. I'm no where near SQL accessing, no what I'm wanting is to make three pages, one html that asks for two numbers. Then on the next page a php script, which I have alreay created that will build a HTML table inside a form, that will accept input from the user, based on the info from the previous page. So for example if I put 4 as the value on the previous page there would be 4 text entrie fields on the next page, now because the text areas in a single form must have diffrent names I have assigned a starter name, which in my above code is called wname, and then to make each field diffrent I would then add, using the " . " the value of $appendval a number that goes up every time the while, loops. Now my problem comes in when I want to display the variable on the next page, which in my case happens to be in a dropdown box, but that's not important. If I call $wname there is nothing assigned to it because on the previous page it would be $wname1, $wname2, $wname3 ect. How do I call these variables bearing in mind that I have no predetermined way of know how many variables there are. I would assume it would look something like this: echo "And your're number is," ${wname . $appendval}" That probably looks nothing like any PHP you've seen (which would be why it doesn't work!), but the important thing is that before the variable is called I need to define it as wname plus a number, hence the { }. Any thoughts?
  4. Okay I'm very new to PHP still, although you may recognize me from the threa before, just go finished finals so now back to PHP! On one page I accept an input which will tell the next page how many form lines to generate, that part I have worked out, or so I think. Because the number of forum fields could vary I need to have a number of forum variables, so I used this code: echo "<td><input name=\"wname" . $appendval . "\" type=\"text\" id=\"wname" . $appendval . "\" value=\"Catagorie Name\"></td>"; where $appendval is a variable what goes up one at a time, so at the end of this block of code it would say $appendval++ This appears to work quite well, however when it comes to he next page and I want to call that variable which would be the result of wname and the number that happened to be assigned to appendval at the time I run into troubles, is there anyway I can call a variable that is the result of two variables combined? I'm quite certian it can be done, I just havn't a clue how.
  5. The only version of SWiSH I have experince with is 2.01 which they have discontinued but I am told that swishMax is quite good. Swish (2.01 anyway) exports in swf, as well as AVI, but if you are using swish to make the intro to a movie be sure to set the frame rate to 29.97 (NTCS) or 25 (PAL) it just works better that way!I don't know if this would be a factor but If you use FireWorks to make any of the graphics you have to export them before use because the FireWroks PNG format besides be in standard PNG format doesn't always work in IE (they added to much junk to it).As far as templates, I don't like the look of templates, well not that they look bad, it just that I think a website is a thousand times better if you built it yourself. But hey along that note SWiSHzone.com (makers of swish) offer a site template suite that comes with a whole mess of swf templates (not free) Although I would hisghly NOT recoend this, A little bit of flash is good, but the whole site just agravetes Dialup users.
  6. Long story short, been there, done that!Short story long....'m pretty sure this modem doesn't work, despite the newness of it"As of Wednesday June 22nd all services are functioning normaly" (quote from ISP 24h help line) Preceding to talk with a tech does no good, I restart severl time and rebild the dialer, no help. 56kbps, you're kidding me 56 I can get 56, I seem to get about 9 maybe 10kbps (bits, yes bits!)DSL, you know how many time I've said "God, why can't DLink or someone manage to remove the limit on DSL, WHY?" Well actualy that was the first time, but I've though simmilar things in the past, Believe you/me we wouldn't be having this dicussion if DSL was available in my area, infact on the same note, Cell Phone isn't really available in my are, they work, but aren't supported.You'd think admin/no firewall/IE or Firefox/No AntiVirus would be an approperiate security setting. I don't think so. My copy of XP is SP1a so I decided to reinstall on a diffrent HDD, (took a long time) and installed only 3 things above default winXP:1)Firefox2)Modem Drivers (Didn't even install Modem on Hold software)3)Video Drivers (ATI cards don't work well without!)
  7. Although I don't personaly have aproblem with it, (and am working on an argument in your favor) I'm told you can't be more Unique, as Unique is an absolute, God can't be more powerful, water can't be more wet, that sort of thing! As far as making things diffrent, I like the quote Idea, but like they have been saying don't do it with Javascript do it with php (or any server side srcipting), that way it WILL work. Someone said flash, I would recomend SwiSH, it isn't free but still a very good swf creation program, and cheaper then Macromedia Flash! Now someone also mentioned something about colors, so I will point you to a great site, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ There is also http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for DHTML, JS, XML, and likewise sripts, you may find something you like. Try adding a bit of flame, go with http://www.flamingtext.com/ Or, although I would not recomend it, you could add a background sound loop, just leave the option to mute it!, try http://www.flashkit.com/
  8. I like the tabs, and keyword bookmarks ( http://forums.xisto.com/topic/23168-firefox-bookmarks-a-cool-feature/ ) I would like to see a pachable update, rather then the constant need to download the whole installer again, also when I do update I have probems with extensions, and themems being included that I had installed before. Other then that great!
  9. Yeah I know, that's why I wanted to learn an actual rograming language. Hence PHP
  10. I don't feel like picking a flaw in that, infact it makes sense, think about it Gmail uses HTTPS (which by the way should by SHTTP, it just makes more sense, read the acronym) To the best of my knowledge none of the other main companies do that by default, sure it's an option, but (please take no offense, I know no one here is, I'm talking about the people around me) most people using hotmail are to stupid to use SSL, and HTTPS. Or those people who refuse to use their credit cards online, ahh do you think it's any safer to tell your credit cad number to an operator, who may have a pad of paper beside his computer? And even if he doesn't, most of the time the operators you talk to turn around and enter your information into an online style forum! So all you did was manage to bypass anone watching your computer for numbers, not hacker on the whole! Do you know how long Windows stays in Beta, (I know I don't)? So if windows stays in beta for a few months and then is released it is still full of holes. You know full well that if google made an OS, not only would it be search centered, even more so then the Mac, it would probably be in beta for several decades, that doesn't mean it's unstable, it just doesn't preform like google wants. There are almost no services on google that aren't beta, think about that, and to us it all appears to function well. Infact (well this actualy isnt a fact) if you were to look through the google job listings they are probably looking for a "Hacker", well they wouldn't call it hacker, it would be something like "Network Vunerability expert" People whose only job it to try and find exploits to google, and google services, and when they do, figure out how to fix them! Okay this one needs to be handled two fold, firstly I don't actuay think google messenger would go over that great. Think about it, why do we use MSN, because everyone else uses MSN, how many people do you know who aren't geeks who use Gmail, everyone uses hotmail, and don't even know why their mail boxes keep getting bigger! A google Messenger would simply be for users og gmail to communicate, and frankly that wouldn't be too good. That is unless of corse gmessenger (as it will be known from now on) was to seemsly integrate with Yahoo, MSN, and AIM, then I might use it.P.S I think a gmessenger would not be exe based but rather a complex JavaScript, PHP, CGI, DHTML, XML, front end like the gmail interface. And now about the organization, what's wrong with gmail's organization, rather then placing things in folders, you lebel them, and then archive them, no lets say you had a message that came from a teacher regarding a particular class (say you were taking an online class, ex http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/), normay you would have to choose would you sort this into an ischool folder ,or a folder based on that class, and if you got lots of email you might not remember which folder it went in. Now with Gmail you can have it in both folders. If I'm not mistaken that's how searching on the new Mac OS works with virtual folders.
  11. Yeah the only other coding I've even kinda done is HTML, and I'll tell you, PHP may be easy but HTML certinaly is easier! It's just not so picky.
  12. Okay, I kinda have to vent here for just one moment, STUPID PHP AND IT'S STUPID LITTLE ISSUES. So I found out what the problem was. Turns out that while ($weightnum > 0);{echo "<tr>"; echo '<td><input name="wname"' . $appendval . ' type="text" id="wname" value="Catagorie Name"></td>'; echo '<td><input name="wper"' . $appendval . ' type="text" id="wper" value="Percent Value"></td>'; echo "</tr>";$appendval = $apendval + 1;$weightnum = $weightnum - 1;} won't work however: while ( $weightnum > 0 ){echo "<tr>"; echo '<td><input name="wname"' . $appendval . ' type="text" id="wname" value="Catagorie Name"></td>'; echo '<td><input name="wper"' . $appendval . ' type="text" id="wper" value="Percent Value"></td>'; echo "</tr>";$appendval = $apendval + 1;$weightnum = $weightnum - 1;} That does... can you spot the diffrence? Look at the {. Oh but thanks for the tutorial link, I just might have to use it. One rep point.
  13. You could have a whole folder of just shortcuts for websites. So Instead of typing google.com every time just go, but I guess that defetes the point as google is built in, HA!
  14. Yeah it pulls it from a forum page, I guess I could check to make sure I spelled it right. I also have a habbit of using the $ in my form variables, could check. Also on the last two lines, could I not say: $appendval = ++;$weightnum = --;?? Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited as per request.
  15. I have written a piece of code that is to make a forum which contains a table consiting of two colums and a determind number of rows with a while loop, however when I test the page it goes and goes, and then returns an error stating that the maximum 30 second limit has been reached, I understand what that means I just don't know why it's looping forever: while ($weightnum > 0); { echo "<tr>"; echo '<td><input name="wname"' . $appendval . ' type="text" id="wname" value="Catagorie Name"></td>'; echo '<td><input name="wper"' . $appendval . ' type="text" id="wper" value="Percent Value"></td>'; echo "</tr>"; $appendval = $apendval + 1; $weightnum = $weightnum - 1; } Also Am I appending a number to my variable correctly?
  16. I just learned this from the latest issue of PCMagazine. If I bookmark http://forums.xisto.com/ and in the bookmark properties assign Xisto as the keyword, then instead of typing http://forums.xisto.com/ every time I can simply type Xisto, and press enter!
  17. I was wondering if there was a way to check the value of several cells and then to execute an external application if that condition is true?Of alternativly if a condition is met to launch a VBA forum and then have an application launcher button inside that forum? I would also need to know to tell an external app to launch with VBA
  18. It's amazing, very fast. Very fast indeed, I've been having problems with my internet connection still amazing, even to a dial up user. Although you might think of adding a note that thumbnails open in a new window, I know one thing I like about firefox is middle click to open new tab, and because they use Javascript to opne in a new window middle click doesn't work! Not a probem, just something I think I should be aware of before clicking and getting an error.
  19. Believe me I have contacted the ISP here how it went: 1) We believe it is the fault of your modem, alright then I'll get a new modem 2) We have run a line test (ISP and Phone co are the same) and it appears to be above average 3)Have you unpluged any other devices using the line? YES 4)Are you untop of Virus/Spyware? YES 5)Have you tried turning off the firewall? YES 6)Have you slowed do the modem? As slow as it will go! YES 7)Have you reinstalled the OS? on a diffrent HDD YES 8)Well we're out of ideas, perhapse you should contact the manufacturer, did that three days ago, no response, also does anybody know a valid USR phone number for Canada? Now last night I discover that of the few times I make a connection about 50% of the time I can't go to Google.com, but I can go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/! It might be really slow but atleast I can go, and I can search, can't go to any of the results, don't know the IP address of them, but I can read the little description, and even view the cach!
  20. What he was doing could be called copying the image, distrobuting, and/or reverse engineering.
  21. Yes but still the initial response will be to the account holder.
  22. I recently purchaced a USR 5699b and had very bad results, I then exchanged it for another 5699b, and had even worse results, for example I actualy make a connection about 50% of the time, but of that the liklyhood of the connection working is quite slim. Here is a screenshot of a ping google.com -t that I ran, before, during and after a connection: How come it can make a successful connection twice, and then not be able to make the connection anymore? and this isn't a one time thing, as you can tell by the scroll bar, I have been running the ping for awile, and have gotten simmilar results every time! Sometimes only one good response!
  23. Sure it's possable but I think it violates the TOS, I know most TOS's (TOS's hahah funny word!) don't like you sharing you name/password with anyone. I'll just look to see if it says anything... This might count: Or this And even if google doesn't have a problem it probably isn't a good idea because now I have your ID and Password and can sent email in your name. Even if it was a diffrent account you would still be help responsable for any bad things I do while loged into your account.
  24. You can see their point though, in the small window they have on google maps you can't really use the inage in a business presentation. But if it were stitched together and made available then you might use it for comercial purposes, and most business people aren't that good with photoshop, and wouldn't be able to stich the screen shots together, let alone make screenshots.I do llike how they said Volintarly remove it, Microsoft would have just jumped in with a law suite!
  25. Currently it is on the right hand site bolow your labels (if you have any) How long have you had the account? You may not have recieved any invites yet.
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